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Even if existence is a defining attribute of God, it does not rule out the claim that such a being does

not exist. The Cosmological Argument has also been critiqued to have made a logical ju,p from the series to the claim that God who does not belong to the series is the beginning of the series. The might be the uncaused cause or the unmoved mover but it is not necessarily God. Even if it is accepted hat it is God, it does not prove only the Christian God. Teleological Argument (David Hume) Even if we grant that there is a design, it is not necessarily good or planned by God. Stated that all proofs for the existence of God is based on the principle of causality, which is not really a principle because it is not possible for us to experience all instanced of cause-effect relationships. We cannot be certain of what is really out there, which means that all proofs for the existence of God fails. Our knowledge is limited to the phenomenon, that which we can perceive, given the conditions of space and time necessary for us to experience anything. Of those going beyond this, we work with mere concepts which do not give us real knowledge. They are noumenal ideas, and will forever be unknown by the human mind. Sociological Theory ( Emile Durkheim claimed that religion is only the societys official sanctions for good and band behavior that are personified into a god or gods. It is a way to keep order in the tribe, by appealing to supernatural powers that embody the values of the community. Psychological Theory Sigmund Freud showed the relationship between an individual and God. Just like the parent, God has to be outgrown.

Modern Science, used reason. It investigated the world and concluded that it does not reveal God.

Everything that happens has an empirical explanation, and one does not have to resort to any supernatural justifications for them. Fredrich Nietzsche TO retrieve the power the nobles had, he didnt prove so much that God doesnt exist but that God is dead, and that we killed him. But with the death of God comes the chance to rise above mediocrity once more and produce the race of men. Albert Camus Life is inherently meaningless. Thats why we put our meaning on some thing like a loved one, career or possession. We can lose these things and be faced with the absurdity of life. Thats why humans invented the idea of God, a being that is eternal and infinite, so that we can peg the meaning of life on him and never fear that it will eventually be taken away or disappear and abandon us. Jean Paul Sarte God is usually thought of as perfect and free. But a perfect being cannot be free. It has no need for freedom. Freedom is necessary in beings that are incomplete, because it allows one to act toward his or her completion. But! Once we are complete, we cannot be free anymore, as we can only complete ourselves and be perfect since we remove all possibilities of becoming. WE ONLY ACHIVE PERFECTION WHEN WE DIE. IF GOD IS SEEN AS PERFECT AND COMPLETE, THEN HE CANNOT BE GIVEN THE ATTRIBUTE OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND FREEDOM. IT IS NOT ONLY THE CASE THAT GOD DOES NOT EXIST, BUT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR SUCHA BEING TO EXIST.

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