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Waters Dynamic Structure can retain Quantum Fisher Information: below a specific temperature, entropy limits numbers of superposed

clusters. by Alex Hankey ABSTRACT (345 words) Several theories of information exist: the first, Fisher Information, originated in statistics; the second, Shannon information used in information technology, originated in encoding theory; quantum information is a form of Shannon information in quantum physics. Retention of information in physical structures for future recall is an important topic of ongoing research. Many experimental procedures suggest that, below about 700C, water can retain information in its microscopic structure, with profound effects on biological organisms. Water molecules are well-known to form immense clusters with almost unlimited numbers of different shapes, which have been hypothesized to provide a basis for information retention. That information cannot be retained in fixed structures of water molecules is well-recognized, however: transitions in bonding between water molecules occur too quickly, so that molecular clusters cannot retain information by normal means. Thus, no theory of how water molecules can retain microscopic information exists. Most scientists believe that, despite the experiments, water cannot retain information: 'water memory' is generally considered an impossible concept. Here we present a new, quantum thermodynamic, statistical approach to understanding such phenomena, correctly predicting an upper temperature limit. Starting from the idea that information production at the quantum level creates our world of perception, we show that including thermodynamics and the second law requires a new approach. Quantum entropy calculations for water then present a problem,: so many poly-molecular microstructures are possible that their quantum wave function requires more entropy than may be available to explore them all. Temperature must be above a specific limit for this to be possible. Below this temperature limit, quantum entropy restricts a given body of water molecules to exploring a small fraction of their number of possible rearrangements. The resulting ratio of number of explored states to number of possible states, constitutes a new kind of information: Quantum Fisher Information, which records aspects of the last previous interaction. Its existence below an upper temperature limit offers a possible explanation for waters observed retention of information it is NOT Shannon information that is retained, but Quantum Fisher Information. That, we propose, constitutes the physics of water-memory.

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