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Prepared b ! A"M"R#b$%a! AP&CSE P"Pre'a! AP&CSE P"Pa(r$)$a Pa#*$%e! AP&CSE

DHANALAKSHMI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CS2253 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE UNIT I BASIC STRUCTURE OF COMPUTERS FUNCTIONAL UNITS 1. Define Computer Architecture 2. Define Computer #ar$%are &. 'hat are the function! of contro( unit) *. 'hat are the function! of ALU) (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !"

+. Dra% an$ e,p(ain the -(oc $ia.ram of a !imp(e computer %ith fi/e functiona( unit!. (10 Mar !" 1ASIC O234ATIONAL CONC32TS

1. Define I4 an$ MA4 2. 'hat are the re.i!ter! .enera((7 containe$ in the proce!!or) &. Define Interrupt *. Define IS4 +. 'hat are the u!e! of interrupt) 0. 'hat i! the ro(e of MA4 an$ MD4)

(N5D 2612"

(2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !"

8. 3,p(ain the connection! -et%een proce!!or an$ memor7 %ith a neat -(oc $ia.ram. (N5D 2616" (9 Mar !"

9. 3,p(ain ho% the proce!!or i! interface$ %ith the memor7 %ith a neat -(oc $ia.ram an$ e,p(ain ho% the7 communicate. (N5D 2668" (16 Mar !" 1US ST4UCTU43S 1. Define 1u! 2. 'hat are the $ifferent -u!e! in C2U) (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !"

234FO4MANC3 AND M3T4ICS 1. Define S23C 4atin. 2. Define C(oc 4ate &. 'rite the -a!ic performance e<uation. (M5: 266;" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !"

*. 3,p(ain the ro(e of !7!tem !oft%are to impro/e the performance of a computer. (N5D 2616" +. 3,p(ain the factor! inf(uencin. performance. INST4UCTIONS AND INST4UCTION S3=U3NCIN> 1. 'hat are the merit! an$ $emerit! of !in.(e a$$re!! in!truction) (N5D 2611" 2. 'hat i! ! (ine !e<uencin.) &. 3,p(ain the ?ero a$$re!! in!truction. (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (N5D 2611" (9 Mar !" (10 Mar !"

*. 'hat are the /ariou! t7pe! of operation! re<uire$ for in!truction!) +. 'rite note! on in!truction format!. 0. 3,p(ain the in!truction !e<uencin. in $etai(. 8. Li!t an$ e,p(ain the $ifferent t7pe! of in!truction!. (N5D 2668@ A5M 2669"

(2 Mar !" (* Mar !"

(M5: @ N5D 2612" (16 Mar !" (N5D 2612" (9 Mar !"

9. ABAC1DCCC. 3,p(ain ho% the a-o/e in!truction %i(( -e e,ecute$ in one a$$re!!@ t%o a$$re!! an$ three a$$re!! proce!!or! in an accumu(ator or.ani?ation. (N5D 2616" INST4UCTION S3T A4C#IT3CTU43 1. 3,p(ain the in!truction !et architecture. ADD43SSIN> MOD3S 1. 'hat i! the information con/e7e$ -7 a$$re!!in. mo$e!) (N5D 2611" (2 Mar !" (9 Mar !" (9 Mar !"

2. Di!tin.ui!h -et%een auto increment an$ auto $ecrement a$$re!!in. mo$e. (A5M 2616" &. 'hat i! re(ati/e a$$re!!in. mo$e) 'hen i! it u!e$) *. 'hat i! in$e, re.i!ter) +. Define A$$re!!in. Mo$e 0. Li!t the /ariou! a$$re!!in. mo$e!. 3,p(ain each of them %ith an e,amp(e. (N5D 2611@N5D 2612@ M5: 2612" 4ISC CISC 1. Compare 4ISC %ith CISC architecture. (A5M 2616" (2 Mar !" (10 Mar !" (M5: 2612" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !"

ALU D3SI>N FIA3D 2OINT AND FLOATIN> 2OINT O234ATIONS 1. A memor7 -7te (ocation contain! the pattern 66161166. 'hat $oe! thi! pattern repre!ent %hen interprete$ a! a num-er) 'hat $oe! it repre!ent a! an ASCII co$e) (N5D 2668" 2. Dra% a fu(( a$$er circuit u!in. t%o ha(f a$$er!. (N5D 2668" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !"

&. 'hat are the /ariou! %a7! of repre!entin. !$! in the !7!tem. (N5D 2668" (2 Mar !"

*. 'hat i! an opco$e) #o% man7 -it! are nee$e$ to !pecif7 &2 $i!tinct operation!) (A5M 2611" +. 'rite the (o.ic e<uation! of a -inar7 ha(f a$$er. (A5M 2611" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !"

0. #o% i! the num-er 2+ repre!ente$ in 1CD an$ ASCII co$e)(N5D 2616" 8. Dra% the format of f(oatin. point num-er. 9. Define %or$ ( (N5D 2612" (N5D 2611"

;. 'rite the I333 !tan$ar$ for f(oatin. point num-er! for !in.(e preci!ion num-er. (2 Mar !" 16. Define O/erf(o% an$ Un$erf(o% 11. 'hat i! .uar$ -it!) 12. 'hat are the %a7! to truncate the .uar$ -it!) (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !"

1&. 'hat i! -it@ -7te@ ni--(e! an$ %or$!) 'hat are -i. en$ian an$ (itt(e en$ian a!!i.nment! of a$$re!!e!) (N5D 2668" (9 Mar !" 1*. De!i.n a * -it carr7 (oo Eahea$ a$$er an$ e,p(ain it! operation %ith an e,amp(e. (N5D 2668@ A5M 2611" (10 Mar !"

1+. Deri/e an$ e,p(ain the a(.orithm for a$$in. an$ !u-tractin. t%o f(oatin. point -inar7 num-er!. (M5: 2612" (9 Mar !" 10. De!i.n a * -it a$$er5!u-tracter circuit u!in. fu(( a$$er! an$ e,p(ain it! function!. (M5: 2616" 18. De!i.n a * -it fa!t a$$er an$ e,p(ain it! function!. (M5: 2616" (9 Mar !" (9 Mar !"

19. State an$ e,p(ain the ru(e! in arithmetic operation! on f(oatin. point num-er!. (N5D 2611" (10 Mar !"

UNIT II BASIC PROCESSING UNIT FUNDAM3NTAL CONC32TS E 3A3CUTION OF A COM2L3T3 INST4UCTION 1. 'rite the re.i!ter tran!fer !e<uence for !torin. a %or$ in a memor7. (M5: 2612" (2 Mar !"

2. Li!t the a$/anta.e! of re.i!ter tran!fer.

(N5D 2612"

(2 Mar !"

&. 'hat are the !e<uence of operation! in/o(/e$ in proce!!in. an in!truction con!titute! an in!truction c7c(e) (M5: 2660" (2 Mar !" *. 'hat i! 'MFC) +. 'hat i! meant -7 -ranch in!truction) (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !"

0. 'rite an$ e,p(ain the !tep! in/o(/e$ in the e,ecution of a comp(ete in!truction. (N5D 2612@ N5D 2611" MULTI2L3 1US O4>ANIFATION 1. 'hat are the a$/anta.e! of mu(tip(e -u! or.ani?ation) (N5D 2612@ N5D 2611" (2 Mar !" (10 Mar !"

2. 3,p(ain the u!e of mu(tip(e -u! or.ani?ation for e,ecutin. three operan$ in!truction. (M5: 2612" (9 Mar !"

&. Dra% the $ia.ram for the !in.(e -u! or.ani?ation of the $ata path in!i$e the proce!!or. (N5D 2616" #A4D'I43D CONT4OL E MIC4O 24O>4AMM3D CONT4OL 1. 'hat are the a$/anta.e! an$ $i!a$/anta.e! of #ar$ %ire$ an$ Micro pro.ramme$ contro() (N5D 2668" (2 Mar !" 2. 'rite the $ifference -et%een #ori?onta( an$ /ertica( micro in!truction. (A5M 2611@ M5: 2616" (2 Mar !" (9 Mar !"

&. Un$er %hat con$ition! the micropro.ram counter i! not incremente$ after a ne% in!truction i! fetche$ from a memor7. (M5: 2616" (2 Mar !" *. 'hat i! #ar$%ire$ contro() #o% i! it $iffer from Micropro.ramme$ contro(. (M5: 2612" +. 'hat are the input! for #ar$%ire$ contro(. 0. Define #ar$%ire$ Contro( (N5D 2611" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !" (2 Mar !"

8. 3,p(ain the contro( unit or.ani?ation %ith a !eparate enco$er an$ $eco$er function! in a har$%ire$ contro(. (A5M 2611" (9 Mar !" 9. >enerate the (o.ic circuit for the fo((o%in. function! an$ e,p(ain

FinBT1DT0.ADDDT*.14.. 3NDBT8.ADDDT+.14D(T+.NDT*.N".14N... (A5M 2611" ;. 3,p(ain the $e!i.n of #ar$%ire$ contro( unit. (M5: 2616" (9 Mar !" (16 Mar !"

16. 3,p(ain the -a!ic or.ani?ation of a micropro.ramme$ contro( unit an$ the .eneration of contro( !! u!in. micro pro.ram. (M5: 2616@ M5: 2612" (12 Mar !" 11. 'hat are the a$/anta.e! an$ $i!/anta.e! of #ar$ %ire$ an$ Micropro.ramme$ contro( unit) (M5: 2616" (* Mar !" 12. 3,p(ain the contro( ! .eneration u!in. har$%ire$ an$ Micropro.ramme$ contro( %ith nece!!ar7 -(oc $ia.ram. (N5D 2612" (10 Mar !" NANO 24O>4AMMIN> 1. 3,p(ain in $etai( nano pro.rammin.. (10 Mar !"

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