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Faculty of Education

EDU502 Teaching and Learning

Assignment 1 Lesson Plan Examination

Dr. Sufian Forawi

Student ID: 120168 Date submitted: October 26, 2013 Word Count (excluding appendices): 1099

Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning

Module code: EDU502

Lesson Plan Examination

Introduction The lesson plan is the guided frame of the lessons sequence and its objectives, and it should be initiated from a unit plan (Orlich et al. 2013). This critical review is for a chemistry lesson plan for grades 10-12, with a title Chemical investigation on acids & bases. The lesson is prepared to help students to apply the scientific method when they identify acids and bases by using two kinds of indicators (chemical and natural) in order to achieve the standards goals of the school curriculum, and to follow the long-term objectives in the unit plan.

Objectives General standards are translated to measurable short-term objectives in this daily plan with appropriate practical procedures in order to facilitate the teaching process, while long term objectives are only acceptable in activity plans. Two objectives were listed in the plan. The first one is to understand the scientific method which is not a measurable objective. Thus, it is difficult for the teacher to assess if it is achieved or not. It is more logic to use the verb (apply). Understanding the scientific method seems to be a goal or a standard not a daily objective, and this activity is planning to move a step forward to meet this standard. In addition, more accuracy is needed for the second objective, as it can be observed from the main activity that the students are going to identify the acidic and the basic food according to their chemical properties when they react with the indicator, so this investigation is to identify and distinguish them. Components of the lessons objectives are evaluated in the following table based on Price & Nelson (2003).

Student Id: 120168


Teaching and Learning objectives

Module code: EDU502 Evaluation


1. Understand the scientific method. 2. Differentiate acids & bases.

Although these objectives are generic and materials-free, they are not specific enough to clarify the subject matter. Inappropriate and immeasurable behavior because it cannot be observed Measurable behavior but inappropriate because the practice activity is to identify the acids and bases by using different types of indicators. Conditions are not clarified: The teacher does not clarify if the students will follow written inquiry steps in their lab reports or they will discover the suitable method. No specification to assess the achievements of the students. The teacher mentioned that the students will identify acids and bases (two times) one with the chemical indicator and one with the natural indicator


1. Understand 2. Differentiate


In isolation or in context Setting or situation Provided materials or information


Objectives 1 Objective 2

Teacher Planning An adequate time is assigned for this lesson, 50 minutes. Appropriate resources (chemicals and tools) are provided and listed in the plan. Two inquiries are achieved during this laboratory class, structured then guided inquiry, which lead to great progress in the lesson procedures. The teacher refers to the warm up as ice breaking to clarify the effect of this step. Although, the integration between chemistry and biology was not mentioned, using video about the effect of acids in human stomach is an interesting starter that motivates the students to identify acids, connect their learning to real life problems, and increase their awareness about the types of consumed food. The lesson opening is by asking the students about the common steps of scientific methods to refresh their prerequisite knowledge, which is suitable if it was covered in previous lessons. Otherwise, it would

Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning

Module code: EDU502

take more than the suggested time. Using the students feedback is crucial to connect it with the new information. The body of this lesson is rich with many instructions like explanation, demonstration and inquiry. Subsequently, learners types, visual, auditory and kinesthetic were taken into consideration to address all the students needs. Students were asked different types of challenging questions to enhance critical thinking skills, show differentiation and match the international standards. There are two main activities in this lesson. First, Structured inquiry was applied, where each pair of students were allowed to follow the provided procedures to distinguish between acidic and basic substances. Second, Guided inquiry practice in group work, where students were asked to confirm their results with neither indicators nor procedures to guide them to how to produce their own indicator from the available substances, which is a beneficial technique to increase their responsibility towards learning and encourage them to think abstractly. The names of both of these techniques were not mentioned in the plan but the teacher referred to their procedures.

The lesson is closed by one of the best practices to sum up the new knowledge that was gained, by asking the students about what they have learned in this class. Different strategies are used in this lesson to assess the students outcomes, and to provide a good feedback about the impact of teaching strategies to be improved.

Assessment The self- assessment sheet is included in this lesson with clear criteria to guide the students when they assess themselves. In addition, students were required to assess their achievement to the lesson objectives, which were submitted in the same sheet. The teacher referred to peer assessment in the plan in the form of each pair group will assess the results for one of other pairs but with no specific criteria. Furthermore, students conclusions were considered as a form of assessment, which means that the teacher is going to check and reflect on their work. Although, this lesson offered different assessment structures to monitor the performance of the students, the teacher did not differentiate the types of assessment (formative and summative) in the plan. No homework was added in the plan.

Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning

Module code: EDU502

Discussion A useful comment was added in the plan to enhance and show progress in teaching experience. The teacher admitted that independent learning method was successful with one group only. Thus, more practice is needed to allow the students understand their roles in the learning path. This reflection is effective to help the teacher gives students adequate time to implement such techniques more successfully. Generally, enough details were included in this lesson plan which reflects the teachers experience. Although, using modern teaching strategies and inquiry techniques are effective and supportive to the nature of science, they consume time which may affect the curriculum annual plan, and need a great class management to ensure that the students work on the required track. Indeed, this lesson plan was efficiently designed to represent the variety of teaching instructions and learning activities that are implemented in this science class. The learning process depends on the students skills and abilities, while the teacher acts as the guide or the facilitator to support the students.


Orlich, D.C., Harder, R.J., Callahan, R.C., Trevisan, M.S., Brown, A.H. & Miller, D.E. (2013). Teaching Strategies: A guide to effective instruction. 10th ed. USA:Wadsworth Cengage learning. Price, K.M. & Nelson, K.L. (2003). Daily Planning For Todays Classroom: A guide for writing lesson & activity plans. 2nd ed. Australia: Thomson/Wadsworth.

Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning Appendices: Appendix A Lesson Plan

Module code: EDU502

Date 22-09-2013

Grades Gr: 10 - 12

Lesson What are acid & base

Period(s) Follow the science lab schedule



During this week, students will study the lesson What are acids & bases? In this lesson, students will adapt their minds to apply the scientific method in everyday life in line with the schools mission and vision. Students will identify and study the steps of scientific methods through an experiment about how to identify acids & bases: Observe - infer - plan - conduct predict - conclude. As an independent learner, students themselves will conduct an experiment using different objects in order to differentiate acids & bases.







Standard-2 Understand Use the scientific the scientific skills to Understand method. identify Acids the and bases. acidic Differentiate Acid and basic Base acids & bases types of two times. Indicator food

Observe, hypotheses Predict, Infer Conclude


Textbook Handout(s), Workbook Power Point /MS Word Project/CD/Tape

Homework Check


Lesson Review Participation Quiz / Mini-Test / Report Low & High Questioning Test Review Problem-Solving Project / Research / Presentation / Role Play Others: Specify Self-assessment sheet Prepare the natural indicator Draw the conclusion Each pair will assess the results for one of the other pairs.

Website Link Guest/Fieldtrip/ On-site Visit Posters / Pictures Others: Specify Science Lab., Cabbage, lemon, milk, water, orange, vinegar, beaker, heater, litmus paper, phenolphthalein

Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning

Module code: EDU502



TEACHERS ACTIVITIES / What does the teacher do?

STUDENTS ACTIVITIES / What does the student do?




Ice-breaking / Warm-up / Starter

3 min

1. The teacher will display one minute video about the effect of the strong acids on the human stomach

Students observe, discuss in groups and predict the importance of differentiating the acidity in foods types







2 min

2. The teacher will examine the students prior knowledge by asking questions about how they can conduct an experiment.

Students should be able to mention the main steps that can help them to conduct an experiment.

Ask these 1. What will questions happen if you did not follow 1. What is the the steps of most the scientific important method in a step in a correct order? scientific method?

Students will help other groups to understand the steps of the scientific method.

What will happen if you cannot form a hypothesis?

2. What will happen if you add an acid to a base?

Modeling (Demonstratin g the KnowHow to Students)

15 min

The teacher will ask the students to apply their knowledge and differentiate the acids & bases using different indicators. (pair work)

Each pair will demonstrate the steps of the scientific method. Students will use chemical indicator (Litmus paper or phenolphthalein )


How do you prepare a natural indicator?

Students will create their own experiment using the steps of the scientific method to identify the acidic and basic types of food.

The teacher will ask the students to 20 min confirm their results without using the same indicators (group work)

Prepare a natural indicator (cabbage solution) to be used for the differentiation.

Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning

Module code: EDU502


5 min

The teacher will ask the students to evaluate themselves.

Students will complete the selfassessment paper

Students should compare and contrast their results with other groups.
5 min

Each group will assess the results and conclusion for the next group

Ask these questions Reflect on their knowledge and the experience, they gained in this investigation 1. What have you learned today? Smart board lab. Report Graduated cylinders beakers Litmus papers Phenolphthalein Students will bring different types of food( as they were asked) like : milk orange lemon red cabbage - water - vinegar Science and technology

Extra Resources




One group only was able to prepare the natural indicator by using the solution of red cabbage, while other did not. More practice is needed for this independent learning method to produce better results.

Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning Appendix B Lab. Report

Module code: EDU502

Name: ____________________________________________________ Class: ________________

Date: ____________________________

Procedures 1. Clean the required lab. tools 2. Prepare samples from different kinds of food in test tubes. 3. Use the indicator (Litmus paper or Phenolphthalein) with each sample.

Observation Type of food Color with the indicator

Conclusion ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning

Module code: EDU502

Confirm your result Note: you are not allowed to use Litmus paper or Phenolphthalein

Procedures _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Observation Type of food Color with the indicator

Conclusion _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning Appendix C Self- assessment Sheet

Module code: EDU502

Name :

Class : Date :

Assessment Criteria

1- I understood the lesson objectives. 2- I am satisfied with my work. 3- I gained new knowledge and skills. 4- I followed the science Lab. rules 5- I listened to the teacher carefully. 6- I participated actively in my team. 7- I was focusing.
1: Excellent I understood the lesson completely. 2: Good I understood part of it. 3: Poor I didn't understand the lesson.

Lesson Objectives
1. I understand the scientific method. 2. I can differentiate acids & bases.

Student Signature:


Teacher Signature: _____________


Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning Appendix D Standards

Module code: EDU502

Common Core Standards Al Arabia for Educational Development Chemistry Standard Grade 12 Standard-1- Understand acids and bases. Benchmarks

1. Students know how to distinguish between acids and bases. 2. Students know the observable properties of acids, bases, and salt solutions. 3. Students know acids are hydrogen-ion-donating and bases are hydrogenion-accepting substances. 4. Students know strong acids and bases fully dissociate and weak acids and bases partially dissociate. 5. Students know how to use the pH scale to characterize acid and base solutions. 6. * Students know buffers stabilize pH in acid-base reactions. Standard-2 Understand Chemical Thermodynamics. Benchmarks 1. Students know how to describe temperature and heat flow in terms of the motion of molecules (or atoms). 2. Students know chemical processes can either release (exothermic) or absorb (endothermic) thermal energy. 3. Students know energy is released when a material condenses or freezes and is absorbed when a material evaporates or melts. 4. Students know how to solve problems involving heat flow and temperature changes, using known values of specific heat and latent heat of phase change. Standard-3- Understand reaction rates. Benchmarks 1. Students know the rate of reaction is the decrease in concentration of reactants or the increase in concentration of products with time. 2. Students know how reaction rates depend on such factors as concentration, temperature, and pressure. 3. Students know the role a catalyst plays in increasing the reaction rate. 4. Students know the definition and role of activation energy in a chemical reaction.


Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning

Module code: EDU502

Standard-4- Understand Chemical Equilibrium Benchmarks 1. Students know how to use Le Chatelier's principle to predict the effect of changes in concentration, temperature, and pressure. 2. Students know equilibrium is established when forward and reverse reaction rates are equal. 3. Students know how to write and calculate an equilibrium constant expression for a reaction. 4. Students know how to write and calculate an equilibrium constant expression for Acids ,bases , salts 5. Students know how to calculate solubilitities using solubility- product constants . Standard-5- Understand Organic chemistry and biochemistry Benchmarks 1. Students know the bonding characteristics of carbon that result in the formation of a large variety of structures ranging from simple hydrocarbons to complex polymers and biological molecules. 2. Students know amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. 3. Students know the system for naming the ten simplest linear hydrocarbons and isomers that contain single bonds, simple hydrocarbons with double and triple bonds, and simple molecules that contain a benzene ring. 4. Students know how to identify the functional groups that form the basis of alcohols, ketones, ethers, amines, esters, aldehydes, and organic acids. Standard-6- Understand Nuclear Processes Benchmarks 1. Students know protons and neutrons in the nucleus are held together by nuclear forces that overcome the electromagnetic repulsion between the protons. 2. Students know the energy release per gram of material is much larger in nuclear fusion or fission reactions than in chemical reactions. The change in mass (calculated by E = mc2 ) is small but significant in nuclear reactions. 3. Students know some naturally occurring isotopes of elements are radioactive, as are isotopes formed in nuclear reactions. 4. Students know the three most common forms of radioactive decay (alpha, beta, and gamma) and know how the nucleus changes in each type of decay.


Student Id: 120168

Teaching and Learning

Module code: EDU502

5. Students know alpha, beta, and gamma radiation produce different amounts and kinds of damage in matter and have different penetrations. 6. Students know how to calculate the amount of a radioactive substance remaining after an integral number of half-lives have passed. Standard-7 Understand Oxidation-reduction reactions Benchmarks 1. Students know how Explain what an oxidation reduction is. 2. Students know to balance red ox equations by using the half- reaction method. 3. Students know to explain the concept auto oxidation.


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