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Word List

faith ~ trust; strong belief. fellowship offering ~ an offering was a gift to God. People shared fellowship offerings and they ate food together. festival ~ a *celebration that remembers a person or an event. Festival of bread that would not rise ~ this reminded people about the time when the *Jews left Egypt. They had to leave quickly. So they had to bake their bread before it had time to rise. Festival of Shelters ~ people built shelters to live in for a week. This reminded them of their *ancestors journey through the desert. Festival of Weeks ~ when the *Israelites thanked God for the wheat harvest; it happened 7 weeks after the Passover (an annual ceremony to remember Gods rescue of the *Jews from Egypt). forgiveness ~ when somebody decides to forgive a person who has done something wrong. The person who forgives is not still angry with that other person. frame ~ a border of wood in which people fix a door or part of a piece of furniture. gazelle ~ a small animal with *horns that runs fast. glory ~ fame and honour. grace ~ Gods *mercy and kindness which are free gifts to us. grapes ~ green or purple soft fruits that people use to make wine. hinge ~ a small piece of metal on which a door or gate turns as it opens. Hittite ~ one of a group of people who had lived in Canaan before the *Jews lived there. holy ~ morally good; something people consider very important in their religion. horn ~ a growth on heads of *cattle or *deer. idol ~ the image of a god to whom people give honour. incense ~ a substance that people use in *religious *celebrations. It has a pleasant smell. Israel ~ the country or nation of people who are *descendants of Jacob; the northern part of that country after it divided. Israelite ~ someone who lives in *Israel; or, a *descendant of Jacob. Jew ~ a person who was born from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their children; an *Israelite.

Judah ~ one of the *tribes of *Israel. The southern part of the *Jewish *kingdom after it divided. keep a promise ~ do what you promised to do. kingdom ~ a country or nation that a king or a queen rules. Levite ~ a member of the *tribe of Levi; a servant in the *temple. lick~ to taste with the tongue. Lord ~ the name of God. It can translate either of two words in Hebrew, which is the original language of this book. The word Yahweh is Gods most holy name, and means God always. The word Adonai means master. majesty ~ a word that people use in order to give great honour to a king. mercy ~ kindness or *forgiveness instead of punishment. miracle ~ a wonderful work that God does by his power and which human knowledge cannot explain. Mount ~ a short word for mountain; small mountain. mule ~ an animal that is born after a horse mates with a similar animal called a donkey. A mule can carry heavy *burdens. offerings ~ *religious gifts. olive/olive oil ~ a bitter green or black fruit; oil from this fruit. ox (oxen ) ~ a strong farm animal that can pull the plough.

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