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20 True/False Questions

1. Aerobic respiration The reaction in cells that releases energy from glucose using oxygen

This is true. You gave no answer.

2. Diaphragm Major airway, reinforced by rings of cartilage, that extends from the larynx to the bronchi

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Diaphragm A shallow dome-shaped, muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen. Used in ventilation.

3. Oxygen debt Produced in muscles when glucose is broken down anaerobically during strenuous muscular activity

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Oxygen debt The volume of oxygen needed to completely break down the lactic acid build up produced in the body during anaerobic respiration.

4. Mucus Secreted into respiratory airways by goblet cells to trap particles of dirt and bacteria that are breathed into the body

This is true. You gave no answer.

5. Intercostal muscles Major airway, reinforced by rings of cartilage, that extends from the larynx to the bronchi

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Intercostal muscles Muscles found between each rib.

6. Alveoli Fine hair-like projections that line the respiratory tract. They beat rhythmically to sweep mucus and trapped particles towards the mouth and away from the lungs preventing infection

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Alveoli Microscopic air sacs found at the end of bronchioles. They have a large surface area to allow efficient gas exchange with the blood.

7. Gas Exchange System Air is forced out of the lungs when internal intercostals contract pulling the ribs down and in. The diaphragm muscles relax and the diaphragm returns to a dome shape. This reduces chest volume and raises pressure inside the thorax so air is forced out of the lungs.

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Gas Exchange System The lungs and associated structures make up this system.

8. Trachea Tubes leading from the trachea to each lung

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Trachea Major airway, reinforced by rings of cartilage, that extends from the larynx to the bronchi.

9. Pleural cavity Acts as lubrication to ensure the surfaces of the lungs don't stick to the inside of the chest wall when we breathe

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Pleural cavity Body cavity that surrounds the lungs.

10. Cilia Fine hair-like projections that line the respiratory tract. They beat rhythmically to sweep mucus and trapped particles towards the mouth and away from the lungs preventing infection

This is true. You gave no answer.

11. Ventilation Air is forced out of the lungs when internal intercostals contract pulling the ribs down and in. The diaphragm muscles relax and the diaphragm returns to a dome shape. This reduces chest volume and raises pressure inside the thorax so air is forced out of the lungs.

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Ventilation The mechanism that moves air into and out of the lungs.

12. Bronchi Tubes leading from the trachea to each lung

This is true. You gave no answer.

13. Lactic acid Tough connective tissue found in the walls of the trachea and bronchi. It supports the airways and keeps them open when we breathe

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Lactic acid Produced in muscles when glucose is broken down anaerobically during strenuous muscular activity.

14. Anaerobic respiration The reaction in cells that releases energy from glucose using oxygen

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Anaerobic respiration A form of respiration that can occur without using oxygen. In this reaction glucose is not completely broken down and less energy is released e.g. in yeast and muscle cells.

15. Exhalation Air is drawn into the lungs when external intercostals contract pulling the ribs up and out. The diaphragm muscles contract causing the diaphragm to flatten. This increases chest volume and lowers pressure inside the thorax so air is drawn into the lungs.

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Exhalation Air is forced out of the lungs when internal intercostals contract pulling the ribs down and in. The diaphragm muscles relax and the diaphragm returns to a dome shape. This reduces chest volume and raises pressure inside the thorax so air is forced out of the lungs..

16. Thorax Fine hair-like projections that line the respiratory tract. They beat rhythmically to sweep mucus and trapped particles towards the mouth and away from the lungs preventing infection

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Thorax The part of the human body between the neck and the abdomen, partially enclosed by the ribs and containing the heart and lungs.

17. Cartilage Tough connective tissue found in the walls of the trachea and bronchi. It supports the airways and keeps them open when we breathe

This is true. You gave no answer.

18. Aerobic respiration reaction The reaction in cells that releases energy from glucose usin g oxygen

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Aerobic respiration reaction Glucose + Oxygen react to release Carbon Dioxide + Water (+Energy).

19. Pleural fluid Body cavity that surrounds the lungs

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Pleural fluid Acts as lubrication to ensure the surfaces of the lungs don't stick to the inside of the chest wall when we breathe.

20. Pleural membranes Acts as lubrication to ensure the surfaces of the lungs don't stick to the inside of the chest wall when we breathe

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Pleural membranes Thin, moist membranes that form a continuous envelope around the lungs, creating an airtight seal.

20 True/False Questions
1. Air is drawn into the lungs when external intercostals contract pulling the ribs up and out. The diaphragm muscles contract causing the diaphragm to flatten. This increases chest volume and lowers pressure inside the thorax so air is drawn into the lungs. Inhalation

This is true. You gave no answer.

2. Tubes leading from the trachea to each lung Bronchi

This is true. You gave no answer.

3. A shallow dome-shaped, muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen. Used in ventilation Diaphragm

This is true. You gave no answer.

4. Acts as lubrication to ensure the surfaces of the lungs don't stick to the inside of the chest wall when we breathe Pleural fluid

This is true. You gave no answer.

5. Tough connective tissue found in the walls of the trachea and bronchi. It supports the airways and keeps them open when we breathe Cartilage

This is true. You gave no answer.

6. Major airway, reinforced by rings of cartilage, that extends from the larynx to the bronchi Trachea

This is true. You gave no answer.

7. Glucose + Oxygen react to release Carbon Dioxide + Water (+Energy) Pleural cavity

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Glucose + Oxygen react to release Carbon Dioxide + Water (+Energy) Aerobic respiration reaction.

8. Thin, moist membranes that form a continuous envelope around the lungs, creating an airtight seal Ventilation

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Thin, moist membranes that form a continuous envelope around the lungs, creating an airtight seal Pleural membranes.

9. Muscles found between each rib Intercostal muscles

This is true. You gave no answer.

10. The part of the human body between the neck and the abdomen, partially enclosed by the ribs and containing the heart and lungs Ventilation

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be The part of the human body between the neck and the abdomen, partially enclosed by the ribs and containing the heart and lungs Thorax.

11. The volume of oxygen needed to completely break down the lactic acid build up produced in the body during anaerobic respiration Oxygen debt

This is true. You gave no answer.

12. Secreted into respiratory airways by goblet cells to trap particles of dirt and bacteria that are breathed into the body Mucus

This is true. You gave no answer.

13. A form of respiration that can occur without using oxygen. In this reaction glucose is not completely broken down and less energy is released e.g. in yeast and muscle cells Anaerobic respiration

This is true. You gave no answer.

14. Air is forced out of the lungs when internal intercostals contract pulling the ribs down and in. The diaphragm muscles relax and the diaphragm returns to a dome shape. This reduces chest volume and raises pressure inside the thorax so air is forced out of the lungs. Inhalation

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Air is forced out of the lungs when internal intercostals contract pulling the ribs down and in. The diaphragm muscles relax and the diaphragm returns to a dome shape. This reduces chest volume and raises pressure inside the thorax so air is forced out of the lungs. Exhalation.

15. The mechanism that moves air into and out of the lungs Pleural cavity

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be The mechanism that moves air into and out of the lungs Ventilation.

16. Produced in muscles when glucose is broken down anaerobically during strenuous muscular activity Lactic acid

This is true. You gave no answer.

17. Body cavity that surrounds the lungs Ventilation

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Body cavity that surrounds the lungs Pleural cavity.

18. Fine hair-like projections that line the respiratory tract. They beat rhythmically to sweep mucus and trapped particles towards the mouth and away from the lungs preventing infection Aerobic respiration

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Fine hair-like projections that line the respiratory tract. They beat rhythmically to sweep mucus and trapped particles towards the mouth and away from the lungs preventing infection Cilia.

19. The lungs and associated structures make up this system Bronchi

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be The lungs and associated structures make up this system Gas Exchange System.

20. Microscopic air sacs found at the end of bronchioles. They have a large surface area to allow efficient gas exchange with the blood Cartilage

This is false. You gave no answer.

It should be Microscopic air sacs found at the end of bronchioles. They have a large surface area to allow efficient gas exchange with the blood Alveoli.

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