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§ 656.20 20 CFR Ch.

V (4–1–05 Edition)

and as to the translator’s competency for the pending application or future

to translate. applications pursuant to § 656.20(b).
(b) Requirements. Supervised recruit-
§ 656.20 Audit procedures. ment shall consist of advertising for
(a) Review of the labor certification the job opportunity by placing an ad-
application may lead to an audit of the vertisement in a newspaper of general
application. Additionally, certain ap- circulation or in a professional, trade,
plications may be selected randomly or ethnic publication, and any other
for audit and quality control purposes. measures required by the CO. If placed
If an application is selected for audit, in a newspaper of general circulation,
the Certifying Officer shall issue an the advertisement must be published
audit letter. The audit letter will: for 3 consecutive days, one of which
(1) State the documentation that must be a Sunday; or, if placed in a
must be submitted by the employer; professional, trade, or ethnic publica-
(2) Specify a date, 30 days from the tion, the advertisement must be pub-
date of the audit letter, by which the lished in the next available published
required documentation must be sub- edition. The advertisement must be ap-
mitted; and proved by the Certifying Officer before
(3) Advise that if the required docu- publication, and the CO will direct
mentation has not been sent by the where the advertisement is to be
date specified the application will be placed.
denied. (1) The employer must supply a draft
(i) Failure to provide documentation advertisement to the CO for review and
in a timely manner constitutes a re- approval within 30 days of being noti-
fusal to exhaust available administra- fied that supervised recruitment is re-
tive remedies; and quired.
(ii) The administrative-judicial re- (2) The advertisement must:
view procedure provided in § 656.26 is (i) Direct applicants to send resumes
not available. or applications for the job opportunity
(b) A substantial failure by the em- to the CO for referral to the employer;
ployer to provide required documenta- (ii) Include an identification number
tion will result in that application
and an address designated by the Certi-
being denied § 656.24 under and may re-
fying Officer;
sult in a determination by the Certi-
fying Officer pursuant to § 656.24 to re- (iii) Describe the job opportunity;
quire the employer to conduct super- (iv) Not contain a wage rate lower
vised recruitment under § 656.21 in fu- than the prevailing wage rate;
ture filings of labor certification appli- (v) Summarize the employer’s min-
cations for up to 2 years. imum job requirements, which can not
(c) The Certifying Officer may in his exceed any of the requirements entered
or her discretion provide one extension, on the application form by the em-
of up to 30 days, to the 30 days specified ployer;
in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. (vi) Offer training if the job oppor-
(d) Before making a final determina- tunity is the type for which employers
tion in accordance with the standards normally provide training; and
in § 656.24, whether in course of an audit (vii) Offer wages, terms and condi-
or otherwise, the Certifying Officer tions of employment no less favorable
may: than those offered to the alien.
(1) Request supplemental information (c) Timing of advertisement. (1) The ad-
and/or documentation; or vertisement shall be placed in accord-
(2) Require the employer to conduct ance with the guidance provided by the
supervised recruitment under § 656.21. CO.
(2) The employer will notify the CO
§ 656.21 Supervised recruitment. when the advertisement will be placed.
(a) Supervised recruitment. Where the (d) Additional or substitute recruitment.
Certifying Officer determines it appro- The Certifying Officer may designate
priate, post-filing supervised recruit- other appropriate sources of workers
ment may be required of the employer from which the employer must recruit


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Employment and Training Administration, Labor § 656.24

for U.S. workers in addition to the ad- (f) The employer shall supply the CO
vertising described in paragraph (b) of with the required documentation or in-
this section. formation within 30 days of the date of
(e) Recruitment report. The employer the request. If the employer does not
must provide to the Certifying Officer do so, the CO shall deny the applica-
a signed, detailed written report of the tion.
employer’s supervised recruitment, (g) The Certifying Officer in his or
signed by the employer or the employ- her discretion, for good cause shown,
er’s representative described in may provide one extension to any re-
§ 656.10(b)(2)(ii), within 30 days of the quest for documentation or informa-
Certifying Officer’s request for such a tion.
report. The recruitment report must:
(1) Identify each recruitment source § 656.24 Labor certification determina-
by name and document that each re- tions.
cruitment source named was con- (a)(1) The Chief, Division of Foreign
tacted. This can include, for example, Labor Certification is the National
copies of letters to recruitment sources Certifying Officer. The Chief and the
such as unions, trade associations, col- certifying officers in the ETA applica-
leges and universities and any re- tion processing centers have the au-
sponses received to the employer’s in- thority to certify or deny labor certifi-
quiries. Advertisements placed in news- cation applications.
papers, professional, trade, or ethnic (2) If the labor certification presents
publications can be documented by fur- a special or unique problem, the Direc-
nishing copies of the tear sheets of the tor of an ETA application processing
pages of the publication in which the center may refer the matter to the
advertisements appeared, proof of pub- Chief, Division of Foreign Labor Cer-
lication furnished by the publication, tification. If the Chief, Division of For-
or dated copies of the web pages if the eign Labor Certification, has directed
advertisement appeared on the web as that certain types of applications or
well as in the publication in which the specific applications be handled in the
advertisement appeared. ETA national office, the Directors of
(2) State the number of U.S. workers the ETA application processing centers
who responded to the employer’s re- shall refer such applications to the
cruitment. Chief, Division of Foreign Labor Cer-
(3) State the names, addresses, and tification.
provide resumes (other than those sent (b) The Certifying Officer makes a
to the employer by the CO) of the U.S. determination either to grant or deny
workers who applied for the job oppor- the labor certification on the basis of
tunity, the number of workers inter- whether or not:
viewed, and the job title of the person (1) The employer has met the require-
who interviewed the workers. ments of this part.
(4) Explain, with specificity, the law- (2) There is in the United States a
ful job-related reason(s) for not hiring worker who is able, willing, qualified,
each U.S. worker who applied. Rejec- and available for and at the place of
tion of one or more U.S. workers for the job opportunity.
lacking skills necessary to perform the (i) The Certifying Officer must con-
duties involved in the occupation, sider a U.S. worker able and qualified
where the U.S. workers are capable of for the job opportunity if the worker,
acquiring the skills during a reason- by education, training, experience, or a
able period of on-the-job training, is combination thereof, is able to perform
not a lawful job-related reason for re- in the normally accepted manner the
jecting the U.S. workers. For the pur- duties involved in the occupation as
pose of this paragraph (e)(4), a U.S. customarily performed by other U.S.
worker is able and qualified for the job workers similarly employed. For the
opportunity if the worker can acquire purposes of this paragraph (b)(2)(i), a
the skills necessary to perform the du- U.S. worker is able and qualified for
ties involved in the occupation during the job opportunity if the worker can
a reasonable period of on-the-job train- acquire the skills necessary to perform
ing. the duties involved in the occupation


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