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_____________________________________________________________ Free help videos for teachers who are interested in incorporating ICT in their English teaching. All the videos are free Sign up to the free monthly newsletter. It has just under !"!!! su#scri#ers. It is completely free and only sent once a month The site is regularly visited #y $!"!!! teachers a month. Follow me on Twitter http%&&'(&russell )** Follow me on Face#oo+ http%&&'(&teachertrainingvideos

Three tools for the flipping the class

,-ing My favourite tool and the one I use more than anything else. Watch my training videos for ideas. This tool can be used for millions of activities Training .ideos You can watch sets of help videos that show you how and what you can do with !I"#. $ /y0rainShar+ The site allows you to upload 1ower1oints and then to add voice narration to them.

Russell Stannard

2. 1resent me I only just discovered this tool which allows you to add up 11T" 3ord and 14F documents and then to add your we# cam and voice so that you can create presentations that you can then share over the internet or em#ed. This is really interesting. Training .ideos for 1resent /e


Russell Stannard

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