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Good Counsel Primary School


AGQT Project - Initial Data Collection SPELLING

Identification of Spelling Levels within a Class
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

February September

Graph 1 identifies how staff are identifying appropriate instructional levels of spelling for individual students. With an increased understanding of how to use the information a standardised test, in particular the SWST, can offer, teachers are keen to use these for identifying spelling levels within their classroom

Good Counsel Primary School


Catering for Different Levels of Spelling within a Classroom

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Different spelling groups Individual lists Spelling rotations Quotas Need for 100% recognition of leveled sight words first Core and extension lists February September

Graph 2 identifies how staff are catering for the delivery and management of different spelling levels within the classroom. Staff believe in the catering for different levels within the classroom and are far more capable of this now with the explanation, discussion, practise and analysis of diagnostic tests this year. There has been an increase in the developing of spelling groups within classes across the school

Good Counsel Primary School


Variety of Teaching Strategies Used to Teach Spelling

35 30 25 20 February 15 10 5 0 Visual Auditory Cognitive September

Graph 3 identifies the spelling strategy categories being used to teach spelling. The majority of staff teach spelling strategies that identify to the needs of visual learners, followed by cognitive and then auditory learners. Staff have expressed an increased awareness in the need for catering for different learners

Good Counsel Primary School


Recording of the Teach strategies of Spelling



8 February September 4

0 Day/Weekly Plan Unit Overview Spelling Word Table Nowhere

Graph 4 identifies the place where spelling strategies, which are being used, are recorded in the planning phase. Due to a greater awareness of spelling, the teaching of strategies and the different styles of learning, staff have become far more aware of the significance of planning and recording this information.

Good Counsel Primary School


Measurement of Individual Spelling Growth

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Phonemic Sight Words Weekly Tests Standardised Awareness Tests Writing Tasks Parental Input February September

Graph 5 identifies how students growth in spelling is determined. Teachers have expressed greater understanding of SWST and know how to measure a students growth over the year A students ability to spell is often realised through their writing. Teachers awareness of this, as a means of understanding and measuring a students growth, has increased.

Good Counsel Primary School


Professional Development - Areas of Need

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Spelling Strategies First Steps Spelling Software Programs Analysis of Problems Consistent Lists for Diocese February September

Graph 6 identifies areas of requested Professional Development for Staff. The need for professional development continues to be ongoing. Staff have valued the professional development offered this year and wish for it to continue

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