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1 PROVA DE RECUPERAO DE INGLS Aluno: Srie: Professora: 8 Dbora Turma: Data: N Nota: Valor da Prova: 50 pontos

Assinatura do responsvel: Orientaes gerais: 1) Nmero de questes desta prova: 13 2) Valor das questes: Abertas (5): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada. 3) Provas feitas a lpis ou com uso de corretivo no tm direito reviso. 4) Aluno que usar de meio ilcito na realizao desta prova ter nota zerada e conceituao comprometida. 5) Tpicos desta prova: - Simple Past - Reflexive Pronouns 1 Questo: Assinale a alternativa que completa a frase: ______ he do the work last night? a) Do b) Does c) Have d) Has e) Did 2 Questo: Leia as frases abaixo: I) We open the door. II) You write poems. III) Richard plays in the garden. Ao passarmos as frases acima para o passado, os verbos ficariam da seguinte forma: a) I. opened, II. writed, III. played b) I. opened, II. wrote, III. played c) I. open, II. wrote, III. played d) I. opened, II. writed, III. playsed e) I. opened, II. written, II. played 3 Questo: Observe as frases abaixo e marque a opo cujos pronomes completam os espaos em branco: I) The girls are looking at _____________________ in the mirror. II) I went to the movies all by __________________. III) John ____________________ washed the car. a) I. themselves, II. yourself, III. Himself b) I. themselves, II. myself, III. himself c) I. themselves, II. myself, III. themself d) I. herself , II. myself, III. themselves e) I. themselves, II. yourself, III. himself

1 P.R. / Ingls / Debora / 8 / pg : 1

Leia o texto a seguir para responder s questes 4, 5 e 6. MYSTERY GUEST My neighbors mother was in the hospital and I decided to visit her. My neighbor told me that his mother had gotten a little senile, so I didnt know if she would remember me. I knocked on the door and went into her room. I said, Hello, Mrs. Billings. How are you feeling? She said, Hello, Im not Mrs. Billings. I said, Yes, you are. How are you? She replied, Im getting better. I told her I had seen her son, and she just nodded. I could see our conversation wasnt going anywhere, so I said, I hope you get well soon, Mrs. Billings and started out the door. She thanked me for coming and told me again that she was not Mrs. Billings. On my way down the hall I ran into a nurse and asked her if any of Mrs. Billingss children had come to see her. Yes, she replied. They came to see her this morning when she left the hospital! Patti Lewis, Redbook Magazine Vocabulary: Neighbor: vizinho; senile: senil; remember: lembrar; to get better: melhorar; to reply: responder; to nod: acenar com a cabea; to run into: encontrar casualmente; left:deixou 4 Questo: Assinale a opo incorreta: a) A Sra. Billings uma senhora idosa. b) A Sra. Billings foi hospitalizada. c) Patti Lewis visitou a pessoa errada. d) Os filhos da Sra. Billings visitaram-na de manh. e) O vizinho de Patti Lewis filho nico da Sra. Billings. 5 Questo: Com base no trecho On my way down the hall I ran into a nurse... , pode-se afirmar que: a) A enfermeira estava correndo. b) Patti Lewis estava em um andar inferior ao do hall de entrada. c) Patti Lewis encontrou uma enfermeira. d) Patti Lewis atropelou a enfermeira. e) Patti Lewis estava correndo 6 Questo: Pela leitura do texto, pode-se afirmar que: a) Patti Lewis cometeu um engano. b) Patti Lewis sabia que a Sra. Billings no estava mais no hospital. c) Patti Lewis conversou com a Sra. Billings. d) Patti Lewis no estava certa se a senhora que ela visitou estava senil. e) Patti Lewis foi hospitalizada.

EARTH MYSTERIES Whose house is that? Mr. Dorian Grays, Sir, was the answer. The two gentlemen looked at each other, then turned away from the house and walked out. Inside the house the servants talked in low, frightened voices. After some minutes they went up the room. They knocked, but there was no reply. They called out. Nothing. They could not open the door, so they climbed down from the roof and got in through the window. Against the wall they saw a fine portrait of the Young Dorian Gray, in all his wonderful youth and beauty. Lying on the floor was a dead man, with a knife in his heart. His face was old and ugly and yellow with disease. Only the rings on his fingers told them who he was. POE, Edgar Allan. The picture of Dorian Gray, chapter 17 - Oxford University Press, 1890 Eight impression, 2003. Vocabulary: turned away: virou-se; walked out: saiu; low: baixo; frightened:assustado; to knock: bater; to reply: responder; colud: podia; climbed down: desceu; got in: entrou; portrait: retrato; youth: jovem; lying: deitado; disease: chaga, molstia. 1 P.R. / Ingls / Debora / 8 / pg : 2

7 Questo: Responda s perguntas em Portugus: a) De quem era a casa mencionada no texto? __________________________________________________________________ b) Em que parte do corpo Dorian tinha uma faca? __________________________________________________________________ c) Como as pessoas reconheceram Dorian quando ele estava morto? __________________________________________________________________ d) Como os criados de Dorian Gray conseguiram entrar em seu quarto? __________________________________________________________________ e) Quais eram as caractersticas fsicas do homem morto no cho? __________________________________________________________________

8 Questo: Encontre no texto: a) Uma frase no Simple Past. _____________________________________________________________ b) Traduza a frase acima. _____________________________________________________________ c) Dois verbos regulares. _____________________________________________________________ d) Dois verbos irregulares. _____________________________________________________________

9 Questo: Assinale a afirmativa correta, de acordo com o texto: a) The servants entered the room through the door. b) The mans face was young and beautiful. c) When they knocked on the door, Dorian answered immediately. d) Dorian was lying on the floor, with a Knife in his head. e) Dorian had a disease on his face.

10 Questo: Escreva as frases abaixo na forma negativa e interrogativa: a) We got up in the middle of the night. Neg.: _____________________________________________________________. Int.:______________________________________________________________? b) It was terrible! Neg.: _____________________________________________________________. Int.:______________________________________________________________?

c) Mr Gray looked very young.

1 P.R. / Ingls / Debora / 8 / pg : 3

Neg.: _____________________________________________________________. Int.:______________________________________________________________? e) Basil wanted to exhibit the picture in Paris. Neg.: _____________________________________________________________. Int.:______________________________________________________________?

11 Questo: Complete with the correct Reflexive Pronoun: a) I cut ______________________ while shaving this morning. b) They enjoyed ___________________________ immensely at the party. c) Thats very simple, John. You can do it _________________________ d) Sarah ________________________ wrote that message. e) Steve _____________________ cleaned and washed the house and the yard. f) Monica and I enjoyed ______________________________ at the party last night.

12 Questo: Leia o texto abaixo e complete as frases com os verbos entre parnteses no Simple Past: TIM'S BANK HOLIDAY It __________ (to be) bank Holiday yesterday and for the first time the Redfords ___________ (to have) a very good day! On Bank Holidays they used to get in the car and dad drove to some distant place... But they soon got stuck in a traffic jam and they ended up waiting for hours in the car. Yesterday everything was different. Dad and Elsa, the young daughter, ___________ (to go) for a walk around London. It was really exciting! They _____________ (to take) a camera with them and dad taught Elsa how to take good photos. They took a lot of strange and funny photos of the most famous sights. Mum _________________ (to go neg.) with them. She works a lot but she's also a very sporty woman. So... she put on her trainers, _____________ (to take) a walkman and _____________ (to go) running in St. James's Park. She went alone... there's always a lot of people where she works and every now and then she needs to spend some time on her own. And what about Tim, the Redfords' son? Uncle Brad ______________ (to come) to pick him up early in the morning to go to the local swimming pool. He ________________ (to enjoy) a lot: he ____________ (to go) up and down the water slides all day long. Poor Uncle Brad! 13 Questo: De acordo com o texto acima, marque a opo incorreta: a) O pai e a filha saram para passear ao redor de Londres. b) A me muito esportiva, por isso foi correr em um parque. c) O filho foi com o tio para a piscina. d) Os Redfords tiveram um feriado igual a tantos outros. e) Pela primeira vez os Redfords tiveram um timo feriado

1 P.R. / Ingls / Debora / 8 / pg : 4

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