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Sir (address to Robert Brent
Your two favors of the 28
ulto and 5
inst have been received.
The receipt inclosed in the former is signed, & now returned to you.
I presume it will be necessary for me to
execute similar receipts for the Bill of $$500 as its
date is prior to the 3
of March last. Should this be
the case you will be so good as to signify your wish
to that effect.
] Lieut Thomas S. Jesup
who you
have please to nominate I have appointed Paymaster
to the 7
Regt. Left this in Feby last and is now
with his Regt at New Orleans.
I shall inclose him the Bond to execute by the
next mail. I have no doubt but he will feel himself highly
honored by this mark of confidence, and his friends
feel themselves much gratified by the attention paid
to their recommendation. I assure you I am of opinion
he never will disgrace the appointment
I will with great pleasure attend to the
payment of the detachment at this place under the command of Eus Bryson. Their first
payment will be made on the close of the present month. Eus Bryson has documents shew the
payment made to this detachment on the 31
of October 1808 as this is the case, and they
are pressing for their money. Suppose no difficulty can arise in making the payment to them
without hearing from Lieut [Ambrose] Whitlock
. I am glad to find by your last favor that all
the bills that have been presented have been paid, and will have been when at maturity, except
the one without a signature. This is an omission. I am sorry for and do not know how it came
to pass. I think it probable that either the first or 2
of exchange has the signature and if so
it will be probably presented.
I have just returned from Frankfort to which place I was absent about two weeks. And
since my return have not seen Mr Spencer to whom the Bill was made payable.
I am sorry for the imprudence committed in advancing money to the officers. None has
been advanced to their men. My own judgment told me the thing was wrong but on the arrival
of Capt Peters, who is an old officer and has been paymaster, he told me the thing was
common and proper, that money has been advanced to the officers under his command, and I
think for his men, but notwithstanding this I insisted on Col Russells giving me an order to
justify me. I assure you it was done with the best of motives towit to accommodate the
officers and serve the government, as several of the officers declared they could not descend
the river without some advance of pay. The advance to the officers who descended with Capt
Peters was only made to the detachment under Col Russell only about 10 days and I hope no
damage has accrued to any person. But I shall take care in the future.
While at Frankfort I procured Capt Ganes signature to the receipt role you enclosed
to me & it is now returned. The Capt has applied to me for payment of his pay & subsistence
up to the time he went out of office. This I have thought prudent to refuse until I could know
your wish on the subject as I was fearful he might be in arrear to the Government.
The same application has also been made by Capt Elijah Craig
of the Rifle Regt.
Will you be so good as to instruct me on this subject. I also inclose to you the receipt roll of
Capt R.C. Nicholas which you did me the favor to inclose to me some time since for
With great respect I have the honor to be Sir Your Obed Servant

James Taylor

P.S. I have just presented with the bill ______ to you in your last favor & I have
signed it. I have drawn on you under date of the 18
of April for $1,000 and on the 1
for $500 on acct of the pay of the troops. J.T.

Cen !ames 1aylor | LleuL 1homas Sydney !esup | Lus 8ryson | LleuL Ambrose WhlLlock
| CapL eLers | Col 8ussells | CapL Canes | CapL Lll[ah Cralg | 8oberL 8renL

James Taylor, Jr. (17691848) was an American banker, Quartermaster general, and one of the wealthiest early settlers of Kentucky. He
was a founder of the city of Newport, Kentucky. Taylor was the fifth child born to James Taylor Sr. and his wife, Anne Hubbard Taylor in
Midway, Virginia. His father, James Taylor Sr., bought 2,700 acres (11 km
) of land in Northern Kentucky from his friend George Muse,
which was part of the land Muse had been awarded for his military service in the French and Indian War. The Taylor family had two
cousins, James Madison and Zachary Taylor, who later become presidents of the United States.
On April 1, 1792, just short of his 23rd birthday, James Taylor Jr. left his father's plantation for Kentucky accompanied by three slaves,
Moses, Humphrey and Adam, along with an English Army deserter, Robert Christy, and Christy's wife and their three children. They
reached Newport June 20 but couldn't find lodging so he stayed at Ft. Washington in Cincinnati. His enslaved men worked through the
summer to clear 16 acres (65,000 m
) in fields along the Licking, plant two corn crops and build a small cabin on lot no. 6 at the southwest
corner of Second Street and Central Avenue. He became the driving force behind the settlement's development. He laid out the first road to
Lexington in August with Jacob and Edward Fowler. In 1794 James Taylor tapped his connections with Kentucky's leaders to lobby at
Frankfort for acts incorporating Newport and creating Campbell County, Kentucky. The legislature established the county on December 17,
1794 from parts of Mason, Scott and Harrison Counties. On December 14, 1795 it approved Newport's charter. James Taylor Jr. and
Keturah Moss Leitch were married on November 15, 1795. James and Keturah Taylor had 11 children, but only four survived to maturity.

In 1803, James Taylor Jr. solicited the help of his cousin, James Madison, who was then U.S. Secretary of State, to persuade the federal
government to move the Ft. Washington military post from Cincinnati to Newport. The Newport Barracks replaced Fort Washington across
the river in Cincinnati, Ohio. There were but 4 acres (16,000 m
) in the original tract, which was bought from the old Colonel Taylor estate
for the minimal price if $1. In 1806, two additional acres were bought for $47. Taylor was hired as the superintendent of the construction of
the barracks. He was to erect three buildings.
Gen. James Taylor Jr. was Quartermaster General and paymaster of the Northwestern Army during the War of 1812, thus Newport became
a vital center for war supplies.

During a storied lifetime, James Taylor Jr. operated ferries across both the Ohio and Licking rivers, helped to found banks, invested in the
mammoth Newport Manufacturing Co., operated saw and grist mills along the Licking River, was part owner of a salt-works at Grants Lick,
Ky., ran a tanning business and in his spare time was known to collect fossils and hunt buffalo at Big Bone Lick in Boone County.
James Taylor Jr. and his wife were members of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Newport, on the Courthouse Square. He and his wife Keturah
were laid to rest at the Taylor Family Plot Evergreen Cemetery, Southgate, Ky. At his death, James Taylor Jr. was said to be one of the
wealthiest men in the state of Kentucky, with an estate valued at more than $4 million.
In the mid-19th century, Newport became a hub for trade, industry and culture. Just a few years later, Gen. Taylor's grandson established
the wealthy area of East Row, a collection of elegant homes. Today, the East Row local Historic District is the second largest local district in
Kentucky and the Taylor Mansion is the district's oldest house. Taylor is the namesake of the General James Taylor Park. Bellevue (the
Taylor mansion) was listed on the on the National Register of Historic Places on April 22, 1976.

Robert Brent (1764 September 7, 1819) was the first mayor of Washington, D.C., the federal capital of the United States of America.
Brent was born into a prominent Catholic family, for which the Brent Society is named. The family lived in Woodstock, which was then in
Stafford County, Virginia. His mother was Ann Carroll, whose brother John Carroll was the first Catholic Bishop appointed for the United
States. Brent's father was a contractor and quarry owner.

In 1802 Congress officially incorporated the city, including in its incorporation a directive for a mayor to be appointed annually by the
President of the United States. On June 3, 1802 Thomas Jefferson wrote to Brent informing Brent of his intention to appoint Brent as mayor
of the city. Brent replied accepting the appointment that same day: "Altho I feel great diffidence in the talents I possess for executing that
duty, in a manner which may afford general satisfaction, yet feeling it a duty to contribute my feeble aid for the public service, I will venture
upon its duties."
Brent was reappointed to the position seven times by Jefferson and three times by James Madison, finally relinquishing the position in June
1812. During his tenure, he essentially created the city government from the ground up establishing markets, public schools, a police
department, a fire department, and a system for taxation. In addition, since city planner Pierre L'Enfant had been dismissed before
completion of his design, Brent was responsible for laying out many of the streets in the new city. For all his ten years of busy service, Brent
drew no salary for his service as mayor.

!"#$%& () #$% *(+%&, -."&#%&/"0#%& 1(&203 1homas Sydney !esup (1788-1860) was born ln vlrglnla Lo Ann C'nelll and !ames Ldward !esup. ShorLly
afLer hls blrLh, hls famlly moved Lo kenLucky, where Lhey renLed a farm. Pls faLher dled four years laLer, leavlng Lhe famlly ln poverLy. 1homas !esup
began hls mlllLary career ln 1808 as a second lleuLenanL ln Lhe 7Lh lnfanLry. AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe War of 1812, he served as ad[uLanL general Lo
8rlgadler Ceneral Wllllam Pull, commander of Lhe norLhwesLern army. Pe was Laken prlsoner aL Lhe surrender of ueLrolL, buL was exchanged shorLly
afLer and served wlLh dlsLlncLlon as a ma[or ln Lhe baLLles of Chlppewa, nlagara, and Lundy's Lane, where he was wounded. ln 1818, resldenL Monroe
appolnLed !esup quarLermasLer general wlLh Lhe rank of brlgadler general, a poslLlon he held for 42 years. !esup was an able admlnlsLraLor, who
lnsLlLuLed a number of lmporLanL reforms ln Lhe quarLermasLer deparLmenL durlng hls Lenure and ls credlLed wlLh maklng mlllLary managemenL more
sysLemaLlc and coordlnaLed LhroughouL Lhe army. Pe was also ln charge of procuremenLs, supply LransporLaLlon, and consLrucLlon of roads, posLs, and
mlllLary bulldlngs, for whlch he lnsLlLuLed sLrlcL sysLems of accounLablllLy.
!esup lead an offenslve agalnsL a facLlon of Creek lndlans on Lhe Ceorgla-Alabama border ln 1836. 8ecause of hls success Lhere, resldenL Andrew
!ackson gave hlm command of Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lroops durlng Lhe Second Semlnole War. lrusLraLed wlLh Lhe developmenLs of Lhe van 8uren lndlan
removal pollcy, !esup reslgned hls poslLlon and was replaced by Colonel Zachary 1aylor. !esup reLurned Lo WashlngLon, where he resumed hls duLles as
quarLermasLer. Pe organlzed supply llnes for Lhe war wlLh Mexlco and made a number of Lrlps Lo Lhe baLLlefronL ln 1846 Lo ensure LhaL hls plans were
followed. !esup conLlnued Lo supervlse Lhe army's supply operaLlons closely, unLll hls deaLh ln 1860.

!esup marrled Ann Peron Croghan ln 1822, Lhey had 8 chlldren: Charles Ldward, Lucy Ann, Lllza Pancock, Mary Serena Lllza, !ane llndlay (laLer wlfe Lo
A.S. nlcholson), LllzabeLh Croghan, Wllllam Croghan, and !ulla Clark.
1exL source: flrsL Lhree paragraphs, unlv of Mlchlgan.

romoLlons: 2d LleuLenanL on 3 May 1808, 1sL LleuLenanL on 1 uecember 1809, CapLaln on 20 !anuary 1813, Ma[or on 6 Aprll 1813, 8reveL LleuLenanL
Colonel on 3 !uly 1814 for dlsLlngulshed and merlLorlous servlce ln Lhe baLLle of Chlppewa, 8reveL Colonel on 23 !uly 1814 for gallanLry and
dlsLlngulshed sklll ln Lhe baLLle of nlagara, LleuLenanL Colonel on 30 Aprll 1817, Colonel 27 March Lo 8 May 1818, 8rlgadler Ceneral (CuarLermasLer
Ceneral ) 8 May 1818, 8reveL Ma[or Ceneral on 8 May 1828 for 10 years falLhful servlce as CuarLermasLer Ceneral.
!esup was promoLed Lo 1
LleuL on 1 uec 1809, [usL slx monLhs afLer Lhls leLLer.
Ambrose WhlLlock was born ln va, SergL., 1
lnf. 1796-1800, uled !une 26, 1863.

8orn ln SpoLsylvanla, vA ln 1764. uled 12 nov 1813 from a morLal wound susLalned CcL 4, 1813 ln Canada (1hames).

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