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\fancypagestyle1{mystyle\lfoot{Kamran}} \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt} \pagenumbering{arabic} \pagestyle{plain} \begin{document} \part*{L3} \tableofcontents \let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{put text here} \pagebreak \section*{1\indent Window, window wall and Task Plane Data} \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \includegraphics[=4.5in,height=2.5in]{untitled.png} \textit{\caption{Window Wall, Working Task and Window}} \label{1} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{enumerate} \item the window size is w=1.5 and H=1.6 and is place in the middle of the width of the window wall, leaving 0.8 on either side of the window. \item the height of the window is 1.55m above the ground and 0.05 below the ceil ing. \item the height of the working task plane is 0.75 \end{enumerate} \section*{2\indent Regulatory Compliance} \emph{Criteria from the Non-domestic Building services Compliance Guide, Section 12, Lighting states;} \begin{description} \item[(a)] The reference should be within 6 m of a window wall\\ The Staff Room has a window in the external wall. The room dimensions are 3.1 M long by 3.06 M wide. \\The whole area is within 6 M of the window therefore this criterion is met. \item[(b)] glazing area is at least 20 per cent of the internal area of the wind ow wall \\ The window wall internal dimensions are; 2.8 M high by 3.1m wide =$ 8.68 m^2$. ( Dimensions scaled from drawing).\\ The window glazing dimensions are; $1.6m$ high by $1.5m$ wide = $2.4 m^2$

The glazing area is therefore; $$\frac{2.4}{8.68}=27.64\%$$ \item[(c)] normal light transmittance of the glazing should be at least 70 per\\ The design drawing refers to double glazed windows in timber frames. For the pur poses of this review we have assumed the glazing to be; \\ \begin{description} \item $\bullet$ \textit{Pilkington Insulight Sun with 6 mm Pilkington Optifloat Clear Inner Pane. Descriptive code:70/43} \end{description} The Transmittance value for this glazing is 0.7 (70\%) and is therefore within t he guidelines of \textit{Non-domestic Building services Compliance Guide}. \end{description} \section*{3\indent Calculations} \noindent\textbf{3.1 \indent Day Light Factor} Total daylight factor inside the office can be find out by calculating three com ponents, known as Sky component, Internal Reflectance component an External Refl ectance Component \noindent\textbf{3.2\indent Sky Component, SC}\\ \noindent This the illmuinance obtained at a point from direct sky luminance. Th e far end corner from the window inside the office was selected to find out the sky component, a point where it is expected to be very least,\textit{Depth of th e reference point}. The Reference point depth was selected to be 3.06 m for this purpose.\\ The approximate SC was calculated using BRE Table and for the reference point fo llowing equation was used \textbf{(calculations are given in appendix),}\\ $$ABCD-AD-DC+D$$ \noindent\textbf{3.3\indent Summary}\\ \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Area & H & D & H/D & W & D & W/D & SC \\ \hline ABCD & 2.4 & 3.06 & 0.78 & 2.3 & 3.06 & 0.75 & 2.4 \\ \hline AD & 2.4 & 3.06 & 0.78 & 0.8 & 3.06 & 0.26 & 1 \\ \hline DC & 0.8 & 3.06 & 0.26 & 2.3 & 3.06 & 0.75 & 0.31 \\ \hline D & 0.8 & 3.06 & 0.26 & 0.8 & 3.06 & 0.26 & 0.17 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \\ ~\\ \noindent\textit{Total Sky Component}$= 2.4 - 1 - 0.31 + 0.17 = 1.26\%$\\ \noindent\textbf{3.4\indent Internally Reflecting Component (IRC)}\\ $Total Area = A = Ceiling Area + Floor Area + Window wall Area + Side wall Area$ \\ \indent\indent\indent\indent= $2*(3.1*3.06) +2*(3.1*2.8) +2*(3.06*2.8) = 53.46 m ^2$\\ $$C = \frac{90}{2}-5=40$$ $$IR_{c} =\frac{(0.7*W)*(CR_fw+5R_cw )}{A*(1-R)}$$ $$\indent = \frac{(0.7*2.4)*(40*0.36+5*0.82)}{53.46*(1-0.46)}=1.07\%$$

\noindent\textbf{3.5\indent Externally Reflecting componnent (ERC)}\\ As there was no abstraction outside the window therefore ERC was assumed to be z ero.\\ \noindent\textbf{3.7\indent Total Day Light Factor}\\ \noindent\textit{daylight factor = SC +ERC +IRC\indent=$1.26+1.07+0 = 2.33\%$}\\ \noindent\textbf{3.8\indent Orentation Corrected Daylight Factor Value} \noindent The Elevation shown on the drawing is labelled \textit{"South-East Ele vation"} This indicates the Staff Room window wall faces North-East. Table 3 gives the following Orientation factors; \begin{description} \item $\bullet$ North 0.77 \item $\bullet$ East 1.04 \end{description} Interpolating between these two gives an orientation factor of 0.905\\ So the corrected daylight factor = $0.905*2.33 = 2.10\%$\\ \noindent\textbf{3.10\indent Average Daylight Factor} $$Df_{av}=\frac{\theta*T*W*M}{A*(1-R^2 )}$$ $$=\frac{90*0.7*2.4*0.9}{53.46*(1-0.46^2 )}=3.22\%$$\\ \noindent T=\textit{transmittance of the glazing window}\\ M= \textit{maintenance factor}\\ W= \textit{window area}\\ $\theta$= \textit{angle in degrees subtended in the vertical plane by visible sk y at a point in the centre of the window }\\ A= \textit{Total area of the interior}\\ R= \textit{area weighted average reflectance of the interior surafces}\\ \noindent\textbf{\textit{NOTE}} The average day light factor was increased from 3.22 to 3.92 when T was increased from 0.7 to 0.85.\\ \section*{4\indent Appendix} \noindent\textbf{4.1\indent Sky Component Calculations} \textbf{ABCD} $$\frac{H}{D}=\frac{2.4}{3.06}=0.78 \;\;\;\; \frac{W}{D}=\frac{2.3}{3.06}=0.75$ $\\ SC=$2.4\%$ \noindent\textbf{AD} $$\frac{H}{D}=\frac{2.4}{3.06}=0.78 \;\;\;\; \frac{W}{D}=\frac{0.8}{3.06}=0.26$$ \\ SC=$1\%$\\ \noindent\textbf{DC} $$\frac{H}{D}=\frac{0.8}{3.06}=0.26 \;\;\;\; \frac{W}{D}=\frac{2.3}{3.06}=0.75$$ \\ SC=$0.31\%$\\ \noindent\textbf{DC} $$\frac{H}{D}=\frac{0.8}{3.06}=0.26 \;\;\;\; \frac{W}{D}=\frac{0.8}{3.06}=0.26$$ \\ SC=$0.17\%$\\ \noindent{Total Sky Component}$=2.4-1-0.31+0.17 = 1.26\%$\\

\noindent\textbf{4.2\indent Internally Reflecting Component (IRC)}\\ Window Area$ = W = 1.5*1.6 = 2.4 m^2$\\ \noindent Total Area = A = Ceiling Area + Floor Area + Window wall Area + Side w all Area\\ Total Area = A$= 2*(3.1*3.06)+2*(3.1*2.8)+2*(3.06*2.8) = 53.46 m^2$\\ \noindent Area weighted reflectance of all surfaces excluding window $$R= \frac{(ceiling *0.7 + (total wall less window area)*0.5 + window *0.1 + Flo or * 0.2)}{A}$$\\ $$= \frac{(3.1*3.06)*0.7+( 2*(2.8*3.06)+2*(2.8*3.1)-2.4)*0.5+(2.4*0.1)+(3.1*3.06 )*0.2)}{53.466}$$\\ $=0.46$ \noindent Area weighted reflectance of the floor and walls below the mid height of the window excluding the window wall\\ \noindent $$R_{fw}=\frac{((Mid window + sill height) * (side wall + back wall he ight)*0.5 + Floor * 0.2}{(Mid window + sill height) * (side wall + back wall hei ght)+ Floor}$$ $$= (0.8+0.8)* (3.06*1.55 +2.8)*0.5 +(3.1*3.06)*0.2 )/((0.8+0.8)* (3.06*1.55 +2. 8) +(3.1*3.06)=0.36$$\\ Area weighted reflectance of the floor and walls above the mid height of the win dow excluding the window wall\\ $R_{cw}=\frac{(Mid window + above mid window height) * ((side wall + back wall h eight)*0.5 + ceiling * 0.7)}{((Mid window + above mid window height) * (side wal l + back wall height)+ ceiling ))}$ $$= ((0.8+2)* (3.06*1.55 +2.8)*0.5 +(3.1*3.06)*0.7 )/((0.8+2)* (3.06*1.55 +2.8) +(3.1*3.06)))=0.82$$ \end{document}

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