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NOV 2013


Pray For Haniak Preaching Conference December 19-21 Faithfulness and zeal of the men in the churches - Paul, Anthony, Richard, Cumulus Vehicle Import Process and The right vehicle for us to buy Dr. Ruckmans eyes and health, Mrs Ruckman
Unsung Heroes

Pa p u a N e w G u i n e a

Some of the unsung heroes in the missions arena are the families that house us displaced persons as we journey the country and world. We have stayed in houses with strangers, in houses while people vacationed, in houses with family and friends, in spare bedrooms, in living rooms, in kids bedrooms (while the kids slept in another room), in borrowed r.v.s, etc. All the while consuming food, water, electricity, and the most valuable commodity, time. We are so thankful for those who are willing to put themselves out and allow us to come in. Ministry I have been able to stay in touch with Pastor Willie in PNG and he assures me that the church is doing well. The preaching and teaching of the word of God continue in Haniak even while we are away. We are thankful to hear this. Willie also asked me to have you pray for some opportunities in two neighboring villages. These villages are Tuonembu and Nemendogum. We have had people from Nemendogum come to Haniak for church but they must walk about an hour to get there. Tuonembu has been at conflict with Haniak for years. It would be great to see the Lord get the truth to them through Haniak in spite of this barrier. Pray for souls to be saved in these villages through the efforts of the national preachers who will be preaching and teaching there. We were able to send over some funds towards bringing town power to the church. These funds went towards the purchase of power poles, wire, and the service fees to

Support and Correspondence: Bible Baptist Mission Inc. PO Box 17615 Pensacola, FL 32522 850-474-6970 Stateside Phone Number: 850-380-1734 Email:

hook this all up. This will be a blessing to folks in the church as we can now have lights for the evening services. We have some elderly with failing eyesight and lights will help them to be able to see the hymnbooks and their bibles. Also, we can have some fans on which will be a blessing to me! We were also able to send over a package with some parts for a weed-eater so the church can keep the jungle from reclaiming the church ground. We would also like you to be in prayer for a preaching conference to be held at the church in Haniak. This meeting is planned for December 19-21. We are praying for the Lord to use this meeting for the salvation of souls and the stirring of the saints! Provision We are exceedingly thankful for the Lords provision towards our vehicle fund in the last couple of months. Please be in prayer specifically for some paperwork we are filing regarding the vehicle import process. We may be able to be excluded from the import duties which would save us upwards of several thousand dollars. This would allow us to buy a nicer and newer vehicle. Our contact in Port Moresby has already filed these papers so pray they will be approved quickly.
Thank you for your faithful giving and for those who were able to give extra for the vehicle fund. Please continue to pray as we look forward to our return to Papua New Guinea.

Field Address: Box 854 Wewak, East Sepik Province Papua New Guinea

In Christ, Joseph, Amy, William, Ian



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