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Chapter 1



McDonalds Pakistan
Im lovinit

1.1 Vision:
To be the world's best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality service cleanliness and value so that their !ood makes every customer in every restaurant smile

1.2 Mission:
"c#onald's mission is to be their customers' !avorite place and way to eat with inspired people who delight each customer with unmatched quality service cleanliness and value every time.

1.3 About McDonalds: 1.3.1 Restaurant:

$iming to be the world's best quick service restaurant experience "c#onald's started its operations in %akistan in 1&&' and is a leading !ast !ood service retailer !or its valued customers. (ith a strong belie! in the phrase when it's green it's growing "c#onald's %akistan is growing with the !ocus to provide !riendly and quick service restaurant experience to their customers. )urrently "c#onald's %akistan is operating in various cities o! %akistan I*e +ahore ,aisalabad -arachi .yderabad and Islamabad / 0awalpindi with the plans to cover the customer base in various other cities o! the country. "c#onald's %akistan is a part o! the +akson 1roup o! )ompanies with a regional o!!ice in +ahore and the main .ead 2!!ice in -arachi. They are operating with a network o! restaurants to reach our customers !or providing !riendly services in all di!!erent regions o! the country.


McDonald s a !lobal Pheno"enon4

,ormed in 1&56 "c#onald's brand is the leading global !oodservice retailer with more than 78 888 local restaurants serving nearly 58 million people in more than 138 countries each day. Its rich history began with the !ounder 0ay -roc's vision and his commitment trans!ormed in their talented executives and will keep the shine on "c#onald's arches !or years to come. 1.7.3

Core Values o# McDonalds:

Integrity and .onesty 2pen 0espect!ul and 9upportive %repared to take challenges and see them through #eep regards !or )ustomers Business partners and employees :uality in %roduct

1.3.3 Depart"ents o# the $r%ani&ation:

,inance #epartment .uman 0esource "anagement "arketing #epartment 2peration #epartment IT #epartment

"c#onalds is very strict about the quality o! services they provide. They dont compromise anything over quality. :uality is considered to be one o! their !oremost ob;ectives. They want 188 < quality o! service. :uality is checked on !or4 .igh standard o! !ood services provided to the customers. )ommunication skills i.e. =nglish speaking skills $ppearance and grooming $bility to communicate with guests and handle versatile situations.


1.) *ierarch( o# McDonalds:

.ead o! #epartment

9enior "anager

9enior "anager





$ssistant "anager

$ssistant "anager






Chapter 2

*R Plannin% + Methods o# ,ob Anal(sis + -.aluation


HR Department of McDonalds

2.1 *R Introduction:
$t "c#onald's %akistan their people are their most important asset. They provide the best employment experience !or their employees in order !or "c#onald's %akistan to achieve their goal o! providing their valued customers with the world's best quick*service restaurant experience. They strive to recruit the best hire the best and provide the best place to work The commitment to their employees is shaped on the simple !act >(e value you your growth and your contributions> and this is they strive to achieve through their actions every day.

2.2 *R Plannin%:
.0 plannings purpose is to determine what .0" requirements exist !or current / !uture supplies / demands o! workers. To reali?e the "c#onald's service vision the organi?ation believes in strengthening their team and ensures to deliver the right skills and knowledge to the right person !or getting the right ;ob done. The strength !or making the strong team players to shine under the 1olden $rches lies in the %eople %ractice and #evelopment %rogram.

*R practices:
The !ield o! .0" comes into existence in the result o! these questions4 .ow did people come to be employees in their organi?ation@ .ow were they selected@ (hy do they come to work on regular basis@ .ow do they know what to do on their ;obs@ .ow does management know i! the employees are per!orming adequately@ $nd i! they are not what can be done about it@


(ill today employees be adequately prepared !or the technologically advanced work the organi?ation will require o! them in the years ahead@ (hat is the compensation process@

The .0 department o! "c#onalds !ul!ills all the requirement o! these questions in the true sense o! the meaning. $s .0 department deals with people "c#onalds strongly believe in well being o! people because it is a known quotation that /I# (ou take the liabilities o# (our e"plo(ees the( 0ill take (ours1

*R 2unctions $# McDonalds:
.0 department o! "c#onalds %akistan does certain !unctions 4

Plannin% Recruit"ent + selection 3rainin% Ad"inistration Co"pan( "anuals Per#or"ance "ana%e"ent Decision procedures De#ine co"pan(s polic(


2.3 ,ob Anal(sis Method:

Cob analysis is the procedure o! determining the duties and skills required !or a ;ob and the kind o! person who should hired !or it. $naly?ing the ;ob in "c#onalds is done by the .uman 0esource #epartment. They develop the ;ob description related to di!!erent departments regarding their duties responsibilities reporting relationships working conditions and supervisory responsibilities. 2nce when the ;ob description is prepared restructuring in the ;ob is done based on the observations o! the seniors. In "c#onalds ;ob $nalysis is done on the basis o! Inter.ie0s.

2.) ,ob -.aluation Method:

Cob =valuation means making decision about the wages and salaries o! the employees on the basis o! ;ob analysis it can also be called as compensation. In "c#onald There are two types o! working hours employees4 Part 3i"e -"plo(ees 2ull 3i"e -"plo(ees

In "c#onalds they have prede!ined standards on which employees are awarded on the basis o! their skill knowledge and experience. The ,ull Time (orking =mployees are given salary on monthly basis were as the part time employees are given salary on the basis o! the total hours they have worked



Chapter 3

Recruit"ent + 4election



Recruit"ent and 4election Process

3.1 Recruit"ent:
0ecruitment is a phase that immediate precedes selection. Its purpose is to pave the way o! the selection process by producing ideally the smallest number i! candidates who appear to be capable. The ob;ective o! recruitment procedure is to attract suitable candidates in order to produce a short list !or !uture investigation in the selection process.

3.2 Recruit"ent process:

In "c#onalds the recruiting and hiring process !or selecting starts !rom the applications submitted by the individual. (e provide their )Ds along with the applications. These applications and )Ds are screened out on the basis o!4 Merit5 Institute5 and -6perience etc.

$!ter this The )andidates who meet the criteria are selected !or the !urther process. Then the ..0 #epartment lists out the salient !eatures o! the )Ds Eonly the accepted )DsF. Then the ..0. "anager takes a test based on4 -n%lish co"prehension 7asic "athe"atics I.'. and 4o"e 8uestions about the particular 9ob: #or 0hich the applicants ha.e applied.

In "c#onalds 0ecruitment is done on the demand o! the 2rgani?ation. There are two types o! 0ecruitment is done Internal Recruit"ent -6ternal Recruit"ent



3.2.1 Internal Recruit"ent:

"c#onalds do internal recruiting i.e. they select the candidates !rom the inside by considering a speci!ic number o! internal potential candidates who have applied !or the ;ob on the basis o! their past per!ormances and quali!ications !or the required ;ob. $ny employee at a reasonable post can submit his Gher application !or the ;ob. The management has all the in!ormation relating to the persons record about the ;ob heGshe is currently per!orming. 2n yearly basis the summary o! the employees is maintained in the !orm o! records which gives the organi?ation maximum chance in selecting the potential employees as the heads o! the departments. The .0 manager and the .ead "anager o! the speci!ic department interview the selected employees.

3.2.2 -6ternal Recruit"ent:

"c#onalds o!ten go !or the external recruitment they mostly try to go !or the internal recruitment or internal promotion o! the employee to the high post but in case an employee leaves the organi?ation They 2rgani?ation have a bulk o! application received through the website .The organi?ation advertise through newspapers or web.

Criteria Re8uired 2or -"plo("ent:

The quali!ications required !or employment in "c#onalds are as !ollows4 Appearance and %roo"in% Pro#essional 'uali#ications -6perience and kno0led%e Co""unication skill in -n%lish ;eadership skills Potential #or %ro0th Reasonin% and ,ud%"ent Co"puter skills



3.3 4election Process:

(ith the pool o! applicants the next step is to select the right person !or the ;ob this usually means whittling down the applicant pool by using the screening tools. In "c#onald the selection process involves the !ollowing steps4 Initial 4creenin% -"plo("ent 3est 7ack%round In.esti%ation Medical -6a"ination Per"anent 9ob o##er

Employment Tests:
=very big organi?ation in the world uses a test !or the hiring o! people !rom inside as well as outside. These companies use many types o! tests to ;udge the people we are hiring and to have utmost guarantee that the people we are hiring are per!ect !rom every point o! view. These test ;udge the candidate according to his mental and cognitive abilities. "c#onalds take tests as !ar as their candidates are concerned to check there !ull abilities. The tests are o! di!!erent nature like4 3est $# Co%niti.e Abilities

These kind o! tests include I: tests general and intellectual abilities verbal !luency vocabulary etc. These tests are generally conducted while recruiting executives and supervisors. Motor And Ph(sical Abilit( 3ests These tests include checking the per!ormance o! the employee usually working on the machines in operation department to check their re!lexes and while working at their work place. Measurin% Personalit( Interests



Involves taking into consideration the personal interests and motivations o! the person in his !ield.

Candidates ratio:
(ithin the pool o! candidates i! the demand is !or 1 employee then the ratio !or selecting is the employees is 1:< and i! the demand is !or 3 employees then the ratio becomes 2:1= and so on.

(hen the managers make the selection the phase o! interviewing the employee comes. The interview is taken !rom the employees in two ways i.e. 3op le.el inter.ie0s ;o0>le.el inter.ie0s.

In top>le.el interviews the 1eneral and #ivision "anager o! "c#onalds takes the interview o! candidates !or the =xecutive post. In lo0>le.el interviews the .eads o! the departments takes the interviews o! candidates !or the $ssociate heads o!!icers managers and assistant managers posts. $!ter the selection is made the 1eneral "anager approves the candidates.

3(pe o# Inter.ie0s:
%aneled interviews are taken !rom the candidates and the panel consists o! the *R "ana%er and the head o# the particular depart"ent !or the interview is being conducted. I! an interview !or an important post has to be done !or a !unction head then the 1" himsel! indulges into it and per!orms a combined interview.

7ack%round In.esti%ation:
2nce an employee is appointed the investigations and re!erence checks are done by the .0 manager. In "c#onalds re!erence checking is re!erred to as revising the HCob .istory which contains Cob applied !or i.e. the experience o! the employee !or the ;ob. 0elevant quali!ications. 9alary 17


$!ter )onducing the interview and all relevant investigation they employee is called to ;oin the ;ob.

?u"ber o# e"plo(ees:
The ratio o! women working in "c#onalds with respect to men is 1:3. Total employees in "c#onalds are more than 1788 plus. The policy o! "c#onalds is to give !emales !ull chance to do the ;ob. There are 7 shi!ts operated in "c#onalds . "orning 9hi!t =vening 9hi!t Iight 9hi!t



Chapter )

3rainin% + De.elop"ent



3rainin% and De.elop"ent

).1 $rientation:
2rientation o! the new employee is carried out according to priority o! heads. ,irstly the employee is !ormally told about what kind o! out!it to wear on work. Then heG she are provided with the orientation kit. The employee has to spend 15 J 38 days in di!!erent departments under one speci!ic department like i! an employee is appointed in the .0 department then heGshe has to spend 38 days in di!!erent sub departments under the .0 #epartment like .0 development department .0 administration #epartment .r training #epartment etc. The head o! the department speci!y the ob;ectives to be carried out. =mployees get the evaluation time o! A months to prove their skills and knowledge about the ;ob being done. $nd a!ter A months they are given the appointment letters as permanent employees.

).2 3rainin%:
The employees are given training in the KTraining 0oomL in the !orm o! lectures. ,irstly the employee is given the on*;ob training and then heGshe is given the actual task to per!orm. "c#onalds arranges summer crash courses and wrap section !or the employees. Cob 0otation is done within the speci!ic departments and not outside the departments.

).3 De.elop"ent:
"c#onalds is a large organi?ation with many employees working in di!!erent departments o! the company. =very year the company hires many people !or it executive as well as managerial posts. In "c#onalds there are di!!erent types o! development plans !or management !or e*g MDP 1: MDP 2 : MDP 3 and C;DC @Cre0 ;eader De.elop"ent CourseA.There are also development programs !or the low level ;obs !or enhancing the skills o! the employees



Career De.elop"ent and 2air 3reat"ent:

"c#onalds provides !acilities to employees !or career development during their employment. #i!!erent training courses are o!!ered to their employees such as summer crash courses arranged. Trans!ers o! the employees are carried out with the consent o! the employees. The communication o! employees is directly with their head o! the department. There is a vital concept o! two*way communication. $t "c#onald's employment is at will. This means that employees are !ree to terminate their employment at any time !or any reason with or without cause and "c#onald's retains the same rights. . The "anagement career in "c#onald's 2perations starts !rom the position o! Trainee "anager and !ollow the path like the one outlined below. Trainee "anager 9econd $ssistant "anager ,irst $ssistant "anager 0estaurant "anager Beyond "anager



Chapter <

Per#or"ance Appraisal Process + Methods



Per#or"ance Appraisal
<.1 Per#or"ance Appraisal:
%er!ormance $ppraisal is a structured !ormal interaction between a subordinate and supervisor that usually takes the !orm o! a periodic interview in which the work per!ormance o! the subordinate is examined and discussed with a view to identi!y weakness and strength as well as opportunities !or improvement and skill development.

<.1.1 Per#or"ance Appraisal Method:

=mployees in "c#onalds have a race to win based on their e!!orts. The employees do their best to give the best per!ormance through their skills and knowledge. $ kind o! competition is among the employees to become the best employee. The appraisal methods used are o! two types i.e. !raphical Ratin% 4cale 3B= de%ree 2eedback

$ppraisal interview is taken by the department head only. %rogress report is in the hands o! the department head. Mearly appraisals o! employees are done with in Cune*Culy. $ppraisals are done yearly but they can also be done at any time o! the year by the department head on the basis o! employees marvelous per!ormance. Through the %raphical ratin% scale the head o! the department rate the person according to the per!ormance o! its work skill knowledge experience and also on the per!ormance in the training programs and a!ter the assessment according to the rating scale rate the employee is appraised. Cp0ard #eedback is done by 3B= de%rees i.e. in!ormation is collected Kall aroundL an employee !rom his or her supervisors subordinates peers and customers. This term is also known as Kmulti source assessmentL. 9ubordinates can appraise their seniors. (ith the help o! the /-"plo(ee 4atis#action 4ur.e(1 the heads get to know which employee is giving what type o! output. 0aise in McDonalds 1&

salary is done by 18<and i! per!ormance is also counted then 38< increment is given at any time o! the year.



Chapter B

Co"pensation and 7ene#its



Co"pensation and 7ene#its

B.1 Co"pensation:
)ompensation means all !orms o! pay or rewards going to employee and arising !rom their employment .It has two main components direct #inancial pa("ents Ewages salaries commission and bonusesF. $nd indirect pa("ents E!inancial bene!its like employer J paid insurance and vacationsF.

B.2 -"plo(ee 7ene#its:

"c#onald's bene!its program is designed to attract energi?e reward and retain talented people who will produce superior business results and enhance their leadership position. They recogni?e the importance o! a strong bene!its program. People Pro"ise: %eople %romise is a statement o! commitment to every person in the "c#onald's system. It is how they remind people what they can expect and how high their goal is4 /3o be the best e"plo(er in each co""unit( around the 0orld1 "c#onald's and its independent ownerGoperators have made a commitment to their employees that they strive to achieve with their actions every day. $nd to make sure they deliver on this promise they have in place !ive people principles. These people principles re!lect "c#onald's values and describe the culture they embrace. Respect and Reco%nition: "anagers treat employees as they would want to be treated. =mployees are respected and valued. =mployees are recogni?ed !ormally !or good work per!ormance extra e!!ort and teamwork and customer service.



Values and ;eadership 7eha.iors: $ll o! employees act in the best interest o! the )ompany. They communicate openly listening !or understanding and valuing diverse opinions. They accept personal accountability. They coach and learn. Co"petiti.e Pa( and 7ene#its: %ay is at or above local market. =mployees value their pay and bene!its. ;earnin%: De.elop"ent and Personal !ro0th: =mployees receive work experience that teaches skills and values that last a li!etime. =mployees are provided the tools they need to develop personally and pro!essionally. Resources to !et the ,ob Done: =mployees have the resources they need to serve the customer. 0estaurants are adequately sta!!ed to allow !or a good customer experience as well as to provide schedule !lexibility work*li!e balance and time !or training

B.2.1 7ene#it Cate%ories:

,or "c#onald's )orporation employees at corporate division and region o!!ices many bene!its those are4 Medical and hospital #acilities 2ree #urnishin% on ne0 ho"e @"ana%erial le.elA Pro.ident #und @ -4$PA Co"pan( .ehicles are pro.ided to e"plo(ees Choice to %et ne0 car a#ter #i.e (ears C"rah packa%es are o##ered to e"plo(ees ;easin% #acilities are pro.ided to bu( cars: "otorbikes: etc Picnics are arran%ed once 8uarter like giving them

"c#onalds o!!er long*term bene!its to its employees multinational visas etc.



Chapter D

4tress Mana%e"ent + ?e%otiation 3echni8ues



4tress Mana%e"ent
D.1 ,ob 4tress:
Cob stress is a chronic disease caused by conditions in the workplace that negatively a!!ect an individual's per!ormance andGor overall well*being o! his body and mind 2rgani?ational managers are interested in maintaining a low level o! ;ob stress !or good reasons4 high level o! stress a result in low productivity increased absenteeism and turnover and an assortment o! other employee problems including alcoholism drug abuse and a host o! cardiovascular problems. Cob 0elated 9tress has been associated with a vast array o! diseases such as coronary heart disease hypertension peptic ulcers colitis and various psychological problems including anxiety and depression

D.1.1 Causes o# ,ob 4tress:

The causes o! Cob 9tress are4 Role Con#lict Eork o.erload ,ob Insecurit( *i%h De"and #or per#or"ance 3echnolo%(

$t "c#onalds Cob 9tress is handled by conducting counseling sections in which the )ounselor identi!ies the !law o! the employees. Their ob;ective is i! people are delivering and i! they have any problem they solve it through counseling.



D.2 ?e%otiation 3echni8ues:

Iegotiation Techniques are the ways the employer communicates its expectation and goals o! the organi?ation to the employees. $t "c#onald the expectations o! the employer are4 $n 3i"e: ?eat and Clean 4kills and 3rainin% 4tandards 3ea"0ork Clean 4potless... 3id(... 4parklin%. Custo"ers e6pect McDonald s 0ill be clean. Eelco"ed !uest cre0"e"bers "ake each custo"er #eel like a 0elco"ed %uest. depends on cre0"e"bers to accurate and #riendl( 0ith a s"ile. To communicate these expectations )rew meeting are conducted



Critical -.aluation and Reco""endations

$!ter critically evaluating the .0 ,unctions o! "c#onalds we recommend the !ollowing suggestions Cob $nalysis in!ormation should be collected through structured 8uestionnaire because it is more suitable method to collect ;ob analysis in!ormation in an organi?ation like "c#onalds because it is inexpensive and e!!icient way to obtain in!ormation !rom a large number o! employees. "c#onald is using /9ob position1 source o! internal recruitment but it should also use Rehirin% as a source o! internal recruitment because !ormer employees are known quantities and already !amiliar with the companys culture style and ways o! doing things. This will also reduce the training expenses. "c#onalds should use per#or"ance sti"ulation test !or managerial positions because it is e!!ective method !or selecting and promoting managerial position .$lthough it is expensive but very e!!ective method.



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