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Alls fair in love of war business humans incomprehensibly stupid fair game Of course their www.OJtask.

com Obstruct Justice truth and source kill is stupefying They can be observed on CPAC demonstrating stupefy proficiency as if inborn All the trouble the underground cover up and then their puppets surface and shovel it e !ure emocracy is a form of government in which all citi"ens have an e#ual say in the decisions that affect their lives. $deally% this includes e#ual &and more or less direct' participation in the proposal% development and passage of legislation into law. $t can also encompass social% economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and e#ual practice of political self(determination. The term comes from the )reek* +,-./01231 4 &d5mokrat6a'

"rule of the people",789

which was coined from +-.: &d;mos'

"people" and /0<2.: &=ratos' "power"% in the middle of the >th(?th century @C to denote the political systems then eAisting in some )reek city(states% notably Athens following a popular uprising in >BC @C.7D9
@en!amin Eranklin eApressed the concept when he wrote% F$n free governments% the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns.F7D9 According to some theories of democracy% popular sovereignty is the founding principle of such a system.7G9 However% the democratic principle has also been eApressed as Fthe freedom to call something into being which did not eAist before% which was not given I and which therefore% strictly speaking% could not be known.F7?9 This type of freedom% which is connected to human Fnatality%F or the capacity to begin anew% sees democracy as Fnot only a political systemI 7but9 an

an aspiration% really% intimately connected to and

dependent upon a picture of what it is to be humanJof what it is a human should be to be fully human.F7>9

KThere were no dates in this history% but scrawled this way and that across every page were the words @enevolence Lighteousness and Morality I finally $ began to make out what was written between the lines. The whole volume was but a single phrase% Nat PeopleO F o not do to others what you would not want for selfF FLecompense in!ury with !ustice and recompense kindness with kindnessF The Price will Pay PQO


new F!esuit popeF francis. controlled by black pope

Political Leligious $mplicit Complicit NAplicit PL$CN Political Leligious $nsidious Capitalist Nmperors Eorthright Eorthwith Eorthcoming EEE

$n the name of )od of% for and with the People QTE http*

EEE Eickle Eate Einger

http*RRwww.scribd.comRdocR8CDCB>W8>RLNPO(8G Xike other financial empires in history% Ymith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control wealth% as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperial(centers(of( capital.789 @elloc estimated that% during the @ritish Nnclosures% Fperhaps half of the whole population was proletarianF% while roughly the other FhalfF owned and controlled the means of production. Pow% under modern Capitalism% J.Q. Ymith claims fewer than >BB people possess more wealth than half of the earths population% as the wealth of 8RD of 8(percent of the United Ytates population roughly e#ual that of the lower ZB( percent. http*RRen.wikipedia.orgRwikiRLule[of[law The rule of law is a legal maAim that provides that

no person is above the law% that no one can be punished by the state eAcept for a breach of the law% and that no one can be convicted of breaching the law eAcept in the manner set forth by the law itself. The rule of law stands in contrast to the idea that the leader is above the law% a feature of Loman law% Pa"i law% and certain other legal systems.
The phrase has been used since the 8Wth century% but the concept is older. Eor eAample% the )reek philosopher Aristotle said%

"Law should govern".7D9

One way to be free from the rule of law is

by denying
that an enactment has the necessary attributes of law. The rule of law has therefore been described as

"an exceedingly elusive notion"7G9

giving rise to a

"rampant divergence of understandings".

Lule of Xaw http*RRen.wikipedia.orgRwikiRLule[of[law The Lule of law in its most basic form is


no one is above the law.

Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately eAercised only in accordance with% publicly disclosed laws% G

adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps that are referred to as

due process.
The rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy. According to modern Anglo(American thinking% hallmarks of adherence to the rule of law commonly include

a clear separation of powers,

legal certainty,
the principle of legitimate eApectation and e#uality of all before the law. The concept is not without controversy% and it has been said that Fthe phrase the rule of law has become

meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and

general over( useF

)O PON )eneral Over(use Proclamations Only Nlusivity publicly disclosed laws >D. &8' The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada% and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is% to the eAtent of the inconsistency%

of no force or effect.
e facto As chief law officer% the Attorney )eneral has a

special responsibility
to be the guardian of

that most elusive concept

( the rule of law. The rule of law is a well established legal principle%

but hard to easily define. It is the rule of law that protects individuals, and society as a whole,
from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties. http*RRwww.scribd.comRdocR88GCCDZWWRYpirit($ntent(Precedence(de(Jure(Constitution(or(Lomans(8G( )aming(the(Yystem(de(Eacto ?


Clear separation of power Xegal CertaintyS

www. >

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