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Model-based Quantity Takeoff in Production

An experimental and interview-based approach on site to develop and implement new work methods
Master of Science Thesis in the Masters Programme Design and Construction Project Management

Department of %ivil and &nvironmental &n'ineerin' Division of Construction Management %(ALM&#" )! *&#" T+ ,- T&%(!,L,.+ ./tebor'0 "weden 1234 Master5s Thesis 1234611


Model-based Quantity Takeoff in !odu"tion

An e#$e!i%ental and inte!&ie'-based a$$!oa"( on site to de&elo$ and i%$le%ent ne' 'o!k %et(ods Master of Science Thesis in the Masters Programme Design and Construction Project Management A)AM *I+)STR,M

)e$a!t%ent of -i&il and En&i!on%ental En.inee!in. Division of Construction Management -HA*MERS /+I0ERSIT1 23 TE-H+2*241 45tebo!.6 S'eden 2013

Model-based Quantity Takeoff in Production An experimental and interview-based approach on site to develop and implement new work methods Master of Science Thesis in the Masters Programme Design and Construction Project Management ADAM L !D"T#$M

% ADAM L !D"T#$M& '()*

+xamensarbete , nstitutionen f-r by..- och mil/-teknik& 0halmers tekniska h-.skola '()*1''

Department of 0ivil and +nvironmental +n.ineerin. Division of 0onstruction Mana.ement 0halmers 2niversity of Technolo.y "+-3)' 45 6-tebor. "weden Telephone1 7 35 8(9*)-::' )(((

0over1 A viewpoint of buildin. elements and spaces from the reference pro/ect;s buildin. information model< 0halmers #eproservice , Department of 0ivil and +nvironmental +n.ineerin. 6-tebor.& "weden '()*

Model-based Quantity Takeoff in Production An experimental and interview-based approach on site to develop and implement new work methods Master of Science Thesis in the Masters Programme Design and Construction Project Management ADAM I!D"T#$M Department of %ivil and &nvironmental &n'ineerin' Division of %onstruction Mana'ement %halmers (niversity of Technolo'y &ffective information sharin' between different parties involved in a pro)ect is important and *IM+ *uildin' Information Modellin'+ is often used in desi'n but rarely in production, -ne aspect of *IM technolo'y is easier .uantity takeoff but lack of *IM competence+ hi'h initial costs+ different procurement systems+ and low interoperability between software have proven to be 'reat barriers for the implementation of *IM technolo'y in pro)ects, The purpose of this master thesis is to investi'ate how model-based .uantity takeoff should be implemented in production, /ive weeks of field observations have been conducted on a reference pro)ect and production mana'ers+ *IM consultants+ and other practitioners of interest have been interviewed, *y tryin' alternative work methods doin' .uantity takeoffs from the reference pro)ect0s *IM current ways of .uantifyin' have been iteratively improved, Primarily+ this master thesis aims at production .uantities in facilities and residential pro)ects and focus has been on .uantities needed for a 'eneral contractor and works related to core complements, "weden has a lot to learn about *IM from our "candinavian nei'hbours and this study shows that if all information in a pro)ect is or'anised in a rational and consistent way there is a lot to 'ain, In "weden+ .uantifyin' of material in production is in many pro)ects done by usin' scale bar and coloured pens, Model-based .uantity takeoff saves time+ reduces waste+ and 'ives opportunity to control invoices more fre.uently, 1owever+ implementation of modelbased .uantity takeoff in production must be done in several steps+ the first step bein' to 'et production personnel workin' di'itally with drawin's usin' PD/ viewers, The second step is to achieve consistency in nomenclature and no more information than a correct littera is necessary in the model at this sta'e, Additional information may later on be connected to the model by 2M documents enablin' other parties than desi'ners to add information as a pro)ect develops, Quantifyin' material is an important task of learnin' a pro)ect and keepin' a hi'h level of visualisation is important in order to control both input and output of the .uantity takeoff, A plan view on the bottom and colour-codin' of ob)ect types help production mana'ers to visually control the .uantity takeoff, Information in current room description documents may be connected to spaces in the pro)ect0s *IM which make construction parts as skirtin' boards and bath room mirrors easy to .uantify, Moreover+ to be successful new ways of workin' should be pulled into production by production personnel that wish to use them+ not pushed out to production by support functions, 3ey words4 *IM+ information mana'ement+ .uantity takeoff+ .uantify+ production

Modellbaserad m5n'davta'nin' i produktion &n experimentell och interv)ubaserad metod p6 arbetsplatsen f7r att utveckla och implementera nya arbetss5tt &xamensarbete inom Desi'n and %onstruction Pro)ect Mana'ement ADAM I!D"T#$M Institutionen f7r by''- och mil)7teknik Avdelnin'en f7r %onstruction Mana'ement %halmers tekniska h7'skola "AMMA!/ATT!I!8 &ffektivare informationsutbyte mellan olika parter involverade i ett pro)ekt 5r vikti't och *IM+ by''nadsinformationsmodellerin'+ anv5nds ofta i pro)ekterin' men s5llan i produktion, &n m7)li'het med *IM 5r enklare m5n'davta'nin' men bristen p6 *IMkompetens+ h7'a initiala kostnader+ olika upphandlin'ssystem och l6' interoperabilitet mellan olika pro'ramvaror har visat si' vara stora hinder f7r implementerin'en av *IM i pro)ekt, "yftet med detta examensarbete 5r att unders7ka hur modellbaserad m5n'davta'nin' b7r implementeras i produktion, /5ltobservationer har under fem veckor ')orts p6 ett referenspro)ekt och produktionsledare+ *IM-konsulter och andra akt7rer av intresse har interv)uats, 8enom att pr7va alternativa arbetsmetoder f7r m5n'davta'nin' med referenspro)ektets *IM har nuvarande arbetss5tts5tt f7r m5n'davta'nin' iterativt f7rb5ttrats, Detta examensarbete syftar fr5mst p6 produktionsm5n'der i hus- och bostadspro)ekt och fokus har le'at p6 m5n'der '5llande stomkompletterin' som beh7vs f7r en huvudentrepren7r, "veri'e har mycket att l5ra om *IM fr6n v6ra nordiska 'rannl5nder och denna studie visar att om all information i ett pro)ekt or'aniseras p6 ett rationellt och konsekvent s5tt finns det mycket att vinna, I "veri'e anv5nds skalstock och f5r'pennor i m6n'a pro)ekt f7r att ta fram produktionsm5n'der och modellbaserad m5n'davta'nin' sparar tid+ minskar svinn och 'er m7)li'het att kontrollera fakturor oftare, Implementerin'en av modellbaserad m5n'davta'nin' i produktion m6ste ske i flera ste'+ det f7rsta ste'et 5r att f6 produktionspersonal att arbeta di'italt med ritnin'ar med h)5lp av PD/-hanterare, Det andra ste'et 5r att uppn6 en konsekvent nomenklatur och in'en mer information i modellen 5n ett korrekt littera 5r n7dv5ndi't i detta skede, 9tterli'are information kan senare anslutas till modellen 'enom 2M -dokument vilket m7)li''7r andra parter 5n pro)ekt7rer att l5''a till information allt eftersom pro)ektet utvecklas, Att m5n'da material 5r en vikti' upp'ift f7r att l5ra si' ett pro)ekt och det 5r 5ven vikti't att h6lla en h7' 'rad av visualiserin' f7r att kunna kontrollera b6de indata och utdata av m5n'davta'nin'en, 8enom att l5''a en planritnin' p6 botten och f5r'koda alla ob)ekttyper kan produktionsledare visuellt kontrollera m5n'davta'nin'en, Informationen i nuvarande rumsbeskrivnin'ar kan anslutas till rumsvolymer i pro)ektets *IM vilket '7r att by''nadsdelar s6som 'olvlister och badrumsspe'lar 5r l5tta att m5n'da, !ya arbetss5tt m6ste dessutom dras in i produktionen av produktionspersonalen som 7nskar anv5nda dem+ inte tryckas ut i produktionen av st7dfunktioner, !yckelord4 *IM+ by''nadsinformationsmodellerin'+ by''nadsinformationsmodeller+ m5n'davta'nin'+ m5n'dnin'+ produktion


SAMMANFATTNING CONTENTS PREFACE ABBREVIATIONS 1 INTROD CTION 1!1 1!2 1!3 2 Ba"#$r%&'( P&r)%se a'( Pr%*+e, De-i'iti%' Resear"h .&esti%'s II III VI VII 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 8 9 9 ; ; ; 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15

T/EORETICA0 BAC1GRO ND 2!1 2!2 2!3 2D CAD Bi++s %- .&a'tities E2)+ai'i'$ the a"r%'3, BIM

2!4 The &se %- BIM 2!4!1 3D Vis&a+isati%' 2!4!2 C+ash Dete"ti%' 2!4!3 4D BIM, 3D 7 ti,e 2!4!4 5D BIM, 3D 7 ti,e 7 "%st 2!5 I'ter%)era*i+it3 *et:ee' Di--ere't S%-t:are 2!6 sa$e %- BIM i' Other N%r(i" C%&'tries 2!6!1 A Brie- S&,,ar3 %- .&a'tit3 Ta#e%-- G&i(e+i'es i' Fi'+a'( 2!8 3 T:% :a3s %- &si'$ a BIM t% esti,ate "%sts

MET/OD 3!1 Meth%(%+%$3 3!2 C%,)a'3 Prese'tati%' %- S#a's#a 3!2!1 Or$a'isati%' 3!2!2 S#a's#a Te#'i# 3!3 Re-ere'"e Pr%<e"t T='(sti"#a' 3!3!1 Basi" I'-%r,ati%' 3!3!2 BIM Desi$' 3!4 3!5 3!6 Prese'tati%' %- I'ter>ie:ees 0i,itati%'s E2te'si%'s *e3%'( 0i,itati%'s

COMPI0ATION OF INTERVIE?S 4!1 Di--ere't 1i'(s %- S%-t:are si'$ BIM Te"h'%+%$3

CHALMERS Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22


4!1!1 4!1!2 4!1!3 4!1!4 4!1!5 4!1!6 4!2 4!3 4!4 4!5 4!6 4!8 4!9 4!; 4!10

S%-t:are -%r M%(e++i'$ S%-t:are -%r C%++a*%rati%' C%'tr%+ M%(e+ Vie:ers S%-t:are -%r .&a'tit3 Ta#e%-I'te$rate( S3ste,s PDF >ie:ers

15 15 15 15 16 16 16 19 1; 23 25 25 26 26 26

BIM I,)+e,e'tati%' Di--ere't ?a3s %- M%(e++i'$ I'teri%r ?a++s@ the :a3 )r%(&"ti%' ,a'a$e the, t%(a3 D%%rs@ h%: the3 are %r(ere( i' a )r%<e"t t%(a3 Areas %- Cei+i'$s a'( S+a*s I'ter'a+ P&r"haser a'( his ?%r# :ith .&a'tities Fi'a'"ia+ Stat&s %- a Pr%<e"t R%%, Des"ri)ti%'s S)a"es i' BIM

5 ANA0ASIS OF RES 0TS BASED ON MODE0 EBPERIMENTING AND INTERVIE?S 29 5!1 5!2 5!3 5!4 BIM I,)+e,e'tati%' ?a3 %- M%(e++i'$ Vis&a+isati%' %- .&a'tities S)a"es i' BIM 29 29 2; 2;

5!5 I'teri%r ?a++s@ "%,)ari'$ ,%(e+C*ase( D&a'tit3 ta#e%-- a'( ,a'&a+ D&a'ti-3i'$ ,eth%(s 2; 5!6 5!8 5!9 6 D%%rs@ i'-%r,ati%' 'ee(e( %' site S+a*s@ "a+"&+ati'$ areas ?ei$ht 32 34 35 36 36 38 39 41 42 42 43 44

IMP0EMENTATION AND SO0 TIONS TO PROB0EMS 6!1 6!2 6!3 6!4 6!5 6!6 6!8 6!9 BIM I,)+e,e'tati%' ?a3 %- M%(e++i'$ C%'tr%++i'$ the BIM Vis&a+isati%' %- .&a'tit3 Ta#e%-I'teri%r ?a++s@ :hat t% -%"&s %' D%%rs@ :hat t% -%"&s %' S)a"es@ a "%,)+e,e't t% r%%, (es"ri)ti%' (%"&,e'ts 0%'$ ter, $%a+s :ith BIM


CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22

ACADEMIC REF0ECTION AND DISC SSION 8!1 8!2 8!3 E>a+&ati%' a'( /%: the Pr%*+e, is Dea+t ?ith! A's:ers t% Resear"h .&esti%'s 0ear'i'$ a'( Re-+e"ti%'

45 45 46 46 48 4; 51

9 ; 10


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First+3, I :a't t% tha'# ,3 t:% ,e't%rs, BEr<e ?ester(ah+ at Cha+,ers 'i>ersit3 %Te"h'%+%$3, a'( R%*ert Ve+F' at S#a's#a Te#'i# GEte*%r$! The3 ha>e "%'ti'&%&s+3 *ee' rea(i'$ this thesis as it has (e>e+%)e( ,a#i'$ s&$$esti%'s %- its )%ssi*+e i,)r%>e,e't! Se"%'(+3, I :%&+( +i#e t% sa3 that )r%(&"ti%' ,a'a$e,e't at )r%<e"t T='(sti"#a' i' GEte*%r$ has *ee' >er3 i,)%rta't -%r this thesis as I :as stati%'e( -i>e :ee#s at the )r%<e"t +ear'i'$ a*%&t )r%(&"ti%' )ers%''e+s :%r# ,eth%(s :ith D&a'tities! A s)e"ia+ tha'#s are $i>e' t% )r%(&"ti%' ,a'a$er Mi#ae+ G%ha'ss%' a'( site ,a'a$er Marti' Stri(h! Fi'a++3, I :a't t% tha'# +- Th%re++, BIM "%%r(i'at%r at S#a's#a -%r his s&))%rt (&ri'$ the :h%+e )eri%( %- :hi"h this thesis :as "%'(&"te(! E>e' th%&$h he -%r,a++3 ha( '%thi'$ t% (% :ith the thesis he has a+:a3s *ee' a' i,)%rta't s&))%rt :he' (is"&ssi%' :as 'ee(e(! GEte*%r$ Ma3 2013 A(a, 0i'(strE,


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3D C Three (i,e'si%'a+ 4D C F%&r (i,e'si%'a+ 5D C Fi>e (i,e'si%'a+ AMA C A++,=' ,ateria+C %"h ar*ets*es#ri>'i'$, C%,,%' Materia+ a'( ?%r#s Des"ri)ti%' BIM C B&i+(i'$ I'-%r,ati%' M%(e+ BIM C B&i+(i'$ I'-%r,ati%' M%(e++i'$ BIM C B&i+(i'$ I'-%r,ati%' Ma'a$e,e't CAD C C%,)&ter Ai(e( Desi$' COBIM C C%,,%' BIM $&i(e+i'es Hi' Fi'+a'(I IAI C I'ter'ati%'a+ A++ia'"e -%r I'ter%)era*i+it3 IFC C I'(&str3 F%&'(ati%' C+asses IT C I'-%r,ati%' Te"h'%+%$3 ITO C I'-%r,ati%' Ta#e%-0EED C 0ea(ershi) i' E'er$3 a'( E'>ir%',e'ta+ Desi$' META C I'-%r,ati%' a*%&t (ata PDF C P%rta*+e D%"&,e't F%r,at R3 C 0e'$th 7 :i(th 7 hei$ht SE1 C S:e(ish "r%'es

CHALMERS Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22


aster thesis

In following chapter background, purpose, and research questions of this are presented!



The construction industr" is pro#ect$based and as pro#ects are unique in nature standardi%ation is difficult! This leads to the i portance of effecti&e infor ation sharing between different parties in&ol&ed in a pro#ect '(erard, 2012)! (IM, often referred to as (uilding Infor ation Modelling, is a hot sub#ect and al ost e&er" aga%ine connected to construction has posted so ething about (IM at so e ti e! *rchitects, consultants, construction engineers, suppliers, and aintenance fir s all see benefits of i ple enting (IM technolog" into their businesses '+ongeling, 200,)! -owada"s (IM is often used in design but one proble is that (IM design often onl" results in 2.$drawings for the construction site! There are uch ore infor ation in a (IM than on the e/ported 2.$drawings which eans a lot of infor ation is lost in between design and production '0iklund, 2010)! Moreo&er1 drawings, esti ations, lists and schedules ha&e a lot in co on! 2oughl" said, it is erel" different wa"s of looking at the sa e infor ation! 3ost esti ators describe a building in ter s of building parts and recipes, 3*.$s"ste s describe a building in ter s of ob#ects in a odel sorted in la"ers, purchasers describe a building in ter s of purchasing ite s, and quantit" sur&e"ors describe a building in ter s of quantities with *M*$codes! 4"ste s and standards ha&e de&eloped in order to e/change infor ation between different parties! *t the o ent, work processes are in the iddle of traditional ethods and (IM but when (IM is full" i ple ented it will fa&our all parties 'Man, 2005)! 6ne aspect of (IM technolog" is easier quantit" takeoff! Theor" suggests that with an intelligent odel desired quantities will be e/tracted faster and ore efficientl" than with current practices '7irat, et al!, 2010)! In realit" howe&er, getting wanted quantities fro a (IM it is not that eas"! The lack of (IM co petence, high initial costs, different procure ent s"ste s, and low interoperabilit" between software has pro&en to be great barriers for the i ple entation of (IM technolog" in pro#ects '*%har, 2012)! Model$based quantit" takeoff has started to de&elop in esti ating but has not "et reached production! In production, anagers and engineers still use ethods where quantities are easured off a ph"sical drawing to be put into an e/cel docu ent '7irat, et al!, 2010)!


Purpose and Problem Definition

The purpose of this aster thesis is to in&estigate how odel$based quantit" takeoff should be i ple ented in production! There are an" people working with (IM in the reference co pan" and all tools and support needed are a&ailable in the co pan"! 8owe&er, (IM is ostl" used in design and as in an" other co panies the reference co pan" has still not "et been able to get (IM useful in production! 9hat de ands and require ents ha&e to be put on designers are e/a ined and what need to change in current work processes highlighted! :ossibilities and barriers with odel$based quantit" takeoff ethods in production are in&estigated! 7urther ore, doing the
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22

aster thesis on a production site hopefull" initiate that production personnel start to require new technolog" for quantit" takeoffs as the" a" see ad&antages with the alternati&e ethods!


Research Questions
8ow is quantit" takeoff done toda" in production and esti ating; 9h" is the (IM not used for quantit" takeoff in production; .oes an"thing in the design phase need to change in order to personnel being able to use the (IM for quantit" takeoff; 9hat are the production; a#or benefits of using ake production

odel$based quantit" takeoff in

8ow should (IM be effecti&el" i ple ented in production;

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22

Theoretical Background

In following chapter a theoretical background based on literature studies are presented where acron" s and concepts are e/plained!


2D !D

3o puter *ided .esign was introduced in the 1<,0:s and i pro&ed a lot of drafts en=s dail" work! * 2. 3*.$ odel is built up b" lines on a /"$plane, e&er" line defined b" a la"er describing what building part is illustrated! 7or e/a ple, lines that describe supporting walls and interior doors are defined b" different la"ers! The lines can either be solid, dotted, or se i$dotted depending on place ent and &isibilit" on drawing! To describe a certain detail with 2. drawings it is not unco on that >$, different drawings are needed to gather all necessar" infor ation about a detail! :lans, sections, details and facades all show the sa e building part but fro different angels '+ongeling, 200,)! 6ne of the proble s with 2. 3*. is that drawings are not connected to each other! If a easure ent on a drawing is changed then all other drawings of this part also need to be re&ised! -ot onl" drawings are affected but also1 lists of quantities, cost esti ations, and production plans! 2e&ision is ti e consu ing and ore than one part" is often affected b" a change in the drawings '4ha loo ? Mobaraki, 2011)!


Bills of Quantities

In order to deter ine the cost of a pro#ect all costs of aterial, achines, labour etcetera ha&e to be su ari%ed! This is an e/tre el" ti e consu ing task and has often been done b" stud"ing drawings and specifications ade b" architects and engineers! *ll quantities ha&e been easured and written down in a standard docu ent and connected to unit costs! 9hole fir s ha&e been speciali%ing on #ust aking these docu ents called bills of quantities for se&eral "ears! The profession of producing bills of quantities is called quantit" sur&e"or and new technolog", (IM included, has reduced the quantit" sur&e"ors work a lot during the last decades '@ee, 2010)!


"#plaining the acron$m BI%

The eaning of the acron" (IM has been widel" discussed since its introduction 'see 7igure 1)! Three different translations are co onl" used which are (uilding Infor ation Model, (uilding Infor ation Modelling, and (uilding Infor ation Manage ent!

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&igure 1' The different aspects of BI% (buildipedia) 2*13+.

* Building Information Model differs fro a 3. odel firstl" in the wa" that a (IM is ob#ect oriented! This eans that the ob#ects building the odel ha&e a place in the digital world and relates to each others positions! 4econdl", a 3. odel consists of surfaces which create a graphic &isualisation of a building but is not intelligent as a (IM! Intelligence that a" be carried in the ob#ects of a (uilding Infor ation Model is for e/a ple aterial, weight, colour, te perature tolerance, unit cost, and asse bl" ti e! In theor", a (IM is able to generate bills of quantities, ti e schedules, and cost esti ations! 3hanges in the odel affect all docu ents that are generated fro it '+ongeling, 200,)! The building4M*2T *lliance of the -ational Institute of (uilding 4ciences offers following definition of (IM: BA Building Information Model is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such, it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle from inception onwardB '@ee, 2010)! Building Information Modelling refers to a process ore than a product which in&ol&es infor ation handling fro idea and design all the wa" to finished building and aintenance! (IM is in this wa" all infor ation shared during a building=s life c"cle! Infor ation a" be sa&ed in graphic or non$graphic data bases as long as infor ation is structured in a rational wa" 'Man, 2005)! The i portance is the process where hu ans store data in libraries and update the continuousl" '7irat, et al!, 2010)! Building Information Management is an acron" used b" 4kanska in order to i ple ent a wa" of working where the attention is not around an infor ation odel! The opportune wa" of storing infor ation is not necessaril" in a 3. odel e&en though so e infor ation a" be connected to it! (IM is the process of

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22

co unication and infor ation sharing within a pro#ect, including infor ation not connected to the odel '0elDn, 2013)! 6b#ects created in a building infor ation odel are described b" the software in three different wa"s1 structural description, functional description, and graphic description 'Mikael (engtsson ? 7rank +auernig, 200,)! tructural description E indicates what the ob#ect consists of, for e/a ple what aterials are included in a wall or that a door has ele ents as doorfra e, leaf, and hinges! !unctional description E indicates how the ob#ect should function, a door for e/a ple akes a hole in the wall and is able to open! "raphic description E indicates what the ob#ect looks like, eaning the 3. &isualisation that consists of surfaces 'Mikael (engtsson ? 7rank +auernig, 200,)!

The difference between a 3*.$ob#ect and a (IM$ob#ect is that a 3*.$ob#ect is onl" described b" the graphic description! 9hen the graphic description is connected to the structural and functional description the 3*.$ob#ect beco es a (IM$ob#ect 'see 7igure 2) '0iklund, 2010)!

&igure 2' Illustration of the difference bet,een a (%ikael Bengtsson / &rank 0auernig) 2**1+.

!D-ob.ect and a BI%-ob.ect


The use of BI%

(IM has se&eral areas of use including 3. &isualisation, clash detection, production planning, and cost esti ation!


3D 3isualisation

*s entioned, a 3. odel is not auto aticall" a (IM! 8owe&er, producing a (uilding Infor ation Model auto aticall" results in a 3. &isualisation of the building 'see 7igure 3)! In other words, a 3. odel is a b"$product of (IM design which

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22

eans that in a (IM pro#ect no one" has to be spent on 3. &isualisation! (IM tools often include functions for 3. presentations as te/tures, lightning, and &iew ports! Technolog" is based on ga ing software which akes the user able to walk around in the co on odel gi&ing clients and designers opportunit" to get to know the building e&en before production starts '+ongeling, 200,)!

&igure 3' 3D 4isualisation from the inside of the reference pro.ect.


lash Detection

.ifferent parties design different parts of a building and it is i portant that all construction parts fit together! 9hen designing in 2. it is difficult to get a picture of how different building parts and s"ste s will work together! 9orking with (IM enables 3. &isualisation for better coordination a ong designers 'see 7igure A)! There is a nu ber of different software that includes tools for this purpose1 ost co onl" used na e of such a tool is clash detection eaning that a (IM coordinator will be notified if an" construction parts o&erlap '+ongeling, 200,)!


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&igure 2' ollaboration control of installations in the reference pro.ect.


2D BI%) 3D 5 time

9hen talking about (IM the fourth di ension is often entioned, 3. F ti e! (" hiding and re&ealing ob#ects at a certain point in ti e it is possible to ake a si ulation of a pro#ect to see what the production will look like! Gsing tools for A. planning akes it eas" to &isuali%e schedules and the planned work 'see 7igure C) 'Man, 2005)!

&igure 6' 2D simulation in 3ico 7oft,are (3icosoft,are) 2*13+.

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6D BI%) 3D 5 time 5 cost

The fifth di ension of (IM is often connected to cost control! Hinking quantities in a odel with a cost database akes it possible to generate a cost esti ation of a pro#ect auto aticall"! The cost esti ation will then be d"na ic which eans that if so ething changes either in the odel or the cost database the cost esti ation will also change 'Man, 2005)! The easiness of (IM$based cost anal"sis gi&es opportunities to test different designs or aterial options to see which are ost beneficial '@ee, 2010)! Moreo&er, the connection to ti e enables real ti e cost control gi&ing anagers opportunit" to follow costs as a pro#ect de&elops 'Man, 2005)!


Interoperabilit$ bet,een Different 7oft,are

(IM is all about infor ation and infor ation has to be co unicated! In construction co unication often need to take place between different parties in a pro#ect! .ifferent parties a" work for different co panies using different infor ation s"ste s and software which creates an interoperabilit" proble as different software a" define infor ation differentl" 'Man, 2005)! It does not ake sense to create a (IM if it is not possible to reuse the infor ation in other software than where infor ation was first created '@ee, 2010)! I*I, the International *lliance for Interoperabilit" has defined a standard file for at for (uilding Infor ation Models called I73, Industr" 7oundation 3lasses! Gsing this standard akes it possible to o&e, change and e/change infor ation between different software 'see 7igure >) 'Man, 2005)!

&igure 8' 3isual description of I& (9i4iniemi) 2*13+.

The I73 for at is built up b" a 2esource Ha"er 3ore Ha"er Interoperabilit" Ha"er

odular sche e with a four class structure:

.o ain Models Ha"er 'Man, 2005)

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This eans odels a" be con&erted to I73 to be e/changed with other software without losing their intelligence! 8owe&er, a standard for at is built upon lowest co on deno inator which eans so e infor ation will be lost in the con&ersion! The purpose of I*I is to work with I73 to continue its de&elop ent 'Man, 2005)! I*I hope that with I73 different parties within a construction pro#ect will be integrated b" building infor ation rather than drawing data 'Ii&inie i, 2013)!


:sage of BI% in ;ther <ordic ountries

The de&elop ent of (IM technolog" has been ore and less successful in different -ordic countries and it is argued that -orwa", .en ark and 7inland are se&eral "ears ahead of 4weden considering (IM i ple entation in the construction industr" '9ong, et al!, 200<)! In 7inland for e/a ple, co on (IM guidelines ha&e been de&eloped b" building4M*2T in order to unif" wa"s of working throughout the countr" 'building4 art, 2013)!


! Brief 7ummar$ of Quantit$ Takeoff =uidelines in &inland

Most i portant when using the odel for quantit" takeoff is consistenc" and one of the ke" concepts is consistenc" in no enclature! There are se&eral different standards in na ing ob#ects in a (IM and which definition to use ust be agreed upon when starting up a pro#ect! 7urther ore, it ust be agreed upon fro what discipline certain building ele ents should be taken off fro , one e/a ple being if slab area should be taken off fro the construction odel or the architectural odel 'building4 art, 2013)! Total quantities are calculated b" adding easure ents of single ob#ects together! (ecause of this, it is i portant that e&er" ob#ect in the (IM is indi&iduall" identifiable! Most co onl" used easure ents are1 nu ber of pieces, length, height, peri eter, net surface area, gross surface area, net &olu e, gross &olu e, net weight, and gross weight 'building4 art, 2013)! * lot of difficulties in quantit" takeoff occur when the (IM is not odelled according to agree ents or if odelling is not done in the sa e wa" throughout the entire odel! 8owe&er, it is possible to &ar" the le&el of detail if the different le&els of detail are clearl" specified in a (IM anual! J&er"thing depends on what the odel is going to be used for, in so e cases onl" ob#ect geo etr" is needed and in other cases e&en rebar weight is required! 7urther ore, it is i portant to use (IM tools co patible with quantit" takeoff purposes! * wall should be odelled b" a wall tool and a roof should be odelled b" a roof tool 'building4 art, 2013)!


T,o ,a$s of using a BI% to estimate costs

There are pri aril" two different wa"s of appl"ing odel$based quantit" takeoff in esti ating1 se i$auto atic and auto atic! Gsing a se i$auto atic approach eans that the esti ator has two screens, one showing the 3. odel and the other one showing construction parts that need to be quantified! The esti ator uses the 3. odel to ark certain construction parts to get the quantit"! This nu ber can then be put into the corresponding field on the other screen! In this wa", the esti ator has full

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control of what happens using the 7rank +auernig, 200,)!

odel as a

easuring tool 'Mikael (engtsson ?

The second approach, auto atic quantit" takeoff eans that the (IM is connected to the cost esti ation and quantities are auto aticall" presented in the cost esti ation! This is a uch faster ethod but an" people that ha&e worked with this ethod feel the" lose control of what is happening 'Mikael (engtsson ? 7rank +auernig, 200,)! 8owe&er, using (IM technolog" the ti e of the quantit" takeoff process a" be reduced b" up to ,0 per cent '0iklund, 2010)!


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In this chapter the ethodolog" of conduction this aster thesis is described! 7urther ore, the reference co pan", the reference pro#ect, and the people inter&iewed are presented along with thesis li itations and e/tensions be"ond li itations!



The ethodolog" used in this aster thesis is a .esign 4cience 2esearch! In this kind of research people, organisations and technolog" are studied in an e/isting en&iron ent! * knowledge base of odels, instru ents and ethods are applied on the e/isting en&iron ent and de&elop ents are e&aluated and #ustified 'see 7igure 5)! In other words, business needs and applicable knowledge are brought together on an organisation and an iterati&e process of de&eloping and e&aluating new wa"s of working results in organisational progress '8e&ner, et al!, 200A)!

&igure >' Design 7cience Research frame,ork (?e4ner) et al.) 2**2+.

This aster thesis started b" stud"ing rele&ant literature on the sub#ect and continued with fi&e weeks of field obser&ations on a reference pro#ect anaged b" a reference organisation, 4kanska! :roduction anagers, (IM consultants, and other practitioners of interest were inter&iewed and results were anal"sed! Inter&iews ha&e been se i$ structured with open questions and all inter&iewees ha&e been gi&en the chance to correct an" isunderstandings written in the report before printing! (" tr"ing alternati&e work ethods doing quantit" takeoffs fro a (IM current wa"s of quantif"ing ha&e been iterati&el" i pro&ed! *n anal"sis has been ade considering literature and inter&iew results and solutions for work process i pro&e ent are presented along with acade ic reflections! :ri aril", this aster thesis ai s at

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production quantities in facilities and residential pro#ects and focus has been on quantities needed for a general contractor and works related to core co ple ents!


ompan$ Presentation of 7kanska

4kanska is a 4wedish construction co pan" working on chosen arkets in Jurope, G4*, and Hatin * erica! The co pan" has C3000 e plo"ees, 11000 of the located in 4weden, and a global turno&er of 123 billion 4JI a "ear! This akes 4kanska the largest construction co pan" in 4weden and e&en one of the largest construction co panies world$wide '4kanska, 2013)!


arket 4kanska has operations in: 3onstruction 2esidential .e&elop ent 3o ercial :ropert" .e&elop ent Infrastructure .e&elop ent '4kanska, 2013)

6n the 4wedish

4kanska is di&ided into a nu ber of different regions and a nu ber of different support functions, one of the support functions na ed 4kanska Teknik '4kanska, 2012)!


7kanska Teknik

4kanska Teknik is a strategic resource within 4kanska being a support function with co petence within all of 4kanska=s areas of operation! 4kanska Teknik has 300 e plo"ees di&ided into four different depart ents1 (uilding engineering and .esign, 3i&il engineering and .esign, 2oad Technolog", and (IM '4kanska, 2012)! The depart ent of (IM at 4kanska Teknik focuses on (IM de&elop ent and i ple entation within 4kanska 4weden! The ai is to de&elop (IM both in ongoing 4kanska pro#ects and in future pro#ects b" introducing new work processes, new tools for usage of (IM technolog", and to lift out beneficial e/a ples of (IM pro#ects '4kanska, 2012)! In large .esign$(uild contracts 4kanska Teknik offers a standard (IM$package with 3. design and 3. coordination! * odel is built in the design phase where all in&ol&ed disciplines are coordinated! The odel a" be used as a source of infor ation throughout the entire pro#ect and is connected to aterial, quantities, and production ethods '4kanska, 2012)!


Reference Pro.ect T@ndstickan

TKndstickan is the pri ar" reference pro#ect this aster thesis is based on! The pro#ect is a facilities pro#ect located in the centre of @Lteborg, total cost being appro/i atel" 3C0 illion 4JI 'see 7igure ,) ':ettersson, 2013)!


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&igure 1' Pro.ect T@ndstickan.


Basic Information

.uring 2012 and 2013 4kanska is building a 15 store office building, 4kanska being both 3lient and 3ontractor! The building will ha&e 20 000 M of rentable area of which the pri ar" tenant N7 alread" signed a contract for half of it! -e/t to the office building 4kanska is also building a car park with A00 spots ':ettersson, 2013)! The core is ade b" a prefabricated concrete structure with a steel bod" and hollow core slabs, colu ns are filled with concrete for fire safet" reasons! The foundation is built on site standing on piles connected to the ountain underneath! Total building ti e of the core was set to 2C weeks which was acco plished thanks to well anaged logistics ':ettersson, 2013)! 4kanska has chosen to get the building HJJ. :latina certified, their third building in @Lteborg eeting those de ands! 7acades are ke" factors and a lot of focus has been on lowering sound le&els, increasing trans ission of light, opti i%ing energ" consu ption, and finding an e/citing architectural solution ':ettersson, 2013)!


BI% Design

:ro#ect TKndstickan is designed with support of 4kanska Teknik, standard (IM package with 3. odel and collaboration control being used! *ll designers ha&e been obliged to follow require ents printed in a 3*. anual on how to odel their own sub$ odel! 4oftware to use, file for ats, ob#ect na es, and floor height coordinates ha&e been specified and agreed upon b" all parties in&ol&ed in the design 'Thorell, 2013)! 8owe&er, since the co on odel is not used for quantit" takeoff in

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production no effort has been put on controlling that ob#ects are na ed accordingl" 'Montecinos, 2013)!


Presentation of Inter4ie,ees
Martin 4tridh, site anager at 4kanska 'reference pro#ect) anager at 4kanska 'reference pro#ect)

7ollowing people ha&e been inter&iewed within their area of e/pertise:

Mikael +ohansson, production +onas 8Lgberg, production

anager at 4kanska 'reference pro#ect) anager at 4kanska 'reference pro#ect)

3a illa :ettersson, production

8enrik (#urstrL , internal purchaser at 4kanska 'reference pro#ect) +oel Hiedbergius, (IM coordinator at 4kanska Glf Thorell, (IM coordinator at 4kanska 3arlos Montecinos, (IM coordinator at 4kanska 2obert 0elDn, (IM de&eloper at 4kanska 8Okan -orberg, (IM consultant at :lan( +ohn 7ahlgren, (IM coordinator at 2a bLll 8anna 4kOnberg, (IM coordinator at 4kanska (Lr#e 9esterdahl, 2esearcher at 3hal ers Gni&ersit" of Technolog"



This aster thesis focuses on production quantities in residential and facilities pro#ects onl"! Moreo&er, when anaging actual quantities in the reference pro#ect onl" 4olibri Model 3hecker has been used as re&iewing software!


"#tensions be$ond Aimitations

Jsti ation quantities are strongl" connected to production quantities and for this reason work processes in esti ation ha&e also been taken into consideration! Moreo&er, one bridge construction pro#ect has been studied because it is the onl" pro#ect in 4weden where the (IM is the legall" binding docu ent!


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ompilation of Inter4ie,s

In following chapter all results fro inter&iews ha&e been su ari%ed and are presented as a continuous te/t! *lthough, so e basic facts ha&e been collected fro websites and are also presented in this chapter!


Different 9inds of 7oft,are :sing BI% Technolog$

The usage of (IM technolog" is based on ad&anced software handling the odel in different wa"s! There are different software to create, &iew, and re&iew the odel and e/pense &aries depending on software features '7ahlgren, 2013)! In following chapter the different kinds of software along with co onl" used brands in 4weden are presented!


7oft,are for %odelling

In practice, creating a odel eans putting ob#ects fro a librar" into a workspace! .ifferent parties such as architects, construction engineers, and installation s"ste designers use different software due to their indi&idual require ents when designing! The different software on the arket has slightl" different features and it is i portant for all users to know possibilities and li itations of the software the" use 'Montecinos, 2013)! Most co onl" used software a ong architects are *utodesk 2e&it *rchitecture and *rchi3*., a ong construction engineers *utodesk 2e&it 4tructure and Tekla 4tructures, and a ong installation designers *utodesk 2e&it MJ: and Magi3*. which are add$ins to *utodesk 2e&it and *uto3*. '7ahlgren, 2013)!


7oft,are for ollaboration ontrol

* (IM ost often consists of se&eral different sub$ odels! 7or this reason, it is i portant to check that all sub$ odels are co patible with each other! In ost contracts it is the contractor=s responsibilit" to re&iew the sub$ odels in a co on coordinate s"ste , usuall" done b" clash detection features 'Thorell, 2013)! Most co onl" used software used are 4olibri Model 3hecker and -a&isworks Manage '7ahlgren, 2013)!


%odel 3ie,ers

*d&anced (IM software is &er" e/pensi&e and for this reason ost de&elopers also ha&e a basic free &iewer! * &iewer works like a re&iewing software but lacks ost features such as clash detection and quantit" takeoff! It is si pl" a wa" to &isuali%e all sub$ odels in the sa e coordinate s"ste without being able to change or check the co on odel! Most co onl" used software are Tekla (IM$sight, -a&isworks 7reedo , and 4olibri Model 0iewer '7ahlgren, 2013)!


7oft,are for Quantit$ Takeoff

There are different kinds of software that enables quantit" takeoff! 7irst kind is re&iewing progra s that ha&e built in functions for quantit" takeoff, one e/a ple
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being 4olibri Model 3hecker! The second solution is a s all add$in progra that enables functions for quantit" takeoff in software that initiall" does not ha&e that feature, one e/a ple being Toco an I$Hink that a" be used in *utodesk 2e&it *rchitecture or 4tructure! *nother wa" to do quantit" takeoff is to use functions in the odelling software which so e of the ha&e built$in '9esterdahl, 2013)!


Integrated 7$stems

In integrated s"ste s not onl" functions for collaboration control and quantit" takeoff are enabled, when for instance quantities are linked to recipes the s"ste generates d"na ic cost esti ations! Moreo&er, using the quantities to generate ti e schedules akes users able to create A. si ulations of the pro#ect b" linking odels and schedules together! (uilt in functions for production control and client reporting akes integrated s"ste s handling the entire building process, all infor ation connected to the odel '0icosoftware, 2013)! 0ico 6ffice and Toco an Jas"(IM are e/a ples of such software '-orberg, 2013)!


PD& 4ie,ers

:.7 &iewers are software not using (IM technolog" but anage :.7 files and digitali%e quantit" takeoff! The software akes it possible to easure, ark, search, co pare, integrate, and link different drawings! *uto atic consideration of scale akes easuring e/tre el" eas" co pared to the old work process where easures are taken off a ph"sical piece of paper '(luebea , 2013)! Most co onl" used software is (luebea 2e&u ePtre e '7ahlgren, 2013)!


BI% Implementation

(IM is closel" related to infor ation technolog" which is essential in an" business! In esti ating, the le&el of IT knowledge is considerabl" high and there ha&e been requests about better tools and software to work with, in this wa" for ing kind of a pull s"ste where de and co es fro esti ators! In production, there has not been such a require ent fro production personnel leading to that ore of a push strateg" has been applied to i ple ent new infor ation technolog"! 6ne reason a" be that the le&el of IT knowledge of production personnel is considerabl" low co pared to esti ators, consequence being that production personnel do not know what to ask for! To i ple ent new technolog" there ha&e to be so eone in the unit that is interested in the sub#ect in order to find new wa"s of working 'Hiedbergius, 2013)! It has been tried to i ple ent (IM technolog" in different stages of construction but with not uch results, starting to use (IM has to start alread" in the design phase! Toda", the desire to use (IM is often pointed out b" the client or contractor! *rchitects do not ha&e an" interests in putting a lot of infor ation in a odel for others to use unless the" are getting paid for it which eans that require ents of (IM usage ha&e to be specified in a contract! In order for a contractor to for a contract of this kind there need to be a kind of contract that gi&es the client or contractor possibilit" to go&ern the designers, e/a ple being a .esign$(uild contract '-orberg, 2013)! In 7inland for e/a ple, de ands ha&e alread" been i plicated b" the state


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which eans contractors do not ha&e to spend ti e and effort on (IM '7ahlgren, 2013)!


4oftware is &er" e/pensi&e and a s all or ediu si%ed pro#ect is not able to afford a single license cost of se&eral thousand 4wedish crones! Man" software de&elopers such as *utodesk, Tekla, and 4olibri ha&e de&eloped free &iewers as co ple ents to their full &ersion progra s! *s entioned, a clash detection a" be run on the co on odel in a full &ersion re&iewing software and then si pl" &iewed for free b" people on site! 8owe&er, when doing quantit" takeoff the full &ersion is needed for ost software '7ahlgren, 2013)! It is argued that costs for licenses is too great and quantif"ing on drawings in production are cheaper e&en though the a ount of ti e needed is considerabl" ore '4tridh, 2013)! 8owe&er, there are other wa"s to pro&ide pro#ects with software without putting a full license cost on the pro#ect! :ro#ects a" si pl" rent network licenses fro a pool of licenses that are paid for centrall" on a "earl" basis which will ake software a&ailable on site uch cheaper '7ahlgren, 2013)! .epending on the si%e of a pro#ect the work with (IM looks different! In s all pro#ects, there are not enough resources to ha&e a (IM coordinator at site! This eans that so eone in the office is producing a lot of results that ust be sent to production since this person is the onl" one in possession of required software and knowledge '7ahlgren, 2013)! Moreo&er, production a" start e&en though there are &er" few docu ents finished, including a usable (IM '4tridh, 2013)! In an" cases, so e sub$ contractors and suppliers are not e&en in&ol&ed in the pro#ect "et when production starts '4kOnberg, 2013) -a&igating in software for 3. &isualisation is so ething that ust be learned! It takes so e ti e to get used to all functions that ake the user able to o&e around in the odel! -owada"s, ost engineering students ha&e tried so e software for 3. &isualisation and therefore anage to na&igate in an" si ilar software distributed at site! Man" production anagers of toda" though ha&e no e/perience of this kind of software and #ust learning to na&igate in a 3. odel require both education and ti e '4tridh, 2013)! 6n the other hand, working with (IM for quantit" takeoff is a uch ore e/iting wa" to work co pared to the old fashion wa" of easuring on a ph"sical drawing! 3hanging work processes for quantit" takeoff a" attract ore people wanting to work with quantit"$related ser&ices, i ple entation being profitable in a long ter $perspecti&e an"wa" 'Hiedbergius, 2013)! Moreo&er, ore e/iting work processes i pro&e the dedication of personnel alread" e plo"ed which increase both effecti&eness and efficienc" '4kOnberg, 2013)! Toda", drawings are the legall" binding docu ent which beco es a huge barrier for the i ple entation of (IM! :roduction personnel cannot use the (IM, if so ething gets wrong then the first question raised is: 9as easuring done in the odel or on drawing; If the answer is Bthe odelQ no co pensation a" be clai ed due to design errors! Moreo&er, the 3*. anual is not a legall" binding docu ent either and toda" all infor ation about how odelling should be done is in the 3*. anual '4tridh, 2013)! There is onl" one pro#ect in 4weden where the (IM is legall" binding and the client has e&en put incenti&es not to use an" drawings on the pro#ect! In this wa", designers and production personnel ha&e been obliged to work closer together in order to get the (IM usable in production! Making the to do so a" be a good wa" to find better wa"s to pass on infor ation to the ne/t pro#ect stage! 7urther ore, de&elop ent cost

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one" and it is i portant for organisations to ha&e pilot$pro#ects where focus is not pri aril" on profit but on tr"ing new wa"s of working '4kOnberg, 2013)! I ple entation of odel$based quantit" takeoff ust be done in se&eral steps! It is the responsibilit" of the pro#ect (IM coordinator to ensure that tools and software are not onl" a&ailable in production but also that personnel ha&e enough knowledge to use the ! 6ne wa" to teach production personnel how to do quantit" takeoff a" be to first deli&er wanted quantities along with pictures and screen shots! The ne/t step would be to deli&er the quantities but to let production personnel &isuali%e the quantities in a odel &iewer! 7inall", quantit" takeoff a" be done with onl" the super&ision of the (IM coordinator! The downside of this i ple entation ethod is that quantif"ing aterial does not indirectl" result in learning the pro#ect! 6n the other hand, the first two steps do not cost the pro#ect an"thing in ter s of software licenses '7ahlgren, 2013)!


Different Ba$s of %odelling

Modelling a" be done in se&eral different wa"s depending on who is doing the odelling and what software is used! *ccording to 36(IM a floor should be odelled b" a floor tool but this is done &er" differentl" in for e/a ple @raphisoft *rchi3*. and *utodesk 2e&it *rchitecture! Moreo&er, if e phasis is on using the (IM for energ" consu ption anal"sis walls ust be attached to the slab whereas if the (IM will be used to e/tract paint quantities the wall should be attached to the ceiling '7ahlgren, 2013)! -ot e&er"thing that is built on a pro#ect is part of the final product! Te porar" constructions as work platfor s and access routes are needed dail" and whene&er an" casting is ade for work has to be put up! 7or work quantities a" in ost cases be taken off the odelled concrete structure but so e te porar" constructions are beneficial to odel in order to get wanted quantities in an easier wa" '4kOnberg, 2013)! It is i portant to ha&e a anual for how the architect should odel, but it is also i portant to ha&e a anual for how the odel should be used! :roduction personnel need to know how the" should do quantit" takeoffs, if it is decided that infor ation about door lining should be found in the door ob#ect in the (IM then production personnel needs to know that it should be found there! 3*. anuals ha&e been used for se&eral "ears and this new t"pe of description is called a (IM anual! The (IM anual should also define how ob#ects are nu bered, how ob#ects are na ed, and what attributes ha&e been qualit" assured '-orberg, 2013)! 7urther ore, so e building parts are odelled b" se&eral parties! 7or e/a ple, a slab or an e/terior wall is often odelled b" both an architect and a structural designer! .epending on what kind of ob#ect is odelled it is done with different le&el of detail! -ot onl" should it be clearl" stated in a (IM anual what ob#ects are odelled twice but also what discipline to use when doing a quantit" takeoff '7ahlgren, 2013)! * good wa" to define what para eters should be used in a pro#ect=s (IM is to look at the lowest co on deno inator between used software and I73! 0alues are organi%ed b" different para eters in different odelling software and integrating all para eters in a co on odel often cause proble s! If using the I73 for at all para eters ust be translated in the sa e wa" fro both other software used, con&enient wa" of working being to agree upon a list of lowest co on deno inator!


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8owe&er, getting lists of all possible para eters co paring the to those of I73 is not &er" eas", producing such a list is also &er" ti e consu ing '-orberg, 2013)! There are different wa"s to odel ob#ect si%es, but to odel infor ation a" also be done in different wa"s! Toda", ost infor ation connected to the (IM is stored in the ob#ects building the odel! 6b#ects will ost likel" in the future be al ost e pt" onl" defined b" the littera the" are gi&en! Infor ation about the specific ob#ect a" be found in a separate docu ent connected to the littera it represents! In this wa", the odel does not ha&e to be sent back to the designer e&er" ti e changes need to be done in the odel! 6ne cannot e/pect that designers will put e/actl" the right infor ation into the odel fro the beginning, best wa" would be to odel an e pt" ob#ect onl" defined b" functional characteristics! 7urther ore, if infor ation is found in linked docu ents it will be easier to continuousl" put ore infor ation into the pro#ect as new infor ation de&elops! This a" e&en be done #ointl" b" all designers that ha&e new infor ation to update the (IM with '7ahlgren, 2013)!


Interior BallsC the ,a$ production manage them toda$

There are a nu ber of different walls in a pro#ect! Interior walls are often ade on site partl" b" easuring, cutting, and ounting g"psu boards! @"psu boards are ordered b" production anage ent and the process of quantif"ing the a ount of aterial is &er" ti e consu ing! Ruantif"ing of aterial for interior walls alone was in the reference pro#ect done o&er two to three weeks, according to a 4kanska production anager g"psu is one of the ost ti e consu ing building parts to quantif" in a facilities or residential pro#ect '+ohansson, 2013)! 6ne of the ain reasons that aterial for interior walls is co plicated to quantif" and build is the a ount of different wall t"pes! The ore wall t"pes that are specified in a pro#ect the ore difficult it gets to keep track on how each wall should be built, each wall t"pe is defined in a separate wall table 'see 7igure <)! 6ne action to keep the nu ber of different wall t"pes at a ini u is to generali%e so e of the separating the on another description! 7or e/a ple, there could be a te/t in the specifications sa"ing that all interior walls screening off a roo containing a floor drain should ha&e a bathroo slab ounted on it! In this wa", two walls a" be defined b" the sa e wall t"pe e&en though the" are built differentl" '4tridh, 2013)!

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&igure D' Table of ,all t$pes in the reference pro.ect.

The process of quantif"ing interior wall aterial was in the reference pro#ect introduced b" printing all necessar" drawings! .ifferent t"pes of walls had to be sorted out since there were twel&e nu ber of different t"pes, wall t"pe is presented on the drawing ne/t to the wall connected to it 'see 7igure 10)! Gsuall" each wall t"pe is arked with a coloured pen aking it eas" to &isuall" separate different t"pes when easuring the quantities! Measuring was done using a scale bar and easure ents were added together on a piece of paper, e&er" easure ent rounded up to whole eters 'see 7igure 11)! 4u s where then written into an PMH docu ent to be further added together '+ohansson, 2013)!


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&igure 1*' Plan 4ie, dra,ing in the reference pro.ect ,here ,all t$pes are presented.

&igure 11' urrent method of Euantif$ing material for interior ,alls in the reference pro.ect.

The ne/t step was to look at the wall specification1 different t"pes of walls ha&e different a ounts of g"psu la"ers, different t"pes of rails, different thickness of isolation, and different t"pes of studs! The wall t"pes are di ensioned according to required sound le&el, e&en though the height of the walls differ! @"psu boards a" be ordered in different si%es and to ake sure waste is at a ini u it is i portant to order si%es that a" fit together! This eans the production anager quantif"ing
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g"psu boards need to consider wall height into his or her calculation '+ohansson, 2013)! The result is a table sorted in wall t"pes and heights with all quantities connected to each row! .epending on the supplier=s ordering s"ste g"psu a" be ordered as eter, square eter, or a ount of packages! (" knowing the area or length of e&er" wall t"pe of a certain height rails, isolation, and studs are easil" calculated! Isolation is often ordered in the sa e a ount as wall area, rails and studs are ordered per eter wall! 6n each regular floor the total a ount of g"psu for interior walls was b" hand calculated to 5,0 square eters in the reference pro#ect '+ohansson, 2013)! 9hen quantif"ing the a ount of aterial needed to build the interior walls there ha&e been so e co plications! .efined wall t"pes could not be trusted because e&en though two walls ha&e the sa e na e the co position a" differ depending on where the wall is located! 7or e/a ple, two walls both na ed BI00CQ ha&e in one location consisted of four la"ers of g"psu and on another location onl" two la"ers! 4o e walls ha&e e&en required a special kind of g"psu e&en though this is not presented on the drawing '+ohansson, 2013)! 8owe&er, if a pro#ect is planned accordingl" all interior walls that require another kind of g"psu should be defined b" their own wall t"pe '4tridh, 2013)! There are a nu ber of downsides with the current wa" of working! 7irstl", quantif"ing g"psu is &er" ti e consu ing! If the (IM would ha&e been trustworth" the responsible production anager could ha&e #oined the pro#ect three weeks later according to hi self! 4econdl", hu an error is a huge risk and quantif"ing is often done se&eral ti es to decrease the uncertaint" of the calculation! :roduction anagers feel unsecure up until the ti e of aterial arri&al which in an" cases are se&eral weeks '+ohansson, 2013)! 9ork ethods a ong production anagers are often indi&idual, each pro#ect are anaged differentl" depending on who anages it! 7or e/a ple, in a for er pro#ect the current site anager at TKndstickan used an alternati&e ethod to cut g"psu boards for interior walls! (oards were ordered according to wall height and cut off co pletel" at e&er" opening 'see 7igure 12)! To fill the space between the roof and doors another di ension of g"psu boards were ordered, ethod being used to keep aterial waste at a ini u ! Gsing a (IM for quantit" takeoff in this situation would ha&e resulted in area calculations not co patible with the production ethod '4tridh, 2013)!


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&igure 12' !lternati4e ,a$ to cut g$psum boards.


DoorsC ho, the$ are ordered in a pro.ect toda$

.oors are an essential building part in all facilities and residential pro#ects and there are often a &ariet" of different t"pes! .oor t"pes are organi%ed in a table according to a nu ber of properties such as hanging, e/ecution, co ponent, wa" of opening, di ensions, ti ber class, functional require ents, co&ering, fra e, and lining 'see 7igure 13)! The door table is first used b" an internal purchaser to get a price fro a supplier of the required doors specified '(#urstrL , 2013)! 9hen the purchase is done production personnel need to require deli&er" of doors, often done b" floor or else e&er"thing in the sa e deli&er"! 9hen the doors are deli&ered production anagers want to control that all products and ite s ha&e arri&ed according to the door table '+ohansson, 2013), door table is in the first place ade b" the architect '(#urstrL , 2013)!

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&igure 13' Door table in the reference pro.ect.

4ince the door table ha&e alread" been ade when production starts production personnel do not need to quantif" what doors the" want to ha&e deli&ered! If e&er"thing is working out accordingl" production anagers onl" need to sa" when the" want the door deli&er", worst case the" need to send the door table to the supplier '8Lgberg, 2013)! 8owe&er, production personnel need to check the deli&er" to ake sure e&er"thing is deli&ered in the wa" it was required! The door table needs to be translated into a bill of quantities which eans all ite s included ha&e to be counted b" hand! Translating the door table takes ti e and odel$based quantit" takeoff would ha&e been &er" useful '+ohansson, 2013)! 7urther ore, when the doors and fra es are deli&ered at site the" need to be placed in the roo the" should be


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ounted in! :ackages are not sorted b" door t"pe but b" ite which eans doors and fra es need to be paired together! :roduction personnel need to check the drawings and ake a list of what doors and fra es goes in each roo '+ohansson, 2013)! There is quite often istrust to all docu ents that are not drawings! In an" cases production anagers want to control that what is on the door table is consistent with what is on the drawing, doors being a building part that in an" cases tends to get wrong '+ohansson, 2013)! Infor ation needed in the odel is basicall" the sa e infor ation as in the door table '8Lgberg, 2013)! *ccording to another production anager howe&er, properties that needs to be controlled is pri aril" di ensions, hanging, aterial, and colour '+ohansson, 2013)! .oor lining and handles are often ordered separatel" fro doors and fra es '+ohansson, 2013)! :roduction anagers need to control e/tra carefull" that what arri&es is reall" what has been ordered! Making a bill of quantities are ade again b" counting on the door table what ite s should be deli&ered, door lining is often ordered in standard lengths, 220 ! In the sa e wa" as doors and fra es, door lining and handles need to be paired together and put in the right roo '+ohansson, 2013)!


!reas of eilings and 7labs

In the reference pro#ect ceiling is ordered b" 4kanska=s production anage ent! Ruantities are often easured using scale bar and calculator, result being put into an e/cel docu ent! 4o e e bers of the production personnel use :.7 tools such as (lue (ea which re o&es the work of scaling and printing! 7urther ore, the software enables area functions which reduce the a ount of easure ents needed! Moreo&er, whene&er an in&oice arri&es it needs to be controlled! In&oices are often based on quantities and since it is ti e consu ing to easure areas and &olu es on drawings this action is often neglected! 7or e/a ple, if a construction worker tells production anage ent he wants to get paid for a certain a ount of filler the a ount of filler needs to be controlled! If there would ha&e been an easier wa" of getting the actual quantities this in&oice could ha&e been controlled ore closel" '+ohansson, 2013)!


Internal Purchaser and his Bork ,ith Quantities

6n big pro#ects there is often a purchaser working in production! There are a lot of building parts and work that need to be purchased and drawings are basis for inquiries! This eans purchasers ne&er ha&e to ake bills of quantities prior to sending out inquiries! 8owe&er, suppliers often ask for quantities and the" are so eti es attached to the specification as a help when deter ining a price! 7urther ore, an in&oice does not gi&e &er" uch infor ation so purchasers often want to control that the right quantities are calculated for when the in&oice arri&es! Ruantities ostl" calculated are areas '(#urstrL , 2013)! Gnlike production anagers purchasers often quantif" other works than are presented on the architectural drawing, pipes and &entilation are co onl" counted for! 8owe&er, purchasers onl" need to ake &er" rough quantit" esti ations since price al ost alwa"s is deter ined b" actual quantities rather than easured quantities presented in the specification! Moreo&er, an inquir" is often sent to se&eral different suppliers! The" all quantif" the work and aterial needed in order to send back a
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price suggestion! There are an" cases where the quantities being sent back differ a lot between different suppliers, the" all count differentl"! The natural thing to do for a purchaser is then to quantif" the aterial b" hi self in order to get a reference nu ber to work on! *gain, infor ation a" be taken fro an earl" esti ator=s bill of quantities but this nu ber is rarel" trusted, eaning the purchaser needs to calculate the quantities in a traditional wa" using drawings '(#urstrL , 2013)!


&inancial 7tatus of a Pro.ect

7our ti es a "ear e&er" pro#ect needs to report its financial status! This work is done b" using the sa e ethod as cost esti ators do when calculating a pro#ect, quantities are connected to costs! *t the reference pro#ect a financial status was deli&ered recentl" and one production anager was dedicated to this task for two weeks! The a ount of ti e for quantif"ing used and bought aterial was appro/i atel" A0 per cent of this ti e! 9hen esti ating the financial status calculating is done &er" roughl" and odel$based quantit" takeoff with the (IM would ha&e been &er" useful '+ohansson, 2013)! *n ideal wa" of working would ha&e been to ha&e both ti e and cost connected to each ob#ect in a (IM! (eing able to follow costs as the pro#ect e&ol&es gi&es production anage ent control of pro#ect profitabilit" '4kOnberg, 2013)!


Room Descriptions

9hen designing using drawings it is neither possible nor realistic to draw all infor ation needed for the pro#ect! 2oo descriptions ha&e been used for se&eral "ears to specif" what co ponents that are not &isible on drawings should be ounted in a roo , a few e/a ples being wall papers, bath roo irrors, and skirting boards '+ohansson, 2013)! Gsing (IM is no difference and it is not rational to odel e&er" single detail in a pro#ect which eans that so e infor ation ust be kept in roo descriptions an"wa", ost i portant when placing infor ation in the (IM is to be consistent '-orberg, 2013)! 9hich infor ation goes where needs to be defined in the beginning of a pro#ect! 4o e infor ation is better to store in building ele ents and other infor ation in roo descriptions! 7or e/a ple, wall finish is ore rational to specif" in a roo description than in the wall ob#ect in (IM! 7irstl", a wall has two sides often with two different finishes! 4econdl", one wall a" be present in two different roo s which ake odelling co plicated if infor ation about finish is kept in the building ele ent '-orberg, 2013)!

2.1* 7paces in BI%

There are two different ph"sics odelled when working with a (IM1 (uilding ele ents and 4paces 'see 7igure 1A)! * space is a odelled &olu e defined b" building parts around it such as walls, floors, ceilings, and roofs '-orberg, 2013)! 9hen using spaces for quantit" takeoff in production it is i portant how the di ensions of the space are defined! 4tandard legal specifications allow designers to ake their easure ents fro wall centre to wall centre when presenting an area of a roo ! 8owe&er, when calculating the area of a floor finish or the length of skirting boards being ounted in a roo easuring ust be done fro wall inside to wall


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inside! 7or this reason, de ands ha&e to be put on designers in a legall" binding docu ent in what wa" easure ents ust be done '4tridh, 2013)! Moreo&er, roo height ust also be defined correctl" and the question is what di ensions should be chosen! Interior walls are so eti es connected to the ceiling, lea&ing a &olu e abo&e for installations '-orberg, 2013)! 6n the other hand, walls so eti es are connected to the slab if sound require ents are higher than usual '+ohansson, 2013)!

&igure 12' The difference bet,een building elements and spaces in a BI% in the reference pro.ect.

Toda" there are so e co plications using spaces in a odel, one proble is connected to the software! 4paces are not full" de&eloped in all software, @raphisoft *rchi3*. being the one ha&ing adapted it in the best wa"! Moreo&er, when e/porting spaces to the I73 for at standards are not full" de&eloped for the con&ersion of data! This creates a proble for the receptor because infor ation gets reorgani%ed and a" then differ fro the agreed structure '-orberg, 2013)! * second proble is that the sides of a space are not indi&iduall" identifiable! If the area of onl" one side of the space is needed this quantit" is not eas" to e/tract '7ahlgren, 2013)! :roduction personnel alread" talks about different belongings! 7or e/a ple, g"psu belongs to a wall while skirting boards belongs to a roo ! 9all paper belongs to a wall while gla%ed tiles belong to a roo ! .oor lining belongs to a door and the door could either belong to a roo or a wall '+ohansson, 2013)! 7urther ore, se&eral different wall finishes a" be found on one wall but there will ne&er be two different wall co positions in one wall if designed correctl" '+ohansson, 2013)! Moreo&er, building ele ents a" be connected to a space in the odel! 7or e/a ple, wardrobes a" not onl" be located b" coordinates and floor but also in what roo the" should be put in '-orberg, 2013)!

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!nal$sis of Results Based "#perimenting and Inter4ie,s



4i ultaneousl" with inter&iews there has been e/peri enting with a (IM fro the reference pro#ect in order to understand the co plications of odel$based quantit" takeoff! In following chapter an anal"sis of pre&ious chapters are presented where theoretical background, inter&iew results, and odel e/peri enting are brought together b" the author!


BI% Implementation

@oing fro anual quantif"ing on drawings to doing quantit" takeoffs fro a (IM is a huge step to take and there are few practitioners in production that are read" to entirel" change their wa" of working! 3o panies tr"ing to introduce the (IM as a new source for quantities need to s"ste aticall" take s all steps not changing work processes to uch in each step! Moreo&er, software e/penses are one of the ost co on argu ents not to i ple ent (IM in production and an" practitioners are not aware of other solutions than putting the entire cost of single licenses on a pro#ect! :ushing new work ethods out in production does not work if there is no de and fro production personnel! :roduction anagers are not interested in changing their wa" of working unless the" see what benefits a new work ethod brings! 7urther ore, production anagers cannot require an" new technical tools if the" do not know the possibilities with the ! In so e wa" the organisation need to get production anage ent to acti&el" require better tools and wa"s to quantif" aterial! 6n the other hand, forcing e plo"ees to work in wa"s the" ha&e ne&er done before creates inno&ation!


Ba$ of %odelling

In the reference pro#ect, the odel is not used for quantit" takeoff in production so no ti e and one" ha&e been spent on controlling that the odel actuall" onl" contains construction ele ent na es fro the agreed list in the 3*. anual! The consequence has been that na es are not consistent and there is a huge risk of issing ele ents when doing quantit" takeoff fro the odel! * list of agreed na es a" either be i ported to 4olibri Model 3hecker fro Microsoft J/cel or created in 4olibri Model 3hecker to be e/ported to Microsoft J/cel! 8owe&er, there is no e/port$button in 4olibri Model 3hecker so infor ation has to be copied and pasted into Microsoft J/cel which a" feel like an unprofessional wa" of working! 2equire ents of an e/port$button for a created rule ha&e been sent to 4olibri and response has been sent back! In ost software for odelling there are different tools for creating walls, slabs, or roofs! .epending on what tool is used the ob#ect created is defined b" Bco ponentQ and this beco es a natural wa" to sort different building parts in a re&iewing software! This feature would be great if the grouping of building parts would ha&e been consistent! 8owe&er, there are an" building parts that are eas" to i/ up and assuring that e&er"thing is odelled accordingl" is &er" co plicated! If a quantit" takeoff is done using co ponent as basis for filtering a lot of quantities a" be issed! 7or e/a ple, in the current architectural odel at TKndstickan so e of the
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ceiling is defined b" co ponent BroofQ and other b" BslabQ! The production anager can ne&er be sure if all ceiling is counted for or e&en if so e ceiling is counted twice when doing a quantit" takeoff! 6ne of the proble s with (IM toda" is that an" changes that need to be ade ust be done b" the designer! 7or e/a ple, when a door is ordered fro a supplier production personnel ha&e no wa" of adding this infor ation to the odel! There is a lot of infor ation that is added or updated during production and the (IM soon gets out of date if all changes ust be ade &ia a designer!


3isualisation of Quantities

9hen quantif"ing aterial &isualisation of wanted quantities is ob&iousl" i portant! 9hen quantif"ing fro drawings &isualisation is seen in two di ensions, eaning that if both height and length is wanted se&eral drawings are needed! 6ne ad&antage with (IM design is that 3. &isualisation co es auto aticall"! 9hen doing quantit" takeoff fro the (IM wanted quantities are shown in three di ensions which ake it eas" to see what is counted for! Moreo&er, an" clai that handling drawings is essential to learn a pro#ect! If quantif"ing gets too eas" production anagers will lose control of what the" are building! In " opinion, :roduction anagers a" learn the pro#ect in 3. as well as in 2.! Model$based quantit" takeoff is not done with a single click on the co puter, all quantities that are being taken off still ha&e to be closel" e/a ined and &isuali%ed! It is a process of assuring that all quantities are counted for #ust as when quantif"ing on drawings, eaning that the pro#ect is erel" learned in a ore pedagogical wa"! 8owe&er, this puts require ents on the software used that &isualisation features connected to the quantit" takeoff tool are well de&eloped!


7paces in BI%

The possibilit" to connect ob#ects to a certain space is &er" helpful when a deli&er" arri&es at site! *ll ob#ects are b" default alread" defined b" what floor the" are located on but so eti es it is useful to know an ob#ects location ore specificall"! 9ardrobes, toilets, doors and fra es all need to be stored in the roo the" should be ounted in before the" are actuall" ounted! In this wa", space belonging a" e&en follow the deli&er" note and personnel carr"ing the deli&er" to its right location will know e/actl" in which roo to put it! 8owe&er, doors a" ob&iousl" be connected to either of the spaces it is located in between and it needs to be decided which of the roo s are ost suitable for storage!


Interior BallsC comparing model-based Euantit$ takeoff and manual Euantif$ing methods

*s of toda", the nu ber of different wall t"pes is held at a ini u using separate descriptions and specifications! If quantit" takeoff is done using the (IM each wall that differs in co position need to be specified b" its own wall t"pe! This eans that the nu ber of wall t"pes will probabl" be higher when we set higher de ands on designers which an" people would see as a co plication!

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*t sites toda" there is not uch knowledge of g"psu waste due to the wa" of quantif"ing interior walls! Measuring is &er" roughl" done and the production anager quantif"ing usuall" ha&e in ind that there will be so e waste and therefore round all easure ents up! In this wa", no addition to the calculated &alue has to be done because the rough esti ation alread" includes waste! (ecause of this, the theoretical &alue of interior wall area is ne&er known at site! If using the (IM for quantit" takeoff a ore e/act theoretical &alue is calculated and then a waste percentage a" be decided and added! In ti e, production anagers will learn what production ethods gi&e what percentage of waste and waste a" be reduced! 3onsidering wall height in e&er" easure ent is e/tre el" ti e consu ing when quantif"ing fro drawings! The consequence is that less consideration is taken to proper height of order package which akes waste uch higher than if height would ha&e been considered! 9ith odel$based quantit" takeoff it is eas" to consider wall height and production personnel are able to spend ore ti e on choosing certain di ensions on g"psu boards for each order, reducing waste! 7urther ore, not onl" is it eas" to sort different walls depending on height! 9hen quantif"ing fro the odel &isualisation is auto aticall" done in 3., when quantif"ing fro drawings &isualisation is two di ensional! This fact akes it eas" to see what walls are higher or lower than usual 'see 7igure 1C)!

&igure 16' The easiness of controlling ,all height in 3D in the reference pro.ect.

@"psu boards a" be deli&ered in different package si%es and sorting different heights out in the odel a" be done in two different wa"s! 7irst option is to e/port all quantities to e/cel and sort the out b" so e si ple progra ing! In this wa" all quantities are gathered in the sa e docu ent and onl" one takeoff is needed! The second option is to use the filter function in 4olibri, filtering walls with a certain height 'see 7igure 1>)! -o progra ing is needed although the ethod requires one takeoff for e&er" wall height that is to be ordered!

&igure 18' &ilter function in 7olibri %odel hecker.


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In 4olibri Model 3hecker it is possible to sa&e preferences regarding filters and takeoff definitions! It is e&en possible to create quantit" takeoff report te plates in Microsoft J/cel so that production personnel do not ha&e to create for ulas b" the sel&es 'see 7igure 15)! @"psu thickness a" be translated into nu ber of g"psu la"ers using Bif state entsQ and su for ulas a" be put in before quantit" takeoff! 8owe&er, according to a production anager too uch auto ati%ation a" lead to that production anagers feel the" lose control of the quantities '+ohansson, 2013)!

&igure 1>' "#ported Euantities 4ie,ed and added together in %icrosoft "#cel in the reference pro.ect.

J&er" wall ob#ect in the (IM has a nu ber of attributes! It is of &ital i portance that all attributes are s"ste aticall" arranged if production personnel should be able to use the (IM for quantit" takeoff 'see 7igure 1,)! There are so e attributes that are needed to ake the quantit" takeoff and so e attributes that akes the takeoff uch easier! 7or e/a ple, wall height is needed because the attribute di ensions the si%e of g"psu package that is ordered! * ount of g"psu la"ers though a" be taken fro the description of wall t"pes which eans that this infor ation does not necessaril" need to be defined in the wall ob#ect! 8owe&er, if an a ount of g"psu la"ers attribute e/ists it will be uch easier to ultipl" in e/cel after the quantit" takeoff!

&igure 11' Quantit$ Takeoff in the reference pro.ect ,here ,alls are sorted according to ,all t$pe.

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*ttributes that

ake the quantit" takeoff possible 'to filter architectural ele ents) 'to know the co position of the wall) 'orders are often done per floor) 'quantit" wanted) 'quantit" wanted) 'di ensions the si%e of packages to be ordered) ake the quantit" takeoff easier 'to filter walls) la"ers 'to be ultiplied when se&eral g"psu la"ers)

.iscipline T"pe 7loor *rea Hength 8eight

*ttributes that

3o ponent * ount of g"psu -et length 2ail t"pe 4tud t"pe

'if wall length without openings is wanted) 'decided b" thickness of wall) 'decided b" thickness of wall)


DoorsC information needed on site

*s entioned in chapter four both internal purchasers and production anagers rarel" trust the door table ade b" the architect, the" want to ake sure the door table is consistent with the drawings! 9ith odel$based quantit" takeoff it is eas" to create a si ilar list to the door table if all door t"pes are defined in a consistent wa", doing the takeoff onl" takes a couple of inutes! Moreo&er, if all infor ation in the door table would ha&e been connected to each door in the (IM a bill of quantities would also ha&e been eas" to e/port fro the odel! This would again ha&e sa&ed ti e instead of production anagers ha&ing to translate the architects door table into a bill of quantities! 9hen ordering door lining infor ation needed is #ust1 nu ber of doors requiring lining, t"pe of door lining, and door height to control door is not higher than ordered length of lining! If infor ation about door lining and handles would ha&e been connected to the door ob#ects in the (IM production anagers would ha&e sa&ed a lot of ti e on this task! Moreo&er, it could be argued if door operation should be put as a &alue on each door t"pe or if doors with different operation should be defined b" different t"pes! *gain, ost i portant is to be consistent but defining left operated doors and right operated doors b" the sa e t"pe is probabl" ore rational! *lthough, the (IM coordinator ust control that what is defined as right operated in the odelling software is the sa e as right operated in production! Ruantities needed for doors are in ost cases the count of each door t"pe but all infor ation presented in the door table could be useful to ha&e in e&er" door ob#ect, a#or reason being the translation fro door table to a bill of quantities!


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*ttributes that

ake the quantit" takeoff possible

.iscipline T"pe 7loor .i ensions 2S 'outside fra e) 6peration 'leftTright) ake the quantit" takeoff easier

*ttributes that

3o ponent 2est of door table 4pace belonging

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7labsC calculating areas

* slab is often odelled as one ob#ect which eans production anage ent a" si pl" ark the slab in the odel to get infor ation of net area where area of openings is counted off the gross area 'see 7igure 1<)! (ecause of this, if the production anager wants to put a filler on the entire slab in one go getting these quantities fro the odel is e/tre el" eas"! Moreo&er, putting a filler on a slab is often done b" an e/ternal part" who sends an in&oice based on quantities to the ain contractor! The easiness of controlling in&oices of this kind using the (IM will probabl" ake production anagers to check quantities on in&oices ore frequentl"! 8owe&er, so eti es a filler is put on the slab in se&eral e/ecutions due to other unfinished works on the floor! Measuring in 3. is ore co plicated than easuring in 2. which eans that ti e is onl" sa&ed when a quantit" takeoff is possible, not if anual easuring has to be done on the odel! If the odel is going to be of an" use for filler purposes the slabs ust be di&ided according to how the e/ecutions in production will be di&ided!

&igure 1D' Information included in a slab ob.ect in the reference pro.ect.


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6n a building site it is known what capacit" the crane has! 9ith ob#ect intelligence such as weight it is eas" to plan the total weight on packages! :roduction personnel a" then use the IT6 tool in 4olibri to control that the package can be lifted to its place without repacking! It is also i portant not to place to hea&" packages on slabs that do not ha&e the capacit" to hold the ! 9ith the odel it onl" takes a inute to get the total weight of the ite s arri&ing!

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Implementation and 7olutions to Problems

In following chapter possible solutions to so e of the proble s regarding odel$ based quantit" takeoff and its i ple entation in production are presented! 4olutions are based on literature studies along with anal"sis of results fro inter&iews and odel e/peri enting!


BI% Implementation

Gsing (IM in full scale will take a long ti e and i ple entation will not be done o&ernight! *s said, it is i portant to take s all steps towards (IM changing work processes continuousl"! The first step should in " opinion be to start quantif"ing using a co puter! 6ne of the ad&antages with :.7 &iewers is that work processes look &er" si ilar to current practices! @etting production personnel to use such tools will not teach the an"thing about (IM but digitali%ing current work processes will be a good first step on the wa" before learning to na&igate in 3.! 7urther ore, a necessit" to slowl" adapt to new wa"s of working is to run pilot$pro#ects e&er" now and then where focus is on e/peri enting and learning ore than profitabilit"! * future a bition a" be to ha&e all infor ation in a odel or so ehow connected to it! *lthough in " opinion, e&en in this case we ust take s all steps when introducing odels in production! Most i portant is to be consistent when na ing ob#ects in the odel but in fact that is all we need to focus on at the o ent! If the litteras are arranged s"ste aticall" we are able to count e&er"thing that is of the sa e t"pe! Ha"ers of g"psu in an interior wall do not need to be defined in the (IM but a" still be found in a separate docu ent! *s long as walls of different t"pes a" be sorted out and quantified there is a lot of ti e that can be sa&ed! It is the sa e when quantif"ing doors as a lot of infor ation is found in a separate door table! *s long as doors of different t"pes a" be quantified the door table a" be counted for in a later stage! In ti e, ore infor ation than littera a" be added to the (IM but we ust not introduce ore infor ation in a odel than we are able to qualit" assure! 9hen na ing building parts in a odel a basis of standardi%ation is often used to sort different ob#ects t"pes out! 9hether we use *M*$codes, (4*($codes or na ing fro Talo is of less i portance as long as we are consistent in na ing throughout the pro#ect! In ti e, a"be ob#ect t"pe na es should be standardi%ed on an organisational le&el or e&en throughout the entire 4wedish building industr" but toda" a pro#ect standard is enough to focus on! *s we ha&e seen pushing new wa"s of working with (IM into production is not efficient! 9e need to i ple ent odels b" pull s"ste s which eans production personnel ust acti&el" ask for better tools for quantit" takeoff if i ple entation should be successful! This is wh" it is i portant for de&elopers and technical support to ake the sel&es present in production e&er" now and then! I would reco end that the (IM coordinator work at least one da" e&er" week in production instead of working in a ain office! Most necessar" infor ation about wa"s to i ple ent (IM and odel$based quantit" takeoff is done outside for al eetings! -ot onl" is it required to ha&e (IM coordinators closer to production! *t least one production anager ust be interested in and ha&e (IM knowledge in order to pull new tools and work ethods into production! I would suggest that whene&er the intention that a odel is going to be used in production at least one production


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anager ust be educated in the software applicable for anaging the (IM! 6ther production anagers then alwa"s ha&e so eone on site to ask questions and e&en if the (IM educated anager a" not be able to answer all questions technical support ha&e a natural infor ation channel for all issues concerning (IM on site!


Ba$ of %odelling

*s discussed in chapter fi&e a natural wa" to sort building parts is to use Bco ponentQ as basis for filtering! 8owe&er, if we as step one focus on ha&ing the correct littera under Bt"peQ all filtering using Bco ponentQ as basis ust be pre&ented! It should be clearl" stated in a (IM anual that ob#ects should be filtered b" using the littera defined in Bt"peQ when doing quantit" takeoff using the (IM! The wa" odellers create their (IM ust reflect the wa" production personnel build on site! 9hen doing quantit" takeoffs of for e/a ple g"psu it is i portant that walls ha&e the sa e height in the odel as in realit"! 9hen creating the odel walls are easil" attached to the slab but this is not necessaril" how walls are built at site 'see 7igure 20)! *lthough, in so e cases when sound le&els allow interior walls are not built all the wa" up to the ceiling! It is i portant that production personnel participate in the building planning phase to share infor ation about what wall height is going to be applied in realit"! 7urther ore, infor ation that is issing in the (IM a" be noticed if so eone with production knowledge participates in the planning phase! 7or e/a ple, in the current (IM used in the reference pro#ect interior walls on the inside of the e/terior walls are issing 'see 7igure 21 and 22)! This is an error that could ha&e been easil" spotted b" an e/perienced production anager!

&igure 2*' Interior ,alls in the reference pro.ect.

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&igure 21' BI%.

omplementar$ ,alls that are built on the reference pro.ect but are missing in the

&igure 22' BI%.

omplementar$ ,alls that are built on the reference pro.ect but are missing in the


ontrolling the BI%

In (IM$pro#ects toda" a lot of focus is put on clash control and aking sure no building parts are placed on the sa e location! 8owe&er, for quantit" takeoff purposes it is e&en ore i portant to do infor ation controls! If one wall is not defined b" na e instead of t"pe infor ation will be lost when aking a quantit" takeoff 'see 7igure 23, 2A, and 2C)! 7urther ore, when defining wall co position it is e/tre el"


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i portant to ha&e the right a ount of g"psu la"ers! 9hen quantit" takeoff is done for ordering purposes it is essential to know if an interior wall consists of two or four la"ers of g"psu 'see 7igure 23,2A, and 2C)! 8owe&er, this infor ation ust not necessaril" be found in the ob#ects in the odel but a" as a start still be found in the wall t"pe description docu ent! Moreo&er, pipes and &entilation are co onl" quantified b" an internal purchaser which requires de ands on infor ation controls not onl" on the architectural odel but also other sub$ odels in the (IM!

&igure 23' Information included in an interior ,all in the reference pro.ect.

&igure 22' Information included in an interior ,all in the reference pro.ect.

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&igure 26' Information included in an interior ,all in the reference pro.ect.

It is i portant that infor ation about area openings is presented in an ob#ect! 7or e/a ple, if slab area is wanted both gross area and net area need to be a&ailable 'see 7igure 2>)! If onl" one area is shown the user do not know how to use it, anual easure ents still ha&e to be ade in order to control what kind of area is presented! If both net area and gross area are presented less control is needed and the trustworthiness of an" quantities e/tracted fro the odel will be higher!

&igure 28' Information about a slab in the reference pro.ectFs BI%.


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In 4olibri Model 3hecker there is a rule na ed B3onstruction T"pes ust be fro *greed HistQ which akes it possible to see e/actl" what building ele ents are na ed wrongl" when doing an infor ation control 'see 7igure 25)! 9ith this function it is possible to gi&e the designers a list of agreed na es and si pl" run the rule based on the list when the odel is sent back for re&iewing! In this wa", &er" little ti e and one" ha&e to be spent on doing an infor ation control since the list of agreed na es si pl" a" be transferred between the different software! M" suggestion is to create such a list in Microsoft J/cel as it is a uch better software for editing than 4olibri Model 3hecker and send it to the designers as a te plate that is required to be used when na ing ob#ect t"pes!

&igure 2>' Results from an information control in 7olibri %odel pro.ect.

hecker in the reference


3isualisation of Quantit$ Takeoff

6ne wa" of getting used to &isuall" control wanted quantities in 3. is to put a plan &iew on the botto of the floor required quantities are being taken off fro 'see 7igure 2,)! In this wa" it is eas" to na&igate and also see if so e ele ents that should be counted are issing! 9hen quantif"ing doors or walls it is essential to not onl" ha&e the ob#ects being counted present in the software but all ob#ects need to &isuall" ha&e a belonging! Moreo&er, when working with different t"pes of for e/a ple walls or doors each t"pe are as entioned often colour coded b" hand on the drawing! If using the odel for quantit" takeoff it is i portant that there is the sa e possibilit" working with the (IM, colour coding each wall or door t"pe to &isuall" separate the 'see 7igure 2,)!

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&igure 21' Doors organised according to door t$pe ,ith a plan 4ie, 4isible underneath in the reference pro.ect.


Interior BallsC ,hat to focus on

Interior walls are the ost ti e consu ing building parts to quantif" on site of a pro#ect and this is where i ple entation should start! *s entioned, the onl" necessar" infor ation in each wall ob#ect is the littera specified in a consistent wa"! J&en though an a bition is to connect all infor ation about a wall to the actual ob#ect in the odel this is not what should be our short ter goal! If production anagers start to quantif" wall t"pes b" filtering on the littera the" a" do all ne/t co ing calculations b" looking at the wall t"pe description! 8owe&er, if a different kind of g"psu will be used on a wall this wall ust be defined b" its own wall t"pe! 9hen this wa" of working is i ple ented we a" think about how to connect ore infor ation to the odel! If this should be done b" defining each ob#ect with ore infor ation or attach an PMH docu ent describing each ob#ect t"pe is a decision we can postpone at the o ent!


DoorsC ,hat to focus on

9ith doors we a" use the sa e kind of thinking as with interior walls! @etting litteras organi%ed and qualit" assured is enough at the ti e since all co ple entar" infor ation a" be found in the door table! 9hen production personnel are used to quantif" nu ber of doors of each door t"pe additional infor ation a" be added to the door ob#ects! 7or e/a ple, door lining infor ation a" be put on each ob#ect in a odelling software si pl" b" adding an B"esTnoQ &alue in a Blining requiredQ attribute! This a" be done in the sa e wa" as a BleftTrightQ &alue is added in an BoperationQ attribute b" default!


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7pacesC a complement to room description documents

In " opinion, a roo description could #ust as well be found in the (IM connected to the roo it represents instead of a separate docu ent co ple enting a drawing! *ll ob#ects do not necessaril" ha&e to be odelled but infor ation directl" connected to a toilet should be found there, that is what building infor ation odelling is all about! (uilding infor ation odelling is a wa" of working where all infor ation is organi%ed in a uch ore con&enient wa"! 9orking with (IM roo descriptions a" be added to a roo , in other words connected to a space in the (IM! 8owe&er, ost default e/ports to I73 for ats do not include spaces! This is wh" it is i portant to set de ands on the I73 file, not the odel$file that is created fro whate&er progra the designer is using! If roo descriptions are connected to spaces in the (IM it will be possible to quickl" quantif" all skirting boards in a pro#ect, floor, or roo ! 4kirting boards should be defined in the MJT* &alues as part of a space that is connected to a roo , eaning that the space should ha&e a B"esTnoQ &alue in a Bskirting board requiredQ attribute! 9ith filtering functions in a re&iewing software it is eas" to filter all spaces that ha&e skirting boards defined! * quantit" takeoff a" then be run b" eter and an e/act easure ent will be presented, all openings counted for! * funda ental question that needs to be raised in the design phase is what should be odelled and what should be connected to spaces! *n interior wall for e/a ple, infor ation about studs is ob&ious to keep in the building ele ent BwallQ while infor ation about skirting boards ust be kept in spaces! Toda" architects do not odel skirting boards which raise the question1 should the"; *ll infor ation that is included in roo descriptions toda" ight not be able to fit into spaces in the (IM, an"wa" it ust be decided what can and how! @"psu is a t"pical gre" area that needs to be defined whether infor ation should be put in the building ele ent or spaces! The fact that one wall a" differ in co position in different roo s suggests that infor ation should be kept in spaces! 8owe&er, the easiness of odelling and a required le&el of &isualisation when doing quantit" takeoffs suggest that infor ation should be kept in building ele ents! Moreo&er, production personnel refer to g"psu as part of the wall although wall finish is referred to as part of a roo ! In order not to change production anagers wa" of thinking a"be g"psu should be odelled and wall finish connected to a space! 9hen defining if infor ation should be kept in building ele ents or spaces in the (IM consideration has to be taken to current wa" of connect belongings! 3hanging production anagers wa" of thinking that g"psu belongs to a roo instead of a wall ight be too far to go! 9all finish though could in the (IM be connected to either building ele ent or wall since current practices are not consistent an"wa"! Measuring an area in 3. is often ore co plicated than easuring on a 2. drawing, especiall" if it is a rectangular area! 8owe&er, there is a big difference of easuring in a (IM and doing a quantit" takeoff fro it! .oing a quantit" takeoff fro spaces beco es &er" useful when ultiple areas should be added together but there ust be a con&enient wa" of filtering wanted areas out 'see 7igure 2<)! *gain, ost i portant success factor is consistenc" in na ing different spaces and what the" contain! 7or e/a ple, if a space contains a B"esTnoQ &alue in a Bbathroo irror requiredQ attribute it will be eas" to quickl" get a list fro the (IM of how an" bath roo irrors should be ounted and where the" should be placed!

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&igure 2D' 3arious spaces sorted out in the reference pro.ectFs BI%.


Aong term goals ,ith BI%

*s discussed in the anal"sis one proble with (IM is that onl" designers are able to add infor ation to the odel e&en though infor ation is continuousl" added and updated during the whole pro#ect life$c"cle! In the future, I think that the actual ob#ects in the odel should be defined onl" b" an indi&idual I. and a t"pe! In this wa", docu ents a" be connected to the ob#ects and infor ation a" be continuousl" added b" an"one in the pro#ect that is allowed to! Gsing PMH docu ents akes it possible do search and quantif" ob#ects according to certain criteria e&en though infor ation is not directl" stored in the ob#ects in the odel! 7urther ore, the odel will be uch easier to handle as file si%es will reduce dra aticall" using this ethod! It is i portant to know that full i ple entation of odel$based quantit" takeoff in production will take a long ti e and s all steps are a ke" success factor! :eople ust ha&e a chance to learn and understand the new ethods and tools that are introduced! * known e/pression indicates following: #A fool with a tool is still a fool$ There is no use of #ust putting a lot of ad&anced software in the hands of production personnel if the" do not understand how the" work! Jducation and ti e for adoption are ke" factors of i ple enting new wa"s of working with (IM:s and quantit" takeoff!


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!cademic Reflection and Discussion

In following chapter there is an e&aluation on this stud" and on how the proble is dealt with! 2esearch questions are answered and so e reflection and learning about doing the thesis is presented! 7inall", ost i portant findings are stated in the concluding re arks chapter along with suggestions of future research that need to be conducted!


"4aluation and ?o, the Problem is Dealt Bith.

The funda ental proble is that required tools and techniques for odel$based quantit" takeoff e/ist toda" but still the" are rarel" used in production! I started to in&estigate where the a#or work with quantities are done and dealt with one proble area at the ti e, starting with interior walls since quantif"ing the is ost ti e$ consu ing! The second ost ti e$consu ing building parts to quantif" were doors which I dealt with ne/t and so on! In this wa", I could deal with as an" proble s I had ti e for during " fi&e weeks in production all the ti e focusing on what is ost i portant! 9hen the ost ti e consu ing building parts to quantif" ware dealt with I started to look for co on success factors! (eing stationed in production in a real$ti e pro#ect was &er" helpful as I could discuss " ideas with production anagers on site continuousl" i pro&ing " solutions to better work ethods! Moreo&er, the co bination of interacting with anagers on site and inter&iewing (IM consultants pro&ed to be a good wa" of working! 9hen starting this thesis the original intention was to co pare results of current and alternati&e work ethods for quantit" takeoff! 8owe&er, when looking into current work processes it was soon clear that this co parison was not possible! The wa" production anagers quantif" toda" does not gi&e a theoretical &alue and waste is not added as a percentage but is integrated in the calculation! 4till, the ti e of quantif"ing could still be co pared but not the accurac" of the calculations! I ha&e onl" used 4olibri Model 3hecker when e&aluating an alternati&e wa" of working with quantit" takeoff! The funda ental issues are still co&ered but when looking at ore specific proble s there a" be functions in other software that should be tested and e&aluated! M" pri ar" intention when starting this thesis was to focus on proble s that could be dealt with toda"! I wanted to contribute in a field where change could be seen as soon as I finished " thesis! 8owe&er, as the thesis de&eloped it was getting harder and harder not to focus on (IM de&elop ent in a longer perspecti&e! This thesis still presents solutions to so e of the proble s of toda" but also so e speculation about (IM in the future is also presented which was not the original intention! 7urther ore, another intention was to focus on esti ation quantities to co pare with production quantities! 8owe&er, as the thesis de&eloped I reali%ed there is no ti e to go too deep into both kinds of quantities and ost focus was put on production!

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!ns,ers to Research Questions

8ow is quantit" takeoff done toda" in production and esti ating; 9h" is the (IM not used for quantit" takeoff in production; .oes an"thing in the design phase need to change in order to ake production personnel being able to use the (IM for quantit" takeoff; 9hat are the a#or benefits of using odel$based quantit" takeoff in production; 8ow should (IM be effecti&el" i ple ented in production;

7ollowing research questions ha&e been basis for this thesis:

Gnfortunatel" all answers to these questions are too co ple/ to answer in a si ple wa"! 9ith the anal"sis presented in chapter fi&e as basis all questions are answered as solutions to proble s in chapter si/! 7urther ore, a su ar" of ost i portant findings will be presented in chapter eight!


Aearning and Reflection

There are different aspects and possibilities with (IM which are closel" related to each other! J&en though quantit" takeoff in production has been " pri ar" ob#ecti&e I ha&e learned a lot about (IM in other aspects! .uring " inter&iews it has been al ost i possible to onl" keep to production quantities which has eant that &isualisation, clash controls, A.$ odelling, and cost anal"sis ha&e also been discussed fro a production perspecti&e as well as a design and aintenance perspecti&e! *lthough that is not presented in this report I feel like I ha&e learned a lot about (IM in other aspects than production quantities! Moreo&er, not onl" ha&e I learned a lot about (IM but also about production ethods and processes in general! 3urrent pro#ect structures and how infor ation is organi%ed in a pro#ect toda" will be i portant knowledge for " future career! .oing this aster=s thesis on " own has strengthened " abilit" to work independentl"! *t first, I felt it was going to be a proble not ha&ing a close collaborati&e to discuss with but as the thesis de&eloped it beca e ore and ore of an ad&antage! *ll proble s that ha&e occurred when writing the report ha&e alwa"s required " attention which has been &er" educating!


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oncluding Remarks and &uture Research

4weden has a lot to learn about (IM fro our 4candina&ian neighbours and this stud" shows that if all infor ation in a pro#ect is organised in a rational and consistent wa" there is a lot to gain! In 4weden, quantif"ing of aterial in production is in an" pro#ects done b" using scale bar and coloured pens! (IM offers a new wa" of working with quantit" takeoff which sa&es ti e, reduces waste, and gi&es opportunit" to control in&oices ore frequentl"! 3osts for software licenses ust not be &er" e/pensi&e but co panies need to ha&e pilot$pro#ects where e phasis is not on profitabilit" but on de&elop ent for successful (IM i ple entation! Moreo&er, new wa"s of working ust be pulled into production fro production personnel, not pushed out b" support functions! 4o eone in production ust be interested and ha&e co petence in (IM and (IM coordinators need to be present in production e&er" now and then! 7urther ore, production personnel ust be in&ol&ed in pro#ect design in order to shape the (IM for production needs! I ple entation of odel$based quantit" takeoff in production ust be done in se&eral steps, first step being to get production personnel working digitall" with drawings using :.7 &iewers! The second step is to quantif" ob#ect t"pes using the (IM, ost i portant being consistenc" in no enclature! Infor ation controls are of &ital i portance and re&iewing software as 4olibri Model 3hecker includes functions for this purpose where a list of agreed na es a" be i ported fro Microsoft J/cel! -o ore infor ation than a correct littera is necessar" in the odel at this stage and b" acco plishing that there is a lot to gain! 3urrent lists and tables of wall t"pe co position and door preferences should still be used as co ple entar" infor ation for the calculation, how the" a" be connected to the odel in a later stage is not an i portant decision at the o ent! Ruantif"ing aterial is an i portant task of learning a pro#ect and a quantit" takeoff using a (IM should not be done b" a single click on a button! (IM design auto aticall" results in 3. &isualisation and a pro#ect is easier to learn in 3. than in 2.! 8owe&er, easuring in 3. is ore co plicated than easuring in 2. which eans odel$based wa"s of working are onl" of interest when quantities are taken off the odel, not easured in it! Ieeping a high le&el of &isualisation is i portant in order to control both input and output of the quantit" takeoff! 3o bining 2. and 3. with a plan &iew on the floor and colour$coding of ob#ect t"pes help production anagers to &isuall" control the quantit" takeoff, wa" of working also being si ilar to current quantif"ing ethods! 8owe&er, a (IM anual ust be followed in order to sort and filter ob#ect t"pes correctl"! Infor ation in current roo description docu ents a" be connected to spaces in the pro#ect=s (IM! 3onstruction parts as skirting boards and bath roo irrors will be eas" to quantif" but it ust be decided what should be odelled and what should be defined in spaces! Toda", construction workers alread" talk about belongings and wa"s to decide what belongs where should be si ilar to current practices! Interior walls, doors, and &arious areas are the ost ti e consu ing construction parts to quantif" in production! 3urrent quantif"ing practices of walls does not gi&e a theoretical &alue and waste is included in the &er" rough calculation! 9ith odel$ based quantit" takeoff an e/act theoretical &alue is gotten and a waste percentage a" be added, in ti e the real waste percentage is learned and aterial waste is reduced! Moreo&er, with odel$based quantit" takeoff it is easier to consider wall height which akes it possible to order different g"psu di ensions, also reducing waste! 9hen
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22


taking off area quantities it is i portant that both gross area and net area is presented to increase the trustworthiness of the takeoff! 7uture research should pri aril" focus on how to na e ob#ects in a (IM! *s entioned, consistenc" in no enclature is a good first step in using (IM throughout an entire pro#ect! (4*(, *M* and Talo are so e e/a ples of standards that a" be used but toda" there is not uch knowledge on how to appl" the on a (IM pro#ect! 7urther ore, the &arious aspects of not defining ob#ects in a (IM with infor ation but si pl" connect PMH$docu ents to indi&idual ob#ects and t"pes should be further e/a ined! There a" be great ad&antages with such a ethod as not onl" the designer a" add infor ation as a pro#ect de&elops! Moreo&er, this thesis presents a wa" of connecting roo ob#ects to roo descriptions as a wa" of gathering ore infor ation closer together but there are still so e gre" areas that need to be further studied, one e/a ple being wall finish and how to quantif" separate sections of one space or #ust parts of a wall!


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*%har, 4!, 2012! (uilding Infor ation Modeling '(IM): -ow and (e"ond! Australasian %ournal of Construction Economics and Building, pp! 'A) 1C$2,! (erard, 6!, 2012! Building Information Modeling for Managing &esign and Construction, H"ngb": .epart ent of 3i&il Jngineering, (ro&e#, (uilding 11,, .I$ 2,00 Igs! H"ngb", .en ark! (#urstrL , 8!, 2013! Internal 'urchaser UInter&iewV '20 March 2013)! (luebea , 2013! U6nlineV *&ailable at: http:TTbluebea !co T U*ccessed 13 03 2013V! building4 art, 2013! U6nlineV *&ailable at: http:TTwww!en!buildings art!kotisi&ukone!co T3 U*ccessed 15 03 2013V! 7ahlgren, +!, 2013! BIM consultant UInter&iewV '12 *pril 2013)! 7irat, 3! J! et al!, 2010! ()A*+I+, +A-E./!! I* M/&E0.BA E& , +EM . Iairo, s!n! @ee, 3!, 2010! +1E I*!0)E*CE /! B)I0&I*" I*!/2MA+I/* M/&E00I*" /* +1E ()A*+I+, )23E,I*" '2/!E I/*, s!l!: 7acult" of Jngineering, (uilt Jn&iron ent and Infor ation Technolog" ! 8e&ner, *! 2!, March, 4! T!, :ark, +! ? 2a , 4!, 200A! .J4I@- 43IJ-3J II-762M*TI6- 4W4TJM4 2J4J*238! MI (uarterly, March, 2,'1), pp! 5C$10C! 8Lgberg, +!, 2013! 'roduction manager UInter&iewV '21 March 2013)! +ohansson, M!, 2013! 'roduction manager UInter&iewV '2, March 2013)! +ongeling, 2!, 200,! BIM ist4llet f5r 6&.CA& i byggpro7ekt, 4tockhol : HuleO tekniska uni&ersitet! Ii&inie i, *!, 2013! +en ,ears of I!C &evelopment . 8hy are we not yet there9, s!l!: s!n! Hiedbergius, +!, 2013! BIM coordinator UInter&iewV '> March 2013)! Man, M!, 2005! BIM, Building Information Modeling and estimation, 4tockhol : ("ggteknik och design, Iungliga tekniska hLgskolan! Mikael (engtsson ? 7rank +auernig, 200,! Effektivare kalkylarbete med BIM9, Hund: Institutionen fLr ("ggproduktion, Hunds Tekniska 8Lgskola! Montecinos, 3!, 2013! BIM coordinator UInter&iewV '0> Ma" 2013)! -orberg, 8!, 2013! UInter&iewV ', March 2013)! :ettersson, 3!, 2013! 'roduction manager UInter&iewV '1A March 2013)! 4ha loo, 2! ? Mobaraki, (!, 2011! BIM alter production, 4tockhol : :rogra ("ggteknik och .esign, Iungliga tekniska hLgskolan! 4kanska, 2012! amverkan teknik hus, @Lteborg: 4kanska! et

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4kanska, 2013! U6nlineV *&ailable at: http:TTskanska!co T U*ccessed 21 03 2013V! 4kOnberg, 8!, 2013! BIM coordinator UInter&iewV '1> *pril 2013)! 4tridh, M!, 2013! ite manager UInter&iewV '20 March 2013)! Thorell, G!, 2013! BIM coordinator UInter&iewV '21 March 2013)! 0elDn, 2!, 2013! BIM developer UInter&iewV '0, *pril 2013)! 9esterdahl, (!, 2013! 2esearcher UInter&iewV '0> Ma" 2013)! 0icosoftware, 2013! U6nlineV *&ailable at: http:TTwww!&icosoftware!co Tdefault!asp/ U*ccessed 13 03 2013V! 0iklund, 7!, 2010! Model based :uantity take off using BIM, 4tockhol : *&delningen fLr ("ggnadsteknik, Iungliga tekniska hLgskolan! 9ong, *! I!, 9ong, 7! I! ? -adee , *!, 200<! C/M'A2A+I3E 2/0E /! MA%/2 +A-E1/0&E2 !/2 +1E IM'0EME*+A+I/* /! BIM I* 3A2I/) C/)*+2IE , 8ong Iong: .epart ent of (uilding and 2eal Jstate, The 8ong Iong :ol"technic Gni&ersit"!


CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22



7igure 1: The different aspects of (IM 'buildipedia, 2013)! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A 7igure 2: Illustration of the difference between a 3*.$ob#ect and a (IM$ob#ect 'Mikael (engtsson ? 7rank +auernig, 200,)! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C 7igure 3: 3. &isualisation fro the inside of the reference pro#ect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > 7igure A: 3ollaboration control of installations in the reference pro#ect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 7igure C: A. si ulation in 0ico 4oftware '0icosoftware, 2013)! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 7igure >: 0isual description of I73 'Ii&inie i, 2013)! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , 7igure 5: .esign 4cience 2esearch fra ework '8e&ner, et al!, 200A)! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 7igure ,: :ro#ect TKndstickan! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13 7igure <: Table of wall t"pes in the reference pro#ect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20 7igure 10: :lan &iew drawing in the reference pro#ect where wall t"pes are presented! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 21 7igure 11: 3urrent ethod of quantif"ing aterial for interior walls in the reference pro#ect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 21 7igure 12: *lternati&e wa" to cut g"psu boards! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 23 7igure 13: .oor table in the reference pro#ect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2A 7igure 1A: The difference between building ele ents and spaces in a (IM in the reference pro#ect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 25 7igure 1C: The easiness of controlling wall height in 3. in the reference pro#ect! !!!!! 30 7igure 1>: 7ilter function in 4olibri Model 3hecker! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 30 7igure 15: J/ported quantities &iewed and added together in Microsoft J/cel in the reference pro#ect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 31 7igure 1,: Ruantit" Takeoff in the reference pro#ect where walls are sorted according to wall t"pe! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 31 7igure 1<: Infor ation included in a slab ob#ect in the reference pro#ect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3A 7igure 20: Interior walls in the reference pro#ect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 35 7igure 21: 3o ple entar" walls that are built on the reference pro#ect but are issing in the (IM! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3, 7igure 22: 3o ple entar" walls that are built on the reference pro#ect but are issing in the (IM! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3, 7igure 23: Infor ation included in an interior wall in the reference pro#ect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3< 7igure 2A: Infor ation included in an interior wall in the reference pro#ect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3< 7igure 2C: Infor ation included in an interior wall in the reference pro#ect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! A0 7igure 2>: Infor ation about a slab in the reference pro#ects (IM! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A0 7igure 25: 2esults fro an infor ation control in 4olibri Model 3hecker in the reference pro#ect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A1

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22


7igure 2,: .oors organised according to door t"pe with a plan &iew &isible underneath in the reference pro#ect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A2 7igure 2<: 0arious spaces sorted out in the reference pro#ects (IM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AA


CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Masters Thesis 2013:22

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