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Author : Spanu Dumitru Viorel

e-mail :
Street Marcu Mihaela Ruxandra no. 5 , 061524 ,
Bucharest , Romania
Phone: +40214131107

Solution in prime numbers for a

diophantine equation

There are 4 distinct prime numbers X1 ,

X2, X3, X4 ,
so that they satisfies the next
equation :

X31 + X32 + X33 = X 34 (1)

Anyway , no solution emerges directly from theory . We can

not find the 4 distinct prime numbers directly from theory ,
even we are very short to it . It must be done by trying
different values .
Recomandation : It is more easy to write a program in VisualBasic
that will supply the solution.

( Tha range of 1 to 1200 for variables it would be enough to find a

solution . )
Maybe , tomorrow a child will be a great
mathematician .

Save a child , because children are the hope of

tomorrow on Earth .

It`s name is Caba Andrei Catalin and he has

leukemia .

Let `s remember what people of value said about

this miracle that is life . Life is a miracle so
great because there must be tens of thousand of
coherent conditions so that this miracle be
possible .
Let`s remember :
The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the
pessimist fears that this is true.
James Branch Cabell The Silver Stallion

Let us made for this boy this world the best of all possible worlds !

The world belongs to those who bring to it the greatest hope ...
( de Chardin )

There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer.

Emmett Fox
It is better to love than to be loved.
St Francis of Assisi

“A human life is worth nothing, and nothing is worth a human life”

(André-Georges Malraux)

To know and love one other human being is the root of all wisdom.
Evelyn Waugh

God loves a cheerful giver.

Paul's second letter to the Corinthians 9:7

The world belongs to those who bring to it the greatest . (Plutarch )

Imagination is more important than knowledge ( Albert Einstein )

Let`s imagine that this boy could be over years a value of all
mankind .

You can contact the kind doctors that take care of

this boy at the Hospital Maria Sklodowska Curie
at these phones and emails :

Bd. C-tin Brancoveanu nr. 20 Sector 4 Bucureşti , Romania

Phones :
+4021-4604260, +4021-4603026, cu interioarele aferente fiecărei secţii.


Secţia Oncologie Pediatrică

Dr.Cristian Scurtu.

Manager - Daniel Buzatu

Director Medical - Dr.Tabacaru Radu
Director Îngrijiri Medicale - Asistent - Petrovici Marilena
Director Financiar-Contabil - Economist Bata Ruxanda

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