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Professor Betty Crocker, MPH, RD

NF25-Essentials of Nutrition Mt. San Antonio College

Healthy Cuisine

By Hoa Nguyen

Fall 2013

Contents Quality Levels..................................................................................................................... 2 My nutrition Profile ............................................................................................................ 9 Perfect Plan Analysis ........................................................................................................ 11 Super foods ....................................................................................................................... 15 Farm to table ..................................................................................................................... 20 My Plate ............................................................................................................................ 24 Water................................................................................................................................. 27 Fiber .................................................................................................................................. 31 My Wellness Life.............................................................................................................. 33 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 37 Appendix........................................................................................................................... 38

Quality Levels

0.27 166.9


0.54 333.8

Water Kcals PROTEIN CHO Fiber LIPIDS Saturated

L Kcal

2.7 1669


41.73 180-260
21 35-62 <16

4.173 26 2.1 SKIP SKIP

8.346 52 4.2

EFA: n-6 EFA: n-3

Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin B6 B12 Folate Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A



1.1 0.11 0.11 0.11 1.4 0.15 0.24 40 7.5 1.5 70 0 120 1.44 32 470 1.2

2.2 0.22 2.2 2.2 2.8 0.3 0.48 80 15 3 140 0 240 1.88 64 940 2.4 SKIP

Mg Mg Mg Mg Mcg Mcg Mg Mcg

Mcg Mcg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg

VITAMINS 1.1 1.1 14 1.5 2.4 400 75 15

700 0

Vitamin E Calcium Iron


1200 14.4 320 4700 12 1300

Potassium Zinc Sodium

Vitamins are abundant in fruits, vegetables, grains, and added to process foods. They are organic. Their functions as coenzymes to activate enzymes and they are essential in the diet because they can not be made by the body or synthesized in inadequate amts. Thiamin: Vitamin B1

Prevent Beriberi- polyneuritis , Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, stimulates appetite , blood building , carbohydrate mets, muscle tone maints. Helps brain and nerve cells stay healthy. Found in brown rice, whole grains, cereals, milk, meat, fish, eggs, potatoes. No known toxicities. Riboflavin: Vitamin B2

Helps the skin stay healthy and Red blood cell formation, energy mets, cell resp, epithelial tissue maint. Found in milk and cereal, whole grains, cheese, meat, eggs, fish and chicken. No know toxicities. Niacin: Vitamin B3

Circulation, cholesterol level reduction, growth, HCL production, metabolism, sex hormone production. Found in eggs, lean meat, milk products, organ meat peanuts, poultry, seafood, whole grains. Deficiency: Pellagra- dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia and or depression, death. Toxicities: Results from supplements, liver damage, Glucose intolerance , flushing. Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine

Antibody formation, digestion, dna & rna synthesis, fat and protein utilization, amino and mets. Found in meat, poultry, bananas, molasses, brewers yeast, liver, fish, green leafy vegetables, peanuts, raisins, walnuts, wheat germ, whale grains. Deficiency: Depression, Confusion, microcytic anemia , convulsions, seborrheic dermatitis. Toxicity: from supplements , not common from food: nerve damage, skin lesions Vitamin B12:

Prevent megaloblastic anemia, delusion, headaches, depression, mental confusion, nerve damage as indicated by tingling and numberness in hands and feet. Found in shellfish, liver, fish, fortified cereals, anima products, dairy

Deficiency: pernicious anemia , low energy, Fatigue , shortness of breath. Toxicity: No know toxicities. Folate:

Prevents specific birth defects, hemocysteine metabolism, DNA and red blood cell formation. Found in dark green leafy vegetables,enriched pasta, rice , breads and cereals, legumes , orange juice, asparagus, spinach. Deficiency: Macrocytic anemia and neutral tube defect, Increases risk if colon cancer Toxicity: Mask B12 deficiency Increase risk of cancer by feeding abnormal cells. Vitamin C:

Enhanced iron absorption, collagen formation, antioxidant, healthy immune system. Found in citris fruits, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, broccoli, cantaloupe. Deficiency: Scurvy- characterized by bleeding gums, skin hermorrhages, coiled or curly arm hairs. Toxicity: nausea , diarrhea , stomach cramps. Vitamin D:

Calcium balance, bone health, cell differentiation, immune system. Found in fortified milk, fatty fish ( salmon, tuna, sardines), fortified foods ( dairy products, orange juice cereals). Toxicity: Hypercalcemia Deficiency : Ricketts-in children, and osteomalacia , osteoporosis.

Vitamin E:

Health of cell membranes, antioxidant , heart health, Anticoagulant (blood thinner) Found in vegetables oils, nuts, seeds, fortified cereals , some green leafy vegetables. Wonderful Vitamin. Toxicity: Interference with blood clotting and increased risk of hemorrhage. Deficiency: Never problems, muscle weakness, and uncontrolled movements of body parts, and free radical damage to membranes . Vitamin A: Retinoid including ( Retinal, retinal , Retinoic acid)

Functions: Vision, cell differentiation, reproduction, bone health, immure function. Found in organ meats (liver), Fortified dairy products, fish , darkly colored fruits and leafy vegetables. Deficiency: night blindness, xerophthalmia, stunting of bones. Toxicity: Compromised bone healthy, birth defects during pregnancy. All minerals are element they are in the simplest chemical from possible not digested or broken down prior to absorption. Calcium:

Essential for bone growth and strength, blood clotting, muscle contraction, and the transmission of nerve signals. Found in milk, yogurt, hard cheeses, fortified cereals, spinach, calcium set tofu, kale , broccoli. Deficiency: Hypocalcaemia (low blood calcium). Can be caused by kidney disease if vitamin D deficiency, blood calcium is maintained by increase bone reabsorption to meet calcium needs.

Toxicity: Mineral imbalance and kidney damage excess is generally excreted, usually caused by supplements. Iron:

Key component of red blood cells and many enzymes. Found in fortified cereals, beans, lentils , beef, egg. Deficiency: Decreased iron stores, no physical symptoms (stage 1) (stage 2) Decrease iron transport reduced transferring, physical symptoms included work capacity. (stage 3 ) Iron deficiency anemia, decreased production of normal red blood cells, reduced production of heme, inadequake hemoglobin to transport oxygen. Symptoms include pale skin, fatigue, reduce work performance, impaired immune and cognitive functions. Toxicity: Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness , confusion. Delayed treatment can result in severe damage to the heart, central nervous system , liver , kidneys. Risk most likely from supplements. Magnesium:

Helps with heart rhythm, muscle and nerve function, bone strength. Found in Green Leady vegetables, Brazil nuts, almond, soybeans, halibut, quinoa. Deficiency: Hypomagnesaemia- low blood calcium and osteoporosis Toxicity: Diarrhea, nausea, cramps, dehydration can occur from supplements. Potassium:

Important in maintaining normal fluid balance, helps control blood pressure, reduces risk of kidney stones. Found in sweet potato, bananas, yogurt, yellow tuna , soybeans Deficiency: Hypokalemia , can be seen in patients with kidney disease or diabetic acidosis , can occur when taking certain diuretic medications. Toxicity : Hyperkalemia, can occur in patients with kidney disease, can alter normal heart rhythm resulting in a heart attack. Zinc:

Supports the bodys immunity and nerve function; important in reproduction. Found in red meats, some seafood, fortified cereals. Deficiency: growth retardation, diarrhea , delayed sexual maturation. Uncommon in the US. Toxicity: Intestinal pain , cramps, nausea, vomiting , loss of appetite. Cropper absorption in affected. Occurs from supplement. Sodium:

Important for fluid balance. Found in foods to which sodium chloride (salt) has been added , like salted meats, nuts, butter and a vast number of processed foods. Deficiency: Hyponatremia , can result from prolonged vomiting , diarrhea , or sweating. Toxicity: High blood volume, edema, high blood pressure. It can happen to patients with congestive heart failure or kidney disease.

My nutrition Profile





WB1 3-day Analysis Intake vs. Goal (%)




Deficient <80% Excess >120%

Water Kcals

2.7 1669

0 0


52% 74%



g g
g 41.73 260 21 62 16 11 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31.71 206.64 16.22 35.52 9.21 4.24 0.71 76% 79% 77% 57% 58% 39% 64%

g g g

EFA: n-6 EFA: n-3

Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin B6 B12

mg mg mg mg mcg

1.1 1.1 14 1.5 2.4

0 0 35 100 0

0.72 1.06 8.74 101.00

65% 96% 62% 68% 29%

0.70 Folate Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A


mcg mg mcg
mcg mcg

400 75 15

1000 2000 100

358.63 102.65 1.91

90% 137% 13%

700 15

3000 1000

395.34 3.42

467% 23%

Vitamin E

Calcium Iron

mg mg mg mg mg mg

1200 14.4 179.45 4700 12 1300

2000 45 350 0 40 2300

423.82 8.63 179.45 1,796.95 3.96 2,788.95

35% 60% 56% 38% 33% 215%

Potassium Zinc Sodium

Top 3 foods and nutrient amount : Kcal , saturated fat, n-3, fiber, CHO, and Sodium. 1. Broccoli Kcal: 54.6kcal Saturated fat: 0.12g N-3: 0.19g Fiber: 5.15g CHO: 11.2 g Sodium: 63. 96 mg

2. Tofu Kcal: 230.48 kcal

Saturated fat: 2.48g N-3: 1.14g Fiber: 3.32g CHO: 8.92g Sodium: 13.61mg

3. Potato Kcal: 116.78 kcal Saturated fat: 0.42g N-3: 0.03g Fiber: 2.11g CHO: 24.72g Sodium: 424.91mg

Perfect Plan Analysis

In order to move from WB1 to WB4 ( see Appendix WB1, WB4), I had to make several changes in my eating plan. Having check the DRI of various foods. I focused on ensuring that the amount of food taken corresponded with the DRI guideline. This was in order to achieve my perfect plan analysis. The following is a systematic summary of dietary changes I made to move from WB1 to WB4.

WB1 Protein Carbohydrate Fat Calcium Iron Magnesium Potassium 31.71 g 206.04 g 35.52 g 423.52 mg 8.63 mg 179.45 mg 1796.95 mg

WB4 50.76 g 293.87 g 63.45 g 1012.07 mg 15.53 mg 419.75 mg 3907.94 mg

In order to support a meal plan that is nutrient dense such as in my perfect plan analysis, I would make the following changes: First, I would go for natural whole foods that are cheap and easily available from near farm places. This ensures consistency of the meal plan because lack of money will have been deal with. Moreover, it will mean forsaking processed foods that are not nutrient dense. Another change to the food environment I would make is to go for foods that require boiling and less frying. This change would help in cutting down fat intake. Evidently, this would help me in achieving a perfect plan analysis. According to the US department of health and human services (1), the dietary approach to stop hypertension was authored by the US national institute of health. This was after an increased rate of patients with hypertension was reported in various parts of the state. The main aim of the DASH dietary approach was to promote healthy eating among hypertensive patients while at the same time ensuring proper intake of nutrients and minerals in their foods. It was a major step in lowering blood pressure (Maria 27). The DRI required for sodium is 1500 mg per intake for patients with hypertension, this is

about two thirds of a spoon. The amount includes all salt eaten raw or in foods products, to ensure prevention and treatment of patients with hypertension (Maria 22). However, I am consuming 2070.42 mg. This is about 159% of the set requirement. The main foods that contribute to a great sodium percentage in my food include spinach, fried rice, bananas, bread, soymilk and tofu. In order to reduce the sodium in my meal plan, I would ensure that I do not take the foods high in sodium at the same time daily. In fact, I would consider distributing the food across several days. For example, instead of taking fried rice with tomato tofu spinach soup, I would take fried rice with any other food that is low in sodium. Moreover, in preparing my meals, I would use two thirds of a spoon and not a whole spoon of salt in preparation. The other three minerals contained in the DASH plan included rich potassium, calcium and magnesium (Maria 22). Potassium is 4700 mg; magnesium is 320 mg; calcium is 1200 mg. In my diet, the main sources of potassium are banana, tomatospinach- tofu soup and baked- potatoes. My chief source of calcium includes chocolatepudding, strawberry- cake and iced tea, while magnesium include beans, bread- nut bananas. I would like to say that a perfect plan analysis is very important to ensure that one keeps up with a healthy eating habit.



DRI GOALS WB1-3 day Analysis Intake vs. Goal Intake (%) WB4 3-day Intake vs. Goal (%) D WB1 vs WB4 Intake vs. Goal Intake (%)

Intake C





Deficient <70%

Forgivable deficient

Overcame deficiency

Excess >120%

Forgivable excessive 2.29 1842.9 85% 110% -0.88 -603.5

Overcame excess

Water Kcals

2.7 1669

0 0

1.41 1239.41

52% 74%

33% 36%



g g
g 41.73 260 21 62 16 11 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31.71 206.64 16.22 35.52 9.21 4.24 0.71 76% 79% 77% 57% 58% 39% 64% 50.76 293.87 31.97 63.45 11.67 11.84 1.27 122% 113% 152% 102% 73% 108% 115% -19.05 -87.23 -15.75 -27.93 -2.46 -7.6 -0.56 46% 34% 75% 45% 15% 69% 51%

g g g

EFA: n-6 EFA: n-3

Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin B6

mg mg mg mg

1.1 1.1 14 1.5

0 0

0.72 1.06 8.74 1.01

65% 96% 62% 68%

1.3 1.86 16.5 2.03

118% 169% 118% 135%

-0.58 -0.8 -7.76 -1.02

53% 73% 56% 67%

B12 Folate Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A


mcg mcg mg mcg

mcg mcg

2.4 400 75 15

0.7 358.63 102.65 1.91

29% 90% 137% 13%

3.59 828.89 286.12 3.72

149% 207% 381% 25%

-2.89 -470.26 -183.47 -1.81

120% 117% 244% 12%

700 15

395.34 3.42

467% 23%

714.81 12.71

102% 85%

-319.47 -9.29

-365% 62%

Vitamin E

Calcium Iron

mg mg mg mg mg mg

1200 14.4 320 4700 12 1300

423.82 8.63 179.45 1796.95 3.96 2788.95

35% 60% 56% 38% 33% 215%

1012.07 15.53 419.75 3907.94 7.25 2070.42

84% 108% 131% 83% 60% 159%

-588.25 -6.9 -240.3 -2111 -3.29 718.53

49% 48% 75% 45% 27% -56%

Potassium Zinc Sodium

Super foods


1 2 3 ORANGE juice 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

List Super Food Portion Size Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack 1 Snack 2 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack 1













1 item

1 cup

1 cup

0.67 cup

1 cup

1 cup

1 oz

1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5

0.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 6.0 0.5 4.0 2.0 3.0

Snack 2 DAY 3 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack 1 Snack 2

1.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 0.5

Total Used Tea:



4.0 5.0



10.5 2.5

5.0 6.0

No protein; no fiber. I used 2 times. Green tea, rich in antioxidant treasures. Cholesterol dropped 10 percent among the test subjects who drank tea. Coffee: Protein is good. CHO is good, excellent in Vitamin A and calcium. Vitamin B12 is good. I used 1 time. Coffee is enjoyed by millions of people around the world every day Recent studies have found no connection between coffee and an increased risk of cancer of heart disease. It may help fight depression, it may be good for liver, it may lower your risk of type to diabetes. Orange Juice Good in vitamin c, potassium, thiamin, and folate. I used 4 times.

Orange juice is the richest source of vitamin C. It is a useful mineral like potassium and magnesium, very low in fat and contain no cholesterol. Apple Excellent in fiber. Good in vitamin C. I used 5 times. Apple gives a high list of health benefits: get whiter, healthier teeth, avoid Alzheimers, protect against Parkinsons, decrease your risk of diabetes, reduce cholesterol. Potato Good in protein, fiber, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, iron, magnesium, potassium, CHO. Excellent in B6, vitamin C. I used 1 time. Potatoes are an excellent way to ensure your continued success in eating healthy. They are super rich in vitamins and minerals, fight disease and promote heart health, control your diabetes and get stronger bones by eating these nutrition spuds. Broccoli Good in fiber. Excellent in vitamin C, Vitamin A. I used 2 times. Broccoli has been called a miracle food. Prevent osteoarthritis, protect your skin against the effects of UV light, reverse diabetes heart damage, and reduce cancer risk. Vegetable Excellent in vitamin C.

I used 10.5 times. Vegetables can give you phytochemicals that can fight against aging and cancer. Anti bodies and the immune system can also be enhanced if you eat more vegetables. It is more savings because meat is more expensive than vegetables. Giving more fiber (food fiber is good for digestion). Rice Good in niacin, Calcium. Excellent in folate. I used 2.5 times. Rice provides you the energy need through a long day, rich source of CHO protein and is even effective in the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal distress. Rice contains no gluten, which makes it one of the best non- allergic foods. Noodles Good in protein, CHO, thiamin , Riboflavin. Excellent in folate. I used 5 times. Use noodles as a base for healthful dishes in veggies, lean proteins and healthy fats. They serve as excellence source of selenium, amount of dietary fiber which helps fight chronic diseases including obesity and type 2 diabetes. Tofu I used 5 times. Consuming tofu regularly helps lower bad cholesterol, lower the risk of cancer hypertension, great source of calcium and vitamin E as well. Tofu is cheap and abundant, but rich in protein. Studies suggest that

high intake of say based products also prevent breast cancer, osteoporosis. Tofu as vegan Substitute for meat.


DRI GOALS WB1-3 day Analysis Intake vs. Goal Intake (%) WB4 3-day Intake vs. Goal (%) D WB1 vs WB4 Intake vs. Goal Intake (%)

Intake C





Deficient <70%

Forgivable deficient

Overcame deficiency

Excess >120%

Forgivable excessive 2.29 1842.9 85% 110% -0.88 -603.5

Overcame excess

Water Kcals

2.7 1669

0 0

1.41 1239.41

52% 74%

33% 36%



g g
g 41.73 260 21 62 16 11 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31.71 206.64 16.22 35.52 9.21 4.24 0.71 76% 79% 77% 57% 58% 39% 64% 50.76 293.87 31.97 63.45 11.67 11.84 1.27 122% 113% 152% 102% 73% 108% 115% -19.05 -87.23 -15.75 -27.93 -2.46 -7.6 -0.56 46% 34% 75% 45% 15% 69% 51%

g g g

EFA: n-6 EFA: n-3










Riboflavin Niacin B6 B12 Folate Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A


mg mg mg mcg mcg mg mcg

mcg mcg

1.1 14 1.5 2.4 400 75 15

1.06 8.74 1.01 0.7 358.63 102.65 1.91

96% 62% 68% 29% 90% 137% 13%

1.86 16.5 2.03 3.59 828.89 286.12 3.72

169% 118% 135% 149% 207% 381% 25%

-0.8 -7.76 -1.02 -2.89 -470.26 -183.47 -1.81

73% 56% 67% 120% 117% 244% 12%

700 15

395.34 3.42

467% 23%

714.81 12.71

102% 85%

-319.47 -9.29

-365% 62%

Vitamin E

Calcium Iron

mg mg mg mg mg mg

1200 14.4 320 4700 12 1300

423.82 8.63 179.45 1796.95 3.96 2788.95

35% 60% 56% 38% 33% 215%

1012.07 15.53 419.75 3907.94 7.25 2070.42

84% 108% 131% 83% 60% 159%

-588.25 -6.9 -240.3 -2111 -3.29 718.53

49% 48% 75% 45% 27% -56%

Potassium Zinc Sodium

Farm to table

Broccoli Broccoli is a popular member of the cruciferous family, same as cabbage and cauliflower. It is a favorite vegetable on many peoples tables in California and other states. The vegetable is best served with Italian accompaniments such as potatoes, pasta dishes, polenta, and beans. It also goes well with pancetta and sausages. It is cooked either by steaming, boiling or by microwaving for about 5-8 minutes.

In the United States, California is the leading producer having four main production regions. It is produced in the southern desert valleys, in the counties of Riverside and Imperial. In the central coast, it is grown in the counties of Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito while in the southern coast Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo counties are the main producers. Broccoli is also produced in the Tulare, Fresno, and Stanislaus counties of the Central Valley region. However, the leading producer in California is Monterey county. The Western Growers Association represents broccoli farmers in California and Arizona states and provides useful information to the growers. Broccoli has also been in the news, for example, in 1990, President George Bush expressed his dislike for broccoli in favor of other delicacies such as pork rinds and Butterfingers candy bars. However, the crop remains Americas most nutritious and favorite vegetable and comprises the diet in many American homes, and even globally. It is high in vitamins and fiber, which is necessary for reducing blood cholesterol. It also has antioxidants such as beta-carotene and lutein that are helpful in fighting cancer. The most interesting fact about broccoli is that many Americans like it despite the odor it produces. Broccoli has sulfurous compounds that emit bad odor, and one has to be very careful when cooking it because overcooked or undercooked broccoli tastes nasty. Cool weather with temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit is favorable for this vegetable. Broccoli does best in autumn and fall seasons with the best production months being January to March. Healthy broccoli plants are blue-green or green in color, tight and dome-shape heads standing high above the leaves, and small, uniform flower buds. Broccoli does well in well-drained soils and requires many nutrients, so fertilization of the soil is a necessity for excellent production (Boriss &

Brunke, 2012). Phosphorous, potassium and zinc fertilizers should be applied to the soil to provide the necessary nutrients. Irrigation is also crucial in growing broccoli, so the plants should regularly be watered. Therefore, irrigation methods such as overhead sprinklers and furrow irrigation are favorable methods for maintaining adequate moisture in the soil. Weeds, pests, and diseases should also be properly managed because they affect the crop and reduce the yields. For instance, maggots are a significant concern to farmers, and they apply organophosphate insecticides to control them. The government and other organizations are in full support of broccoli growers, and there are no policies implemented to affect its production. The California Department of Pesticide Regulation recently awarded research grants to scientists from the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. The grants purposed to help them improve crop production and reduce the risks of pesticides on broccoli primarily in Americas leading producer, California. In 2010, the total produce of processed broccoli in California was 20, 5000 tons valued at $17.6 million. In the same year, fresh broccoli was averaged at the price of $35.40 per crown while processed one was $860 per ton. Currently, one head of broccoli is retailing at about $2.49 and bunches retailing between $29-31 at the local grocery stores in Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino county, southern California (Boriss & Brunke, 2012).

Stir Fry Oriental

cup water 1-2 cloves garlic, crushed, or1/2 teaspoon garlic powder teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons lemon juice tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 cup each: sliced onion and thin carrot sticks 2 cups each: Broccoli, carrots, onions, green beans, red and yellow peppers tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in cup water cup veggie cutlets, cut in strips

Place the water, garlic, and seasonings in a saucepan and add the inions, carrots, and broccoli. Cover and bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

Add the peas, veggiescutlets, and cashews. Simmer and stir in dissolved cornstarch until thick. Add a bit more water if needed to make the cornstarch mixture look juicy and not too starchy. Serve hot over rice.

Serves 4-6

My Plate

It is clearly notable that my plate analysis is more detailed on how Americans should eat healthfully. This food group of government helps to build healthier diets. One

get score tract on habits of eating and activity. My plate analysis provides food tools and plans specifically designed for breastfeeding and pregnant women as well. This analysis illustrates five food groups that make it whole. These food groups include vegetables, fruits, protein, dairy and grains. My Plate analysis insists that these five food groups constitute a health plate. The goal of my plate analysis is by using the visual icon of ones plate with what should be on it, to make healthy eating more practical and simpler. The actual goal of my plate analysis is to provide guidelines for Americans. By focusing on the end result of ones plate, this icon simplifies healthy meal planning. My plate percentage goal is to balanced diet as good health depends on good nutrition. The quality of information provided on the My Plate analysis vs. DRI goals provides clear instructions to complete the project. The information provides someone on how to work out for a healthy eating and good diet. I go through the class and the project to learn the essentials of healthy living. This is a user friendly application as it is easily accessible by all people.


Water is nutrient which is significant for health. Consuming adequate water helps in balancing fluid outside and inside body cells, regulating muscle and nerve functions, transporting nutrients, and helping in waste excretion. Human body lacks the capability to store adequate water, so there is need to replace the amount of water lost every day. Individual water needs differ greatly and is influenced by body composition and size, health status, environmental conditions, physical activity, and age. Weight Loss and Diet There are a number of reasons for drinking water, particularly when one is dieting. Initial loss of weight is attributed to water loss; it is significant to drink enough water to avoid body dehydration. Burning body calories need enough consumption of water so as to function effectively; dehydration delays the process of burning fats. Also burning calories or fats creates toxins and water is significant in flashing toxins out of the body. Dehydration results into blood volume reduction; low blood volume may lead to reduced oxygen supply to muscles which causes fatigue. Adequate supply of water into the body reverses this situation and also aids in maintaining muscle tone. Adequate water in the body assist muscles to contract and as well lubricates joints. Additionally, proper hydration may help reduce joint and muscle soreness during exercise. A balanced diet contains good fiber amount. Even though fiber is generally helpful to digestive system, with inadequate fluids it may cause constipation rather than eliminate it. Consuming water concurrently with food can make one feel full and as a result eat less. On contrary, taking water alone cannot have such effect. So as to feel satiated the body needs bulk, nutrients and calories.

Consuming sugar sweetened beverages, especially carbonated soft drinks, can be a significant contributor to obesity and overweight. This is because of low satiety, incomplete compensation for energy, and high sugar content in beverages. Drinking adequate water is the best option to avoid obesity and overweight, as it helps in maintaining adequate hydration, offer important electrolytes like potassium and sodium. It is important to include juices in meals plan because most people have impaired system of digestion due to making wrong food choices for several years. This restricts ability of the body to absorb nutrients from foods like vegetables. Juicing may help in pre-digesting food so that the body gets most of the food nutrients. Consuming juices of vegetables and fruit reduce possibilities of developing a stroke, heart disease, and bowel cancer. In addition, juices of vegetables and fruit contain fiber that helps in maintaining bowels healthy. With juices, complications like constipation are less probable to develop. Moreover, fruit juices have plenty of minerals and vitamins, which are required to keep the body healthy. Americans are drinking lots of diet soda, regular consumers average 27 ounces daily, according to research. People would crave more high calorie sweet foods and fewer healthful, less sweet foods, such as fruits, vegetables and legumes. The American Dietetic Association says theres no conclusive evidence that diet sodas directly cause weight gain, but two recent studies found that being a diet soda junkie could actually put you at a greater risk of weight gain. Normal weigh people who drank three servings or more of diet soda a day were almost double the risk for becoming over weigh or obese after seven to eight years compared to people who skipped diet drinks, according to researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

So, if youre used to drinking lots of sugary beverages, replacing them with starting with half and half calorie free soda, then change to drink fully calories free soda, you may dont like it but you do get used to the taste, might help start weight loss, or go for un sweetened ice tea, still not soda but changes it up from plain old water. Or even replace it with little sugar free fruit punch. Theyre 5 calories per 8 oz serving and they are delicious. Having a moderate amount of that comfort food/drink once in a while seems to be much more sensible. Once you do get used to it , the regular soda stuff tastes horrible. In my own consumption of water from WB1 and WB4 (see Appendix WB1, WB4), I drink a lot of water a day, from water tap to different iced tea, hot tea. In my foods, I have eaten vegetarian soup, tofu soup almost every day. I drink more than I eat. In my both report, I got enough water in my diet (128% ) As they said the body is approximately sixty percent made of water. Water is significant in the regulation of body temperature, transportation of nutrients through cells, maintenance of moist mucous membranes as well as flush of wastes from the body. Human lungs are ninety percent water, brains are seventy percent water and blood is over eighty percent water. The body

cannot function without water and must be replenished adequately.

Fiber is an essential nutrient and is a fundamental part of healthy eating for everyone. It is defined as the indigestible part of food obtained from plants. It shoves through digestive systems, soaking up water along the way and enabling smooth bowel movements. Fiber can also be referred to as roughage, and it is composed of non-starch polysaccharides. They are mostly found in vegetables, legumes, fruits and whole grains. There are two categories of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber soaks up water through the digestive system while insoluble fiber passes through the digestive system without altering its shapes. Fiber plays important roles in menu planning. It helps to maintain a healthy body by treating and preventing certain conditions, which alter the normal functioning of the body. Food, which is high in fiber, slows down the rate of digestion, giving a feeling of satiety which helps to prevent the urge to overeat. Foods high in fiber entail a lot of

chewing, so, it becomes hard to consume a large amount of calories in a short period. In return, this helps to maintain body weight, which reduces the risk of obesity. Consumption of soluble fiber also helps to reduce pressure and the amount of cholesterol levels in the body thus reducing the risk of such diseases like diabetes, obesity, stroke, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases and heart problems. Intake of food high in fiber also tends to be low in calories which help to keep a healthy weight thus maintaining a healthy heart. Consuming food high in fiber, especially, soluble fiber plays a major role in helping the body to maintain blood sugars at a stable level by lowering blood sugars and insulin. This helps to prevent long lasting complications from diabetes. Fiber consumption also plays a significant role in reducing the risk of some cancers, particularly colon cancer. Insoluble fiber enhances the rate at which wastes are eliminated from the body. This implies that the body may have a lower chance of being exposed to toxic matters produced throughout digestion period. Increasing consumption of food rich in fiber content promotes regular bowel movement and also helps in the preventing the occurrence of constipation. A lot of fluids should be taken along with the diet containing fiber. Fiber is normally taken to help in a smooth functioning of the digestive system, but if it is not taken along with adequate fluids it can cause constipation instead of doing away with it. Including fresh juice in a menu plan will play a better role, compared to whole fruits and vegetables. This is because the body absorbs the nutrients in a better and faster way. It also gives the digestive system a rest from working on fiber. The fresh juice extracted from fresh vegetables and fruits help in the removal of toxins from the body, help in

losing and maintaining weight. It also assists in digestion. Including fresh juice in a menu plan will also help those people who do not take pleasure in eating fresh fruits and vegetables because it can be taken in an easier and enjoyable way than consuming the whole fruits or vegetables. In my diet from WB1 and WB4 (see Appendix WB1, WB4), I think I have consumed sufficient amounts of fiber from different plant foods in my dayto-day menu plans ( potato, banana, broccoli, Avocado, Spinach, Orange juice, Apricots, Apple.. 145%) . Because the truth is who consume more fiber has fewer chances of getting chronic diseases and is able to maintain a healthy body weight.

My Wellness Life
Age: Gender: Total Cholesterol: HDL Cholesterol: Smoker: Systolic Blood Pressure: On medication for HBP: Risk Score: 51 female 163mg/dL No 115mg/Hg No Less than 1%

Mean less than 1 of 100 people with this level of risk will have a heart attack in the next 10 years.

Wellness of life is an astute conscious decision to fully integrate all aspects of life that lead to one being genuinely happy and content with life, as well as a way to get the most out of it. It includes balance in life health habits, such as productivity, social contact, adequate sleep, exercise, participation in meaningful activity being in supportive relationships. I am a 51 years old mother of two teenagers. I work full time and also go to school, and I have never smoked all my life. My recent cholesterol measurement shows a 163mg/dl, which is very good and desirable. My systolic blood pressure rates at 115mm/Hg at the normalcy rate. This means I am healthy enough as I am not on any blood pressure medication. There being no history of diabetes or hypertension in my family, I could be well say I am pleased with my current health state as my risk score is less than 1%. Exercise, taking a bit long walks with my two doggies every day, yoga and swimming has helped a great deal in the health card. Keeping up with wellness strategies to ensure a clean bill of health is somewhat hard to maintain with the current busy and tied up schedule. It is a resolution to ensure that I maintain all aspects of wellness including physical, emotional, spiritual, occupational, environmental, intellectual, and social. For physical wellness, this involves body exercise and the ability to be able to do most activities with minimal fatigue or stress. It includes a balanced diet. Portions and servings with balanced nutrients in carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and activities serve a great purpose (Hartman& Wendy, 2009 55). This is a bit hard to keep up as per the required.


Consume 3 servings of whole grains each day

Keep increase iron intake. Don't drink black tea with meals that contain iron Consuming my diet with plenty of dark green leafy vegetables and root vegetables, soy protein, egg yorks, raisins, and whole grains which are high quality protein

Learn to love healthy fats. Eating all three kinds of fat in a healthy balance

Drink plenty of water to ensure that the body stays hydrated While I am at work drink Oolong tea to balance blood sugar and cortisol level. One to three cups reversing the fat storing caused by office inactivitty. Always avoiding diet sodas. They have no nutritional value

Set smart goals for excersie: specific, measuable, realistic and time

Having fruits and vegetables in each meal

Listen to my body and stop it immediately

Walking, swimming for thirty minutes a day which increase the heart beat, is important for heart health

Be aware of foods that are Carbohydrate free. Because not all foods contain carbohydrates.

Avoid any large portion

Avoid trans fats. These fats promote belly fat accummulation

Exercise as much as often. People can tell who is active and who is ot active enough by looking at their bellies.

Include different favorite foods

Make foods high in phytoestrogens, such as tofu, soy milk, and roasted soy nuts, a regular part of my diet

Reduce the intake of foods that end up in my body's fat deposits

Avoid drinking fluids at the same time with meals. Fluids can product an early feeling of fullness

Practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques to help relieve anxieties. Get adequate sleep. Maintain good posture when sitting at desk, computer. Taking 10 mins meditation break.This allows blood to circulate.

Choose smaller portions

Don't let myself busy. Eat regular meals throughout the day

Include omega 3 fats in my diet regularly. These fats help fight belly fat

Read label always

Being a working mom and student, occupational contentment is a major importance because it is the only way I will get personal fulfillment out of the career path I chose and the decisions I have made in the past. Being the best is satisfying that is why still continue doing the same routine everyday as much as it is hard and draining, especially with school work and dedicating time to family as well.

Environmental wellness has been somewhat neglected until much recently when environmental degradation has taken a severe high and its effect immense. Trying to live in harmony with the earth and the nature surrounding is a motivating to protect its aesthetics (Robin). Jogging and long walks on good lawns and maintained parks is healthy and fulfilling. Gardening, tree planting in my community is revered and necessary to keep up with social wellness. Tagging along family and friends for support is essential. Getting time for such activities is hard, but once in a while it is allowed. Learning to let go of pains and holding up the good tidings about ourselves will help a great deal in being whole and living life to the fullest. Forgiving is positive, it sets us free. Eat healthy, pray and love. It is the healthiest way to live a life, only in pursuit of happiness, contentment and good health.


Boriss, H. & Brunke, H. (2012). Broccoli profile. Agricultural Marketing Resource Center. Retrieved on 26 Oct. 2013 from /commoditities products / vegetables / broccoli- profile/ Hudson, Peyton, Anne Clapp, and Partenne Kness (1992) Josephs Introductory Textile Science, 6th ed., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College. Publishers, Fort Worth Edlin, G & Golantly, E (2009) Health and Wellness, Edition 10, John & Bartlett Publishers. Nutrition: Concepts & controversies, thirteenth edition Frances Sienkiewicz Sizer / Eleanor Noss Whitney. http;// / health- blogs/ diet- diva / too- much- fiber- dietary-fiberand-your-nutrition Seven secrets cookbook : healthy cuisine your family will love / Neva & Jim Brackett. U.S. Department of Human & Health Services (2010). Dietary Guidelines for Americans. NY: US. Government printing office. Maria, S. (2011). The Dash diet action plan. NY: McGraw Hill. Robbins, John. No Happy Cows: Dispatches from the Frontlines of the Foods Revolution. San Francisco, CA: Conari Press, 2012. Internet resource. Sizer, Frances S, Leonard A. Piche, and Eleanor N. Whitney. Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2012. Print. Hartman, Eve, and Wendy Meshbesher. Health and Wellness. Chicago, III: Raintree, 2009. Print. Robbins, Gwen, Debbie Powers, and Sharon Burgess. A Wellness way of Life. Boston, Mass: McGraw- Hill, 2008. Print.



DRI GOALS WB1 3-day Analysis Intake vs. Goal (%)






Deficient <80% Excess >120%

Water Kcals

1 1

0 0





g g
g 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142% 117% 75% 90% 63.50% 11% 17% 22% 0% 5% 0% 17% 69% 63%

g g g

EFA: n-6 EFA: n-3

Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin B6 B12

mg mg mg mg mcg

1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0

45% 18% 78% 74% 16%

35% 62% 2% 6% 64%

Folate Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A


mcg mg mcg
mcg mcg

1 1 1

0 0 0

100.60% 157% 0%

0% 35% 80%

1 1

0 0

27.00% 0%

53% 80%

Vitamin E

Calcium Iron

mg mg mg mg mg mg

1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0

40% 65% 65% 46% 50% 124%

40% 15% 15% 34% 30% 4%

Potassium Zinc Sodium




DRI GOALS WB1-3 day Analysis Intake vs. Goal Intake (%) WB4 3-day Intake vs. Goal (%) D WB1 vs WB4 Intake vs. Goal Intake (%)

Intake C





Deficient <70%

Forgivable deficient

Overcame deficiency

Excess >120%

Forgivable excessive 2.29 1842.9 85% 110% -0.88 -603.5

Overcame excess

Water Kcals

2.7 1669

0 0

1.41 1239.41

52% 74%

33% 36%





g g

41.73 260 21 62 16 11 1.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31.71 206.64 16.22 35.52 9.21 4.24 0.71

76% 79% 77% 57% 58% 39% 64%

50.76 293.87 31.97 63.45 11.67 11.84 1.27

122% 113% 152% 102% 73% 108% 115%

-19.05 -87.23 -15.75 -27.93 -2.46 -7.6 -0.56

46% 34% 75% 45% 15% 69% 51%

g g g

EFA: n-6 EFA: n-3

Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin B6 B12 Folate Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A

mg mg mg mg mcg mcg mg mcg

mcg mcg

1.1 1.1 14 1.5 2.4 400 75 15

0 0

0.72 1.06 8.74 1.01 0.7 358.63 102.65 1.91

65% 96% 62% 68% 29% 90% 137% 13%

1.3 1.86 16.5 2.03 3.59 828.89 286.12 3.72

118% 169% 118% 135% 149% 207% 381% 25%

-0.58 -0.8 -7.76 -1.02 -2.89 -470.26 -183.47 -1.81

53% 73% 56% 67% 120% 117% 244% 12%

700 15

395.34 3.42

467% 23%

714.81 12.71

102% 85%

-319.47 -9.29

-365% 62%

Vitamin E

Calcium Iron

mg mg mg mg mg mg

1200 14.4 320 4700 12 1300

423.82 8.63 179.45 1796.95 3.96 2788.95

35% 60% 56% 38% 33% 215%

1012.07 15.53 419.75 3907.94 7.25 2070.42

84% 108% 131% 83% 60% 159%

-588.25 -6.9 -240.3 -2111 -3.29 718.53

49% 48% 75% 45% 27% -56%

Potassium Zinc Sodium

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