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As a pheromone expert and manufacturer of romance, passion and

intimacy products, we have been exploring the aphrodisiac theme for

over a decade and have actually considered a line of functional foods
for this category.

As you may already know, it isn't the "food" per se that is the
aphrodisiac, it's the constituents in certain foods as relates to the
deficiencies of the person eating them, that is the aphrodisiac. All to
say that if your body is lacking certain nutrients that it needs to boost
the sex hormones like testosterone, estrogen, seratonin, dopamin and
the like (each person needs a whole web of hormones to have a
healthy libido, even the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline).

Often, individuals with weak libido's are suffering from reduced levels
of these hormones, singularly or in concert and that is what needs to
be tested in order to evaluate what ingredient is right for a particular
individual. You may also be aware of a burgeoning industry called anti-
aging, which I have been involved with since the inception of the
American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine (A4M) in 1993. One of the
key topics is increasing the libido through HGH (Human Growth
Hormone) a controversial, FDA monitored 'drug" even though it is a
naturally occurring protein derivative in all humans. In order to boost
any libido, our HGH levels have to be optimal as well.

Now that we've touched on the hormone aspect of increasing the

libido, we can also add the scent aspect which includes pheromones,
the bye-product of broken down proteins that are excreted through our
skin and mix with the dermal bacteria and environment to form that
just-right subliminal scent that so attracts a mate. Keeping in mind that
humans are thinking animals and don't simply react like a baboon, or a
moth to certain pheromone chemicals, we do however respond to the
scent as it is the only sense that we have that does not interpret the
information. The limbic brain, that oldest part left over from our
evolutionary track, receives the scent and we "feel", emote and our
attitudes change because of the scent in question. Some people say
they love a particular smell and that it is indeed this scent that drives
them wild. Why is that? Well, because that scent whether it is wild
rose, sandalwood or skunk (yes, some people feel the tinge of love
from smells that are repugnant to others) sets of the hormone cascade
directly from the limbic brains need to react. Why humans simply don't
jump on each other is because we know of consequences. We might
respond with a look, a few words if we are courageous or perhaps an
intense inhalation of that aphrodisiac scent, but it's unlikely that man
or woman would immediately straddle the other.

So what is an aphrodisiac scent and constituent in food that will

change our attitude, making us left un-inhibited, more voyeuristic and
inviting of courtship or even more sensuality and intimacy? It is a
clearly a combination of the two since when we eat, our internal nasal
cavity (yes, we smell on the inside of our mouths as well and scent
makes up approximately 80% of the food experience, just ask anyone
who has lost their sense of smell how un-enjoyable eating has become)
gives us the ability to truly enjoy food and why food in most cultures
still elicits that favorite descriptive word, orgasmic to describe a truly
exceptional meal. Food is indeed orgasmic, but not from the taste or
texture exclusively, but from the scent and the feelings that they elicit.

This article is something like foreplay, which our society is sorely

lacking. Another reason why I created the Master & Mistress
pheromone brand company. Courtship is so lacking in our culture that
we've forgotten the value of sexual tension and foreplay in our
relationships and ability to create that explosive intimacy that we are
searching for in an aphrodisiac food. Because humans are thinking and
rational (some of us) mammals, we include our other senses in our
assessment of a potential mate, whether long term or short term (for
most college males). When we bring in a scent that is sexually arousing
and let's down our apprehensions, we will then, as humans,
immediately, but subliminally assess the skin color, hair, eyes and
other physical attributes of the "target". If that individual moves closer,
we will almost automatically process the language skills, the way the
person moves and interacts and certainly the smell, with any one
aspect potentially being a turn off.

Keeping in mind that humans evaluate a partner on ancient, DNA

encoded data such as if the male looks like he can provide, if he is
virile enough to perpetuate the species (you know what I mean) and
can provide safety. As well as modern morays such as can he earn a
living, is he "ugly" (depending on the culture, that means different
things), is he funny, intelligent and will he embarrass me in front of my
parents or friends? For all these reasons and more, the human
mammal, as opposed to our lower cousins, interprets the information
we take in and act accordingly (or not, depending on how depleted our
judgment is from certain food and drink like alcohol and what it does to
or brain chemistry - reducing inhibition and the ability to reason, wine
and champagne being two other purported aphrodisiacs).

Having briefly explored the physiological aspect of how foods might

alter our inhibitions, judgment and play on our brain chemistry to
induce certain behaviors, can we truly say that there are aphrodisiac
foods and that these foods increase our pheromone excretion and
therefore our tendency toward exploring our sexuality? It is a long
question with a simple answer. Most definitely, but proceed with

Indeed, a substantial amount of research has been done on how our

reactions change when we are introduced to certain smells and
pheromone combinations. As well, those foods that elicit those
changes have also been researched and include items like peanut
butter and the old favorite for the discussion boards, oysters (the
former containing high levels of healthy fats and protein and the latter
chock full of vitamins and minerals like zinc, A, B1, B2 , C and D, boron
- in honey, calcium, iodine, iron, potassium, copper, sodium, zinc,
phosphorous, manganese sulfur and the all-important omega-3 fatty
acids). Some researchers would say it is bunk that these foods are
aphrodisiac in quality, but recent research can ignore these nay Sayers
because we know that these nutrients are necessary to support the
healthy functioning of our brains (the true sexual organ for humans
and mammals) as well as the hormones that are our messengers for
increasing sexual desire and the ability to perform (such as
manufacturing sperm, since without certain of these nutrients, like
iron, we wouldn't be able to efficiently procreate).

While some cultures would suggest that eggs and herbs like asafetida,
are excellent aphrodisiacs, in our culture the scents of sulfur and garlic
would be an immediate turn-off. So for our purposes, we should
evaluate true aphrodisiacs and not those foods from ancient mythology
or lore that either look like a sexual organ (asparagus) or supposedly
boosts libido without physiological, hormonal or scent support.
Although, some foods, like bananas, that are full of healthy potassium
and complex carbohydrates for energy (include whole grains like
quinoa that also have a broad array of amino acids and healthy fatty
acids) fit both categories. So there are exceptions.

Primarily, we have seen that foods high in healthy fatty acids, minerals
and vitamins, like avocado, fit the bill nicely. We haven't really touched
on the herbal and spice factor, which fills the scent and physiological
precursor category very well. What this means is that many herbs act
as hormone activators because of their ability to stimulate blood
supply, a key to any aphrodisiacs effectiveness. It's well known that the
blockbuster drug, Viagra, was discovered as an accident to research on
improving cardiovascular disease (CVD). Then, the medical condition of
erectile dysfunction (ED) was literally created overnight! So to improve
the pliability and functioning of our arteries and veins, we now know
that certain herbs like Thai green tea, turmeric and other spicy fruits
(peppers) and spices, such as ginger and nutmeg that improve mental
acuity as well as circulation of the blood, among other positive affects,
are improvements for CVD.

Of course, it is in the immediate effect that a true aphrodisiac is

discovered and that comes from a food that combines the healthy
attributes of those items mentioned above as well as relatively quick
effect and the all important scent. Within this category, we would turn
to vanilla, coffee, dark berries as well as dark chocolate for those who
like them. The combination of fast acting sugars, heavy polyphenolic
content and color, all prove effective for increasing energy and
heightening awareness, especially coffee, which is an excitant for some
(depending on how much caffeine you drink in a day, you may not
have any effect at all). Oh and don't shy away from feeding your
partner the berries, physical body language also goes a long way to
inducing an aphrodisiac affect, just do it with elegance and
sophistication and you'll quickly forget about the food!

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