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Pruebas de Acceso a Estudios Universitarios (Bachillerato L.O.G.S.E.) IDIOMA E !

"A#$E"O% In&l's No se permite el uso de diccionario ni de ningn otro material didctico. Las preguntas debern ser respondidas en Ingls. Duracin de la prueba: 1 hora y 3 minutos. !sta ho"a no se entrega.

II. ANS*ER THE QUESTIONS+ A. LE,ICON. (- POINT) (0.25 points o! "#$% $o!!"$t #ns&"!) +ind words or phrases in the te#t that mean the same as these !iven.

1. 1hown in publicity to make people buy it . /ot known, mysterious. B. 2 liDuid medicine that makes you (eel better C. 7undreds o( years.
.. PHONETICS. (- POINT) (0.25 points o! "#$% $o!!"$t #ns&"!)

COCA -COLA Coca- cola is the most popular drink in the world. Maybe this is because Coca-cola and its rival Pepsi are the most advertised products in history. They are sold in more than 150 countries, and over 00 million bottles are bou!ht every day. "ut, what e#actly is Coca-cola$ %ell, a &&' per cent o( it is water and su!ar, with carbon dio#ide to make it (i))y* the other one per cent is a secret (ormula. +ewer than ten people know the secret, especially about the secret in!redient called ,-.,. /obody has been able to discover what it is. The (ormula was invented by 0ohn 1tyth Pemberton in 2tlanta, 3eor!ia, in 1445. Pemberton owned a dru!store in 2tlanta, and he had invented several patent medicines be(ore Coca-cola, (or instance, ,5ndian 6ueen 7air 8ye,, and ,3lobe o( +lower Cou!h 1yrup,. Pemberton called his new non-alcoholic drink , a brain tonic,, because it initially included coca leaves and kola nuts 9hence its name, coca- cola:, coca leaves havin! been eaten by 5ndians in "olivia and Peru as a stimulant (or centuries. Pemberton sold Coca-cola as a syrup, you had to add water to drink it. ;ne day, in 144<, a customer at Pemberton=s dru!store added soda, instead o( tap water. 1ince then Coca-cola has been a (i))y drink, the most popular in the world, thou!h its inventor died a penniless man in 1444. QUESTIONS
I. READING COMPREHENSION. (2 POINTS) (0.5 points o! "#$% $o!!"$t #ns&"!) 2dd T>?@ or +2A1@ and $op' t%" "(i)"n$" (rom the te#t to support your answer. NO marks are !iven (or only true or (alse. 1. Coca- cola was initially sold as a medicine. . %hen it started bein! used, Coca- cola used to be drunk in Peru and "olivia B. Ten people make all the Coca-cola that is sold in the world. C. Pemberton became inmensely rich thanks to his invention .

1. #.

%rite two words (rom the te#t that include the same sound as most E(E90.5: %hich o( these words includes the sound E E as ,such, $ 90. 5: 1. carbon, . dru!store B. included 5s the FGsF pronounced EsE or E)E in FbottlesH$ 90. 5:

III. USE O/ ENGLISH. (0 POINTS) (0.5 o! "#$% $o!!"$t #ns&"!) R"&!it" t%" o11o&in2 s"nt"n$"s st#!tin2 &it% t%" &o!)s 2i("n. 1. The

(ormula was invented Pemberton in 2tlanta , in 1445.




0ohn 1tyth Pewmberton II.. "e(ore.... Pepsi Cola isnJt.....

. 7e invented Coca- cola in 1445, but previously he

had invented many other patent medicines.

B. FPepsi sells about 100 million bottles a day in the

world, whereas Coca- Cola sells amount (ormer communist countries

twice that Coca cola is !ettin!.... ?se a relative

C. Coca- cola is also !ettin! e#tremely popular in the

5. Pemberton included coca leaves in his new (ormula. 5ndians used to eat them as a brain stimulant. <. Write the correct question for the underlined words: 7e also invented brain tonics and hair dyes


I3. COMPOSITION. (0 POINTS) %rite a composition o( between 100 and 1 5 words on the (ollowin! topic. 8o you think bein! clever makes you necessarily success(ul in li(e$

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