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MLK - courage, sacrifice Ghandi - courage, sacrifice, standing up, etc Catcher in the Rye - Frustration, change, immaturity

Hitler - Power, corruption, propaganda Julius Caesar (play) - Pride, downfall Ender's Game - severe pressure, emotional distress, deception Marc Antony (in the play) - style over substance, manipulation, trickery Beloved - dwelling on/getting over the past, starting a new life, effects on human psyche Advertising/Marketing - How first impressions/how something is presented affects a person's view on something Brave New World - role of technology in people's lives, does personal freedom have to be sacrificed for a happy society?, etc Lord of the Rings is infinitely usable. Twain Novels are decent. Abe Lincoln- courage, working hard/persistence/self-made man Song of Solomon- self-discovery FDR - overcoming hardship, innovative Macbeth - discrepancy of appearance v reality (Fair is foul and foul is fair) Henry CLay compromises Munich conference - appeasing others' wishes Frankenstein: dangerous knowledge, secrets of science, monster being rejected by society, abortion. The Great Gatsby: decline of America in the 1920s, deals with upper class throughout the novel. And Then There Were None: justice, guilt. Bill Gates/Warren Buffet: wealthy people who strive to donate to charities: money can or cannot be powerful - can argue either side; also, grew up with nothing, and accomplished a lot of things. Malcolm X: civil rights leader - anti-racism. The Once and Future King: force and justice, knighthood (bravery and becoming a man). Adolf Hitler: power/corruption/ambition.

Animal Farm: corruption/communism, abuse of power. King Lear: justice - believing humans get what is just since God is just. Beowulf: bravery, loyalty - Wiglaf stays and helps Beowulf while the dragon ends up killing Beowulf; Wiglaf never leaves his side, while Beowulf's other men have already fled. To Kill a Mockingbird: prejudice, educating children's innoncent minds. The Hobbit: heroism - Bilbo who develops from an average, ordinary person into a hero. The Odyssey: temptation. Fahrenheit 451: censorship, knowledge vs. ignorance. The Scarlet Letter: sin, identity. The Outsiders: the rich and poor, when male and female interace = chaos, doing things to honor him and his gang. Rosa Parks: anti-racism, stood up for what she believed in - equality among race. Les Miserables - potential of man, goodness of man, flaws of the criminal justice system attilla the hun - he turned a ragtag group of warring tribes into the most terrifying force in Asia that sacked Rome. Working together, united we stand, divided we fall, that type of stuff. Also shows that every crisis is an opportunity in disguise, because Mongolia was a podunk, nomadic land. 1984, The Giver- individuality hercules- redemption for lost innocence hector- pride, downfall Rachel Carson - courage, persistence, launched the Global Environmental Movement Is it beneficial to avoid using technology?" and I used the Soviet-American Cold War/Arms Race as one example, and my grandmother, who avoids technology like the plague! st. francis of assisi - born into wealth but hated that lifestyle, chose a life of poverty and love, etc. J. Robert Oppenheimer - genius, father of the atomic bomb, realized the horror of it and founded a commission that tried to stop the arms race Vietnam - learning from our mistakes, a "failure"

Boo from To Kill a mockingbird - don't judge a book by its cover My Name is Asher Lev - Two conflicting cultures Bave New World/1984 - Product of the environment Nineteen Minutes - Conformity The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail - Standing up for what you believe in, civil disobedience, simplicity, non conformity, protecting nature The Great Gastby - Good intentions with bad actions, social rules Death of a Salesman - Death of American Dream, capitalism, you make what you're worth The Importance of being Earnest - Defining a person by a name, social rules The Strnager - absurdity of life, logic v. reality Chronicle of a Death Foretold - Ends justify the means, society's fascination with violence Microsoft/Apple - creativity I guess, change, technology... Anna Politskovskaya- truth and objectivity Oedipus- excessive pride Holden- detached from world (you could use him for so many things) Napoleon/Hitler- History repeats itself Kite Runner- Loyalty John Rabe- Loyalty My essay topic was something along the lines of should leaders be allowed exceptions to the rules, I said no and my example was that George Washington set the precedent that leaders were not supreme and they are in fact servants to the people. Some people said it was generic but I got a 12 so...worked for me I feel like using presidents like GW or Abe are always good, even if they are popular choices, because they're so dynamic that you can say a lot about them without necessarily repeating what everyone else said. An personal example for bravery, freedom of speech, democracy, etc is a Burmese woman, Aung San Suu Kyi. She would make a good example for a lot of topics,

and if you read up a little bit about her the essay graders will be impressed by your knowledge of somewhat obscure current events. Love this woman! Aung San Suu Kyi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia beowulf faust (goethe) les miserables (hugo) crime and punishment (dostoevsky) stalin alexander the great turner's frontier thesis the great gatsby (fitzgerald) the metamorphosis (kafka) napoleon Brother's Karamazov - Dostoyevsky (for corruption, profligacy, recklessness, swindling, immorality for Fyodor Karamazov) Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain (for reflections, epiphanies, racism, controversy, running away from society) The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway (moral decadence, 1920s, lost generation, loose morals, seduction, BRETT ASHLEY - the epitome of the sexually liberated woman) For Whom the Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway (story of a man who decides to take upon the cumbersome role of a bomber in Spanish civil war, courage, audacity, defies the norms ----> antagonist, the drunkard Pablo, who is obstinate to the "Ingles"'s ideas, but later opens up.) Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck (shows the cruelty of man, man cruel to kin, man deserting kin (Casey deserts Ruth), competition over jobs, downturn of the

world, world is changing for the worse, lack of government intervention, hedonistic or avaricious goals are solely guiding life.) The Namesake, or The Interpreter of Maladies - Jhumpa Lahiri (story of conflicting cultures, growing up in parents' shadows, trying to become independent, becoming successful, in a country unfamiliar to your parents) The Jungle - Upton Sinclair (IS NOT INTENDED TO SHOW THE HORRORS OF THE MEATPACKING INDUSTRY, it is meant to show the adversity faced by immigrant workers and factory workers during the early 20th century, as well as the corruption of politics, the intertwining political connection, monopolies, vertical - horizontal integration of companies) Candide - Voltaire (a story of a simpleton in love with a woman who pursues her all around the globe; he is robbed by a Dutch pirate, and ridiculed in his proposal for marriage to Miss Cunegonde by her brother [for being a pauper]. His is a scrupulous fellow, though harshly treated by the vigorous world.) Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald (story of moral disintegration in the 1920s, infidelity, corruption, immorality) HISTORICAL EVENTS Woodrow Wilson's reluctant declaration of war in 1918. He initially wanted peace. After Lusitania & Arabic war was inevitable. FDR and the New Deal you can't go wrong writing about the New Deal; it exemplifies government intervention for the better of the public. TR and the Trust breaking (as well as the Big Stick Diplomacy) - for those of you who were in APUSH this year, this was a large section of the curriculum; TR was cognizant of the abuse of monopolies and trust, and Upton

Sinclair's FICTION novel exacerbated the tensions of the time. TR also passed the Food and Drug Act of 1906 Other things to write about: Civil War, Gettysburg, Revolutionary War, Puritan Church in America, laxity of 1960s, Reagan Era, Conservatives, conservatism, Palin, Obama, BIN LADEN'S DEATH, terrorism, Pequot war, encroaching on Indian land, Indian removal act 1830; Andrew Jackson; Corruption of Jackson's cabinet.

IF WE GET A QUESTION LIKE THAT OF THE MARCH 2011 TEST write from personal anecdotes. Reality Television, for instance: True Life, Jersey Shore, Biggest Loser, Survivor. Photography - Famous photos you've seen. Great Depression, photos of Woodstock, photos of 9/11. film Princess Mononoke 1. Clarissa The immoral rake The rewards of virtue and the punishment of evil Enclosure Money 2. Lord of the Flies Innate savageness vs civilization Loss of Innocence 4. Brave New World The use of technology to control society

Happiness vs truth Dangers of totalinarianism Alienation 5. Of Mice and Men The predatory nature of human existence Idealized male friendship The impossibility of the American dream Loneliness and companionship 6. The Scarlet Letter The inevitable burden and consequence of sin Identity 7. The Catcher in the Rye Alienation Growing up 8. The Crucible Reputation Blame and accusation Intolerance 9. Frankenstein Dangerous knowledge Seclusion because of physical characteristics Monstrosity 10. Othello Accusation 11. Macbeth Exceptions to the rule

Greed Sons and lovers

SAT Essay Examples 1984 by George Orwell Plot: Totalitarian government, a party member named Winston Smith wants to overthrow it; government controls all thoughts, actions, etc. Winston falls in love with a girl named Julia who works in his department; they try to be indoctrinated into the Brotherhood, a legendary society that wants to overthrow the government. They are captured, Winston finally cracks and tells them to hurt Julia instead of him; at the end he learns to love Big Brother (the supposed leader of the party) and accepts the government system. Winston Smith: timid, fatalistic, hates the totalitarianism. Sort of like a revolutionary, but too scared to do anything. Themes: Dangers of totalitarianism; government controls everything, even disloyal thoughts are punishable. Themes: Opposition to authority figures. Themes: Psychological Manipulation; government has telescreens and signs promoting Big Brother. Mikes blasting propaganda all the time. Themes: TOTAL CONTROL. Government controls history; changes peoples pasts to suit their needs. Themes: Standing up to authority. Iraq War: Wrong decision, led to nowhere; citizens ignorant of the fact that they had no weapons of mass destruction. Ignorance led to innocent lives being lost. Holocaust: Did not realize fast enough that Hitler was mass exterminating Jews, lack of knowledge led to innocent lives being lost. Burden of knowledge for Hitlers cronies. Outsourcing: Many jobs are being outsourced to other countries because they are cheap; shows materialism. Martin Luther King: Fought for black rights, courage, sacrifice. Mahatma Gandhi: Fought for freedom of India, courage, sacrifice, standing up to authority. Hitler: Wanted to take over the world, killed millions of people; power, corruption. Always trying to protect himself, paranoid.

Spiderman (Movie): With great power comes great responsibility, loss of innocence. Marketing/Advertising: First impressions make a big difference. Bill Gates: Opposition to authority, persistence, self-made. Lord of the Flies Macbeth Copied and pasted exactly from the list I made to prepare from. Honestly, out of these, I only had like 1984, Hitler, Gandhi, MLK, LotF, and Macbeth memorized and I got a 12 on my essay. I didn't use any personal examples, but I used Gandhi, MLK, and Lord of the Flies.

100 Great Examples (SAT Essay): 1. Steven Job (Apple Computers) 2. Michael Dell (Dell Computers) 3. Richard Branson (Virgin Records) 4. Donald Trump (Real Estate Mogul) 5. Howard Schultz (Starbucks) 6. Jack Welch (General Electric) 7. The Google Guys: Larry Page and Sergey Brin 8. Andrew Carnegie 9. Nelson Mandela 10. 13 Days (JFK- Cuban Missile Crisis) 11. Augusto Pinochet 12. Manuel Noriega 13. Alberto Fujimori 14. Watergate Scandal 15. Enron Scandal (Sarbanes-Oxley Act) 16. Smartest Guys in the Room: Enron (movie or book) 17. Wall Street (movie CAUTION: Rated R) 18. Dot-Com Boom & Dot-Com Burst 19. Wall Street Crash of 1929 20. Ideologies: Liberalism / Communism / Socialism / Social Democracy 21. Capitalism vs. Anti-Globalization Movement 22. NAFTA / CAFTA (Pros vs. Cons)

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

Oprah Winfrey Martha Stewart. 9/11 (e.g. NYPD/NYFD, post-9/11, etc.) Global Warming Hybrid Technology / Full Cell Technology Dependency on Foreign Oil Vietnam / Gulf / Iraq War French / Russian / American Revolution Patriot Act Singapore / China / North Korea (ideologies) Socrates / Plato (the Republic->our constitution) Glass Menagerie (movie or book) Death of a Salesman (movie or book) Birth of a Nation (movie) Great Gatsby (book) Scent of a Woman (movie) Macbeth (book) Merchant of Venice (book) 12 Angry Men (movie) Ethan Frome (book) Citizen Kane (movie) A Tale of Two Cities (book) Scarlet Letter (book or movie) Of Mice and Men (movie or book) The Count of Monte Cristo (movie or book) Metropolis (movie) 1984 (movie or book) Fahrenheit 451 (book) One Hundred Years of Solitude (book) Crime and Punishment (book) War and Peace (book) Inferno (book) The Oedipus Play (book) Othello (book) Don Quixote (book) Black Boy (book) The Brother Karamazov (book) Birth of a Nation (movie) Great Expectations (book) Little Women (book) The Metamorphosis (book) A Million Little Pieces (book) Vertigo (movie)

66. The World is Flat (book) 67. Israel vs. Palestine (the bloodshed) 68. Candide (book) 69. VJ Singh (vs. Tiger Woods) 70. Lance Armstrong 71. Muhammad Ali 72. Steve Prefontaine 73. The Roman Empire 74. The Fall of Rome 75. Early Middle Ages 76. High Middle Ages 77. Italian Renaissance 78. The Enlightenment 79. The Scientific Revolution 80. The French Revolution 81. Napoleonic Europe 82. The Great Depression 83. The Civil Rights Era 84. Niel Bohr 85. Sigmund Freud 86. Vladimir Lenin 87. Georgia OKeeffe 88. J. Robert Oppenheimer 89. Max Planck 90. James K. Polk 91. Sacajawea 92. Harriet Beecher Stowe 93. Joseph Stalin 94. Woodrow Wilson 95. John Winthrop 96. Virginia Woolf 97. Werner Heisenberg 98. Friedrich Nietzsche 99. Pablo Neruda 100. Eva Peron

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