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Introduction Connected environment Disconnected environment ADO.NET vs. ADO Software modeling Architecture attributes Performance Localise operations to minimise sub-system communication

Security Safety Isolate safety-critical components Use a layered architecture with critical assets in inner layers

Availability Include redundant components in the architecture


What do We Model? (contd)

Functional and non-functional aspects of a system Functional The system prints medical records Non-functional The system prints medical records quickly and confidentially.

Architectural models tend to be functional, but like rationale it is often important to capture non-functional decisions even if they cannot be automatically or deterministically interpreted or analyzed Common Types of Inconsistencies (contd)

Dynamic vs. dynamic aspect inconsistencies u Different descriptions of dynamic aspects of a system conflict

Functional vs. non-functional inconsistencies

Connected Environment 1. Open connection 2. Execute command 3. Process rows in reader 4. Close reader 5. Close connection

Working with data directly via open connection Advantages Simple security realization Work with real data Simple organization of distributed work Drawbacks Continual connection Not available via Internet

Disconnected Environment 1. Open connection 2. Fill the DataSet 3. Close connection 4. Process the DataSet 5. Open connection 6. Update the data source 7. Close connection

Storage of data local copy from repository Possibility to update the main data source Advantages Economy of server resources Does not require continual connection Drawbacks Demands conflict resolution while data update Data is not always up to date.

Demonstration Sqlconnection con=new sQlconnection(); // for sql connectivity database // MS Access

OleDbConnection conn=new OleDbConnection(); OleDbCommand comm=new OleDbCommand(,);

OleDbDataAdapter adapt=new OleDbDataAdapter(comm); DataSet data=new DataSet(); conn.ConnectionString= Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; c:\myexcel.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=NO""; comm.Connection=conn;

comm.CommandText=select * from [Sheet1$]; adapt.Fill(data);

.NET Data Providers

Concept of data provider Provider types SQL .NET Data Provider Oracle .NET Data Provider OleDB .NET Data Provider Odbc .NET Data Provider How to select data provider

Connection What is Connection? Define Connection SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection(); Conn.ConnectionString=User ID=sa;password=; Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=Northwind; ConnectionString Parameters Provider Data Source Initial Catalog Integrated Security UserID/Password

Connection (Error and Pooling) System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException Errors collection SqlError Class LineNumber Message Number Pooling and Dispose method

Command Object A command object is a reference to a SQL statement or stored procedure Properties Connection CommandType CommandText Parameters Methods ExecuteNonQuery ExecuteReader ExecuteScalar

ADO.NET is tightly integrated with XML

Using XML in a disconnected application

Discussion: As we are gathering the software crises and security issue in software modeling field in disconnection mode which gain problems in online data update ,fault and loss and we can resolve the security
functional requirements (SFRs) and evaluated assurance level (EAL) becomes a critical task for developers when developing secure software. Much effort has been put into creating industry standards to provide a shared common base for stakeholders with concerns on security.

Motivation: We identify the programming risk factor when we developing the software application , most of the secure banking and marketing database in disconnected architecture happening the fault and run time error chances , such kind of merit and demerit identify in performance comparison ,that can be include in the future scope. Status Of work: Study about the System software and application software. Study of connectivity of software application and server database mode

Use of protocol in connectivity Study of OSI layers in cloud database . Faulty chances in functional requirement Non-Faulty chances in non-functional requirement.

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