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Excel Graphs and Charts Tutorial

This tutorial is designed to cover the material in the first lab session for BUSA 3110. During that session, we used Excel 2010 to create a scatter diagram, a run chart, stacked and unstacked bar charts, a pie chart, and a histogram. Along the way we discussed the concept of chartjunk and added the Data Analysis Tools to the Data menu in Excel. This tutorial includes the information to make the same graphs and charts using Excel 2007. The following Excel file includes the data for this tutorial: The Excel spreadsheet consists of three tabs (see the lower left of the screen).

Click on the Tab name to access the data in that tab. Note: This tutorial was created before the 2010/11 data were available, so the finished graphs will look slightly different when the additional data are included. Each chart is presented with the following The chart to be created The associated data are identified The purpose of the graph is described (i.e., what we expect to learn by creating the graph) The question we are addressing in the example used to illustrate how to create the chart The variables are defined Step-by-step directions are provided for creating the graph (including screen shots from Excel 2007the Excel 2010 screen shots are also provided when they are substantially different. Note: Detailed screen shots will be provided for the first tool with less frequent illustrations provided for the following tools.) Communication of results Scatter Diagram Reference: use the Headcount and Total UG SCH data on the SCH Tab of the Excel worksheet Purpose: Scatter diagrams allow you to see the relationship between two quantitative variables Question for the example: Can we use headcount to estimate student credit hours? Variables defined: Headcountthe number of North Georgia students declared as business majors SCHthe number of undergraduate student credit hours of instruction provided by the School business (e.g., one student enrolled in one three semester hour course, provides three student credit hours of instruction)

Creating the graph: A scatter diagram plots ordered pairs of observations. The vertical axis represents the dependent variable (the variable you would like to be able to understand/predict). The horizontal axis represents the independent variable (the variable that you believe might help you understand/predict the other variable). For this example, we want to estimate the student credit hours (SCH), so this will go on the vertical axis. We think that might be able to estimate SCHs using the number of business majors (headcount), so this will go on the horizontal axis. Step 1: Copy the data so that you have the X values (Headcount) in one column and the Y values (SCH) in the next column. Step 2: Highlight the data (no need to select the headings) as shown below.

Step 3: From the Insert Tab at the top of the screen, select Scatter. Then select the submenu that shows dots without any connecting lines.

The result will be the following graph.

10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 200 400 600 8001000 Series1

Step 4: Get rid of the chart junk. Chartjunk is redundant ink on the page. For this example, the legend and the grid lines are chartjunk. Click on the legend [Series 1] and hit the delete key on the keyboard; then click on one of the grid lines to highlight all of the grid lines, and hit the delete key on the keyboard. The graph will look as follows:

10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Step 5: Since our goal is to focus on the pattern created by the dots, we would like to be able to focus in on the part of the chart that has the dots. To do this, we will eliminate the white space to the left and below the dots by changing the part of each axis that is visible. To change the horizontal axis, right click on one of the numbers on the vertical axis to bring up the menu choices shown below; then select the Format Axis option.

Step 6: In the resulting dialogue box, change the Minimum and Maximum from Auto to Fixed and specify values slightly below the lowest Headcount (X) value and slightly above the highest value. The Major unit specifies how often Excel will put numbers and tick marks along the axis. You can change this to a value that works for your situation and chart size. Repeat the process for the vertical axis.

Step 7: Add axis labels and a chart title. These are done from the Layout tab choices of Chart Title and Axis Titles as seen below. [Note: your chart must be active for the Layout tab to be visible.]

Your resulting graph will look like the following:

Predicting Credit Hours based on Headcount 8500 8000 7500 7000 6500 6000 5500 600 700 800 Headcount 900 1000 Credit Hours

Step 8: [Note really part of the scatter diagram, but often used along with it.] Sometimes you will want to plot the regression like that best fits the data. To do this, right click on one of the dots and select Add Trendline from the menu that appears.

Step 9: At the bottom of the next dialogue box, select Display Equation on chart.

Your final graph will look as follows:

Predicting Credit Hours based on Headcount Student Credit Hours 8500 8000 7500 7000 6500 6000 5500 600
y = 6.3875x + 1732.3


800 Headcount



Communicating results: From the scatter diagram (without the regression line), we can see that as the headcount increases, the number of student credit hours tends to increase. Headcount is not a perfect predictor of credit hours, but does appear to provide some insight. You could say the two variables appear to be positively correlated. From the regression equation, we see that for each additional student we would expect an additional 6.3875 credit hours. [Notes: 1) Expect to see relates to the statistical concept of expected value (or average). 2) The 6.3875 deals with a marginal change (for each additional studentnot for each student). 3) Statistics can show association but not causationbe careful not to phase responses as causal type statements.] Run Chart Reference: use the Headcount data on the SCH Tab of the Excel worksheet Purpose: Run Charts allow us to see how some characteristic changes over time (or over some other logically ordered characteristic). Question for the example: Are we growing? Variables defined: This chart could be set up using Headcount (# of students with a BBA declared major), UG SCH (total undergraduate credit hours generated in business), Dah (credit hours generated in business classes in Dahlonega), or GN (credit hours generated in business classes on the Gainesville campus). The process would be the same. For this example, we will use Headcount. Creating the graph: Steps 1 and 2: Since we are plotting a run chart for the number of BBA students, we will select the Headcount data (no need to select the heading). Then from the Insert Tab, select the Line option and the first sub-option in the second rowthe one that plots individual dots connected by lines.

Step 3: Clean up the chartjunk (the process is the same as in the Scatter Diagram) by deleting the legend and the grid lines.
1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Step 4: The chart would be easier to understand if we could put the year on the horizontal axis. From the Design Tab, click on Select Data. Then in the dialogue box, click on Edit in the lower right box identified as Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels.

A new dialogue box will appear. Drag over the cells that include the years (in this illustration, A3:All). The click OK to close each of the dialogue boxes.

Step 5: Add axis labels and a chart title (the process is the same as in the Scatter Diagram). Your resulting graph will look like the following:
BBA Students (Falls 2001 - 2009)
1000 800 600 400 200 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


Year (Fall Semester)

Caution: You may be tempted to change the vertical axis to remove the white space below the data. Although this is reasonable in some cases (such as when we will be focusing on assessing stability later in the semester), the action may be deceptive in terms of communicating growth. Compare the graph above and the graph belowthe only difference is the change to the vertical axis. By eliminating part of the vertical axis in the lower graph, the growth appears to be much greater. Without recognizing that part of the vertical axis is missing, you try to compare the height of the dots in the first few years to the dots in the last yearsand jump to a (wrong) conclusion about the amount of growth.

BBA Students (Falls 2001 - 2009)



850 750 650 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Year (Fall Semester)

Communicating results: Although there has not been growth each year over the previous year, the overall trend is one showing growth in the number of students selecting a Business major. This chart might be useful in assessing the impact of certain policy changes on enrollment. For example, in Fall 2003 the School of Business started requiring a grade of C or higher in each of the Accounting and Economics courses in Area F before taking most upper level Business courses. Some people claimed that this would reduce the number of Business majorsthe chart suggests otherwise.

Bar Chart Reference: use the Dah and GN data on the SCH Tab of the Excel worksheet Purpose: Bar Charts provide a visual way to see how values compare. When we are looking at different levels of a variable over time (as in our example), some people use a Bar Chart while a Run Chart would be a better choice. When the measurement level would be considered nominal (categorical where order has no meaning) or nominal (categorical where order has meaning) a Bar Chart would be appropriate. Question for the example: What is happening with enrollment on our two campuses (Dahlonega and Gainesville)? Variables defined: Dah gives the total undergraduate credit hours generated by the School of Business on the Dahlonega campus; GN gives the total undergraduate credit hours generated by the School of Business on the Gainesville campus. Creating the graph: Steps 1 and 2: Select the data. This time we will select the column headings of Dah and GN since we will need a legend to let the viewer know which data is from each campus. Then from the Insert Tab, we select 2-D Column; the first option in the first row will produce an unstacked chart; the second option in this row will produce a stacked chart; and the last option will produce a stacked chart that shows the percent of credit hours produced on each campus shown. The unstacked chart will allow us to look at credit hours from each campus separately, but will not allow us to see change in total credit hours. The stacked chart will allow us to see change in total credit hours and let us look at change in the credit hours for Dahlonega (the first variable in the selected data), but makes it difficult to see changes in the credit hours on the Gainesville campus.

Steps 3 and 4: Remove the chartjunk. This time the legend is not chartjunk. Add axis labels and a chart title. The resulting chars are shown belowunstacked on the left and stacked on the right.
Enrollment (by Site)
8000 Credit Hours 6000 4000 2000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Credit Hours 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Enrollment (by Site)

Dah GN

GN Dah



Communicating results: From the unstacked chart on the left, we can see that Dahlonega has experience an increase in student credit hours while Gainesville has remained fairly flat. From the stacked chart on the right, we can see that overall student credit hours have increase; and by focusing on the top of the blue bars, we can see that Dahlonega credit hours have increased; but it is difficult to see what has happened to enrollment at Gainesville.

Pie Chart Reference: use the S10 data on the Majors Tab of the Excel worksheet Purpose: A Pie Chart is used to show the proportion of the whole that each category occupies. [Note: Pie Charts are seldom the best choice of graph/chart.] Question for the example: How do BBA students cluster in terms of majors? Variables defined: To provide an example, we will use the Spring 2010 data. Therefore, the only variable included in this example is S10. This variable can assume five different values (Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, Undecided). These values represent the major shown in Banner for students who are declared as BBA students. If a student has more than one major, the first major is used.

Creating the graph: Steps 1 and 2: Select the data that shows the number of students in each major of Spring 2010. Then from the Insert tab, select Pie and sub-choice 2-D Pie.

The result will be the following chart.

1 2 3 4 5

Step 3: Add the names of the majors in the legend, using the same approach that you used when you added the years on the Run Chart--from the Design Tab, click on Select Data. Then in the dialogue box, click on Edit in the lower right box identified as Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels. Finally, select the cells with the names of the majors.

The following chart will appear. NOTE: In Step 1, you could have selected the data for the major and the number of students in the major before you selected the Pie Chart from the Insert tab. To select non-consecutive columns, drag over the data in one column; then while holding down the control key, drag over the data in the other column. By selecting both columns before inserting the chart, you can avoid having to do Step 3.

BBA Majors - Spring 2010

Accounting Management Marketing Finance

Communicating results: Each wedge represents the proportion (or percent) of students in each majoryou cannot tell how many majors there are. From this chart it is difficult to tell the difference in the size of some of the wedges. Careful examination leads to a conclusion that in Spring 2010, the largest major was Management followed by Accounting, Marketing, Finance, and undecided Business. NOTE: The same data could have been displayed in a Bar Chartsee below. Note how this provides more information than the Pie Chart since you can see how the number of students in each major relate and can tell how many students are in each major.
# of Students 300 200 100 0 BBA Majors - Spring 2010


Accessing the Data Analysis Tools We will use the Data Analysis Tools to create a Histogram (and for many of the other tools we will use this semester). In order to use the Data Analysis Tools, we must make the choice visible on the Data Tab. You should need to do this one timenot every time you open Excel. First check to see if the Data Analysis Tools are listed on the right end of the options available on the Data Tab. If they are, you are ready to use them. If they are not visible, follow the instructions for your version of Excel. In Excel 2010: Click on the File Tab, and then select Options (NOT Add-Ins) from the list in the left column. See screen shot on the left below. From the left side of the resulting dialog box, select Add ins. See middle screen shot below. Then look at the lower right part of the next dialog box and make sure Excel Add-ins is visible in the drop-down menu, then click Go. See the right screen shot below.

Finally, click on the box next to Analysis ToolPak and the box next to Analysis ToolPak VBA. Leave the rest of the boxes as you found them. Then click OK.

Now when you look on the Data Tab you should see Data Analysis as a choiceand it should still be there when you open Excel in the future. In Excel 2007: Click on the Microsoft Button in the upper left corner of your screen. Then click on Excel Options near the bottom right of the drop down menu.

This will bring up a dialogue box. Click on Add-Ins on the left side. Then look toward the bottom of the right pane of the dialogue box. Make sure Excel Add-Ins is showing in the Manage box and click Go.

In the next dialogue box, click next to Analysis ToolPak and Analysis ToolPak VBA. Finally, click OK. Data Analysis should show on the right side of the options on the Data Tab.

Histogram Reference: use the data on the Earned Tab of the Excel worksheet (note: this tutorial leads to the Histogram showing frequencies (i.e., counts on the vertical axis). Purpose: A Histogram illustrates how observations for a quantitative variable cluster (i.e., shows us something about the shape of the distribution). Question for the example: How are our BBA students distributed in terms of progress toward graduation (represented by hours of credit successfully completed)? Variables defined: The only variable in this problem is Earned Hours. Earned hours refers to the number of semester hours of credit a student has completed with a grade of D or higher (credit related to grades of satisfactory and credit by exam are included) Creating the graph: Although Excel will pick classes and create the a Histogram, this is not a wise way to create the graphExcel will always make poor choices on this graph! Step 1: We want to create classes (or as Excel calls them bins) that are the same width and cover the entire range of values in the data set. To do this we need to know the smallest and largest value in the data set. To do this we use two functions that are built into Excel. =min(a2:j26) will find the smallest value in cells A2 through J26. Likewise, =max(a2:j26) will find the largest value. From this we see that we need to be able to cover a range from 0 to 184. Since the situation is looking at earned hours, we can use logical breaks for the classes (bins) that correspond to semesters completed0 to 15 for a first semester freshman, 15-30 second semester freshman, The only issue is whether to include the break points (15, 30, ) in the lower interval or the higher interval. Excel will include them in the lower interval. To tell Excel the class ranges, we create a column (labeled bins in the following diagram) that lists the highest number in each class. We can take a short-cut by typing in the first two endpoints to set the pattern. Then highlight these two entries and move the cursor to the lower right corner of the highlighted cells until it turns to a black plus sign.

Drag down the column until you reach the first value that it higher than 184 (the maximum value in the data set).

Step 2: Use the Data Analysis Histogram to create the base for the final diagram. From the Data Tab, select Data Analysis.

From the dialogue box, select Historgram.

To complete the Histogram dialogue box, drag over all of the data to provide the input range. The drag over the numbers you created for the upper endpoint for each bin to provide the information Excel needs for the Bin Range (do not select the heading). If you want to put your output on the same sheet that you have been working on, click next to Output Range, click in the white box to the right of there, and give Excel information about the upper left cell to contain the outputI selected the cell to the right of where I typed the word Bins. Finally, click next to Chart Output.

Click OK to obtain the following graph.

Earned Hours 250 Students
Frequency 40 20 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 More Max Hours in Interval

Step 3: Remove the chartjunk, the extra space between the bars on the chart, and the More class with no observations. Delete the Frequency label. To get rid of the extra space between the bars, right click on the one of the bars and select Format Data Series from the resulting menu.

Move the indicator for the Gap Width to No Gap and click OK.

To get rid of the More class, click on one of the blue bars and notice that the data used to create the graph is highlighted. Carefully, move the lower end of the boxes highlighting the data so that the last row is not selected.

Step 4: Add axis labels and a chart title to complete the Histogram.
Earned Hours 250 Students
40 Frequency 30 20 10 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 Max Hours in Interval

Communicating results: From the chart we can see that the distribution is fairly flat up to about 75 semester hours completed, then is a little higher from there to 120 completed hours, but drops off considerably after that. We could say the distribution is right skewed (or positively skewed) based on the classes on the right with low counts.

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