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Domaa Pateta Duck liver and orange pate Ingredients 175g/6oz unsalted butter, softened 450g/1lb duck li ers,

trimmed and cleaned ! s"allots, finel# c"o$$ed ! clo es garlic, finel# c"o$$ed ! ts$ orange %uice 1 tbs$ orange zest & ts$ fres"l# ground black $e$$er ! tbs$ orange li'ueur 55g/!oz clarified butter, melted Method 1( )eat 15g/&oz of t"e butter in a fr#ing $an until foaming( !( *dd "alf t"e li ers and fr# 'uickl# on all sides until golden, but still $ink in t"e middle, about 4+5 minutes( ,( -e$eat .it" a second batc" of butter and li ers( 4( Place t"e li ers and %uices in a food $rocessor( 5( /n t"e same $an "eat anot"er 15g/&oz butter, add t"e s"allot, garlic, and orange %uice and zest and cook o er a moderate "eat until t"e s"allot is soft but not coloured( 6( *dd t"e orange li'ueur and fres"l# ground black $e$$er, and scra$e t"e bottom of t"e $an to release an# coagulated %uices( 7( Place e er#t"ing in t"e food $rocessor, including t"e remaining unsalted butter( 0lend until smoot"( 1( /f #ou .ant a er# smoot" $2t3, $ass t"e mi4ture t"roug" a fine sie e and $ut in a bo.l( 5o er .it" t"e cling film, cool t"en refrigerate( /f not using .it"in 41 "ours, co er t"e to$ .it" clarified butter( "tt$6//...(bbc(co(uk/food/reci$es/database/duckli erandorange$a771651(s"tml Duck liver pt Pre$ time6 !5 mins, $lus ,0 mins cooling time 5ook time6 ,0 mins 8er es6 10 Ingredients 1kg duck li ers, left ."ole, all sine.# bits remo ed 6 tbs$ 0rand# ! clo es 9arlic, finel# c"o$$ed 1 "andful 0asil !50g unsalted 0utter

To serve

orange segments, c"arred .it" a blo. torc" or under t"e grill :elba toast

Method 1( Pre"eat t"e o en to 1605/gas ,( !( *rrange t"e li ers in a single la#er in an o en$roof dis", t"en add t"e garlic, basil lea es, brand# and seasoning( ,( Put t"e li ers to t"e $re"eated o en and $oac" for about ,0 minutes, turning once( ;"e li ers are read# ."en t"e# are bro.n on t"e outside but still $ink in t"e middle( 4( ;ransfer t"e li ers and cooking li'uor to a blender .it" !50g of t"e butter, and combine until smoot"( 5"eck t"e seasoning, t"en scra$e into small $ots and lea e to cool( 5( <"en cool, clarif# t"e remaining butter b# melting it in a $an and remo ing all t"e curd+like sediment( 8$oon t"e clear li'uid o er t"e surface of t"e $ots and arrange a cou$le of fres" basil lea es on to$( 5"ill in t"e fridge until set( 6( 8er e t"e $2t3 .it" c"arred orange segments and melba toast( "tt$6//ukt (co(uk/food/reci$e/aid/5=65,5

Duck Pt Patience is t"e ke# to making t"is fla orful $2t3( 0efore it is assembled, t"e ingredients s"ould marinate o ernig"t, and t"e finis"ed $2t3 s"ould set for at least a da# after it>s cooked so t"at t"e fla ors meld( 8ource6 8a eur 2 duck breasts (about 1 lb.), trimmed of skin and fat 3 cloves garlic 2 tbsp. orange li ueur, suc! as "rand #arnier 2 tbsp. e$tra%virgin olive oil & fres! or dried ba' leaves 1 lb. boneless pork s!oulder, c!illed 3() lb. fatback, c!illed 1() lb. c!icken livers 2 eggs, beaten 1 tbsp. c!opped t!'me leaves plus * sprigs 1(2 tsp. ground cloves 1(2 tsp. ground ginger 1() tsp. ground nutmeg 1() tsp. piment d+,spelette or paprika

) 1(2 tsp. kos!er salt 1(3 cup s!elled pistac!ios 3 tbsp. dried green peppercorns 12-1. slices bacon 1( 5ut t"e duck breasts into 1?!@ cubes( ;ransfer duck, 1 finel# c"o$$ed clo e garlic, orange li'ueur, 1 tbs$( of t"e oli e oil, and , torn ba# lea es to a small bo.lA stir to coat t"e duck $ieces( 5o er and refrigerate for at least 1 da# and u$ to , da#s, to allo. t"e fla ors to come toget"er( B;"e longer t"e duck marinates, t"e better t"e $2t3 .ill taste(C 5ut t"e $ork s"oulder and t"e fatback into t"in s"eets( 5ut s"eets lengt".ise into 1?1@+.ide stri$s( 5ut stri$s cross.ise into 1?1@ cubes( :ound t"e $ork and fatback into se$arate $iles on t"e cutting board and finel# c"o$ t"em b# running a c"ef>s knife o er t"e $iles se eral timesA transfer $ork and fat to and set aside in t"e refrigerator to let c"ill( !( :ean."ile, in t"e bo.l of a food $rocessor, finel# c"o$ t"e remaining garlic( 8cra$e t"e sides of t"e bo.l .it" rubber s$atula( *dd c"icken li ers and $ulse until $ur3ed( *dd reser ed $ork and fat( /n s"ort bursts, $ulse until t"e mi4ture resembles coarse "amburger meat, about !0 $ulses( ;ransfer $orkDli er mi4ture to a large bo.l( *dd eggs, c"o$$ed t"#me, clo es, ginger, nutmeg, $iment d>Es$elette, and salt( :i4 t"e ingredients toget"er .it" #our "ands until .ell combined( ;est t"e mi4ture for seasoning b# "eating remaining oli e oil in an 1@ skillet o er medium+"ig" "eat( ;ransfer a $inc" of t"e mi4ture to skillet and cook, fli$$ing once, until golden bro.n, about , minutes( ;asteA ad%ust seasoning accordingl#( 5o er bo.l .it" $lastic .ra$ and refrigerate for at least 1 da# and u$ to , da#s, to allo. t"e meats to cure and t"e fla ors to come toget"er( ,(<"en #ou>re read# to assemble t"e $2t3, remo e ba# lea es from duck mi4tureA discard( Fsing a s$oon, fold duck mi4ture and an# %uices from marinade into t"e forcemeat along .it" t"e $istac"ios and $e$$ercornsA set aside in t"e refrigerator( 4( :ean."ile, line t"e bottom of a 1 1?!+'t( rectangular terrine mold .it" 4 e enl# s$aced t"#me s$rigs and , ba# lea es( Place bacon cross.ise along t"e bottom and u$ t"e sides of t"e mold, co ering t"e "erbs( 5( 8$oon t"e meatDduck mi4ture into t"e terrine mold and gentl# smoot" t"e to$ .it" t"e back of a s$oon( Ga# 4 stri$s bacon lengt".ise across t"e to$ of t"e $2t3( 5o er bacon .it" remaining t"#me s$rigs and ba# lea es( 5o er t"e to$ of t"e $2t3 .it" ! s"eets of aluminum foilA crim$ foil around edges of t"e mold to form a tig"t seal( 6( )eat o en to ,!5H( ;ransfer terrine mold to a =@ 4 1,@ baking dis"( ;ransfer dis" to middle rack of t"e o en( Pour in enoug" boiling .ater t"at it reac"es 1?!@ u$ t"e sides of t"e terrine( 0ake t"e $2t3 until an instant+read t"ermometer inserted into center reads 151H, about ! "ours( ;ransfer baking dis" to a rackA remo e foil( 5ut out ! rectangles of cardboard to fit inside rim of terrine mold( <ra$ cardboard rectangles in foil and $lace t"em o er $2t3( Place t"ree 15+ oz( sou$ cans ato$ cardboardA let sit in .ater bat" for 1 "ourA remo e( B<eig"ting makes t"e $2t3 easier to slice(C -efrigerate $2t3 Bin its moldC for at least 1 da# and u$ to 4 da#s( ;o ser e, slide a knife along edges of $2t3 to loosen it( /n ert t"e $2t3 onto a cutting board and slide a butter knife along one s"ort edge to free t"e $2t3 from t"e mold( 5ut into ,?4@ slices and ser e .it" baguette, di%on mustard, and cornic"ons( 8E-IE8 1!D14 *8 *J *PPE;/KEThis article was first published in Saveur in Issue #116

"tt$6//...(sa eur(com/article/-eci$es/Duck+Pate /moked salmon pate Ingredients !55g/=oz smoked salmon 110g/4oz cream c"eese ! tbs$ double cream & lemon, %uice onl# ! tbs$ c"o$$ed c"i es B$lus some e4tra c"i es to s$rinkle o er t"e to$C $inc" of sugar salt and fres"l# ground $e$$er Method 1( Po$ all t"e ingredients into a blender and $ulse until it "as a consistenc# t"at #ou desire( Lor ser ing as a starter .it" salad and oatcakes or :elba toast / like t"e $2t3 to be a little roug" but for cana$3s / $refer a smoot"er ersion( !( Plent# of $e$$er is good but go eas# on t"e salt, as t"e smoked salmon .ill be salt# alread#( Mccasionall# / .ould substitute t"e lemon and c"i es for lime and coriander( "tt$6//...(bbc(co(uk/food/reci$es/database/smokedsalmon$ate76610!(s"tml 0ed /almon 1ate Ingredients 1 B7 ounceC can salmon, drained, flaked and bones remo ed 1 B1 ounceC $ackage cream c"eese, softened 1 teas$oon $re$ared "orseradis" 1 tables$oon lemon %uice ! teas$oons grated onion 1 tables$oon c"o$$ed fres" $arsle# 1/! cu$ c"o$$ed $ecans Bo$tionalC Directions 1( /n a medium bo.l, mi4 toget"er t"e salmon, cream c"eese, "orseradis", lemon %uice, and onion( 5"ill if necessar# until firm enoug" to "andle, t"en form into a ball( -oll in $arsle# and/or $ecans( -efrigerate until ser ing( 8er e .it" assorted crackers( Nutritional Information 2mount 1er /erving 5alories6 111 N ;otal Lat6 16(=g N 5"olesterol6 4!mg


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