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The Sick Man of Europe Revolts Against the Old Order

The Ottoman Empire was once a large, flourishing empire. It

stretched onto three continents (Asia, Europe, and Africa), and was
composed (made up) of many different people and cultures. However,
by the 1800s, the forces of nationalism accelerated (quickened) the
decline (the fall) of the Ottoman Empire.
The fall of the Ottoman Empire can be contributed to many factors.
One factor was that the Ottoman Empire was too large. Because it was
so big, it was very hard to rule the Empire. It was hard to maintain
control, order, collect
taxes, and modernize
(improve) the country
and make it more
advanced and
industrialized. The
sultan (king) could not
rule the entire empire by
himself. This led to him
appointing (picking)
officials to rule different
areas of the empire.
Some of these officials
though, acted on their own self-interests and agenda, and not the
agenda of the sultan.

The Ottoman Empire also consisted of many different areas, which

included people who spoke different
languages, had different religions, culture, and
ethnicity from the Ottomans. As a result, the
Ottomans had a hard time ruling people who
were different from them. All these cultures in
the Ottoman Empire led to disunity (not
being united). As nationalism movements
became more successful in Europe, such as in
Italy and Germany, other cultures began to
become influenced by nationalism. In 1817,
the Serbians in the northern part of the
Ottoman Empire won independence from the
Ottomans. In 1830, nationalistic movements
caused the Greeks to rally together in the
Ottoman Empire. By 1830, Greece had won its
nationalistic war, and became independent. Shortly after Greece,

Romanians and Bulgarians revolted, and set up their own independent

nations. Nationalism revolts were leading people in the Ottoman
Empire to fight for their ethnicity and freedom. As a result, many new
independent nations came out of the Ottoman Empire.
In addition, other problems existed, specifically in economics. The
Turks were unable to raise enough money from its people. Thus, the
Ottomans Empire was unable to modernize itself, like Britain and the
rest of Europe did. They were unable to industrialize their empire,
unable to improve science and medicine, and unable to modernize
their army and military weapons. As a result, many nations began to
engage in war with the Ottomans. By the mid 1800s, the Ottomans
became known as the Sick Man of Europe. They received this
name due to the rapid (quick) lost of land and decline of the Ottoman
Empire. Not only did the Ottomans lose land due to nationalism
movements, they lost land due to other European countries all
attacking them. Russia attacked from the east, and took over eastern
ports of the Ottoman Empire. Austria attacked from the north, and
took over an area of land called Bosnia. Britain and France attacked
the Ottomans in North Africa. By the late 1800s, the Ottomans lost
over half their empire in span of a little over 30 years. From 1821
1914, the Ottomans continued to decline and lose their empire, piece
by piece.

The Sick Man of Europe Revolts Against the Old Order
Questions / Reflection
Part 1 Multiple-choice. Choose the answer that best fits the question.
Do all questions.
1) In which empire did nationalism create a lot of tension?
A) German
B) Ottoman
C) Italian
D) Greek
2) By what nickname was the Ottoman Empire known?
A) The Dual Monarchy
B) The powder keg of Europe
C) The sick man of Europe
D) The Balkans
3) What attitude did European powers have toward the Ottoman
A) They wanted to divide the empire among themselves
B) They wanted the empire to become an ally of Russia
C) They hoped the Ottoman Empire would industrialize quickly
D) They wished for the empire to remain together
4) Which of the following is not a reason why the Ottoman Empire fell?
A) Wars
B) Being unindustrialized
C) Disease
D) Nationalism
Part 2 Choose TWO questions to answer in responses that consist of


1) How did nationalism in the Ottoman Empire contribute to the
Ottomans decline and downfall? Give examples of nationalism being
shown in the Ottoman Empire.


2) How did European powers react to Ottoman weaknesses and
troubles with nationalism? Give examples from the reading.


3) Why is the Ottoman Empire considered the Sick Man of Europe?



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