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Basic Computation/s Part II IV Drugs & IVF Chapter 4

Interpretation/Calculati ng Medication Dosages

Ratio is the relationship of two quantities

! " # !$%"" / " # /$%""

Interpretation/Calculati ng Medication Dosages

R&'I( e)g For e*er+ $" stu,ents there is teacher) 'he ratio of teacher to stu,ents is in $" or !$" or /$"

Interpretation/Calculati ng Medication Dosages

Proportion forme, -+ using two ratios that are equal .% . $/%. "/ $ " Cross pro,ucts are equal to

". "

0 is equal to %/ "



1 . 2/ $

Cross pro,ucts are $ . $ 1 . 2/ $


'he 4, or,ers $" mg I4 of a ,rug for a patient) 'he ,rug is a*aila-le in " ml *ial that contains %" mg of ,rug) 5ow man+ ml will -e nee,e, to suppl+ the ,ose of $" mg6 Given! ) " ml *ial $) %" mg of ,rug in " ml *ial 2) $" mg is the ,esire,



"ml . ml %"mg %mg Ratio for the require, ,ose

/ ml $" mg Proportion! ml . / ml %mg $" mg % / / . / $" %/ . $" / . 4ml 7 $" ,i*i,e, -+ % 8

) &mpicillin oral susp) $%"mg/%ml ) 5ow man+ ml woul, -e measure, into a me,ication s+ringe to o-tain a ,ose of 9%mg of ampicillin6


$) Paracetamol $%mg/ %ml) 5ow man+ ml woul, -e measure, into a me,ication s+ringe to o-tain % mg of Paracetamol6


2) 5ow man+ ml of Paracetamol IV shoul, -e gi*en to o-tain a ,ose of %mg in a %:g;man# if a *ial contains 2""mg/$ml of Paracetamol6


4) & *ial contains $%"mg of tetrac+cline 5Cl in a total of $ ml of solution) 5ow man+ mg of tetrac+cline 5Cl are containe, in ")< ml of this solution6

Conversion Between Systems of measurement

1000 g 1000 mg 1000 ng 1000 ml 100 ml

= = = = =

1 1 1 1 1

g g mcg ! d!

Conversion Between Systems of measurement

"ule# 1 'o con*ert a quantit+ in the metric s+stem to a large metric unit 7mg to g8 mo*e the ,ecimal point to the left =maller to larger .right to left $%ample# &mg = 0'00&g

Conversion Between Systems of measurement

"ule# & 'o con*ert a quantit+ to a smaller metric unit# mo*e the ,ecimal point to the right $%ample# &'( l = &(00 ml


Con*ert $% g to mg Con*ert %" ml to liters

)pot*ecary System of weig*ts

-ase, upon the grain# which is the smallest unit in the s+stem >itrogl+cerin / ""gr# / %" gr &tropine sulfate /$""gr) / %" gr &ppro/imate equi*alent

% grains . gram grain . <" mg

)pot*ecary System of weig*ts

Con*ert % milligrams to grains grain . / grain <" mg % mg <" / . % / . %/<" / . )$% grain

'he ph+sician or,ers 9 0 grains of aminoph+lline po for a client) (n han, are aminoph+lline ta-lets %"" mg) 5ow man+ ta-lets are require, for one ,ose6 ?IV3>! gram . / gram % grain 9)% grain % / . 9)% / . ")% g 7%""mg8


5ow man+ mg of nitrogl+cerin are in one / %" grain ta-let of the ,rug6 ?i*en! gram . / gram % grains / %" grains % / . / %" . )""<9 / . ")"""4g . ")4 mg

Calculation of +ractional Doses#

ratio an, proportion

'he 4, or,ers #"""#""" units of Pen ? for a patient) 'he pen ? on han, is a*aila-le as a solution containing $%"#""" units/ml $%"#""" units . # """#""" units ml / ml $%"#"""/ . #"""#"""

/ . 4 ml

3/ample !

'he ph+sician or,ers $%" mcg of Vitamin B $ I4 ,ail+) 'he *itamin on han, is la-ele, #"""mcg/ml) 5ow man+ ml shoul, -e gi*en to the patient6

3/ample $!

& patient is to -e gi*en $% mg Diphenh+,ramine po an, is a*aila-le as $)%mg/%ml prep)) 5ow man+ ml shoul, -e gi*en6

3/ample 2!

& me,ication or,er calls for 9%" mg calcium lactate to -e gi*en 'ID P() (n han, are ta-lets of calcium lactate ")% g) 5ow man+ ta-lets shoul, -e gi*en for each ,ose6

Calculation of Dosages Based on ,eig*t

'he ph+sician or,ers thia-en,a@ole chewa-le ta-lets for a " poun, chil,) 'he recommen,e, ,osage is $" mg/:g/,ose) 5ow man+ %"" mg ta-lets shoul, -e gi*en to this patient for each ,ose)

Calculation of Dosages Based on ,eig*t

Con*ert weight to :g $" mg . / mg :g %" :g / . """ mg %"" mg . """mg ta/ ta/ . $ ta-lets per ,ose


'he recommen,e, ,ose of 4eperi,ine is <mg/:g/,a+ for pain) It is gi*en e*er+ 4 to < hours) 5ow man+ ml of Demerol inAection %"mg/ml shoul, -e a,ministere, to a 22 poun, chil, as a single ,ose e*er+ < hours6


Calculate the ,ail+ ,ose for a 22; poun, chil, <mg/ :g 7$)$l-8 . / mg / 22 l/ . B" mg Demerol / ,a+


Calculate the num-er of ml of ,emerol inAection %" mg/ml nee,e, for the ,ail+ ,ose %" mg/ ml . B" mg/ / ml


Calculate the num-er of ml to -e gi*en e*er+ < hours )C ml/ $4 h . / ml/ < h $4 / . ")C / . ")4% ml

Calculations Involving Intravenous )dministration

5ow long will it ta:e to complete an IV infusion of )% D of D% E -eing a,ministere, at the rate of 4% ,rops /min6 'he IV set is cali-rate, to ,eli*er % ,rops/ml)

Calculations Involving Intravenous )dministration

Determine the num-er of ml/min -eing infuse, Drop rate of IV set . % gtt/ ml . 4%gtt/ / ml

% / . 4%

/ . 2 ml/min

Calculations Involving Intravenous )dministration

Calculate the num-er of ml/hour

2 ml/min) / <" min/hr . C"/ hour

Calculations Involving Intravenous )dministration

Calculate the num-er of hours require, to a,minister the total *olume of the solution) If C" ml are ,eli*ere, each hour# then how man+ hours are require, to a,minister #%"" ml6

C"ml/hr . #%"" ml/hr C" / . #%"" / . C)2 hours or C hours $" min)

Calculations Involving I/ Infusion

&n IV pigg+-ac: of Cefa@olin %""mg in ""ml/hour is or,ere,) 'he pigg+-ac: IV set is cali-rate, to ,eli*er " gtts)ml) 5ow man+ ,rops/min) shoul, -e a,ministere,6

Calculations Involving I/ Infusion

"" ml/ <" min) . / ml/ min) <" / . "" / . )9 ml/ min) Flow rate! Drop rate " gtt/ min)/ min) . / gtt/ )9 ml F . 9 gtt/ min)

Calculations Involving I/ Infusion

Dail+ flui, requirement $"""ml of electrol+te solution a,ministere, $4 hours an, that Cefa@olin so,ium %"" mg in "" ml/hr is or,ere, GID) 'he num-er o, ml/,a+ an, the times of the pigg+-an: infusion must -e su-tracte, from the ,ail+ flui, requirement)

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