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Los Angeles, CA 90025 Attorneys for Plaintiff, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE RIVERSIDE HISTORIC COURTHOUSE , JOHN O! "s# C%&% CA' (, efen)ant# Plaintiff, * * * * * * * * * * * Case No.: COMPLAINT AND DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL (Unlaw !l De"# Colle$#%on P&a$#%$es' De(an) Does No# E*$ee) +,-,---.--

PLAINTIFF.S COMPLAINT +Plaintiff*, t,ro-g, ,is attorneys, ./0 , L& #, alleges t,e follo1ing against C%&% CA' ( + efen)ant*2 INTRODUCTION $# Co-nt % of t,e Plaintiff3s Co45laint is 6ase) on 'osent,al 7air A8t, Cal. Civ. Code 1788 et seq. +'7 CPA*# 2# efen)ant a8te) t,ro-g, its agents, e45loyees, offi8ers, 4e46ers, )ire8tors, ,eirs, s-88essors, assigns, 5rin8i5als, tr-stees, s-reties, s-6rogees, re5resentati"es, an) ins-rers# 3# efen)ant is see9ing to 8olle8t a 8ons-4er )e6t fro4 Plaintiff as )efine) 6y Cal# Ci"# : $788#2+f*# 4# &,e a88o-nt in ;-estion is a 8ons-4er 8re)it transa8tion as )efine) 6y Cal# Ci"# :
<$< CO=PLA%N& AN !=AN 7O' J>'/ &'%AL

e6t Colle8tion Pra8ti8es

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$788#2+e* as Plaintiff ,as allege)ly re8ei"e) 5ro5erty, ser"i8es or 4oney fro4 t,e efen)ant on an e?tension of 8re)it an) s-8, 5ro5erty, ser"i8es or 4oney 1as -se) 5ri4arily for 5ersonal, fa4ily or ,o-se,ol) 5-r5oses# JURISDICTION AND VENUE 5# J-ris)i8tion arises -n)er Cal. Civ. Pro. 410.10# 6# efen)ant 8on)-8ts 6-siness in t,e state of California, an) t,erefore, 5ersonal @-ris)i8tion is esta6lis,e)# 7# Aen-e is 5ro5er 5-rs-ant to Cal. Civ. Pro. 395(a)# PARTIES 8# Plaintiff is a nat-ral 5erson resi)ing in 'i"ersi)e, 'i"ersi)e Co-nty, California# 9# Plaintiff is a 8ons-4er an), a88or)ing to efen)ant, Plaintiff allege)ly o1es a )e6t as

t,at ter4 is )efine) 6y Cal. Civ. Code 1788.2(h)# $0# efen)ant is a )e6t 8olle8tor as t,at ter4 is )efine) 6y Cal. Civ. Code 1788.2(c)# $$# efen)ant is a national 8o45any 1it, its ,ea);-arters in (an Antonio, &e?as# FACTUAL ALLE/ATIONS

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efen)ant 5la8e) 8onstant an) 8ontin-o-s 8alls to Plaintiff see9ing an) )e4an)ing 5ay4ent of an allege) )e6t for a Ho4e e5ot 8re)it 8ar)#

$3# efen)ant 5la8e) -5 to si? +6* 8olle8tion 8alls to Plaintiff al4ost e"ery)ay starting in A-g-st 20$0# $4# efen)ant 5la8e) 8olle8tion 8alls to Plaintiff3s 8ell 5,one n-46er 555<555<$2$2 an) Plaintiff3s ,o4e 5,one n-46er 555<555<5555 fro4 tele5,one n-46ers 423<467<6890, 423<477<6983, an) 520<662<8988# COUNT I DEFENDANT VIOLATED THE ROSENTHAL FAIR DE0T COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT a# efen)ant "iolate) 1788.11(d) of t,e '7 CPA 6y 5la8ing 8olle8tion 8alls to
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Plaintiff re5eate)ly an) 8ontin-o-sly so as to annoy Plaintiff# 6# efen)ant "iolate) 1788.11(e) of t,e '7 CPA 6y 5la8ing 8olle8tion 8alls to Plaintiff 1it, s-8, fre;-en8y as to 6e -nreasona6le an) to 8onstit-te a ,arass4ent to Plaintiff -n)er t,e 8ir8-4stan8es# 8# efen)ant "iolate) t,e 1788.17 of t,e '7 CPA 6y 8ontin-o-sly failing to 8o45ly 1it, t,e stat-tory reg-lations 8ontaine) 1it,in t,e 7 CPA, 15 U.S.C. 1 92 et seq# i# efen)ant "iolate) 1 92d of t,e 7 CPA 6y engaging in 8on)-8t t,e nat-ral 8onse;-en8e of 1,i8, is to ,arass, o55ress, or a6-se t,e Plaintiff# ii# efen)ant "iolate) 1 92d(5) of t,e 7 CPA 6y 8a-sing a tele5,one to ring re5eate)ly an) 8ontin-o-sly 1it, t,e intent to annoy, a6-se, an) ,arass Plaintiff# BH!'!7O'!, Plaintiff, Jo,n oe, res5e8tf-lly re;-ests @-)g4ent 6e entere) against efen)ant, C%&% CA' (, for t,e follo1ing2 $5# (tat-tory )a4ages of C$000#00 5-rs-ant to t,e 'osent,al 7air e6t Colle8tion Pra8ti8es A8t, Cal. Civ. Code 1788.30(!), $6# Costs an) reasona6le attorneys3 fees 5-rs-ant to t,e 'osent,al 7air Pra8ti8es A8t, Cal. Civ. Code 1788.30(c), an) $7# Any ot,er relief t,at t,is Honora6le Co-rt )ee4s a55ro5riate# '!(P!C&7>LL/ (>D=%&&! , A&! 2 O8to6er $8, 20$0 e1ey, C,eat-4 E Ho1e, L& # Dy2 Jo,n (4it, Attorney for Plaintiff F e6t Colle8tion

DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL PL!A(! &AG! NO&%C! t,at Plaintiff, JOHN O!, )e4an)s a @-ry trial in t,is 8ase#
<3< CO=PLA%N& AN !=AN 7O' J>'/ &'%AL

$ 2 3 4

VERIFICATION OF COMPLAINT AND CERTIFICATION (&A&! O7 CAL%7O'N%A* Plaintiff, JOHN O!, states as follo1s2 $# 3# 4# % a4 t,e Plaintiff in t,is 8i"il 5ro8ee)ing# % 6elie"e t,at t,is 8i"il Co45laint is 1ell gro-n)e) in fa8t an) 1arrante) 6y e?isting la1 or 6y a goo) fait, arg-4ent for t,e e?tension, 4o)ifi8ation or re"ersal of e?isting la1# % 6elie"e t,at t,is 8i"il Co45laint is not inter5ose) for any i45ro5er 5-r5ose, s-8, as to ,arass any efen)ant+s*, 8a-se -nne8essary )elay to any efen)ant+s*, or 8reate a nee)less in8rease in t,e 8ost of litigation to any efen)ant+s*, na4e) in t,e Co45laint# % ,a"e file) t,is Co45laint in goo) fait, an) solely for t,e 5-r5oses set fort, in it# !a8, an) e"ery e?,i6it % ,a"e 5ro"i)e) to 4y attorneys 1,i8, ,as 6een atta8,e) to t,is Co45laint is a tr-e an) 8orre8t 8o5y of t,e original# !?8e5t for 8learly in)i8ate) re)a8tions 4a)e 6y 4y attorneys 1,ere a55ro5riate, % ,a"e not altere), 8,ange), 4o)ifie) or fa6ri8ate) t,ese e?,i6its, e?8e5t t,at so4e of t,e atta8,e) e?,i6its 4ay 8ontain so4e of 4y o1n ,an)1ritten notations#

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5# 6# 7#

P-rs-ant to 28 >#(#C# : $746+2*, %, JOHN O! , ,ere6y )e8lare +or 8ertify, "erify or state* -n)er 5enalty of 5er@-ry t,at t,e foregoing is tr-e an) 8orre8t#


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