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9.1 Introduction Olive oil is a major component of the diet of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.

For the people living in this region, olive oil is the main source of fat in their cuisine. In the past few years the oil has also become more popular among consumers in Northern Europe, the US and Canada, in particular, although these new consumers are not always familiar with the properties and characteristics of this natural product. Growing enthusiasm for the Mediterranean diet and for olive oil is due largely to studies indicating that this diet plays a positive role in the prevention of certain diseases, especially coronary heart disease. Chemical and analytical work to elucidate the structure and to quantify minor constituents of olive oil is now progressing rapidly. Much work has been also carried out by nutritionists on the key functional components. This chapter examines what makes olive oil chemically different from other culinary fats. The discussion does not cover olive oil chemistry and technology completely. It aims to highlight the issues related to production, compositional characteristics and properties that make this oil so distinct.

9.2 Extraction of olive oil from olives Virgin olive oil is obtained from the fruits of the olive tree (Olea europaea) by mechanical or other physical means, under conditions that do not cause any changes in the oil. The oil is first released from the olives by crushing: in pressure systems, stone mills are generally used and in continuous centrifugation plants, metal crushers (hammer, roller, disc). After it has been crushed the olive paste is mixed. Malaxation (stirring the olive mass slowly and constantly) lasts about 30 minutes. The main constituents of the paste after malaxation are olive oil, small pieces of kernel (pit), water and cellular debris. Separation is achieved by pressure, centrifugation, or selective filtration processes. Important factors in the production of good quality olive oil are the harvesting period, maturity of the fruit, the mode of harvesting (hand picking, nets, other means), storage of olives before processing, leaf removal, mode of crushing and kneading, and the system of extraction. The essentials of the four methods of extraction that are in use today are briefly described below. For a complete OLIVE OIL 245 coverage of the subject the reader should consult the extended reviews by Di Giovacchino (1996), Hamatschek (1995), Fedeli (1996) and Kiritsakis (1998).

Minyak zaitun diperoleh dari buah pohon zaitun (Olea europaea) oleh mekanik atau cara lain fisik, dalam kondisi yang tidak menyebabkan perubahan apapun dalam minyak. Minyak pertama yang dirilis dari buah zaitun dengan menghancurkan: dalam sistem tekanan, penggilingan batu umumnya digunakan pada tanaman dan sentrifugasi terus menerus, penghancur logam (palu, roller, disc). Setelah itu telah hancur pasta zaitun dicampur. Malaxation (pengadukan massa zaitun perlahan dan terus-menerus) berlangsung sekitar 30 menit. Konstituen utama dari pasta setelah malaxation adalah minyak zaitun, potongan-potongan kecil kernel (pit), air dan puing-puing selular. Pemisahan dicapai dengan tekanan, sentrifugasi, atau proses filtrasi selektif. Faktor-faktor penting dalam produksi kualitas minyak zaitun adalah masa panen, kematangan buah, modus panen (pemetikan tangan, jaring, cara lain), penyimpanan zaitun sebelum pengolahan, menghilangkan daun, cara menghancurkan dan meremas, dan sistem ekstraksi. Hal penting dari empat metode ekstraksi yang digunakan saat ini secara singkat dijelaskan di bawah ini. Untuk cakupan yang

lengkap dari subjek pembaca harus berkonsultasi dengan ulasan diperpanjang oleh Di Giovacchino (1996), Hamatschek (1995), Fedeli (1996) dan Kiritsakis (1998).
9.2.1 Pressure Pressure is the oldest method of extraction. It is still in use though not widespread. It was largely replaced in the 1970s and 1980s by centrifugation methods, which helps to cut processing costs and to reduce olive storage time. In the pressure system, the paste is pressed to release an oily must (oil and water from the olives). The liquid separates from the solid phase through drainage. A cake (pomace) is formed between the mats and this is dried and used for the production of olive residue oil. Oil and water are further separated by centrifugation (see Figure 9.1). Pressure systems yield good quality oil when the fruits themselves are in good condition and the filtering diaphragms are properly cleaned. Otherwise, oils are produced with a high level of undesirable components, such as n-octane, 2-methyl-propanol, 3-methylbutanol and acetic acid.

9.2.1 Sistem Tekanan Tekanan adalah metode tertua ekstraksi. Hal ini masih digunakan meskipun tidak luas. Itu sebagian besar digantikan pada 1970-an dan 1980-an dengan metode sentrifugasi, yang membantu untuk menghemat biaya pengolahan dan untuk mengurangi lama penyimpanan zaitun. Dalam sistem tekanan, pasta ditekan untuk melepaskan keharusan berminyak (minyak dan air dari buah zaitun). Memisahkan cairan dari fase padat melalui drainase. Sebuah kue (pomace) terbentuk antara alas dan ini dikeringkan dan digunakan untuk produksi minyak residu zaitun. Minyak dan air dipisahkan lebih lanjut dengan sentrifugasi (lihat Gambar 9.1). Sistem tekanan menghasilkan minyak berkualitas baik ketika buah sendiri berada dalam kondisi baik dan diafragma penyaringan dibersihkan dengan benar. Jika tidak, minyak yang diproduksi dengan tingkat tinggi komponen yang tidak diinginkan, seperti n-oktan, 2-metil-propanol, 3-methylbutanol dan asam asetat. Other constituents The various classes of minor constituents can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of fatty acid derivatives such as mono- and diacylglycerols, phospholipids, waxes and esters of sterols. The second group includes classes of compounds not related chemically to fatty acids: hydrocarbons, aliphatic alcohols, free sterols, tocopherols, chlorophylls, carotenoids and polar compounds such as tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol. unsur lainnya Berbagai golongan unsur kecil dapat dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kelompok pertama terdiri dari turunan asam lemak seperti mono-dan diacylglycerols, fosfolipid, lilin dan ester dari sterol. Kelompok kedua termasuk kelas senyawa kimia tidak berhubungan dengan asam lemak: hidrokarbon, alkohol alifatik, sterol bebas, tokoferol, klorofil, karotenoid dan senyawa polar seperti tyrosol dan hidroksitirosol.
Processing aids The oil yield and the quality of the oil can be improved by enzymes with pectinolytic and cellulosolytic activity (Di Giovacchino 1996). Micronised mineral talc is used in Spain for hard pastes to increase oil yields. Talc reduces oil/water emulsions and increases the recovery of free oil. However the use of coadjuvants is not in accordance with the legal definition of virgin olive oil and the oil must be obtained from the fruits solely by mechanical or other physical means.

alat bantu pengolahan Hasil minyak dan kualitas minyak dapat ditingkatkan oleh enzim dengan aktivitas pektinolitik dan cellulosolytic (Di Giovacchino 1996). Talk mineral dimikronisasi digunakan di Spanyol untuk pasta keras untuk meningkatkan hasil minyak. Talk mengurangi minyak / air emulsi dan meningkatkan pemulihan bebas minyak. Namun penggunaan coadjuvants tidak sesuai dengan definisi hukum dari virgin olive oil dan minyak harus diperoleh dari buah-buahan hanya oleh mekanik atau cara lain fisik.

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