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The Scientic Method!

The Scientic Method

Question/Problem Hypothesis Materials Method Observations Conclusion Evaluation Variables Bias Theory Law

A problem that you don't know why it is happening. What is the problem? The problem is also something you don't know how to answer yet. BrainPop

Hypothesis is a testable explanation for details observed. An educated guess. If I do this______ than this_______ will happen. BrainPop


The object or thing that you need to due your experiment. Rafael

Series of tests to prove or check why something has gone wrong. Also to see if hypothesis is correct. Always should be rechecked with different variables or to prove certain part or the full method. For the method and everything else be proved you are going to need to analyze data to remember how you got to the nal stage. BrainPoP

What is happening? What can you see? What do you understand about it? What do you know? BrainPoP

The nal stage of an experiment to check results after tested several times. BrainPop


What could you have done to make an better experiment next time. What were the problems that you could have xed. Mr. Wolfe

The thing or things that you would change to compare something in an experiment. BrainPoP


Things that make your experiment unfair like a second variable or not following the method. Jackson Mr.wolfe

A theory is an explanatory statement that is repeatedly conrmed through experimental testing. BrainPoP

A statement that describes, predicts and sometimes it explains why it happens. Or a approximate or accurate theories.

Animal Camouage

Question/Problem How does camouage affect vision? Hypothesis People would choose the contrasting colour over the matching colour. Materials Scissors, two different colours of paper, one a4 page of green paper, one a4 page of green paper in squares sand one a4 page of brown paper in squares.

Method/Experiment -Cut one page of the green paper and one of brown paper into one inch squares. -Arrange the squares onto a peace of green paper. -Give subjects 5 seconds to grab as many pieces of paper as they can limit subjects to picking up one piece at a time. -Record how many green pieces and how many brown pieces they picked up -Tally results Conclusion As the hypothesis said 35%(17) of the papers picked were green and 65%(31) was brown which means that the brown was picked. Evaluation A thing that could make the experiment better next time is more people, equal numbers but different colors that are closer together or colors that really contrast.


Question/Problem The problem is there are three eggs two are raw eggs and one is boiled but they got mixed. Hypothesis A cooked egg will spin well and a raw wont. Materails One hard boiled egg and two boiled eggs and hard surface.

Method/Experiment Spin each the three eggs and observe and record. Observation We tried snifng, shaking, feeling and putting egg on water which did nothing but the most effective was when we shook the egg sideways which made us feel that two seemed more liquid and one more harder. Conclusion As in the hypothesis the egg that spins faster or the one that does not spin slowly is the boiled egg beacuse a raw egg does not spin. Evaluation A thing that would make the experiment easier or more accurate would be to use uneven numbers of eggs, different places to spin and different kind of eggs.

Magic Paper Clips

Question/Problem Does the temperature of the water impacts on the surface tension? Observations When the water was moving the paper clips sunk, when it was not moving they were being affected by surface tension and when there were more paperclips there was less movement. Hypothesis The hot water would probably not be as stable because the hot water's density is more so it will not be able to hold as much and it would be harder to put them. Materials Paperclips, hot water, cold water, normal water, container to hold the water.

Method/experiment First put each different temperature water in the containers. Then put as many paper clips as you can on each container to see what holds more and to see what is the one that is harder to put the paperclip. Observations It seemed like all of the containers were going well except the warm. In the warm you could get it to ow maximum 5 seconds and it was way harder to put in the paper clip. It also seemed sometimes in the warm that the paperclip got stuck to the tool. In the cold one it seemed the paperclips were connecting faster and the normal were connecting normally. Conclusion Like in the hypothesis the hot water was harder to put the paperclip in and the paperclip would not oat for long. Evaluation We could try using a different tools to put the paperclip in and try getting all of them to be about the same amount of water

Cow Methane
Problem Will garlic reduce the amount of methane produced by cows. Hypothesis It will work because garlic helps the digestive system according to research Materials Cows Tents Thermal Camera (Optional) Sample Canister

Method/Experiment Put the cows each in a separate tent feed each . Feed each X amount of food. Then observe the cows for one month. Use thermal camera to count farts or collect samples of air. Wait another month but this time giving the garlic as their food. Then collect samples of the air or count how many farts and burps with the thermal camera.

Detergent experiment
Problem/Question What is the best detergent? Hypothesis I think Blank is gonna be the best detergent but not for all stains. Materials 5 pieces of fabric/5 shirts 5 different brand detergents Ketchup Mustard BBQ sauce Coke/Soda Coffee Permanent Marker/ waterproof Method of washing ( the best method is hand wash )

Method/Experiment Step one label each piece of fabric. Step two put a little bit of ketchup in each piece of fabric. Step three wash all of the 5 shirts and when you end check if it is very stained, slightly dark stain, faint stain and no stain. Step four make a table so you can divide as very stained as 1 point, slightly dark stains 2 points, faint stain 3 points and no stain 4 points. Step ve do the experiment another 4 times each with one of the different stain materials ( coke, BBQ sauce, mustard, coffee) and add up all of the points of each detergent. Final step the detergent that has the highest points would be the best.

Big Bang
Problem/Question How much baking soda/ vinegar is needed for it to make enough pressure to make a lm canister rocket perfectly y. Observation Based on a baking soda volcano the pressure will make it go up since it's going to throw the cap down. Hypothesis It would explode or y depending on the pressure level caused by the reaction of the baking soda and vinegar. Materials @a!tin canister (height of 8cm length 5.5cm circular) @baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) @vinegar (any kind will work, but white vinegar is easiest to clean up) @an ice cream stick or teaspoon @a!plate, saucer, tray or similar (optional) @eye protection (glasses, sun glasses!or safety goggles) @an adult.

Method/Experiment! First, put on eye protection. Second, practice putting the cap on and of. Third, put about one and a half teaspoons of baking soda and 5 millilitres of vinegar into the balloon ( this is a variable change the amounts from 5 to 5 millilitres example 5,10,15 and or add another one and a half tea spoons ). Fourth, ll the canister with the baking soda and then put the balloon lled with vinegar (use a teaspoon to put the baking soda). Fifth, instantly put the cap on and turn it upside down and then shake it once and take cover. Observations Vinegar is like the fuel and the baking soda was the oxidiser. More vinegar makes a better launch. More vinegar causes lots of goo. The tin canister went about 6 meters high. Conclusion It ends up that an almost lled ballon and 3 spoons of baking soda on and 8cm by 5.5cm circular tin canister ies about 6 meters high. Evaluation There are some things that we could due to make it better like lm canister instead of tin, stabiliser ns, wings so it can glide better and not break and stronger vinegar.

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