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B.A IInd Year (Mathematics) (Annual) FOR SESSION ( 20 !

! " # $nl%) &a'er"I( Ad)anced *alculus and +inear &r$,rammin, Ma-imum Mar.s( 00 &ass Mar.s( !35 /ime all$0ed( ! 1rs.

+ectures t$ 2e deli)ered( 3 'eri$ds ($4 #3 minutes durati$n) 'er 0ee.

Instructi$ns 4$r 'a'er"setters The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sections A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and Section C will consist of one compulsory question having ten short answer type questions covering the entire syllabus uniformly. All questions will carry equal mar s. Instructi$ns 4$r the candidates Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting two questions from each section A and B and compulsory question of Section C. All questions will carry equal mar s.

SE*/ION"A !imit and Continuity of "unctions of several variables. #ifferentiability of real$valued functions of two variables. %artial differentiation, &acobians and their properties, Schwar'(s ) *oung(s theorems. Euler(s theorem on homogenous functions. Taylor(s theorem for functions two variables and error estimation. +a,ima and +inima, !agrange(s multiplier method. SE*/ION"B Scalar and vector fields, differentiation of vectors, velocity and acceleration. -ector differential operators. #el, /radient, #ivergence and Curl, their physical interpretations. "ormulae involving #el applied to point functions and their products. !ine, surface and volume integrals, /reens Theorem in the %lane %arameteri'ed Surface, Sto es Theorem and the #ivergence Theorem. Applications of /reen(s, Sto e(s and #ivergence theorem.

SE*/ION"* +inear &r$,rammin, &r$2lem ( Conve, Set, E,treme points of a conve, set, Conve, combination, Conve, hull, Conve, polyhedron, "undamental theorem of linear programming, #efinition, "ormulation of linear programming of problems 0!%%1, /raphical solution of linear programming problems, /eneral formulation of !% problems, Standard form and matri, form of !% problems. Sim'le- Meth$d ( 2ntroduction, #efinitions and notations, Simple way for simple, computations. SE*/ION"6 Artificial variables, Two$phase method, Alternative method of two$phase simple, method, Big$ + method, #egeneracy in !%% and method to resolve degeneracy, Alternative solutions, 3nbounded solutions, 4on$e,isting feasible solutions, Solution of simultaneous equations by Simple, method. 6ualit% in +inear &r$,rammin, and 6ual Sim'le- Meth$d ( 2ntroduction, #efinition of #ual %roblems, /eneral rules for converting any primal into its #ual, 5elation between the solution of %rimal and #ual problem, 2nitial solution for #ual Simple, +ethod, #ual Simple, +ethod. Rec$mmended 2$$.s( 6. +athematical Analysis by +ali and Arora. 7. +athematical Analysis by Shanti 4arayan 8. 9peration 5esearch by :anti Swaroop, %.:. /upta and +anmohan.

B.A IInd Year (Mathematics) (Annual) FOR SESSION ( 20 ! " # $nl%) &A&ER"II( ANA+YSIS Ma-imum Mar.s( 00 &ass Mar.s( !35 /ime all$0ed( ! 1rs.

+ectures t$ 2e deli)ered( 3 'eri$ds ($4 #3 minutes durati$n) 'er 0ee.

Instructi$ns 4$r 'a'er"setters The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sections A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and Section C will consist of one compulsory question having ten short answer type questions covering the entire syllabus uniformly. All questions will carry equal mar s. Instructi$ns 4$r the candidates Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting two questions from each section A and B and compulsory question of Section C. All questions will carry equal mar s. SE*/ION"A #efinition and e,istence of 5iemann integrals. %roperties of integrals. 2ntegrability of continuous and monotonic functions. The fundamental theorem of integral calculus. +ean value theorem of integral calculus. SE*/ION"B #efinition of a sequence, Bounded and +onotonic sequences, Convergent sequence, Cauchy sequences, Cauchy(s Convergence Criterion, Theorems on limits of sequences. Subsequence , Sequential continuity,. #efinition of a series, test of convergence 0;ithout proofs1 Comparison tests. Cauchy(s integral test. 5atio tests. 5aabe(s, !ogarithmic, gauss Test, Cauchy root test, #e +organ and Bertrand(s tests, Alternating series, !eibnit'(s test. Absolute and conditional convergence. Series of arbitrary terms. Abel(s and #irichlet(s tests. 5earrangements.

SE*/ION"* Concept of %oint$wise and 3niform convergence of sequence of functions functions with special reference to power Series. Statement of ;eierstrass and series of +$Tests for

3niform convergence of sequence of functions and of series of functions. Simple applications. #etermination of 5adius of convergence of power series. Statement of properties of continuity of sum functions of power series, Term by term integration and Term by term differentiation of power Series. Statement of Abel<s Theorems on power Series. SE*/ION"6 Comple, number as ordered pairs. /eometric representation of comple, number. Stereographic pro=ection.!imits, continuity, derivative of comple, functions, analytic function, Cauchy$ 5iemann equation, con=ugate functions, harmonic functions> Conformal +apping. +apping of a comple, function, conformal mapping and standard elementary transforms 0Translational, magnification, rotational and inversion1.

REFERENCES 6. T. +. Apostol, Mathematical Analysis, 4orosa %ublishing ?ouse, 4ew #elhi, 6@AB. 7. 5. 5. /oldberg, Real Analysis, 9,ford ) 2B? %ublishing Co., 4ew #elhi, 6@CD. 8. #. Somasundaram and B. Choudhary, A First Course in Mathematical Analysis, 4arosa %ublishing ?ouse, 4ew #elhi, 6@@C. E. Shanti 4arayan. S Course of Mathematical Analysis, S.Chand ) Co., 4ew #elhi. B. %. :. &ain and S. :. :aushi , An Introduction to Real Analysis, S. Chand ) Co., 4ew #elhi, 7DDD.

F. 5.-. Churchill ) &.;. Brown, Complex Variables and Applications, Bth Edition, +c/raw ?ill, 4ew *or , 6@@D. C.Shanti 4arayan, heory of Functions of a Complex Variable, S. Chand ) Co., 4ew #elhi

B.A IInd Year (Mathematics) (Annual) FOR SESSION ( 20 ! " # $nl%) &A&ER"III( ME*1ANI*S

Ma-imum Mar.s( 00 &ass Mar.s( !35

/ime all$0ed( ! 1rs.

+ectures t$ 2e deli)ered( 3 'eri$ds ($4 #3 minutes durati$n) 'er 0ee.

Instructi$ns 4$r 'a'er"setters The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sections A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and Section C will consist of one compulsory question having ten short answer type questions covering the entire syllabus uniformly. All questions will carry equal mar s. Instructi$ns 4$r the candidates Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting two questions from each section A and B and compulsory question of Section C. All questions will carry equal mar s SE*/ION"A Statics( Basic notation, 4ewton !aws of motion, system of two forces, parallelogram law of forces, resultant of two collinear forces, resolution of forces, moment of a force, couple, theorem on moments of a couple, coplaner forces, resultant of three coplanar concurrent forces, theorem of resolved parts, resultant of two forces acting on a rigid body, -arignon(s theorem, generali'ed theorem of moments. SE*/ION"B Equilibrium of two concurrent forces, equilibrium condition for any number of coplanar concurrent forces, !ami(s theorem. G $ H theorem, theorems of moments, resultant of a force and a copule. Equilibrium conditions for coplanar non$concurrent forces. Fricti$n. #efinition and nature of friction , laws of friction, equilibrium of a particle on a rough plane. Centre of gravity.

Secti$n IC 6%namics( +otion of a particle with constant acceleration , acceleration of falling bodies, motion under gravity, motion of a body pro=ected vertically upward, motion of a two particles connected by a string, motion along a smooth inclined plane, constrained motion along a smooth inclined plane. -ariable acceleration. Simple harmonic motion, elastic string. curvilinear in a plane, #efinition of velocity and acceleration , %ro=ectile, motion in a circle, motion under constraints, central force motion. Secti$n 6 ;or , %ower , conservative fields and potential energy, wor done against gravity, potential energy of a gravitational field. 5elative motion, relative displacement, velocity and acceleration, motion relative to a rotating frame of reference. !inear momentum, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum, impulsive forces, principle of impulse and momentum, motion with respect to centre of mass of a system of particles, collisions of elastic bodies, loss of energy during impact. "ree vibration, the simple pendulum, the conical pendulum. Central 9rbit. :epler(s laws of motion.

B$$.s rec$mmended( 61 S.!. !oney. The elements of statics and dynamics, B th edition, Cambridge 3niversity %ress, 6@EC. 71 Synge and /riffth . %rinciples of mechanics.

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