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Developments on the international, national, statewide and countywide levels have occurred overnight; the goal, hereas alwaysis

to ID the action-item as often as possible, with critique always invited. {In follow-up of two prior topics, note this compilation [The New York Times is suffering a brain drain.] which illustrates how top-journalists are voting-with-their-feet-against-libs, and this condemnation [Palin Slams GOP Leadership Who Threw Ted Cruz Under The Bus], which illustrates how very-correct the TEA Party Movement [and Cruz] had been, when presciently trying to save the US from ObamaCare.} International During an event last night sponsored by the Jewish Policy Center [joining Michael Medved, Cliff May, John Podhoretz, Dan Pipes], the narrative was [predictably] condemnatory of all-things-BHOadmixed with smatterings of positives; no one said what this physician hopes will transpire, namely, that BHOs current domestic travail will freeze his foreign policy, precluding even greater disasters from occurring [and, essentially, placing his agenda into Congressional receivership until 1/20/2017]. Emphasized by MM was dismay over the lack of concern in the latest Pew study of Jews for Israel, and for religion; emphasized by everyone else was the need for American/Israeli policy to confront nefarious Islamists. In many respects, this was an old home week symposium, for this physician probably shook-hands with as many as 50 people [during rounds before/after the 2-hour chat]; as is often the case, 99% of the key-data were obtained during the last 1% of the time [during chats with those in-the-know regarding the inside-story of whats with Tehran]. These impressions are best left untyped, but they instilled a sense of optimismand anyone wishing to hear an oral presentation is invited to call 215=333-4900 [anytime!]. Overall, particularly during a high-level discussion @ Chilis that lasted until ~midnight, the hope is that the Jewish Community will suddenly awaken to the dangers of BHO. Internationally, it is viewed as Zero Hour for Israel, for Israel allegedly Must now Choose Between Attack and Enslavement, as Senators were Appalled by Kerrys Anti-Israel Remarks in Iran Briefing [Whenever someone asked Kerry "what would the Israelis say?" Kerry said, "Stop listening to the Israelis."] which he just attempted to walk-back during a soft-ball interview on Morning Joe. Again, he emphasized [after having just talked with BB on the phone] that America is 100% with Israel, while claiming the disagreement is merely related to tactics. [He neglected to paraphrase BBs reaction.] Essentially, as Kerry claims his goal is to freeze Irans program [omitting divulging the quid pro quo], admitted is recognition of repeated claims by Iranian leaders that they have no intention of rolling-back. Recommended last night as an accurate distillation of Israels re-establishment in 1948 was Perfidy by Ben Hecht; it cites rivalries [among Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi] included in Exodusreleased a decade hencecarrying ongoing philosophical importance. Dramatizing contemporary forces-at-play are two Syria-related historical observations: Nazi Germany and fascist Italy read Western indifference as defeatism. The absence of consequences for their brazen actions helped to set the stage for the much larger conflagration that followed only a few months after Franco's victory in 1939.[and] The virulent hatred of Tehran's rulers against the Jewish state is being played down. Witness how Rouhani's elusive answers about Holocaust denial were greeted with enthusiasm by a swooning media all too eager to put the Ahmadinejad years behind them. National

In response to the infamous quote by Pelosi ["We have to pass it, to find out whats in it], a physician caller to a radio show said: "That's the definition of a stool sample." The lamentations on Morning Joe are ballooning, amidst reports of an incipient revolt by Congressional-Dems; also, the roll-out of the new Politico-Mag was dominated by discussion of how BHO ignores his locked-in [i.e., ignored] cabinet. BHO will propose a fix to mollify Dems angered by the OBAMACARE ENROLLMENT DISASTER which led to total enrollment of FEWER THAN 27K ON FED WEBSITE, the GOP has not been idle with its messaging: The House Republican Conference resurrected remarks the President made at the House Republican Retreat in Baltimore, in January of 2010, acknowledging "some stray cats and dogs" in the health-care law that might interfere with the promise that you can keep the coverage you have, but declaring that the administration was "in the process of scrubbing this, and making sure that it's tight." Here is the Transcript of his quote: If you look at the package that we've presented -- and there's some stray cats and dogs that got in there that ... we were in the process of eliminating. For example, we said from the start that it was gonna be important for us to be consistent in saying to people ... if you want to keep the health insurance you got, you can keep it -- that you're not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision-making. And I think that some of the provisions that got snuck in might have violated that pledge. And so we were in the process of scrubbing this, and making sure that it's tight." Statewide The effort to amend by substitution the Holocaust/Genocide education bill now before the Senate essentially achieves common-ground between Clymer/Williams; the former is discretionary and the latter has a definable cost-centerwhereas this physicians intent is to create a mandate [which would be satisfied privately, rather than by the PDE] that isnt an unfunded-mandate [because of the absence of any teacher-certification component]. All that is done is to thicken what is ensconced within statute [without allowing cursoryif not ABSENTcoverage of these topics, having contemporary correlates] and is to allow for others [such as Phillys Holocaust Museum] to provide programs congruent therewith. During last nights think-tank discussion, the concern was raised that this effort could be hijacked by the evil forces-of-the-left, who would supplant the intended curriculum with one that might bastardize the human rights component of this effort; this argument was answered by recognizing the need for a sequential approach, with the initial goal being the necessity to recognize the vital impact of the Shoah [explicitly articulated]. Indeed, to whatever degree any potential diminution of this effort could be mounted [by, for example, claiming Israel violates human rights of Palestinian Arabs] would be dwarfed by contrast of such specious allegations with real-life 20th Century tragedies [Cambodia, Armenia, Ukraine]; by no means would the job be done following passage of such legislation, but the audience would be defined that could then be receptive to messaging that is needed [and then, for example, correlates could easily be drawn between quotes of Hitler/Ahmadinejadenhancing acute sensitivity to Israels woes. Countywide

This Report that the MontCo GOP Chairman [Bob Kerns] was just Accused of Sexual Assault Charges hyperlinks to an article that explicitly cites this physicians unsuccessful effort to replace him in 2011 [from the lede: Abington GOP Committeeman Robert B. Sklaroff attempted to offer an amendment to the bylaws that would have required the partys committee people to hold a leadership vote in May.] Presaging the loss of two high-quality judicial-candidates, the article ended with an all-too-true quote [Sklaroff had intended to offer an amendment to delay implementing the housekeeping amendment until after this years presidential primary election, an organizational meeting could be held. I guess we are just going to have to wait another two years before this party can make any progress, said Sklaroff.] At last nights event, a birdie said three people being vetted by powers-that-be include Mike Vereb, Kate Harper and Bob Griffith; because Vereb brokered the recent Asher/Gureghian reconciliation, he is perceived as the front-runner for assuming control over the party in 2014. Anyone who recalls Willow Grove Park may enjoy this 1956 Promo.

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