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1 a I live in Luzernsince1998. b I've livedin Luzernsince1998. c I've beenlivingin Luzernsince1998. Which one emphasises the period of time?

Which one is wrong?

2 a I passedthe examyesterday. b I've passedthe examyesterday.

Which one is wrong? Which one is referring to a specific time? 3 a I'm workingas a taxi driver. b I workas a taxi driver. Which one is a permanent job? Which one is a temporary job?

4 a I usedto do it. b I'm usedto doingit. c I'm gettingusedto doingit.

Which one means.... "It's normal for me now"? .."It's becoming normal for me, but it's still a bit strange or difficult"? .."It was a past habit" 5 a He will do it tomorrow. b He's doingit tomorrow. c He's goingto do it tomorrow. Which one is the most common? Which one can be used in almost any situation? Which one can be used as a promise or prediction? Which one is a definite plan or arrangement?

6 a If youlove me, I'll marryyou. b If you lovedme, I'd marryyou. c If youhad lovedme, I wouldhavemarriedyou. Which one is....past imaginary possibility? ..future real possibility? ..imaginary possibility?

7 a I tried to openthe door. b I triedopeningthe door. Which one was an experiment, to find out what the effect would be? With which one did I actually open the door? With which one did I not open the door? a He stoppedto checkthe map. b He stoppedcheckingthe map.

Which one means.. "He stopped st (e.g. driving) in order to check the map"? .."He was checking the map but he stopped"? a Canyou rememberlockingthe door? b Canyou rememberto lock the door? Which one means.. "Did you do it?" ? .. "Will you do it?" ? 8 a I lookforwardto see you. b I lookforwardto seeingyou. Which one is wrong?

9 a I'm goodat swimming. b I'm goodat swim. Which one is wrong? Which kind of words are necessary after a preposition?

10 a Youmustn'tdo it. b Youdon't haveto do it. Which one means.. "You can choose to do it or not" ? .."Don't do it" ?

Vocab./ Structure 1 advice/information/research What do these words have in common? 2 the nature/nature Which one is talking about nature in general?

3 economic/economical/economics Fill the gaps- It's an ___________car. It's an __________policy. I did ________at university.

4 I'm bored/I'm boring Which one means... "I don't like myself" .."other people don't think I'm interesting" .."I want to do something different"

Which other adjectives end in "-ed/ -ing"?

5 a Despitethe rain, we wentto the park. b Despiteof the rain, we wentto the park .

c In spite of the rain, we wentto the park. Which one is wrong? 6 However/Although Fill the gaps-a ___________ she's short, she's good at basketball. b She's good at basketball _________ she's short. c She's short. _________, she's good at basketball. 7 a She'sso beautiful. b She'sso beautifulwoman. c She'ssuchbeautiful.

d She'ssucha beautifulwoman. Which sentences are wrong?

8 a A boy whohadgreenhair stole my bag. b A boy, whohad greenhair, stolemy bag. Which underlined clause is used to... identify a boy? ..give extra description of a boy? c Pariswhichis in Franceis a great city. Is this correct? Why? d A boy whohad greenhair stolemy bag. e A boy that hadgreenhair stole my bag. f A boy, whohad greenhair, stolemy bag. g A boy, that had greenhair, stolemy bag.

Which sentences are correct? h That'sthe girl whoI like. i That'sthe girl I like. j That'sthe girl wholikesme. k That'sthe girl likesme. Which sentences are correct? When can you take away the relative pronoun (eg, "who, where, when")

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