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The Apartment Directory For Hospital Employees

Charles Harris 1.866.775. 116
The Apartment Directory For Hospital Employees
Why !ay "ore #o $d%ertise #o &n'(ali)ied *enters+ N(rses and Do,tors "a-e .reat #enants (they are prescreened and
income eligible)

O(r ads are )(lly a,,o(nta/le to yo(0 C(stomi1ed tra,-ing ,o(pons allow yo( to tra,- leads and leases )rom

Each Ad Has A Real Time Tracking Dashboard !E"#F#"A$$% FOR THAT AD&
We are the only ad%ertising so(r,e that allows the Flex Ad Option #his allows yo( to pa(se yo(r ads )or the most e))e,ti%e ad%ertising season 2,all )or details3. No additional )ees )or Flex Ad Option is NO# a lo,ator ser%i,e. 4o( pay 566 per year whether yo( sign 1 lease or 177 leases0

FREE 'nlimited photos. 4o( ,an post 1 photo or 178777 photos at no additional ,ost. O(r 9*:: ser%i,e will o/tain all photos )or yo(.

P.S. Simply complete the attached order form and be advertised within 24 hours and NO PAYMENT DUE FOR 30 DAYS!

1 Year 1 Price ZERO Hassle

()) !er %ear *No Additional Fees O+ Any ,indNo need to be near a hospital +or yo. to bene+it&

The a/erage comm.te time in the Orlando area is 01 min.tes2

; www.1ipatlas.,om
; $d r(ns )or 1F months
; &nlimited (pdates C no ,ost ; &nlimited photos0 ; OneBtime pmt. o) 566 ; No payment d.e +or 67 days proo) ; $d posted within FG>G8 ho(rs

this +orm to

1.866.775. 116
*Toll Free$ p r o o ) o ) ) t h e a d % e r t i se m e n t a l o n g w i t h W 6 ) o r m a n d i n %o i , e w i l l / e ) a A e d t o y o ( r a t t e n t i o n ( p o n , o m p l e t i o n o ) t h i s o rd e r ) o r m .

$partment Name< ============================================================================ "anagement Company< ============================================================================ $ddress< City>?tate>@ip< $rea 2:ast8 West8 et,.3 !hone We/site< :B"ail< !re+erred Employer !rogram;< 2/alid +or 3 year4 can be changed daily5 weekly or monthly at no additional cost9aA

!roperty Description 2(nlimited C add separate sheet3<

Dy signing8 E agree that the a/o%e in)ormation is a,,(rate and agree to adhere to

the !re)erred :mployer !rogram )or a 1F month period. BILL ME $99.00 (ONE-TIME FEE) BILL ME $90.00 (ONE-TIME FEE
!rint Name< ?ignat(re< Dilling $ddress



EMAIL: Charles@Li !D"s# . e$
The Apartment Directory Hospital Employees

Distri/(ted /y N(rse8 Do,tor *e,r(iters and *esiden,y Coordinators in o%er 577H hospitals "O*: Leases 9or Less "oney !er)e,t )or limited /(dgets0

Created specifically for A le!el properties li"e yo#rs

Iiew the ,(rrent ads at 4o(r ad%ertisement will NO# a(tomati,ally renew
We started the we/site /e,a(se it is good /(siness )or health,are employees and apartment ,omm(nities. Health,are employees re,ei%e a great deal and yo( gain great tenants0 Lind Dyson L Company is a health,are re,r(iting ,ompany. Charles Harris C !artner 1.866.775. 116 2#oll 9ree3

www.apartmentsNOW.o rg
#he $partment Dire,tory )or Hospital :mployees

9 Ways To ign :ore $eases

1. :#$E

Its incredible how many Leasing Managers dont smile . Wo(ld yo( li-e to li%e in an apartment ,omm(nity where yo(r )irst impression o) the management team was a )rown+
#han- the person )or ,oming to %isit yo(r ,omm(nity. #here are a lot o) apartments in town. #a-ing the time to %isit yo(r ,omm(nity deser%es a /ig #H$NJ 4O&


. $# TEN
Listen8 listen and then listen some more. #he renter -nows what she wants. K(st listen and she will tell yo(

#he a,t o) listening ,annot /e o%erstated. Et shows that yo( are interested in what the

renter needs and gi%es the impression that yo(r ,omm(nity is a pla,e where tenantsM needs are o) importan,e to the management

5. ER;E
Now that yo( -now what the tenant wants in an apartment ser%e them. ?howing a D* apartment to a person see-ing a F D* is not ser%i,e. E) yo( donMt ha%e a F D* a%aila/le at the time tell them. #hen as- i) yo( ,an show them a D*

6. A ,
$s- )or the lease. ?o(nds simple /(t

most Leasing "anagers ne%er asNWo(ld yo( li-e to li%e in o(r ,omm(nity+O DO NO# as- NWo(ld yo( li-e
to sign a lease and>or ,ontra,t+O !eople do not respond well to those terms

7. RESPECT (The most important)

4o( will always get more o(t o) people when yo( treat them with respe,t. #he maPority o) the time the answer to NWo(ld yo( li-e to li%e in o(r ,omm(nity+O is going to /e a %ag(e answer or an o(tright NO. Take the time to thank the person +or /isiting and allowing yo. to show them aro.nd yo.r comm.nity. #hen as- i) yo( ,o(ld )ollow (p in the near )(t(re to help them with their ho(sing needs and as- them to re)er )riends or )amily to yo(r ,omm(nity
#he $partment Dire,tory 9or Hospital :mployeesQ

Post your properties today and no payment due for 3 days !We finance your ad for 3 days at NO "O#T$%

Iiew the ,(rrent ads at .&$*$N#::D 9L$# *$#: O9 566 !:* 4:$* C NO $DDE#EON$L 9::? O9 $N4 JEND (REPE ! "# $#% !#R #R $E SE &EES') #ra,-a/leBno more g(essing whatMs wor-ing 4o(r ad%ertisement will NO# a(tomati,ally renew #arget to the top F7R o) renters !ro)ita/le *OEBhigh response and e))i,ient ,ost O(r speed dri%es /(siness NOW0

*ent 4o(r $partments#o

Hospital :mployees 9O* ONL4 566 !:* 4:$*

FREE Recipe For You


#he ?ta)) o) lo%es this Bmin(te re,ipe yo( will as well0

Caramel Cheesecake Apple Dip !la,e ,ream ,heese in a miAing /owl and (sing an ele,tri, miAer8 whip ,ream *6 ,heese (ntil smooth and )l())y )or a/o(t 1 #ngredient 6 :in.te Recipe4ield< 17 ser%ings min(te. ?tir in ,aramel i,e ,ream topping. Drea- graham ,ra,-er pie 1. Fpla,e 28 o13 p-g ,ream in ,heese8 ,hilled /ag8 then seal ,r(st into pie,es and pie,es a @iplo, F. 1 ,(p ,aramel i,e ,ream topping8 ,hilled /ag and (sing a rolling pin ,r(sh graham ,ra,-er ,r(st pie,es 2We (sed HersheySs in the glass Par3 (ntil )inely /ro-en 2there sho(ld longer /e pie ,h(n-s3. . 1 store /o(ghtno graham ,ra,-er ,r(st8 ,r(m/led ?er%e with apple sli,es. Dip apple sli,es into ,aramel ,heese,a-e dip then into /ro-en graham ,ra,-er ,r(st. ?tore ,heese,a-e dip in re)rigerator (p to one wee-. Note< #his dip is also deli,io(s with a /it o) ,innamon 2a/o(t 1>G tsp3 and a )ew dashes o) n(tmeg miAed in. #he $partment Dire,tory 9or Hospital :mployees

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