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Below is a chart to show the relation between motivation factors and ADHD.

We will use ADHD Combined for this example. Note: Some of the items for the different factors may overlap. I did not include attribution on the list since it varies for students. !he asteris" #$% under each list in the Students with ADHD column specifies the executive function#s% process at play for the correspondin& motivation factor. Motivation Factor Self Efficacy ' belief in how he or she will perform a tas" Students with ADHD: experience difficulty or&ani(in& tas"s especially when the tas"s are lar&e experience difficulty in stayin& on tas" as these students mi&ht be easily distracted and have difficult with focus tas"s that re)uire a lot of mental effort are avoided since the tas" can appear overwhelmin& and hyperactivity influences ability to sit still $or&ani(ation*attentional control*co&nitive flexibility*inhibition experience difficulty with lon&+term &oals as a result of not bein& able to sustain attention easily distracted by external stimuli so &oals may ta"e an extremely lon& time to complete as the student has to &et bac" on trac" $attentional control*self+re&ulation*inhibition if the tas" is lar&e a student with ADHD will be inclined to &ive up #they will not use a lot of mental effort to complete it% have trouble completin& tas"s in &eneral as they may have a hard time followin& instructions #attention*distractions*hyperactivity% may submit wor" that is filled with errors such as spellin& mista"es since they have difficulty en&a&in& in monitorin& steps that need to be done to complete the tas" $self+re&ulation*attentional control*inhibition have trouble waitin& for rewards which is impacted by their want for immediate &ratification #lac" of focus and hyperactivity%

Goal ' somethin& a student wants to achieve

Self-Regulation intentional monitorin& of co&nitive processes

!ntrinsic"E#trinsic Motivation doin& somethin& for its own sa"e compared to doin& it for a reward

$sychological Needs motivation

inherent source of

$attentional control*wor"in& memory*self+re&ulation*plannin& experience difficulty en&a&in& with others in play activities since they have a hard time payin& attention to the aspects of that activity may not appear to be listenin& when a peer #or the teacher% is tal"in& to them as they may be focusin& on an external stimuli for example may experience incompetence one of the psycholo&ical needs as they are for&etful of daily tas"s may &et up out of their seat and do somethin& inappropriate such as run around the classroom #will impact belon&in& and peers may consider them ,bad- or ,funny dependin& on the a&e &roup%- as they are hyperactive tal" excessively #can be frowned upon from peers which can affect relatedness% which can result from the ability to self+re&ulate their behaviour due to impulsivity*bein& hyperactive $response to feedbac"*self+re&ulation*inhibition

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