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UNIT 20.


Aim: to improve food vocabulary Vocabulary: Menu, bill, food, dish, ingredients, to order, waiter, waitress, cook, customer, price, starters, main courses, desserts, drinks; Starters, soup; Main courses: steak, roasted lamb, fried fish, grilled chicken, stewed pork, Hamburger, spaghetti bolognese, rice, mashed potatoes, chips, boiled peas or beans, salad; Desserts: pancake, fruit salad, cakes, ice cream, cheese pie, apple pie, pumpkin pie, pudding; Drinks: mineral water, tea, coffee, fruit uice, soda, hot chocolate, cappuccino, milk; !late, spoon, fork, knife, teaspoon, glass, cup, mug; Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, " o#clock tea, snack; Shops $see also %nit &' about shops( )ondiments: sugar, salt, oil, vinegar, pepper; *uantities: + a packet of,,, - a bottle of,,, - a ar of,,, - a slice of,,, - a loaf of,,, a tin of,,, - a cartoon of,,, - a kilo of,,, - a pound of,,, Expressions: How much ,,,. - How many,,,. /hat does it taste like. 0t#s sweet - bitter - salty - good - delicious awful,,, /here does food comes from. $from the farm - from the vegetable garden - from the orchard( How much is it. /hat would you like to eat. 0#d like the bill, please1 )an 0 help you. - 2es, please,,,. /hat#s it called. - /hich country is it from. /hat are the ingredients. 0#m hungry - 0#m starving - 0#m thirsty

)an 0 have a - some- ,,,, please. /hich one would you like. Sorry. How many. How much. 34cuse me, do you sell,,,. Sorry, 0#d like- 0 want to buy,,, )ould you pass me the salt, please,,,.

34, 5here are many varieties of courses in this menu, 0 really like drinking hot chocolate, 0#m cra6y about ice+cream, )ould you pass me the sugar, please. Some fruit come from the orchard, 2ou need to go at the dairy#s to buy cheese, )an 0 have two loaves of bread and a ar of am. 0t tastes awful, 0t#s too bitter, 2ou will need: cut+outs with food and drinks from maga6ines A restaurant menu, bill !lastic plates, spoons, forks, knives, glasses 7epresentative food for different shops 0ngredients to make a salad or a cake )oloured crayons and large papers 83SS9: &: Aim: to revise and introduce new words and e4pressions related to food and drinks Warming up: 5he teacher can be either the cook or the waiter, She is dressed according to these two choices and e4plains to the children that they are going to order something, 5oday they are at the restaurant, 5he teacher shows and names the cut+outs with the food and drink, 5he children could be helped with some cut ; outs from a food maga6ine and the menu, 5hey have plastic plates, spoons and they say what they would like to eat and drink, 34: 5eacher: /hat would you like to eat. )hild: 0#d like to eat a pi66a and to drink a uice, !oem: I need... 0 need a plate, 0 need a fork, 0#d like to eat some pork,

0 need a spoon, 0 need a knife, 0#ll use them all my life, ROLE PLAY : At the restaurant (< characters The teacher talks with the children about the restaurant, the menu... Matt: 34cuse me, )an 0 have the menu, please. /aitress: 9h,yes, Here it is1 Sarah: 5hank you, Later ... /aitress: 2es, sir. Matt: Soup, please, /aitress: 9k, Matt: And 0#d like steak, chips and salad, please, Sarah: 0#d like soup,,, and chicken with rice, please, /aitress: 5hank you, /hat would you like to drink. Matt: A bottle of mineral water, please, Sarah: And a glass of apple uice for me, please, The waiter brings the drinks. Then, she comes back with two plates with soup. Matt: 5his soup is delicious, Sarah: My soup is too salty, but it#s good, They are having the second course. Sarah $ama6ed(: /hat a big salad1 /hich are the ingredients. /aitress: 5here are tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuces and cheese, Matt: 2es, it#s perfect, ,,, =ut, could you pass me the salt, please. Later, Matt: 34cuse me, can we have the bill. /aitress: >ust a minute, please1 Sarah: 5hank you very much, /aitress: 2ou#re welcome1 5he teacher discusses together with the children the menu at the restaurant, 5hey learn some other words related to the menu and what they can eat at different moments of the day, POE!: !" #$$d /e like eating spaghetti, 0t doesn#t stay long on our plates, 5wist it once and twist it twice, /ith tomatoes it#s so nice1

8et me eat some bread and butter 8et me eat some cheese 8et me eat some ham and am, 5his is what 0 please1 FUNNY %A!E: &hat '$($ur )s the #$$d*? 5he teacher shows to the children many ob ects representing food and the children have to tell the colour, 34,: /hat colour is the food. 5he chocolate is brown, white,,, ART+ AND ,RAFT: !" -enu 5he teacher asks the children to bring some cut ; outs from a food maga6ine and stick or give them on a large paper, 5hey can do this activities in pairs in order to discuss what they eat at breakfast, lunch or dinner,

Lesson 2:
Aim: to practise the language of shopping /arming up: 5he teacher enters the classroom with lots of materials related to shopping, She asks: Where can we go and buy a hamburger? ROLE PLAY: At the #ast #$$d (@ characters: Matt and the salesman( Salesman: 2es, please. Matt: )an 0 have a cheese and ham sandwich, please. Salesman: /ould you like white bread or brown bread. Matt: /hite, please, Salesman: Any vegetables. Matt: 2es, some tomatoes, Salesman: Do you want butter on the bread. Matt: 2es, please, Later Matt: How much is it. Salesman: 5hat#s one dollar, Matt: 5hank you very much1 Salesman: 2ou#re welcome1 AAt the .reen.r$'er/s 0 Fru)t 1 2e.eta3(es $@ characters: Sarah and the seller( 5eacher: /hat can you buy at the greengrocer#s.

)hild: 0 can buy a lot of fruit - vegetables1 5eacher: /hat fruit - vegetables can you buy. )hild: 0 can buy apples and pears, plums and nuts - cabbages, carrots, potatoes, )hild: 0 can also buy cherries, grapes and strawberries - cauliflowers and onions, 7ole play: Sarah: Bood morning1 Seller: Bood morning, /hat can 0 do for you. Sarah: 0 would like to buy a kilo of potatoes and half a kilo of pepper, Seller: Here it is, Anything else. Sarah: Maybe some fruit, /hat do you recommend. Seller: 5he strawberries are very fresh, Sarah: 5hen two kilos, please, How much is everything. Seller: 5hat#s ",@C dollars, Sarah: 5hank you, Seller: See you ne4t week, Sarah: 9k, bye, bye, Seller: Boodbye, 5he teacher can also introduce some of the Duantities, She can ask: 0f we want to buy some rice how do we ask. I want to buy a kilo of / a packet of rice. :ow, what about bread, milk or ham, 7ole play:AAt the 3ut'her/s $@ characters: Matt and the butcher( t the butcher!s we can buy different types of meat" pork or beef, mutton and chicken, ham, sausages. =utcher: Hello, /hat would you like today. Matt: Hello, 0#m having a ==*, 0 would like a do6en $ &@ ( sausages, half a do6en pork cutlets, two do6en chicken kebabs, =utcher: Here you are1 5oday the t ; bone steak is on special, /ould you like some. Matt: 9k, 0 will have ' pieces of t+bone steak, =utcher: Here you are, Matt: 5hank you1 Bood bye1 =utcher: Boodbye, POE!: F)4e #at Eive fat sausages Erying in a pan

Si66le, si66le, si66le 9ne went bang1 Eour fat sausages Erying in a pan Si66le, si66le, si66le 9ne went bang1 5hree fat sausages Erying in a pan Si66le, si66le, si66le 9ne went bang1 5wo fat sausages Erying in a pan Si66le, si66le, si66le 9ne went bang1 9ne fat sausage Erying in a pan Si66le, si66le, si66le :ow there are one1 7ole play:At the 3a5er" $@ characters: Sarah and the baker( 5eacher: /hat can you buy at the baker#s. )hildren: 0 can buy bread, rolls and buns, 0 can also buy biscuits and cakes, =aker: Bood morning1 /hat would you like today. Sarah: Bood morning1 5oday 0 would like a loaf of bread a do6en bread rolls, =aker: Here you are1 /ould you like anything else. Sarah: 5hank you1 5hat is all 0 need today, =aker: Bood bye1 Sarah: Bood bye1 +ON%: F)4e 'urrant 3uns Eive currant buns in a baker#s shop, 7ound and fat with sugar on the top, Along come a boy with a penny one day,

=ought a currant bun and took it away, Eour currant buns,,, 5hree currant buns,,, 5wo currant buns,,, 9ne currant bun in a baker#s shop, 7ound and fat with sugar on the top, Along come a boy with a penny one day, =ought the currant bun and toot it away, At the de() (@ characters: Sarah and the shop assistant( t the deli we can find different salads. Shop assistant: Hello, what would you like today. Sarah: Hello, 0 would like a small potato salad, a ham- cheese Duiche, a ar of olives, Shop assistant: 0s that all. Sarah: 2es, thank you1 Shop assistant: Here you are1 Boodbye1 Sarah: 5hank you, goodbye1 AAt the da)r" 5eacher: /hat can you buy at the dairy. )hildren: 0 can buy fresh milk and buttermilk, 0 can also buy butter and cheese, After talking about some other shops, the teacher can ask the children: Where does food come from? 5o help them, the teacher can use some visuals or mention some places $the farm - vegetable garden - orchard( DRA&IN% 1 PAINTIN% : AMy favourite dish?

Lesson 3:
Aim: to talk about the ingredients of different dishes /arming up: +,IEN,E: &hat/s )n the #r)d.e*

#arah and $att are hungry. They want to make a snack but first they must see what is in the fridge. Matt: 0#m so hungry1 Sarah: Me too1 0 know, let#s make a snack, /hat is in the fridge. Matt: 0 don#t know, 8et#s find out, They open the fridge" Sarah:: 8ook1 5here is some orange uice, some water and some cake, Matt: 5here are also some vegetables, 5here are carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, beans and some peas, Sarah: 5here are some spreads at the back of the fridge, 8ook there is strawberry, am, peanut, butter and vegemite, Do you have any bread. Matt: Here is the bread, Sarah: 5hank you1 /e can have strawberry am on bread, Matt: 5hat is a great idea, /ell done, Sarah1 +ON%: The 6)77a 5here#s cheese on the pi66a 5here#s cheese on the pi66a And lots and lots of ham 2ummy, yummy, yummy pi66a 2ummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yum, yum1 5here#s onion on the pi66a 5here#s onion on the pi66a And lots and lots of ham 2ummy, yummy, yummy pi66a 2ummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yum, yum1 5here are olives in the pi66a 5here are olives in the pi66a And lots and lots of ham 2ummy, yummy, yummy pi66a 2ummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, yum, yum1 FUNNY %A!E: Let/s $rder a 6)77a8 #arah and $att are cra%y about pi%%a. Matt: Mmm,,,0#m hungry1

Sarah: 8et#s phone the pi66a restaurant, Matt: 8et#s compose the phone number: @&<"'C, 5he delivery boy: 2es, please. Sarah: A pi66a with onion, cheese and tomato, please1 5he delivery boy: 9h, a vegetarian one, Sarah: And a four seasons pi66a, 5he delivery boy: Anything else. Sarah: Some sweet ketchup, too, 5he delivery boy: 9k1 Sarah: 5hank you, =ye, bye1 5he delivery boy: 0n half an hour you#ll have it home,3n oy the meal1 =ye, bye1 Matt: Mmm, tasty1 0 love pi66a very much, 5he children discuss about their favourite pi66a and the ingredients, PI,NI, 1 !E!ORY %A!E: &lay your own game like this" Monkey: 0#m going on a picnic and 0#m taking a pi66a, Sarah: 0#m going on a picnic and 0#m taking a pi66a and a cheese sandwich, Matt: 0#m going on a picnic and 0#m taking a pi66a, a cheese sandwich and a cake,,, Fisit: 5hey can go at the restaurant and order their favourite food or at McDonald?s,

Lesson 4
Aim: to follow instructions when making something /arming up: ROLE PLAY: I a- '$$5)n. Sarah and Matt are talking about how they can make a salad, #arah and $att are making a salad. 3mma: /hat do you need to make a salad. Sarah: /ell, we need lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, carrot, celery, avocado, cheese and spring onion, Matt: And the salad dressing, Sarah: 0 will cut up the tomatoes, cucumber, carrot and celery, Matt: 0 will cut up the lettuce, avocado, cheese and spring onions, They put the vegetables in the bowl. Sarah: 0 will toss the salad, Matt: 0 will add the salad dressing,

Sarah: 2um, yum1 8ook at our salad, doesn#t it look good. Matt: 0t looks perfect1 5he children can make a similar one or a fruit salad, 9r they can bake a cake or some pancakes, 7ole play:AI a- 3a5)n. a 'a5e #arah and $att are baking a cake for their friend Lou Lou $onkey. It is a sponge cake with 'am and cream. Matt: 8et#s make a cake1 Sarah: 9k1 Eirst we have to turn on the oven, Matt: 0 will grease the pan, Sarah: 0 will get out the flour, /e also need milk, butter, eggs, vanilla essence, Matt: Don#t forget the sugar1 They mi( the ingredients in a bowl. Matt: 9k, let#s put in the oven to bake, Sarah: 2es, 0 will need about @" minutes to cook, They take the cake out of the oven. Matt: 0#ll think it#s ready, Sarah: 0 agree, 8et#s cut in half and spread it with am and cream, Matt: 5here we are1 Einished1 Sarah: 0t looks wonderful1 /ould you like to taste it, 8ou 8ou Monkey. Matt: Eor sure1 8ook, he is smiling, +ON%: Pat a 'a5e !at+a+cake, pat+a+cake, =aker#s man, =ake me a cake As fast as you can, !at it and prick it And mark it with = And put it in the oven for baby and me, 5he teacher asks the children what their favourite desserts are, 5hey discuss about them $see also vocabulary( and the teacher can find out which is the most favourite dessert, A 9$t + 'r$ss 3uns Hot + cross buns1

Hot + cross buns1 9ne a penny, two a penny, Hot + cross buns1 0f you have no daughters Bive them to your sons, 9ne a penny, two a penny, Hot + cross buns1 +ON%: :e((" $n a 6(ate >elly on a plate, elly on a plate /ibble wobble, wibble wobble, >elly on a plate, Sausages in a pan, sausages in a pan 5urn them over, turn them over, Sausages in a pan, ART+ AND ,RAFT: Let/s ha4e a 6art" 5he teacher gives the following step+by+step instructions and demonstration for making a simple icing: + !ut two spoonfuls of soft butter or margarine in a bowl, + Mi4 in one cup of icing sugar, a little at a time, + 0f the mi4ture is dry, add a little water, + Stir until smooth, A child decorates his or her own cake with icing and other decorations, 34: 8et#s put some sweets here for eyes and a cherry to make the clown#s nose, 5hat looks lovely1

0n this unit we make a consolidation of all the knowledge taught that week though a contest, 5he children repeat the poem and the song, 5he children solve and hand;out related to the topic,

3very afternoon they revise what they have learned in the morning, A +h$66)n. ()st 5he children have to make a shopping list after discussing what they think they need or would like to buy,

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