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Georgia Southern University Instructional Technology Program

FRIT 7332 The School Library Literacy Environment Collaborative Lesson Plan Assignment*
Standard: 1. Candidates are effective teachers who demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and who model and promote collaborative planning, instruction in multiple literacies, and inquiry-based learning, enabling members of the learning community to become effective users and creators of ideas and information.

For this assignment you will work in teams of two to create two (2) classroom-library collaborative lesson plans that integrate content area standards (CCGPS), AASL Standards for the 21st century learner, reading comprehension strategies, research based instructional strategies, appropriate resources, and technology tools (for use by educators and/or students). You will identify resources for student use, create a graphic organizer to measure student practice, and create a rubric assessment tool to assess student learning outcomes. Each lesson should last 40 to 50 minutes. Each of the lessons must target a different subject area and grade level; at least one of these should be a STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) lesson. Your teams lessons should each employ one of the seven reading comprehension strategies that are presented in the Moreillon text. You must format both of your lessons using the AASL Action Plan template that accompanies this assignment. You are working in teams because one of the purposes of this assignment is for you to experience collaboration which is an essential skill for a library media specialist. For one of the lessons you will take on the role of either the media specialist or the teacher. For the second lesson you will switch roles; so if you were the teacher for the first lesson you will take on the role of media specialist for the second lesson. Use a Web 2.0 collaborative tool such as a wiki to capture your collaborative conversations and work. Meet regularly with your team member. Document the tasks each team member does in developing both lessons. You must document your collaborative discussions as you develop the two lessons .

Overview of tasks for each lesson plan:

Decide on roles for each team member: either teacher or library media specialist. Write a brief scenario that provides background for the context of your collaborative lesson plan. If this lesson is part of a multi-lesson unit, please briefly describe the lessons that took place before and what will happen later. Page 1

Georgia Southern University Instructional Technology Program Determine a grade level and subject area for the lesson. Remember that at least one has to have a STEM subject. Identify learning outcomes by identifying content-area curriculum standards (CCGPS) and AASL standards, strands and indicators (dispositions, responsibilities, and self-assessment strategies) and benchmarks. You must assess each standard that you include so be selective. Identify at least one reading comprehension strategy and at least one reading comprehension objective that you will use for the lesson. Select research-based instructional strategies and develop graphic organizers appropriate to the objectives. The instructional strategies should utilize active learning to fully engage learners. For each lesson include one example for implementing the selected reading comprehension strategy. The example should contain detailed instructions for using the lessons resources to teach the reading comprehension strategy. See Moreillon, Fig. 3-1, p. 25; Fig. 4-4, p. 47; Fig. 5-3, p. 75; Fig. 6-1, p. 95; for examples. In the lesson plan, describe the instructional roles for both the teacher and the library media specialist. Select engaging resources in multiple formats Create rubrics to adequately measure the lesson objectives. Follow and complete the AASL action plan template. (This is worth 5 points). As a team use the assignment rubric to self-assess your work. Submit the url for your collaborative Web 2.0 tool where you documented your work. Submit the 2 lesson plans (including the graphic organizers, reading strategy teaching example, and assessment rubrics) in the assignment dropbox.

Check the course calendar or assignment dropbox for the due date. Service Learning Component Students who have lessons which meet the AASL criteria may be asked to submit them to the AASL Lesson Plan Database.

Moreillon, J. (2012). Coteaching reading comprehension strategies in secondary school libraries. Chicago: American Library Association. Moreillon, J. (2013). A matrix for school librarians: Aligning standards, inquiry, reading, and instruction. School Library Monthly, 29(4), 29-32.

Rubric for Collaborative Lesson Plan

This must be an ORIGINAL lesson plan.

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Georgia Southern University Instructional Technology Program

Students Names: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Content Areas Addressed: ____________________________________________________________________________

Instructional Level: __________________________________________________________________________________

Collaborative Tool URL: ______________________________________________________________________________


Target 4 pts.

Acceptable 3 pts.

Unacceptable 2pt.

Unacceptable 1 pt.

Objectives (District or State Standards)

All student learning objectives address district or state standards. Standards are cited for each. The team includes one reading comprehension strategy and at least one reading comprehension objective that clearly align with the other learning objectives for this lesson. AASLs learning indicators align with state content-area standards AND the objectives of this lesson. They are cited (both number and text) and they are all measured.

One state standard citation is incomplete or missing for a learning objective.

Two to four state standards citations are incomplete or missing for two learning objectives.

Four or more state standards citations are incomplete or missing for three or more learning objectives. No reading comprehension strategy is included in this lesson. Or no reading comprehension objective is included in this lesson.

Reading Comprehension Strategy and Objective

The team includes one reading comprehension strategy and at least one reading comprehension objective that partially align with the other learning objectives for this lesson. AASLs learning indicators align with state contentarea standards the objectives of this lesson. They are cited (both number and text) but not all are measured.

The reading comprehension strategy or objective is not aligned with the other learning objectives for this lesson.

Indicators (from the AASL Standards)

One or more AASL learning indicators are not aligned with state content-area standards or the objectives of this lesson. Or one or more are not completely cited (both number and text). Or they are not measured. The researchbased instructional strategies are effective. A graphic organizer for student use is

AASLs learning standards are not integrated into the lesson or are not cited completely or there are too many listed to be measurable.

Research-based Instructional Strategies

The research-based instructional strategies are effective and one or more original graphic organizers

The researchbased instructional strategies are effective. One or more effective graphic organizers

The research-based instructional strategies or the graphic organizer(s) or worksheet(s) are ineffective or

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Georgia Southern University Instructional Technology Program


Target 4 pts.
(not worksheets) are provided for student use.

Acceptable 3 pts.
for student use are provided but one (or more) is not original.

Unacceptable 2pt.
provided but it is not aligned with the lesson or assessment.

Unacceptable 1 pt.
inappropriate for the learning objectives. Or a graphic organizer is not described for student use. The student selfassessment rubric assessment is missing.


The team creates an original rubric as an assessment instrument for the students. It is designed to accurately measure the lesson objectives. The benefits of coteaching are evident in the main lesson. The team uses two educators effectively and creatively throughout the lesson. The educators select engaging resources in multiple formats and utilize active learning strategies to fully engage learners. The example provides richly detailed and explicit instructions for effectively teaching the selected strategy using engaging resources. The example is original and creative.

The team borrows rubrics as assessment instruments for the students. The rubrics accurately measure the lesson objectives.

The assessment rubrics do not accurately measure the reading comprehension strategy.

Collaborative Teaching

The benefits of coteaching are evident in the main lesson. The team uses two educators effectively for parts of the lesson.

The benefits of coteaching are somewhat evident, but there is great disparity in the roles of the media specialist and the teacher.

The benefit of coteaching is not realized in the main lesson.

Resources And Learning Strategies

The resources are engaging but may be in just one format. Student learning experiences are hands-on.

The resources are not rich and/or the learning experiences not hands-on.

The resources and the learning experiences are dull.

Reading Comprehension Teaching Example

The example provides clear instructions for effectively teaching the selected strategy. The example is adapted and the original source is cited.

The example does not provide clear instructions for teaching the selected strategy. Or the instructions do not match the selected strategy.

No example is provided.

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Georgia Southern University Instructional Technology Program

CATEGORY Evidence of Collaboration

Target 4 pts.
The teams Web 2.0 documents show extensive collaboration in all aspects of this assignment. There is evidence of frequent, productive communication on the parts of both team members. Each team members has taken on the role of teacher and library media specialist. Virtually free of punctuation, spelling, grammar errors; appropriate format and presentation for assignment

Acceptable 3 pts.
The teams wiki documents show collaboration in all aspects of this assignment by both team members.

Unacceptable 2pt.
The teams wiki documents show infrequent or unproductive collaboration in all aspects of this assignment. Or there is evidence of unbalanced workload.

Unacceptable 1 pt.
The teams wiki documents do not show evidence of frequent or productive collaboration. There were wikibased discussions on 1 or no wiki pages. The team members have not each taken on the role of teacher and library media specialist. 2

Mechanics and Presentation

Contains several punctuation, spelling, and/or grammar errors. Several errors in formatting or formatting is inconsistent

Contains many errors of punctuation, spelling, and/or grammar. Errors interfere with meaning in places. Formatting incorrect.

Frequent errors in spelling and grammar; intrusive and/or inaccurate punctuation, communication is hindered. No formatting as appropriate to assignment.

Total from Rubric (40 points possible): __ AASL Lesson Plan Template not satisfactorily used (-5 points):__________ Final Grade: _________

Note: Web 2.0-based discussions can include a phone log and notes on the conversation, a chat log archive, an email trail that includes main topics of conversation or other means BUT these must be documented in the collaborative tool. Dates and times are not sufficient evidence. Checklist: Have you turned in all the components of your lesson? 1. URL for collaborative work 2. Two lesson plans with rubric assessments, graphic organizers, and reading comprehension strategy teaching example (submitted in GoView dropbox) Page 5

Georgia Southern University Instructional Technology Program Scoring Guide 36-40 31-35 29-34 21-28 11-20 >10 Target Target Acceptable Acceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable 95/A 90/A 85/B 80/B 70/D 59/F

*This lesson plan is based on one developed by Judi Moreillon.

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