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Introduction to PowerPoint 2007

PowerPoint is a presentation software package. PowerPoint presentation consists of a number of individual pages or slides. Slides may contain text, graphics, tables, movies, etc. The presentation can be printed, displayed on a computer, and can be pro ected using a video pro ector. PowerPoint can add animation to your texts, graphics, tables, movies, and other ob ects through !ustom "nimations. #ou can also add transition $movement% between your slides.

Microsoft Office Button & Quick Access Toolbar

&n the upper'left corner is the (icrosoft )ffice button. *hen you click the button, a menu appears. #ou can use the menu to create a new file, open your existing file, save a file, and print a file. +ext to the (icrosoft )ffice button is the ,uick "ccess toolbar. The -uick access toolbar is a toolbar that contains commands

The Ribbon
#ou can use the commands to tell PowerPoint what to do. The /ibbon is located at the top of the PowerPoint *indow. "t the top of the /ibbon there are several tables0 clicking a table displaces several replated group commands. #ou can click on the command buttons to issue commands or to access menus.

a!in" #our $ork

a!in" for the %irst Ti&e $Save your work fre-uently by saving it to a flash drive, e'mail it to yourself, or use 1TP to save a copy of your PowerPoint Presentation%. !lick Microsoft Office Button !lick Save Rena&in" and a!in" as an 'arlier (ersion of PowerPoint !lick Microsoft Office Button !lick a!e As Type in a +ame for your presentation &n the a!e as T)*e box, choose PowerPoint 23'4556.

Blank Presentation
!lick the Microsoft
Office Button +lick ,ew +lick Blank Presentation


Office The&es Select the slide immediately before where you want the new slide. !lick the ,ew lide button on the


material. .u*licate elected lides Select the slide to duplicate. !lick the ,ew lide button on the -o&e tab. !lick .u*licate elected lides.

!lick the slide choice that fits your

-o&e tab.


Themes are designed that can be applied to an entire presentation that allows for consistency throughout the presentation. #ou can also apply new colors to a theme. The&es !lick the .esi"n tab. !hoose one of the displayed The&es/ A**l) +olors The&es !lick the !olors drop down arrow. !hoose a color set or click !reate +ew Theme !olor. Back"round The&e !lick the Back"round .esi"n tab.

t)les button on the

Addin" (ideo and Audio

Addin" !ideo cli*s !lick the Mo!ies button on the Insert tab. !hoose Mo!ies fro& %ile or Mo!ie fro& +li* Or"ani0er/ Addin" Audio !lick the Audio button on the Insert tab. !hoose ound fro& %ile1 ound fro& +li* Or"ani0er1 Pla) +. Audio Tract1 or Record ound/

Addin" Pictures

To add a *icture7 !lick on the Insert tab. !lick on the Picture button. 8rowse to the picture from your files Select the picture you want to insert in PowerPoint !lick Insert.

Add +li* Art

To add cli* art7 !lick the Insert Tab. !lick the +li* Art button. Search for the clip art using the search !lips "rt dialog box.

Select the graphic you would like to add. To move the graphic, click it and drag it to where you want it.


To add ha*es7 !lick the Insert tab. !lick the ha*es button. !lick the shape you choose. -ow to %or&at the ha*es7 !lick on your shape $ob ect%. !lick the %or&at tab.



To add &artArt2 !lick The Insert tab. !lick the &artArt button. !lick the tartArt you choose. 9rag it to the desired location in the slide


+reate a Table

To create a table7 Place the cursor on the page where you want the new table. !lick on the Insert tab of the ribbon. !lick on Tables, and enter the number of rows and columns. Place the cursor in the cell where you wish to enter information and begin typing. !lick on your table and then the .esi"n tab to customi.e your tables.

+reate a +hart
To insert a chart7 !lick the Inserttab. !lick the type of +hart you want to create. &nsert the .ata and 3abels/ 'dit +hart .ata7 !lick on the chart !lick 'dit .ata on the 9esign tab. :dit data in the spreadsheet.


Slide Transitions are effects that are in place when you switch from one slide to the next. To add slide transitions2 Select the slide that you want to transition. !lick the Ani&ations tab. !hoose the appropriate animation or click Transition dialog box. To add Transition ound2

"dd sound by clicking the arrow next to Transition ound. To &odif) transition s*eed7 (odify the transition speed by clicking the arrow next to Transition


Slide animations are special effects that you can add to ob ects on a slide. To a**l) ani&ation effects7 Select the ob ect you want to animate. !lick the Ani&ation tab on the /ibbon. !lick Add 'ffect. !hoose the effect you want on your ob ect. To *re!iew the ani&ation on a slide7 !lick the Pre!iew button on the Ani&ation tab. lide how O*tions7 Preview the slide show from the beginning. Preview the slide show from current slide. Set up slide show.


To *rint7 !lick Microsoft Office Button/ !lick Print lides7 These are slides that you would see if you were showing the presentation, one slide per page. -andouts7 This option allows for more slides per page $4, 6, ;, <, or 2%. ,otes Pa"e2 Outline (iew7 %or More -el*7 !lick on the Microsoft Office PowerPoint -el* button/ " new window will appear. #ou can ask a -uestion then click on search or choose one of the topics from the 8rowse PowerPoint =elp window.

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