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Qualifying Exam for grade 7 (Answer Key) Part A Calculation Skills 1. How many fifths are there in Solution: 4 1 4 = 5 = 4 5 5 5 4 ?

2. Express 3.45 as a mixed number in its simplest form. 45 3.45 = 3 =3 Solution: 1!! 2! 3. " 1!# l $ontainer needs 12 full pails of water to fill it $ompletely. %hat is the $apa$ity of the pail? 1! 5 = l Solution: 12 & 4. ' $oo(s wor(in) * hours ea$h+ are able to prepare 3 2 meals. How many $oo(s+ wor(in) at the same speed+ are needed to prepare *4! meals in &h? Solution: ,raw a table Cooks ' 1 1 1 ? *4! - 42 . 2! 2! $oo(s are needed. ours * * 1 & & !eals 3 2 3 2 - ' . 5& 5& - * . ' & / ' . 42 *4!

5. 0enneth $y$led from his home to s$hool at an a1era)e speed of 15 (m2h. "fter s$hool+ his father dro1e him 1 home at an a1era)e speed of &! (m2h. His trip ba$( home too( h less than his trip to s$hool. 3ind the 2 distan$e between 0enneth4s home and his s$hool. Solution: Speed: Home to s$hool : S$hool to home . 15 : &! . 1 : 4 5ime ta(en: Home to s$hool : S$hool to home . 4 : 1 1 3 units h 2 1 1 1 unit 3 = h 2 & 1 h / &! (m2h . 1! (m & 5he distan$e between his home and s$hool is 1! (m. &. 5ania and Harry are $y$lin) from 6oint " to 6oint 7 whi$h is 52 (m away. 5ania $y$les at a speed of 12 (m2h and Harry $y$les at a speed at 1& (m2h. How far away will 5ania be from 6oint 7 when Harry $ompletes the ra$e? Solution: 8f 5ania sets off earlier+ she will be: 4! 12 = * (m ahead &! E1ery hour+ Harry will $at$h by:

1& 9 12 . 4 (m * - 4 . 2h e will take "# to catc# u$ '. 8n the fi)ure+ not drawn to s$ale+ PQST is a trape:oid and TP 2 2 SQ . TSR is a strai)ht line and QRS is a ri)ht#an)led trian)le. 3ind UTS and TUR. Solution: 56; . S<; . !o <;S . 1*!o 9 !o 9 3*o . 52o =5S . 1*!o 9 !o 9 52o 9 1&o . 22o 5=; . 1*!o 9 22o 9 52o . 1!&o

P U 1& T S Q 3*

*. 0atherine used & toothpi$(s to build 6attern 1 below. 5hen she used 15 toothpi$(s to build 6attern 2 and 25 toothpi$(s to build 6attern 3. She used 145 toothpi$(s to build a pattern. %hi$h pattern is it?

6attern 1
Solution: 6attern 1 2 3 4 5 M x

6attern 2
>o. of toothpi$(s & 15 25 35 45 M ?

6attern 3
6attern obser1ed & 15 15 ? 1! / 1 15 ? 1! / 2 15 ? 1! / 3 M 15 1! / @x 9 2A

6attern 4

15 ? 1! / @x 9 2A . 145 x 2 . @145 9 15A - 1! . 13 x = 15 . 5he tower shown below is made of 1#$m $ubes+ sta$(ed on top of ea$h layer. 5he entire tower is painted )reen. 3ind the total area that is painted )reen if a ten layer tower is built and then painted )reen.

Solution: Bount the number of fa$es that $an be seen when 1iewed from all & dire$tions. >ote the number pattern of exposed fa$es and the number of layers. @1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4A / 4 ? 2 / 4 / 4 . '2 $m2 5he area painted )reen is '2 $m2.

1!. Bhloe+ Ceeta and Daria had some $andies. Bhoe had twi$e as many $andies as Ceeta. %hen Ceeta )a1e of her $andies to Bhloe and Daria )a1e

1 3

5 of hers to Bhloe+ Bhloe had a total of 4&' $andies. Daria had 5* '

$andies left. Solution: Daria )a1e @5* - 2A / 5 . 145 $andies to Bhloe. ' units 4&' 9 145 . 322 1 unit 322 - ' . 4& 2 units 2 / 4& . 2 & units & / 4& . 2'& Part % Pro&lem Sol'ing Skills 1. 5!5 / 2! . 5!! / " ? " ? " ? " ? " ? ". 3ind the 1alue of ". Solution: 5!5 / 2! . 5!!" ? 5" . "@5!! ? 5A . 5!5" 5herefore+ " . 2! 2. 5he len)th of re$tan)le is 2! $m. 8ts width is one fifth its len)th. Express the perimeter of its re$tan)le in terms of w in the simplest form. 1 Solution: %idth = 5! x 5 . 4x $m 6erimeter . 2!x ? 2!x ? 4x ? 4x . 4*x $m 3. 5he fi)ure below is made up of 2 re$tan)les and sEuare. 8ts dimensions are )i1en in $m. n?'

4 n
3ind the area of the fi)ure in terms of n. Solution: "rea . @n / nA ? @n / 4A ? @n ? ' 9 nA / n . n2 ? 4n ? 'n . n2 ? 11n . n@n ? 11A 4. " fen$e is to be built one meter away from the sides of a sEuare field. Ea$h side of the sEuare is 3f m. 3ind the total len)th of the fen$e needed.

3f m

1m 1m
Solution: 5otal len)th needed . @3f ? 1 ? 1A / 4 . @12f ? *A m

5. A+ B+ C and D are four points on a number line representin) the numbers a+ b+ c and d respe$ti1ely. 8t is )i1en that A lies on the ri)ht of B.

C lies on the ri)ht of D and lies on the left of A. Ban c be the smallest number? Explain your answer. Solution: a > c > d >b or a > b > d or a > b > c > d Sin$e @any two of the answersA 5hus+ no Part C (on)routine Pro&lem Sol'ing 1. 5he leadin) di)it of a 2!13#di)it number is 5. "ny two nei)hbourin) di)its is either a multiple of 13 or a multiple of 2'. ,etermine the sum of all possible different 1alues of the last di)it of this 2!13#di)it number. Solution: %e (now all the two#di)it numbers that are multiple of 13 are 13+ 2&+ 3 + 52+ &5+ '* and 1. %hile those two#di)it numbers that are multiple of 2' are 2'+ 54 and *1. 5hen the possible first two di)its of this 2!13#di)it number are 52 or 54. 5his implies the se$ond di)it must be 2 be$ause none of the multiple of 13 or 2' be)in with 4 as the leadin) di)it. >ow+ the third di)it is either ' or &. %hen it is '+ it must be followed by * and then the three#$y$le 1+ 3 and . 5he 2!13rd di)it will be 3. %hen it is &+ then the fourth di)it is 5 a)ain. 5hus we may ha1e a three#$y$le 5+ 2 and &+ and the 2!13rd di)it will be &. Suppose let us swit$h the di)it & to di)it ' at the last step+ then the 2!13rd di)it will be$ome '. Suppose we swit$h earlier+ the 2!13rd di)it will be 3. 5hus+ the possible sum is 3 ? & ? ' . 1&. 2. Ci1en: N = 1 + 215 + 415 . ,etermine a prime fa$tor of N. Solution:
45 ( 215 1) ( 23! + 215 1) = 23! + 215 1 and Sin$e 1 + 215 + 415 = 215 1 = 2 1 215 1

245 1 = ( 2 1) ( 23& + 2 2' + 21* + 2 1) this implies 2 1 245 1 .


7ut CB3 ( 2 1+ 215 1) = 23 1+ and we also (now that 2 1 = 2& + 23 + 1 = '3. 23 1 5hus+ '3 is one of the prime fa$tor of N. 3. Fet a, b+ c+ d be four distin$t real numbers that satisfy @a + cA@a + dA = @b + cA@b + dA = 1. ,etermine the 1alue of @a + cA@b + cA. Solution: 3rom the )i1en eEuation+ we ha1e
@a + cA@ a + d A @b + cA@b + d A = !

this implies @a 2 b2 A + @ a bA@c + d A = !+ that is @a bA@ a + b + c + d A = !. 7ut a b+ then a + b + c + d = !+ that isG a + b = ( c + d ) + so we ha1e @a 2 b 2 A + @ a bA@c + d A = !. Hen$e+ 1 = @a + cA@a + d A = a 2 + @c + d Aa + cd = a 2 @a + bAa + cd = cd ab. and @a + cA@b + c A = c 2 + @ a + bAc + ab = c 2 @c + d Ac + ab = ab cd = 1.

4. " sEuare was partitioned into four $on1ex poly)on sides without any portion o1erlappin). "ssume the number of sides of these four $on1ex poly)on as a+ b+ c+ d respe$ti1ely su$h that a > b > c > d 3 . %hi$h of the followin) 4#tuple positi1e inte)ers @a+ b+ c+ dA are the possible solution sets? @&+5+4+3A @'+&+5+4A @'+&+4+3A @'+5+4+3A ". G 7. G B. G ,. G

Solution: %e $an s(et$h se1eral dia)ram and obser1e the possible out$omes: we (now that for e1ery two $on1ex poly)on+ there $an ha1e one $ommon side only+ then there will be a most three sides of e1ery $on1ex poly)on in one sEuare+ but there will ha1e at most four sides of $on1ex poly)on $oin$ide with the side of the )i1en sEuare. Hen$e+ the sides of these $on1ex poly)on $an not ex$eed 3 ? 4 . '. 8t follows that the least number of side is 3. Hen$e+ the possible 4#tuple positi1e inte)ers @a+ b+ c+ dA must be either '+ &+ 5+ 4+ or 3. %hen a . '+ then some of the sides in '#sided poly)on will o1erlap with two sides of the )i1en sEuare. Hen$e+ the number of sides of the $on1ex poly)on must be 2 + 3 = 5. 5hus+ the number of sides of the $on1ex poly)on $an not be ' and 5. 5his implies that the possible 4#tuple positi1e inte)ers @a+ b+ c+ dA $an only be ( '+ 5+ 4+ 3 ) and

( &+

5+ 4+ 3 ) . ;efer the two dia)ram below for a better explanation.

6repared by:

Dr. Simon L. Chua

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