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Pgi dental june 2013 mcqs

PGI DENTAL JUNE 2013 1-Fear of closed spaces such as dental clinic-----clostrophobia. 2-form and function concept given originally by vander klaws,Melvin moss. 3-front and backward concept given by bjork,profit. 4-c-shaped morphology seen in------max 1st premolar,mand 1st premolar,max 1st molar,mand 1st molar 5-pneumatic bone is ------------------maxilla ,mandible. 6-enzyme helps to pevent adhesion ofactinobacillus ---------myeloperoxidase. 7-lethal to actinobacillus -------------------------s.sanguis. 8-thermal test indicates ---------pulpal inflammation. 9-interpositional gap arthroplasty material not used -----buccal pad fat, auricular cartilage,abdominal fat,temporal muscle. 10-after trauma or surgery low nitrogen balance seen in ---catabolic phase,anabolic phase. 11-after major surgery all of the following observed except ---- hyperphagia,tachyapnea,low nitrogen balance. 12-most sensitive fluoride index-----deans fluoride index,thyryle srip index. 13-inverted y shaped radiopacityseen in max. post., max. ant, mand. Post, mand.ant. 14-fresh film developed in protected manner will appear as -----clear and blue tint. 15-cvek pulpotomy ---------partial pulpotomy 16-stainless steel crown preparation least reduction in ----------lingual 17-experiment gingivitis introduced by----loe & sillness,sockransky,loesche. 18-positioner retainer used in ------esthetic requirement,gingival hyperplasia,minimum distance moved. 19-in mandibular dysfunction which of the following is not the cardinal symptom.------headache. 20-myossitis ossifican seen in ----masseter. 21-multipennate muscle is rectus femoris ,masseter. 22-mandibular core wrt ant.cranial base -------total rotation. 23-in gingival bleeding index bleeding seen after probing in--------10 sec,20 sec.,30 sec,5 sec. 24-ohi- score index how many scores----0-3,0-6,0-12. 25-most common fluoride salt in dentrifices --------sodium mono fluoro phosphate 26-palatal displacement of canine seen in -----mild crowding,moderate crowding,severe crowding. 27-anticariogenic is-----carrot. 28-if sealant is protruded through apex ---irritate the tissue and used up by macrophages. 29-spreader reaches till ----1mm of apex,0.5 mm of apex. 30-apex locator o level ---0.5 to 1mm. 31-cpitn index how many teeth are examined------6,12,10. 32-most common missing teeth ---------mandibular 2nd premolar. 33-number of iopa needed for full mouth radiographs--------12,8,32. 34-distraction osteogenesis what is true------is done after the growth is completed, distraction histogenesis synonym,soft tissue is not affected. 35-andreasson and Hillman discovered------nitinol,Chinese niti,santalloy,tma. 36-champys osteosynthesis is done which is true----condyle fracture single plate,double plate,angle fracture single plate.

37-zygomatic fracture is palpated as-----intaorally at zygomatico maxillary suture. 38-treatment for sagittaly split condylar fracture----imf for 2 weeks& elastic physiotherapy. 39-mandibular ant region calculus is mainly composed of -----brushite,octacalcium phosphate,magnesium whitlokite,hydroxyappitate. 40-primary palatle closure in cleft palate --<2 yrs. 41-e.feacalis is totally eliminated from root canal by----5.25% naocl,ca(oh)2 ,2% chlorhexidine. 42-obturator prosthesis in complete edentulous patient ---monoplane occlusion,lingualised . 43-most stable instrument during scaling sickle scaler,chisel,hoe . 44-furcation area is curettage by ---after five,mini five. 45-cul-de-sac---------grade 2 furcation involvement. 46-which of the following is applied in all of the three epidemiological triad-----def,socioeconomical status,diphtheria 47-which of the following is used to etch the porcelain-9.6% HF. 48-in hemimandibulectomy most ideal method to record vertical dimension-----previous photograph,rest position, 49-non-caloric sweetener ------aspartame and mannitol. 50-if >50% phosphateacid is used as etchant-------monocalcium monophosphate. 51-time taken by cad-cam machine to make inlay from block---5min,20min,60 min,30min. 52-absorbable suture synthetic-----vicryl,pvc. 53-custom tray impression material. 54-occlussion preparation for gold how much thickness--------1.5mm,2mm. 55-pin used in dentin------2mm. 56-metal thermal coefficient what is not observed. 57-in superior orbital syndromewhich is not seen----blindness. 58-ludwings angina which is not observed.-----lymphatic spread,unilaterally swelling 59-brain tumor what is to be done------hyperthyroidectomy. 60-osseouss haemangioma -------surgery should be avoided. 61-bur size used for mild flare in gates gliden-------1-3,5-6. 62-average enamel loss from surface during etching ------3-5um,15-20um,20-25um. 63-in anaphylactic reaction which of the following not given----blood transfusion. 64-hecks disease -----focal epidermal hyperplasia. 65-osteopetrosis----marble bone disease,alberschnoberg disease or both. 66-cystic fibrosis-----discoloration of enamel &fluoride systemic consumption. 67-in gestation lungs development affected by-------surfactant,amniotic fluid,epinephrine. 68-regeneration power is maximum in-----liver,muscle,kidney. 69-radicular cyst ------inflammatory in origin, 70-on community level undiagnosed case for referral termed as-----primary,secondary,tertiaryprevention. 71-crown seating discrepancy100um,200um,300um,400um. 72-cementation procedure for cementing crown-------full cement so that air bubble not entrapped. 73-tetanus includes all except-----coagulopathy. 74-ptylasim seen in-mercury intoxication,lead intoxication 75-premalignant condition all except leukoplakia,erythroplakia,pemphigus,lichen planus. 76-statement regarding craters true-------facial & lingual walls equal,anterior 2 times more than posterior.

77-connective tissue most common tumor-------fibroma. 78-fibroblast which is not truerbc precursors,thick clot is formed so fibroblast not able to migrate. 79-comparing two proportion test the hypothesis-student t test,chi square test, paired test. 80-x-ray contrast is best controlled by------kvp. 81-hair on end appearance seen in all except-pagets disease. 82-in hairy leukoplakia which papillae are elongated---filliform. 83-pathophysiology of endobacterial fluora least possible except ---endotoxin released by living bacteria. 84-school dental nurse is not authorized to do -----take radiograph,oral examination,scaling,topical fluoride. 85-opiod toxicity treatment --------naloxone. 86-transverse rigde connector mesiobuccal and palatal cusp seen in ----primary 2nd molar. 87-skeletal class 2 to improve the condition --------maxillary howleys appliance with anterior bite plane,serial extraction. 88-rege fede syndrome seen in ---infants ,old,adolescent. 89-best diagnosis for acute pyelonephritis -renal function test ,scar in renal cortex ,fever n flamk pain

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