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Diagnostic Procedure

1. Name of Diagnostic Procedure

- Hematology

The branch of biology (physiology), pathology, clinical laboratory, internal medicine, and
pediatrics that is concerned with the study of blood, the blood forming organs, and blood

- this is used to evaluate anemia, leukemia, reaction to inflammation and infections,
peripheral blood cellular characters, state of hydration and dehydration, polycythemia, hemolytic
disease of the newborn, to manage chemotheraphy decisions.

Nursing Responsibilities:

 Explain procedure
 Gather all equipments
 Fasting is not necessary
During Test
 Record the result
Post Test
 Monitor patient response
 Document


Name of Date Ordered Normal Values Values Obtained Interpretation

Hct: mo. 40-0,56 0.45 Normal
Hgb: M 135-180 g/L 152 Normal
RBC: 5.0-6.5x10 g/L 4.86 Normal
Hematology May 8, 2009 WBC: 4.5- 15.2 Above normal:
11.00x10g/L values obtained
is higher than the
normal values
Platelet count: Adequate Normal
Neutrophils: 0.50-0.70 0.82 Above normal:
values obtained
is higher than the
normal values
Lymphocytes 0.20- 0.18 Normal
2. Name of Diagnostic Procedure
- Radiology

-is the branch of specialty of medicine that deals with the study and application of
imaging technology like x-ray and radiation to diagnosing and treating disease.

Nursing Diagnosis:

 Explain procedure
 Check Vital Signs before the procedure
During Test
 Remove all jewelries
 Record the result
Post Test
 Monitor patient response
 Check Vital Signs after the procedure
 Document

 No acute parenchymal infiltrates seen
 Atherosclerotic Aorta

Date of Examination: May 8, 2009

3. Name of Diagnostic Procedure
- CT Scan

- is a medical imaging method employing tomography. Digital geometry processing is
used to generate a three-dimensional image of the inside of an object from a large series of two
dimensional x-ray images taken around a single axis of rotation.

CT Scanning of the head is typically used to detect:
1. Bleeding, brain injury and skin fractures
2. Brain Tumors
3. A blood clot or Bleeding
4. Enlarged brain cavities ,etc..

Nursing Responsibilities:

 Explain procedure
 Check Vital Signs before the procedure
During Test
 Remove all jewelries
 Record the result
Post Test
 Monitor patient response
 Check Vital Signs after the procedure
 Document


Technique: Plan axial CT Images of the head sad 20m slices was done.


 There is widening of the sulci and narrowing of the gyri in both cerebral hemisphere.
 The Cerebral vessels are calcified
 There are low alterat ions noted in the left temporo-parietal lobes.


 Age related to cerebral atrophy with ex-vasodilatation at the ventricles

 Atheromatous cerebral vessels
 Acute to subacute infarcts in the distribution area of the left middle cerebral artery

Date of examination: May 8, 2009

4. Name of Diagnostic Procedure
- Ultrasound

- Ultrasound, also known as sonography, or ultrasonography, is a diagnostic procedure
that transmits high-frequencysound waves, inaudible to the human ear, through body tissues. The
echoes are recorded and transformed into video or photogrsphic images of the internal structures
of the body.

Nursing Responsibilities:

 Explain procedure
 Check Vital Signs every 2 hours and check for patient’s skin
During Test
 Provide Privacy
 Determine if the test is accurately performed according to the procedure
 Record the result
Post Test
 Monitor patient response
 Document


- An irregular calcification is noted within the central zone of the prostate. The dimension
measures 39x35x37 mm. The capsule is irregular and echoic. No masses noted.


- Prostate hypertrophy with evidence of repeated episodes of prostatitis.

Date of Examination: May 14, 2009

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