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+,-./0 &2342,45 !67 84.9342 !363/
Southlanu's all-time leauei in extia points maue (171) anu attempteu (174), anu
ianks fouith all-time in total points scoieu (S24); Set single-season kick scoiing
iecoiu with 1SS points in 2u12
!:,; <.30/=5 (/>69?&=0,2-342
1967, 1968 anu 1969 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1969 Scoiing Co-Leauei; 8-
yeai NFL veteian with Bouston 0ileis, New Yoik uiants, New 0ileans Saints
&@67 A,/05 B,CD4009 !363/
1994 anu 1996 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection
E4/ A.=/25 &=:62969 !363/
1971 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 6S-yaiu fielu goal against NcNeese State in
1974 still stanus as SLC iecoiu; also hau S6-yaiu Fu in same game
!D42F '6G=/2F5 +CB//9/ !363/
1997, 1998 anu 1999 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1997 Scoiing Leauei; All-
Time SLC Fielu uoal Co-Leauei (66); SLC Single-Season Fielu uoal Leauei (2S) in
1997; Fiist-team All-Ameiican selection in 1997 (Spoitstickei), 1998 (Waltei Camp)
anu 1999 (Waltei Camp)
E49/ '6=,495 +CB//9/ !363/
199S anu 199S All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 199S & 1994 Scoiing Leauei; All-
Time SLC Scoiing Leauei (SS6 pts); All-Time SLC Fielu uoal Co-Leauei (66); 199S
fiist-team All-Ameiican (AP, Spoits Netwoik)
E4D2 +6=,245 +CB//9/ !363/
2uu2 anu 2uuS All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2uu2 anu 2uuS Scoiing Leauei
E/==H "4;/5 '4.,9,626 (/CD
197S anu 1974 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection as a kickei; 1976 All-Southlanu
fiist-team selection as a puntei
*6I6/0 !/;3,/25 '4.,9,626?'6I6H/33/
197S anu 1976 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1977 1uth Rounu Pick of New
0ileans Saints; 1u-yeai NFL veteian, mostly with Ballas Cowboys; Paiticipateu in
Supei Bowls XII anu XIII; 1981 Pio Bowl pick
A42 !3.7;5 +CB//9/ !363/
1979 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection as kickei anu puntei; 198u All-SLC fiist-
team as kickei; 1981 All-SLC fiist-team as puntei; 198u Scoiing Leauei
'6J=/2C/ (H2/95 (=4H
2uuu All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2uuu Scoiing Leauei; 2uuu fiist-team All-
Ameiican (AFCA, AP); 1u-yeai NFL veteian with Kansas City Chiefs, New Yoik
uiants anu Tampa Bay Buccaneeis; Paiticipateu in Supei Bowls XLII anu XLvI

<=42 </605 B4=3D (/>69
1986, 1987 anu 1988 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection
"63=,C: A40625 B,CD4009 !363/
2uu8, 2uu9 anu 2u1u All-Southlanu fiist-team selection
$4=H #040I5 (/>69 !363/
2uuS, 2uu4 anu 2uuS All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 2uu4 fiist-team All-
Ameiican (AFCA)
*H62 )06.95 !67 84.9342 !363/
199S anu 1996 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection
"63 B/C:5 +CB//9/ !363/
1991, 1992 anu 199S All-Southlanu fiist-team selection
*,CD,/ *D4@/95 E6C:942L,00/ !363/
2uu1 anu 2uu2 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection
$D6@ !3620/H5 !3/;D/2 GM &.93,2
1997 anu 1998 All-Southlanu fiist-team selection; 1998 fiist-team All-Ameiican
(AFCA, AP, Waltei Camp, Spoits Netwoik, 0SA TouayESPN); Paiticipateu eight
seasons with NFL's San Fiancisco 49eis, Aiizona Caiuinals anu Bouston Texans

*#(K*B !"#$%&'%!(!
A422,/ &9D0/H5 +CB//9/ !363/
1997 All-Southlanu fiist-team as kick ietuinei; 1997 fiist-team kick ietuinei All-
Ameiican (AP); Retuineu thiee punts foi touchuowns uuiing his caieei
N=60H2 $=6JI4=@5 !3/;D/2 GM &.93,2
2u1u All-Southlanu fiist-team selection as ietuin specialist; Retuineu Southlanu
best foui kickoffs foi touchuowns uuiing his caieei; Bis caieei maik of 2S.SS yaius
pei kick ietuin is seconu best in Confeience histoiy; 2u1u (AP, Waltei Camp, Spoits
Netwoik) anu 2u11 (Spoits Netwoik) All-Ameiican as kick ietuinei
*,CD6=@ #00/2@/=5 +CB//9/ !363/
Bis foui punt ietuins foi touchuowns uuiing his 197S-78 caieei still iank as the
Southlanu's best
E/99/ N=62@H5 $/23=60 &=:62969
2u12 All-Southlanu fiist-team as kick ietuinei anu punt ietuinei
$06.@/ +63D,95 (/>69 !363/
1994 anu 199S All-Southlanu fiist-team as Retuin Specialist
(/==/2C/ +CN//5 B4=3DJ/93/=2 !363/
2uuu anu 2uu1 All-Southlanu fiist-team as Retuin Specialist

<MEM !6795 +CB//9/ !363/
Retuineu thiee punts foi touchuowns uuiing his 2uuu-uS caieei; 922 caieei punt
ietuin yaius is seconu all-time in Southlanu
'6=@6=,.9 O/PP5 B,CD4009 !363/
2uu8 All-Southlanu fiist-team as Retuin Specialist
E4=@62 O/0095 !4.3D/693/=2 '4.,9,626
Spoits all-time Southlanu kickoff ietuin aveiage of 26.Su yaius
!3/L/2 OD,3/D/6@5 +CB//9/ !363/
2uu6 All-Southlanu fiist-team as Retuin Specialist
(4PH Q/,-0/=5 B4=3DJ/93/=2 !363/
2uu4 anu 2uuS All-Southlanu fiist-team as Retuin Specialist; SLC caieei leauei in
punt ietuins (1u9) punt ietuin yaius (1,S61) anu punt ietuin aveiage (12.49 yaius

8#&A $R&$8#! S!'$ T#&*!UV
'6==H <06:/2/H5 (=4H SWXXY?Z[[[U
46-16-u oveiall iecoiu (.742), 2S-9-u SLC iecoiu (.7SS).1999 anu 2uuu SLC Coach
of the Yeai. Won thiee Southlanu championships in 1996, 1999 anu 2uuu.Leu
Tioy to foui Bivision I-AA playoff appeaiances in five yeais, incluuing semifinal
appeaiance in 1996. Blakeney coacheu S1 fiist-team All-Southlanu picks anu 11
All-Ameiica selections uuiing his Southlanu tenuie
"63 $400,295 '4.,9,626?+42=4/ SWX\Z?\\U
S2-29-u oveiall iecoiu (.641), 26-14 SLC iecoiu (.6Su).1987 SLC Coach of the Yeai
aftei leauing 0LN (then Noitheast Louisiana) to a 1S-2 oveiall iecoiu, an
unuefeateu 6-u league maik, anu the NCAA Bivision I-AA National Championship.
Inuians also shaieu the 198S Confeience championship. Collins coacheu SS fiist-
team All-Southlanu picks anu eight fiist-team All-Ameiicans uuiing his tenuie
$0,23 $42]./5 $/23=60 &=:62969 SZ[[^?$.==/23U
Enteiing 2u1S season: 46-2S-u oveiall iecoiu (.64S), 29-1S-u SLC iecoiu
(.69u).2uu8 anu 2u12 SLC Coach of the Yeai. Leu 0CA to shaie of 2u12 Southlanu
Confeience championship. Team also finisheu with best iecoiu in Southlanu in
2uu8, but was ineligible foi championship uue to NCAA Bivision I tiansition.
Conque took team to 2u11 anu 2u12 NCAA Bivision I playoffs, winning a game in
2u11 anu playing in the seconu iounu both yeais. Coming into the 2u1S season,
Conque has coacheu Su fiist-team All-Southlanu selections anu five fiist-team All-
<,00 A6L,@9425 &=:62969 !363/ SWX^W?^\U
S1-S2-1 oveiall iecoiu (.61S), 21-18-1 SLC iecoiu (.SS8). 197S anu 1978 SLC
Coach of the Yeai.Leu Aikansas State to 197S anu 1978 Southlanu championships,
anu his 197S team was a peifect 11-u oveiall anu S-u in SLC play. Baviuson
coacheu 46 fiist-team all-SLC playeis, six fiist-team All-Ameiicans, anu 22 NFL uiaft

E6C: A4062@5 +CB//9/ !363/ SWX^Z?^\U
Su-2S-2 oveiall iecoiu (.662), 17-17-1 SLC iecoiu (.Suu).1976 SLC Coach of the
Yeai. Leu NcNeese to 1976 Southlanu championship anu win inauguial 1976
Inuepenuence Bowl, 2u-16 ovei Tulsa. Also seiveu as NcNeese State's athletic
uiiectoi, faculty iepiesentative anu piesiuent. Bolanu coacheu 18 fiist-team all-
SLC playeis, two All-Ameiicans anu foui NFL Biaft picks
#=2,/ A.;0/CD,25 +CB//9/ !363/ SWX^X?\WU
28-6-1 oveiall iecoiu (.814), 1S-1-1 SLC iecoiu (.9uu). 1979 SLC Coach of the
Yeai. Leu NcNeese to 1979 anu 198u Southlanu championships anu beiths in the
Inuepenuence Bowls both yeais. Bis oveiall anu confeience winning peicentages
aie the highest of any SLC coach. Buplechin coacheu 27 fiist-team all-SLC playeis
anu foui NFL Biaft picks
</22,/ #00/2@/=5 &=:62969 !363/ SWXY_?YXU
S9-14-4 oveiall iecoiu (.76S), 14-7-S SLC iecoiu (.6S2). Foui-time SLC Coach of
the Yeai (1964-68-69-7u).Leu Inuians to thiee consecutive Southlanu
championships in 1968-7u, anu his 197u squau finisheu unuefeateu at 11-u to claim
the Southlanu's fiist-evei national championship. Bis 1969 anu 197u teams won
Pecan Bowls as the Southlanu iepiesentative. Ellenuei's playeis eaineu SS fiist-
team All-Southlanu honois uuiing his tenuie
O,00,/ G=,3F5 !67 84.9342 !363/ SZ[W[?$.==/23U
Enteiing the 2u1S season: S1-1u-u oveiall iecoiu (.7S6), 17-4-u SLC iecoiu (.81u).
2u11 SLC Coach of the Yeai. Leu Beaikats to 2u11 anu 2u12 Southlanu Confeience
championships anu appeaiances in the NCAA Bivision I national championship
game both yeais. Coming into 2u1S season, Fiitz has coacheu 19 fiist-team All-
Southlanu picks anu seven All-Ameiicans
!67 N44@J,25 B4=3DJ/93/=2 !363/ SWX\^?XXU
8S-64-2 oveiall iecoiu (.S64), 48-S2-2 (.S98). 1988, 1997 anu 1998 SLC Coach of
the Yeai. Leu Bemons to 1988, 1997 anu 1998 Southlanu Confeience
championships... uoouwin's teams qualifieu foi NCAA Bivision I-AA playoffs in 1988,
1997 anu 1998, anu the 1998 squau auvanceu to the national semifinals. Coacheu
41 fiist-team all-SLC playeis, nine fiist-team All-Ameiicans, anu 12 NFL Biaft
picks. Be was inuucteu into the Southlanu Ball of Bonoi in 2uu1
<4PPH )/690/=5 +CB//9/ !363/ SWXX[?X\U
78-S4-2 oveiall iecoiu (.69S), 4S-1S-2 SLC iecoiu (.7S9). Selecteu SLC Coach of the
Yeai a iecoiu five times (199u, 1991, 199S, 199S anu 1997). Cowboys to foui
Southlanu championships (1991, 199S, 199S, 1997). Also uiiecteu NcNeese to
eight NCAA postseason victoiies, incluuing the 1997 Bivision I-AA national
championship game, wheie the Cowboys weie eugeu, 1u-9, by Youngstown
State.Coacheu SS fiist-team All-Southlanu picks anu 16 playeis that eaineu fiist-
team All-Ameiica honois.
'6==H '6C/J/005 &=:62969 !363/ SWX^X?\YU
S1-42-S oveiall iecoiu (.S47), 2S-19-1 SLC iecoiu (.S47). Nameu SLC Coach of the
Yeai in 198S anu 1986. Leu Inuians to 198S anu 1986 Southlanu Confeience
championships. 1986 team auvanceu to the NCAA Bivision I-AA national
championship game, falling to ueoigia Southein, 48-21. Lacewell coacheu S4 all-
SLC fiist-team playeis, foui All-Ameiicans anu five NFL Biaft picks
+6>,/ '67P=,-D35 '4.,9,626 (/CD SWX^W?^\U
7S-17-2 oveiall iecoiu (.8u4), S4-6-1 SLC iecoiu (.841). Foui-time SLC Coach of
the Yeai (1971-72-7S-77).Leu Louisiana Tech to thiee consecutive national
championships fiom 1972-74, incluuing the fiist-evei NCAA Bivision II
Championship in 197S. Bulluogs also won six SLC Championships in his eight yeais
in the Confeience. Team Paiticipateu in seven bowl games uuiing his Southlanu
tenuie, incluuing the 1977 anu 1978 Inuepenuence Bowls. Tech playeis eaineu S6
fiist-team All-Southlanu Confeience honois fiom 1971-78, anu nine of Lambiight's
playeis weie uiafteu by NFL teams.
*42 *62@0/7625 !67 84.9342 !363/
1uu-1uu-S oveiall iecoiu (.Suu), S1-S9-2 SLC iecoiu (.464). 1991 anu 2uu1 SLC
Coach of the Yeai. All-time wins leauei among Southlanu Confeience coaches. Leu
Beaikats to 1991, 2uu1 anu 2uu4 Southlanu Confeience championships.
Ranuleman coacheu S8 fiist-team All-Southlanu playeis, eight All-Ameiicans anu
seven NFL Biaft picks. Be was inuucteu into the Southlanu Ball of Bonoi in 2uuS
(477H (63/5 +CB//9/ !363/ SZ[[[?[YU
49-26 (.6SS) oveiall iecoiu anu a 2S-1u league maik (.714. Leu team to playoff
appeaiances in each of his fiist foui seasons. Bis 2uu2 team was 1S-2 oveiall anu
6-u in Southlanu play on the way to the 2uu2 NCAA Bivision I-AA championship
game, a S4-14 loss to Westein Kentucky. Be eaineu the 2uu2 Euuie Robinson
Awaiu, signifying him as the national coach of the yeai in Bivision I-AA. Be was
selecteu as the 2uuS SLC Coach of the Yeai
+633 `,634=5 +CB//9/ !363/ SZ[[Y?$.==/23U
SS-1u oveiall iecoiu (.767), 22-S SLC iecoiu (.81S). Taking ovei a 1-S piogiam in
eaily 2uu6, viatoi iallieu the Cowboys to win the Southlanu Confeience
championship, the fiist of thiee in his foui yeais coaching the team uuiing the
iemainuei of the uecaue. The 2uu6 title was followeu by Southlanu ciowns in 2uu8
anu 2uu9, along with thiee NCAA playoff beiths each time. Coacheu 26 fiist-team
All-Southlanu selections uuiing those foui seasons

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