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Driving Tips From Driving Experts

Driving Tips From Driving Experts


21 Smart Driving Tips for New Drivers:

You're biggest risk of having a bad accident is within the first two years of you passing your driving test.

Follow these hints and you can reduce this risk. 1. After passing your test it will be strange to find an empty front passenger seat. The first time you drive take someone with you for support. Think seriously about displaying a `P' plate. 2. When you do have to drive completely alone, begin on roads that you know but remember to keep a road atlas in the car in case you get lost. 3. When you get your confidence, drive like you own the car, not the road! 4. You've learnt to drive and passed your test by sticking to the rules. Stay this way and you'll stay alive ! So will your passengers and others on the road. 5. Your quick reactions won't always stop you having an accident. Spotting and responding to problems ahead in plenty of time will. 6. Drive in a way that suits your ability and the traffic conditions. It doesn't impress anybody if you drive fast in the wrong places and you could end up in a lot of trouble. 7. Have plenty of sleep, especially before making a big journey and take plenty of rest breaks to restore your alertness. Listen to the radio for traffic reports and make sure you've enough fuel. 8. Fiddling with the radio or a cassette when your driving can be distracting, so can playing your sound system so loud that you can't hear the sirens of an emergency vehicle. 9. Give your mates a lift, but remember you're the driver so you're in control. Don't succumb to peer pressure. If they give you hassle, drop them off at a bus stop! 10. Keep your eyes moving but don't scare your passengers by turning your head away from the road ahead when talking to any of them!



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

11. Take motorway tuition and seriously think about advanced driver training. Research shows that it makes better drivers. 12. Driving a four wheel drive motor doesn't suspend the laws of physics. You can still lose control if you ask too much of it. 13. Don't leave valuables in your car where they can be seen because this invites a break in. 14. Keep space from aggressive drivers. Don't get involved in trouble. 15. Be seen. Whenever you need to turn your windscreen wipers on switch your lights as well. 16. If you're driving on a slippery or loose surface use the foot controls very gently. 17. Taking drugs and driving, like drinking alcohol before driving is a definite `No'.. 18. Before driving abroad you need professional advice. 19. Keep some tools in your car ! 20. If you're driving alone, particularly if you're a woman you should: a. Plan your journey properly and let somebody know your route. b. Carry a pen, paper, maps, first aid kit, torch, small change, warm clothing/blanket and a fire extinguisher. c. Carry a mobile phone (only for emergencies). d. Carry a personal attack alarm. e. Be sure that your car is in good order and join a recovery organization 21. If your vehicle breaks down, don't panic. There are far more friendly people on the roads than those who would wish to harm you. * If you can, pull up where there are houses, street lighting and a telephone. * If you are somewhere remote you are at less risk if you stay inside your car. Use your mobile phone. If you have to walk take your personal attack alarm with you. * If a stranger does offers assistance, note their car number, keep your doors locked, speak to them through a closed window and send them to get help.

Stay out of the way. Give aggressive drivers plenty of room to get around you. Drive defensively. Do not assume other drivers will follow traffic rules. Do not insist on your right-of-way if another driver is challenging you. Give a tailgater an opportunity to pass you by changing lanes. Be alert to those who are putting on makeup, talking on car phones, reading, eating or otherwise not paying attention to driving. Give cars room to merge ahead of you. Follow these tips to avoid rude or aggressive driving tendencies yourself. Don't make eye contact with an aggressive driver. Don't use obscene gestures. Use your horn sparingly. Don't block the passing lane. Don't switch lanes without signaling. Avoid blocking the right-hand turn lane. Do not tailgate. Don't get distracted by the car phone. Don't play the radio excessively loudly.



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

Allow plenty of time for your trip. Driving is transportation, not competition. Want to compete? Find a racetrack. Be courteous, even when other drivers are not. Retaliating won't get you where you're going any sooner. Don't assume the other driver is out to antagonize you; he or she may just be in a hurry, too. It's not your job to teach others to drive. If, for example, you block a speeding car to slow it down, you might be inviting trouble. Leave law enforcement to the police. Make time good instead of making good time. If it takes 25 minutes to get to work, why leave yourself only 15? Leave earlier and don't play beat the clock. If driving makes you impatient, play music or listen to a book on tape to pass the time.

Warning signs for drowsy drivers

Eyes closing or not focusing by themselves Difficulty in keeping your head up Yawning constantly Not remembering driving the last few minutes Drifting between lanes, tailgating, or missing traffic signs Jerking the car back into the lane after drifting

Never assume that an apparently aggressive act was intended. Inhibit your own anger by taking deep breaths, keeping yourself calm or putting on relaxing music. If you're being hassled by another driver, try not to react. Avoid making eye contact. Keep your doors locked and your windows up. When stopped in traffic, leave enough space to pull out from behind the car you're following. Try not to disassociate yourself from the people in the cars around you. Pretend other drivers are people you know.

First and foremost make every attempt to get out of the way. Put your pride in the back seat. Do not challenge them by speeding up or attempting to hold-your-own in your travel lane. Wear your seat belt. It will hold you in your seat and behind the wheel in case you need to make an abrupt driving maneuver and it will protect you in a crash. Avoid eye contact. Ignore gestures and refuse to return them. Report aggressive drivers to the appropriate authorities by providing a vehicle description, license number, location, and if possible, direction of travel. If you have a cellular phone, and can do it safely, call the police. If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash farther down the road, stop a safe distance



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

from the crash scene, wait for the police to arrive, and report the driving behavior that you witnessed.
From: Aloha

Use positive self-regulatory sentences. Acquire a supportive driving philosophy. Act as-if positive when you feel negative. Adopt cooperative role models and symbols for cars and driving. Practice self-witnessing for objective self-awareness. Regularly consider the effect of your driving on others. Come out swinging positive when getting into trouble with others. Shrink your emotional territory. Learn to satisfy the sense of personal freedom through smart driving.
From: Aloha

Practicing patience in the car will ease your mind and take you far. Drive smart and put a smile in your heart. Ask yourself if it's right for you to tailgate. How do you feel when someone tailgates you? They made a mistake? Give them a break! Listen in on your thinking behind the wheel. Do you fuss and cuss and make a big deal? That's unhealthy for your body and mind. Drive with Aloha toward all humankind. Do you feel locked into traffic, unable to move? Worried you'll go crazy if you can't get out of it? Try some quick mood changers: start singing; make silly animal sounds, listen to music that calms you, tune in to talk radio, put a talking book in your tape player, enjoy a moment to yourself, mentally plan a vacation trip, look around and enjoy the scene, become one with the traffic flow, count your blessings. Just go with the flow no matter how slow Drive with Aloha Spirit. Let someone go ahead. Keep children safe in cars. Always fasten their seatbelts. Always use car seats securely in place in the back seat. Rushing, tailgating, and lane hopping? Relax and play follow the leader, Resist the urge to be an impatient speeder. Enjoy the journey. If another driver bothers you, get out of the way. Be smart, turn down challenges. Set a good example. Don't try to teach other drivers a lesson. Make it a safe trip. Keep a cool head, an alert eye, and a steady hand. You're in traffic -- driving like a maniac. You moan and groan -- are you anger prone? Give up your bad mood -- it's no fun to be rude. Take things in stride -- enjoy the ride. Arrive alive. Take it easy, why drive yourself crazy? Keep peace in the car and on the road. You can learn to love traffic. Enjoy the ride. It's part of your journey in life. Treat other drivers as you'd want them to treat your son or daughter. Frustrated? Upset? Angry? Quick -- make silly animal sounds. They'll help you calm down. Think bad, feel bad, be bad. Think nice, feel nice, be nice. It's your choice! Don't fight -- Drive right. Don't compete -- Just follow along. Don't do wrong -- Sing a



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

song! Don't swear -- Learn to care! Thin and act like the driver of this car is dedicated to non-violence Avoid win-lose situations. Look out for win-win opportunities. Help other drivers along the way. Be a supportive driver. Spread your random acts of kindness around. Avoid the hassle of left lane driving. Because that's where road rage is thriving. Have you tried the right lane lately? It's slower, safer, smarter, nicer Don't let your bad mood do the driving. Think kind thoughts and drive with Aloha in your heart. Reason with yourself: Anger is unhealthy Don't express it, don't suppress it, confess it! Forgive and live! Don't think of it as being cut off. Think of it as helping someone in trouble. You don't feel like being nice? Just act as-if you are -- and you will be. Preserve the spirit of community. Give a courtesy wave to reward civility Does it seem like the other lane is always faster? Be safe and stay in your lane You'll get there just as quick. Hey, car lovers! Respect one another. Go ahead, make your day. Be a nice driver all the way Let someone go ahead of you. Brake for people on foot. Avoid blocking the passing lane. Resist following too close. Make a full stop when required. Go slow around the bend. Signal ahead of time. Do these things and you're a good driver. Driving defensively is smart. Driving altruistically is even smarter. Careless driving is bad. Defensive driving is better. Aloha Spirit driving is best. Drive under the influence of awareness. It will save a lives. How much are you driving over the speed limit right now? Is it safe to do that? Do you see someone driving at the speed limit? They're doing a good thing. They're saving lives. Did you know that most traffic accidents are caused by driver error? Please watch out and be alert. Do you feel frustrated in traffic? Are you impatient? Take a deep breath. There's time to slow down. Is your radio playing very loud? Have a heart and be considerate of your neighbors on the road. Last year more than 40,000 Americans died in traffic accidents. Almost 4 million people were seriously injured on the road. Don't take risks! Protect each other. People are walking up ahead. Approaching fast is threatening to them. Be gentle and your car will be too. Are you having negative thoughts about another driver? Do you feel justified that you're "in the right"? Then you're in a state of road rage! To back out of road rage start singing or making silly animal sounds. Then give yourself pep talks about human rights, noble feelings, smarter choices, acceptance of diversity, forgiveness, giving people greater latitude. Think like an Aloha Spirit driver, and you'll act like one! Anger released is anger increased. Anger transformed is anger dissolved. Anger and indignation weaken your immune system and your heart. Tolerance and humor diffuse anger, reduce stress, and keep you alert. You can make smarter choices and enjoy hassle-free,



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

safer, more pleasant rides. And feel part of the community of drivers.

Don't drive drowsy -- research shows that people are unable to predict when they will fall asleep. Avoid making eye contact with aggressive drivers -- don't escalate a dangerous situation! Give bicyclists wide berth -- they sometimes need to maneuver around potholes, opening car doors, and other obstacles. Stop at red lights -- sounds simple, but red light violators cause thousands of crashes every year! Avoid distractions while driving -- pull over if you need to use your cell phone. Pass on the left, drive on the right. Don't overdrive your headlights at night, especially in areas where animal crossing signs are posted. Avoid stopping on major highways whenever possible. Wear your seatbelt at all times. Don't drive drunk! Appoint a designated driver
From: aloha

Don't honk at someone. Don't make an offensive hand gesture. Don't yell at someone or swear. Don't rev your engine to indicate displeasure. Don't shine your high beams in retaliation. Don't deliberately cut someone off. Don't tailgate. Don't brake suddenly to punish a tailgater. Don't block a lane. Don't rave. Don't chase.
From: newwoman

Divert your attention. Instead of automatically reacting when you feel angry, diffuse your emotions by counting slowly, singing, or making funny animal noises -- meow, roar, or moo -- for about 10 seconds (best done when you're alone in the car and the windows are up). Strive for a comfy drive. A pleasant environment wards off stress. Put in a book-on-tape of something you've been meaning to read or treat yourself to a pair of sleek leather driving gloves. Go with the slow flow. Because driving behavior can be contagious, cruising on the highway in the left lane may make you feel pressured to match an escalating pace. Switch to the right lane and set your own speed. Consider the cause. Don't assume that other drivers' mistakes are intentional or personal. Reduce your hostility by attributing their offense to something excusable and situational -say, a malfunctioning car or illness.



Driving Tips From Driving Experts




Remedy Leave earlier; Give up

Obsessing 1 about slow traffic

"At this rate well never get there" , getting there on time; "I feel like Im going backwards" , "Now Im stuck behind this slow driver" etc. Distract yourself with radio or music; Admire the scenery; Practice yoga breathing "This jerk just cut me off gotta give Make funny animal sounds;

Feeling combative 2 with selfrighteous indignation

him a piece of my mind" , "I don't deserve to be pushed around" , "Nobody gives me the finger and gets away with it" "Nobody should etc. "Darn, that guy made the light and

Make up some possible excuses for that driver; Think about your parents and children who might do being a saint Tell yourself it's just a habit from childhood to feel anxious about not winning, or being left behind; Remind yourself it feels good to be civil and helpful

fool with me and get away with it"; the same thing; Think about

Feeling 3 excessively competitive

I didn't" , "How come that lane is faster than this one"

"Look at that idiot who forgets to turn off his signal" , "I can't stand 4 Being overcritical it the way he slows down and speeds up, slows down and speeds up" , "How can he pay attention to the road if hes babbling on the phone" "I like to go fast, but I'm careful" , Love of risk taking

Tell yourself it's human to make mistakes; Recall to yourself your own mistakes; Remind yourself that patience is a virtue; Try to maneuver your car away from that car Think of your loved ones

"I can make this light if I speed up" and how they would feel if 5 , "I can squeeze into that opening if something happened to you; I time it right" , "I can insult that driver cause I can get away fast" , etc.
From: Driving Etiquette Here are some simple Rules of the Road to remember the next time you go out:

Tell yourself you prefer to be a mature and prudent person

When driving, pay attention to the task at hand Do not stay in the left lane if you are going slower than the traffic to your right



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

If you are not passing another car, remain in the right lane(s) If a car is approaching from the rear, flashing its lights, move over as soon as you are able Do not tailgate, leave a "2 second" space between you and the car ahead of you Do not slam on your brakes if a car is tailgating you Do not ride your brakes Do not change lanes if there is a car in the lane you want to move into going faster than you Be courteous to others, if you can't make a move without obstructing others on the road don't do it Check around your car when changing lanes in order to do so safely When entering an interstate, speed up to match the speed of the oncoming traffic before trying to merge When leaving an interstate, slow down only when you are totally in the deceleration lane When moving into a turn lane, wait until you are in the lane to brake When driving behind someone make sure your high beams are off Green means GO Red means STOP Blue means MOVE TO THE RIGHT (and if it follows you, it means you're screwed) Use your blinker to signal a lane change, or a turn Do not forget to turn off your blinker When encountering a funeral procession, pull over to show respect for the deceased (unless you know the SOB, that is) And finally for all you tourists out there in happy-go-lucky land, plan your trip before you leave home so you know where you are going

Don't take traffic problems personally Avoid eye contact with an aggressive driver Don't make obscene gestures ("that makes you a player and suddenly it begins to escalate") Don't tailgate Use your horn sparingly (the polite honk can be misinterpreted) Don't block the passing lane (some drivers think you're doing something to them when you do this) Don't block the right hand turn lane Allow adequate time for your trip. Create a relaxing and comfortable environment in your car. Play relaxing music (with a beat slower than your heartbeat, one music afficionado suggested). Behave cooperatively, you'll get repaid in kind. If you're aggressive, you trigger in others a natural instinct to fight back and drivers will often try to twart your progress (not let you into a line of traffic, for example) Be diplomatic, you will be able to move through traffic with amazing ease. Sometimes drivers will go out of their way to help you.



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

Driving in congested traffic is really a challenge to your diplomatic skills, and your ability to communicate effectively with others if you do happen to catch sight of aggressive driving, stay away and contact the authorities when you get the chance. Even if you're not being chased down the highway by a sideswiping maniac, you could be saving a life other than your own.

Use directional lights to indicate a lane shift. Follow the laws of the road. Be polite and courteous. Stay within the speed limits. Drive at a safe following distance. Stay mostly within one lane. Don't become distracted by using the car phone or reading the paper while the vehicle is in motion. Put some physical distance between you and drivers who are behaving erratically. Don't show a reaction to the aggressive driver; especially, avoid eye contact. Avoid behaviors that antagonize or irritate others. Learn to control your temper and keep your cool in traffic. Use your horn sparingly. Keep the music in your vehicle at a level that doesn't annoy others. If you are feeling frustrated - create a distraction such as turning on the radio, start a conversation with a passenger, play 20 questions, or talk yourself through the situation to calm down. Be tolerant of those who exhibit non-conforming traffic behaviors.

Think more about making time spent driving good, instead of making good time. Driving is not a competition. Be polite and courteous, even if the other driver isn't. It's not your job to teach others how to drive.

Do not make obscene gestures Use Your Horn Sparingly Don't block passing lane Don't switch lanes without signaling Avoid blocking the right-hand turn lane Do not take more than one parking space Do not make obscene gestures If you are not disabled, don't park in a disabled space Do not allow your door to hit the car parked next to you Do not tailgate If you travel slowly, pull over and allow traffic to pass



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

Avoid unnecessary use of high beam headlights Don't let the car phone distract you Don't stop in the road to talk with a pedestrian or other driver Don't inflict loud music on neighboring cars
Other Useful Attitudes:

Assume other drivers' mistakes are not personal Be polite and courteous, even if the other driver isn't Avoid all conflict if possible. If another driver challenges you, take a deep breath and get out of the way.
Reduce your stress:

Allow plenty of time for the trip Listen to soothing music Improve the comfort in your vehicle Understand that you can't control the traffic, only your reaction to it


Plan your route and leave yourself enough time to get to your destination. Make your ride enjoyable. Listen to music you like, breathe deeply and get fresh air. Follow the rules of the road. Be courteous. If you make a mistake, make a gesture of apology to the other driver.

Plan your trip. By allowing sufficient time to get there, small delays won't seem like major incidents. Don't drive if you're already upset by something happening at work or at home. Don't react to small traffic incidents. Allow for other peoples mistakes. It might be you who needs to change lanes next time. Consider using alternative transport if you'll be driving in frustrating conditions such as peak hour traffic. Keep your doors and windows locked and don't open them if anyone approaches the car.



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

Remain calm, responding in any way will only encourage the other person. If you have a mobile phone call the Police. Don't use a weapon, it is against the law and can make the situation worse. Try to drive away safely and make a note of the attacker's registration number. If you can't drive away, try to attract attention by flashing your lights or sounding your horn.

When you merge, make sure you have plenty of room. Always use your turn signal to show your intentions before making a move. If someone cuts you off, slow down and give them room to merge into your lane. If you are in the left lane and someone wants to pass, move over and let them by. You may be "in the right" because you are traveling at the speed limit - but you may also be putting yourself in danger by making drivers behind you angry. Allow at least a two-second space between your car and the car ahead. Drivers may get angry when they are followed too closely. If you feel you are being followed too closely, signal and pull over when safe to do so, allowing the other driver to pass. Use your horn rarely, if ever. Keep your hands on the wheel and avoid making any gestures that might anger another driver. That includes "harmless" expressions of irritation like shaking your head. If another driver is acting angry, dont make eye contact. Give angry drivers lots of room. If another driver tries to pick a fight, put as much distance between you as possible. And, remember "it takes two to tango". One angry driver cant start a fight unless another driver is willing to join in. Get help if you believe an angry driver is following you or is trying to start a fight. If you have a cellular phone, use it to call the police. Otherwise, drive to a place where there are people around, such as a police station, convenience store, shopping centre, or even a hospital. Do not get out of your car. Do not go home.

First, make every attempt to get out of his or her way. Put your pride away. Dont challenge an aggressive driver by speeding up or attempting to hold-your-own in your travel lane. Avoid eye contact with the aggressive driver, it may be perceived as a challenge. Ignore gestures and refuse to return or acknowledge them. Stay cool. Dont block the high speed or passing lane. If youre being tailgated, move over. Wear your seat belt. It will hold you in your seat and behind the wheel in case you need to make an abrupt driving maneuver and it will protect you in a crash. Above all, never underestimate the other drivers capacity for violence in any form. Dont take traffic problems personally. Make your drive less stressful. Give yourself extra time to reach your destination. Evaluate your emotions before getting behind the wheel. Take a break if you feel yourself getting tense. Is what youre listening to grating your nerves? If so, change it. Try listening to something



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

more relaxing. Drive defensively. Dont become an offender of rude road manners. Most important, choose not to get angry. You are the only one who controls your emotions.

Try signaling before switching lanes Not tailgating the car in front of you Not stopping in the road to talk to pedestrians or other drivers If you are driving slowly, pull over and allow any aggressive drivers to pass. When at a signal, avoid blocking the right-turn lane or having your radio too loud. And, as a car phone is a major distraction while driving, use it as infrequently as possible. When parking your vehicle, do not use a parking space for the disabled, unless you are disabled. As a rule, try not to take more than one parking space and avoid hitting the car next to yours with your door. What to do when confronted by an aggressive driver: Make every attempt to get out of the way. Do not rise to a challenge by speeding up or attempting to "hold your own" in your travel lane. You should always wear your seat belt. It will keep you in your seat, and behind the wheel, in case you need to make an abrupt driving also, of course, protect you if a collision maneuver. It will occurs. Avoid eye contact. Ignore gestures and refuse to return them. Report aggressive drivers to the appropriate authorities by providing a vehicle description, license number, location, and direction of travel. If you have a cellular phone, and can use it safely, call the police. Many police stations have special numbers such as "77." If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash farther down the road: stop a safe distance from the crash scene, wait for the police to arrive, and report the driving behavior that you witnessed. The right attitude for driving Reduce the stress of your trip by allowing plenty of travel time, listening to relaxing music, and realizing that if there is a traffic jam there is nothing you can do about it If you come across any aggressive drivers, be polite and courteous, even when they are not. Never take their driving mistakes as a personal affront or as a chance to reprimand them. If another driver challenges you, take a deep breath and get out of the way.

Don't block the passing lane. Avoid blocking the right-hand turn lane. Don't take more than one parking space. Don't tailgate.



Driving Tips From Driving Experts

Don't stop in the road to talk with a pedestrian or other drivers. If you travel slowly, pull over to allow traffic to pass you. Avoid eye contact with an aggressive driver. Keep your eyes on the road. Keep away from erratic drivers. Don't challenge other drivers by speeding up to hold your own in your travel lane. Ignore gestures; do not return them.
From: aggressivedriving

When confronted by an aggressive driver... Stay calm and relaxed. Make every attempt to get out of the way safely. Don't escalate the situation. Put your pride in the back seat. Do not challenge an aggressive driver by speeding up or attempting to hold your position in your travel lane. Wear a seat belt and encourage your passengers
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