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Muscle Platysma

Origin Clavicle

Insertion Mandible

Innervation Facial N

Orbicularis Oris

Facial muscles Ellipse Mandible around Maxilla mouth

Facial N

Zygomaticus major Zygomaticus minor

Zygomatic bone Zygomatic bone Infra-orbital margin of maxilla Encircles orbit

Corners of moth Upper lip medial to corner of mouth Upper lip Encircles orbit

Facial N Facial N

Function Draw corners of mouth down grimace tenses skin of neck Closes lips Protrudes lips Presses lips against teeth Pouting kissing Raises upper lip Smiling Raises upper lip Raises upper lip Closes eyelids Draws eyebrows medially and downward Draws eyebrows upward Wrinkles skin of forehead Draws scalp backward

Levator Labii Superioris Orbicularis Oculi

Facial N Facial N

Frontal belly

Epicranial aponeurosis

Skin of eyebrows

Facial N

Occipital belly


Superior nuchal line of occipital bone Mastoid process of temporal bone Posterior parts of

Epicranial aponeurosis

Facial N

Blends with orbicularis

Facial N

Presses cheek

maxilla and mandible

oris and lips


Zygomatic arch


Temporal bone (temporal fossa)

Lateral Pterygoid (upper head)

Infratemporal fossa

Maxillary process of zygomatic bone Lateral surface of ramus of mandible Coronoid process of mandible Anterior margin of ramus of mandible TemporoMandibular Joint capsule Neck of mandible TemporoMandibular Joint capsule Neck of mandible Medial surface of mandible near angle

Mandibular branch of trigeminal N

against teeth Helps position teeth against teeth during chewing Elevate mandible

Mandibular branch of trigeminal N

Elevate mandible Retract mandible

Mandibular branch of trigeminal N

Protrude mandible Move mandible side to side Protrude mandible Move mandible side to side Elevate mandible Move mandible side to side

Lateral Pterygoid (lower head)

Lateral side of lateral pterygoid plate

Mandibular branch of trigeminal N

Medial Pterygoid

Palatine bone Maxilla Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate Mental spines on back of

Mandibular branch of trigeminal N


Forms bulk of tongue

Hypoglossal N

Protrudes tongue

mandible Hyoglossus Hyoid bone


Styloid process Styloid process Origin: Mylohyoid line of mandible Mental spine of mandible

Stylohyoid Mylohyoid

Some fibers to hyoid Fibrous tissue of tongue near dorsum Lateral side of tongue Body of hyoid bone Greater horn of hyoid bone Hyoid bone

Hypoglossal N Hypoglossal N Posterior Auricular N Nerve to mylohyoid

Flattens (depresses) tongue Retracts tongue upward and backward Elevates hyoid during swallowing Helps form floor of oral cavity Supports and elevates floor of oral cavity Depresses mandible when hyoid fixed Elevates hyoid when mandible flexed Elevates hyoid during swallowing and opening of mouth Depresses mandible Elevates hyoid during closing of mouth Depresses hyoid bone during


Body of hyoid bone


Digastric (anterior belly)

Lower margin of mandible

Tendon between two bellies to body of hyoid bone Tendon between two bellies to body of hyoid bone Lower border of body of

Mylohyoid N

Digastric (posterior belly)

Mastoid process

Facial N


Superior border of scapula

Anterior rami of C1C3

hyoid bone


Manubrium Clavicle

Lower border of hyoid bone

Anterior rami of c1-c3


Thyroid cartilage

Lower border of hyoid bone Front of thyroid cartilage Mastoid process Superior nuchal line Anterior tubercle of transverse processes of C3-C6 Upper surface of rib 1, posterior to groove for Subclavian A Upper surface of rib 2

Anterior ramus of C1


Manubrium Medial part of first costal cartilage Sternocleidomastoid Clavicle Manubrium

Anterior ramus of C1C3 Accessory N

vocalization and end of swallowing Flexes hyoid bone Depresses hyoid bone during vocalization and end of swallowing Fixes hyoid bone Depresses hyoid bone Raises larynx while swallowing Depresses larynx Flex neck laterally Rotates head to face toward opposite side Anterior rami of C4C7 Elevate rib 1

Scalenus anterior

Anterior to brachial plexus Transverse processes of vertebrae C2C7 Posterior tubercle of transverse processes of vertebrae C4C6

Upper surface of rib 1, scalene tubercle Anterior rami C3-C7

Scalenus medius

Scalenus posterior

Anterior surface of C5-C7

Elevate rib 2

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