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Deer Lives in wooded areas. Wolves and bears are predators of deer, and to young fawn a ris.

Winter is a dangerous time for deer. Their long narrow legs and pointed hooves make it hard for them to move around in the snow and ice and it is easier for predators like dogs to catch them. In rural areas humans and deer often share a habitat, there can be problems for both of them. When a deer's habitat becomes smaller because of human development, deer will often eat food from gardens. White tailed deer are !browsing! animals. They eat a wide variety of foods and the food selected will depend on its availability, abundance, and the season of the year It feeds in the early morning hours and in the late afternoon. " deer's diet changes depending on its habitat and the season. It eats green plants in the spring and summer. In the fall, it eats corn, acorns and other nuts. In the winter, it eats the buds and twigs of woody plants. deer is a ruminant, and it's herbivore. If deer have enough food, water and shelter, their population can grow very #uickly. $awns are reddish brown at birth with white spots that help camouflage them. They can walk at birth and forage for food a couple of days later. They are weaned at about si% weeksWhen a white tailed deer is alarmed, it may stomp its hooves and snort to warn other deer. It may also !flag! or raise its tail and show its white underside. &vergreens are important to deer. They provide valuable shelter, escape cover and food during winter. 'onifer plantation of cedar and pine as small as ( acres provide e%cellent shelter for deer once the trees are )* to )( feet high. 'onifers continue to provide valuable cover until the lower, living branches are )( to +* feet off the ground and the understory becomes very open.

Deer use water daily. Their water needs are partially supplied by succulent plants. Lack of free water on dry ridges may deter deer from using these areas. " minimum of one source of permanent water per s#uare mile ,the appro%imated home range of a deer- is needed to secure year round use of the available deer range.

'over re#uirements of deer appear to be related to the animal's need for seclusion and escape. " good interspersion of cover is essential within the home range of a deer. During the summer months, deer will usually be found wherever sufficient food, water, solitude, and cover e%ist. $avored winter cover contains evergreen foliage for concealment and protection from weather, as well as for food. 'over on south slopes and in hollows offers the best protection from weather.

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