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through Bertha Dudde 5102

School of the spirit....

You all have to co plete the school of the spirit if !ou "a#t to attai# the eter#al right to d"ell i# the spiritual $i#gdo as %lissful spiritual %ei#gs per eated %! light& "ho are a%le to create "ith ight a#d stre#gth i# har o#! "ith '! "ill. (his school of the spirit is !our earthl! e)iste#ce& "hich fre*ue#tl! is a# u#%eara%l! heav! %urde# for !ou i#deed& %ut "hich the# ca# also result i# greater success if !ou o#l! strive "ith good "ill to"ards !our spiritual perfectio# a#d do #ot allo" the tri%ulatio#s of life to depress !ou& if !ou do #ot regard earthl! life as a# e#d i# itself %ut as a ea#s to a# e#d. You al"a!s have to re e %er that the period of ti e !ou live o# earth as self+a"are %ei#gs is %ut short& %ut that this short phase is decisive for eter#it!. Bear i# i#d that !ou are e)pected to a$e the free decisio# of "ill duri#g this short ti e o# earth& a#d that !ou are o#l! a%le to a$e this decisio# if !ou are i#flue#ced %! t"o sides a#d o#e side %eco es victorious over !ou.... (his& u#dersta#da%l!& "ill re*uire a struggle "hich !ou !ourselves have to settle as hu a# %ei#gs. (hus& !our spiritual perfectio# is e#tirel! i# !our o"# ha#ds %ut it "ill %e supported %! 'e i# ever! "a!& eve# if it is #ot o%vious to !ou. ,fter all& - "a#t to "i# !ou over a#d #ot lose !ou.... .e#ce& !ou also have to %e co#vi#ced that - "ill shape ever! hu a# %ei#g/s fate such that he "ill %e a%le to reach his goal& his spiritual perfectio# o# earth& if his "ill a$es the right choice.

,#d therefore - also $#o" the da#gers he could succu % to a#d "ill avert the fro hi as far as possi%le "hich& ho"ever& does #ot e)clude the possi%ilit! that he ca# #evertheless succu % to the %! virtue of his free "ill. But his desti#! is al"a!s appropriate to further his highest possi%le perfectio#.... 0arthl! life is %ut a short episode& a#d eve# if it e#tails a ost arduous desti#! his sufferi#g "ill #ot offset the %eatitude "hich he ca# create for hi self "ith correct use of his "ill. - do #ot deli%eratel! a%a#do# a#! of '! livi#g creatio#s to their fate& "ill al"a!s a#d forever loo$ after each o#e& for - "a#t the school of the spirit to %e successful.... ,#d if the perso# is al"a!s 1co#sciousl!2 i#dful that #othi#g happe#s or is per itted "ithout '! "ill& "hich al"a!s ai s to achieve spiritual success& the# he "ill also al"a!s have the opportu#it! to e#ter i#to e#tal co#tact "ith 'e to favoura%l! dispose '! "ill to"ards hi & si#ce - , a Father to all '! livi#g creatio#s& Who lovi#gl! te#ds to .is childre# if o#l! a sile#t call reaches .is ear& a# appeal for help i# spiritual or eve# earthl! hardship.... You are trul! #ot alo#e.... So eo#e Who loves !ou is "ith !ou a#d o#l! "a#ts "hat is %est for !ou.... Wh! do !ou #ot call o# .i a#d co#fide !our pro%le s to .i 3 Do #ot allo" earthl! adversit! to deter !ou fro 'e %ut allo" it to push !ou to"ards 'e& the# it "ill trul! #o lo#ger %urde# !ou so uch& for - "ill help !ou carr! the cross that desti#! has placed upo# !ou i# accorda#ce "ith '! "ise decisio# a#d i# a"are#ess of "hat serves !our spiritual perfectio#.... (he# the sile#t su% issio# to '! "ill is alread! !our correctl! u#derta$e# decisio# of "ill& the# !ou "ill #o lo#ger %e opposi#g 'e %ut !ou "ill have reli#*uished !our resista#ce to 'e a#d ac$#o"ledged Me.... (he# !ou "ill have co pleted the school of the spirit "ith ut ost success a#d !our e#d o# earth "ill %e a# eas! o#e.... , e#

4u%lished %! frie#ds of #e" revelatio#s of God 5 -#for atio#& do"#load of all tra#slated revelatio#s& the e+%oo$lets at6 http677""".%ertha+dudde.i#fo7e#glish7i#de).ht l 8 http677e#.%ertha+dudde.org7

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