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Sunset Beach

March, 197

Covlngton, Ky,

^'Ma na mea a pau e

hoomaikai aku ai.,,"

I Tfesalonika 5:18

"In everything give thanks",


God alone is worthy of our praise,

Throughou' uehout

these Dast few monfcha. ttto family

My brother in Georgia told of Darryl's falling into an old mine shaft in Arizona aM

1:15 d.m. that my phone rang bringing me the sad neivs of "ly nephew, Ihrryl's death.

h .3 found horf precious it is to f>ve God the pr^iiso due unto Hiui.

It v/as Dec. 12 at

of his instant death. Darryl was 36 years old, uniaarried, an electrical engineer with Harris Corp. and had been on his new job near Sierra Vista just one week. He had stepped off the highway at night and fell down an uncovered mine. It was a crushing blow to all of us but God sent an overdose of love and comfort and it sur..
rounded us.

^ decided not called to go me to Georgia at that time although the needed toour be to gether. Campbell often, sometimes eveiy day just to family reassure me of

you for your love and prayers - oh, how they helped us all.

great zest for living and lived everyday to its fullest. Such a short life! Thank
walking across the playfield and a 4th grader was running

^ the first bom. Dariyl was a precious child; he bec^e a Christian at especially Blue Cross Christian Camp in Lexington, graduated from Georgia Tech, was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and a world traveler. He had a

there was an orthopedic doctor. Dr. Oda has taken good care of my arm and I am be' "to use it after 2 months. Abig heavy cast up to mu shoulder, then a amall-

backwards with his kite. He and I collided with much force and as I sat on the ground I knew my left arm was broken. Don Roth took me to i'/ahiana Hospital where

Whers ^ve been veiy helpful - buttoning clothes, cooking, even helping me with ^^nair ^ right arm. It has been a veiy uncomfortable 2 months and I*m glad it's
a^y comfo^ to me to hear of Dana Siman's broken left am and others

ti graced am for 6 weeks. The One bone was andsomediff-" the other bone was my broken smoothly. "radius and badly ulna"broken now mean ning to me. I haven>t been able to drive my car so Ive been house bound. The

ills "- in ?' my tnia ttS year. K Kammie,

am arm breaks, aUbefore near the wrist, our school room, ^broke her 3 days I did. It in did look

and playing ball and running while I watch eveiy step? Thank you for your concern.

have the teacher and student both wearing slings. The others are all weU

^^present job of teaching 1^ grade with that of substitute, remedial and teacher's
ime. gi^dnat-fid
coming to work in our church and school this this school in 1969 and will graduate from San Jose

bSncS^l' ThT has h been a ready retire teaching so butit I would see the fortime a to principal. This good to year withfrom few problems beneed a good present the school (97 students) with a new principal. Some day, I hope to exchange



^ Procuring a principal for our school, man

ucalion, ki&eirgarten besides many other jobs that are ^Iwegrs on hand. li^|^.^JbhriJJ.
Ikithiful worfi^S^S^Sechufth# itTisHilot, l^"!fitKer/ was baptized last by. Mauilce Saito. I^gice and Jl^e.will be; coming back to WQi?k in..another jreair after
he completes his^Si^^J^^^rk at lAncoln'^hristian Semina^,
little, sister, Kaui will be 'in kindergarten.
X^rs ago I had Nalaiii in my room - a quiet little Hawaiian girl from

Goll^g this Spi^tig,

He and Cherry will be working with music, physical ed-

to think of our fiist- graduate returhing-to work a t H i s paSit^^e

This year I have her little dau^ter, HckCi, whp is a bit more lively. /Nespt year her
iJalani appreciates this school and :has
written often to thank us for havi^ a Christian schopl.
We are still burdened as we think about some pur- sti^ents who show no desire -to become-Christians. . Mainy do- not att^ chi^pch anywhere. They have knowledge of


the Bible in their heads but have no_ encouragement from home to have Jesus in their
v.'-"----' ....
^^ ^VbrTt""-1 Sif" T^'TTiiTTiir'i"

teirts, '

has really been hard at work byt he hasn't . conquered.. Our churches, are still.strong
centered and a growing group of young p^ple. tongues in our churches and-this is what some
^^-.1. 1 II -"

'.:^onie_ of our4!iiurches_hay-eLhad .per^nality^jirPblemvand resl^n^'tto

Tfae Jievil.

and the problems, have been,taken care of.. We, have lost 2 faMlies "^His year .t.o a Christian group which meets on the North Shore. Th^ are a lively, Spirit-Gil^ ,

ha^ miracles^ healii^ and

gregation. What '& blessingi *They are finding i^ces to work,

Our wqmen have weddy prayer meetings.

This year we have had 5 Christian adults transfer their membership to this con

" '

Eleanor Sprankles and Ruth Powerr have Z Bible Clubs for children each week.
Thuisday night Bible study and discussion and
prayer, meeting in one of our member's home.

Our Island women had the^ 3rd' annual retreat in March at Makaha Inn - a lovely resoidi on the Westward side of the-island. , Much j^eparation aM dependance pn the liord results in the ".best one yet", Pat Kearold irom Call/on:^ thidll^ the women
with her talks with emphasis on the authority of -Chlrist and the Bible. to attend* . . , I was unable

Sc^Qpi a ftS

plans for new c^ssroo^rtinder way. We have an architect wbrldjag on plans now

^^ 25 /ears^. % will begin our 26th year in S^tember

l&ope of r^chii^ thenl all f^nr Christ , arid

We^_!^e' $MyO.OO. av^31Ei ;aow in pur school btdldiijg -fund# ^Sounds like an exciting

TO^tiiig. ai^stimat^^^i.Q^Oi

thr^e c-lassrooms7 isimixLe stracture-of- cement -blocks

. ,

look forward to. pother yeari of labor in

yin^ard, hoping for a good har

vest, asking for His Presence at all times, believing His Kingdom will grow., .

bnanK; you I. plan on "visititig ngr brother and family in .Georgia. (th^ might bu^ld a new home in the country south Of Atlanta) tht&^Suramer. Xiwili be in Kentucky..: C^oS^^ati and, CaXiforna'(.f'or.hQ3^ vi.aits. . f

love for you gipws. w^th the years, Ipi4 have beert'strong iii ny life and I

Aloha ke iUcua,
Jessica Floyd.

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