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constraints faced by the investor in Aceh

Aceh's economy continues to decline. Economic downturn in natural conditions is also related to the negative impact of global financial crisis. The fact also shows that in fact the economy has not recovered from the negative impact of conflict for 30 years. some investors still perceive Aceh as a risky area to invest, despite the fact that Aceh is relatively safe during the period of nearly four years. Several security incidents, which commonly occur in post-conflict areas, hampering businesses and individuals to invest in Aceh. Another impact of the conflict is still the illegal taxes, which in turn reduces investment interest. it's just a glimpse of the situation that occurred in Aceh so far to clarify Here are some factors that influence investors to think twice about investing into Aceh:

Conflicts Generally, investors are reluctant to invest in areas of conflict such as in Aceh several years ago that we can see the decline in Aceh's economy. conflict causes investors to spend extra money to pay for that too does not guarantee the security of its total will be safe from the effects of the conflict. post-conflict Aceh continue to improve their security is conducive to investors begin to look to Aceh because of better security situation and the elimination of illegal levies and taxes is likely to encourage increased investment and growth

The infrastructure does not support Infrastructure is a major factor that must be taken into consideration when investors want to invest, while in Aceh is still limited to infrastructure such as paved roads and electricity infrastructure has not been able to both reach all the province. for it is most in need of government concern for investors is easy to reach areas

Bureaucracy is a convoluted Bureaucracy is still convoluted is the main constraint to bring investors to the province. Since several years of armed-conflict and the tsunami, many potential investors who came and looked to invest in Indonesia's westernmost province of this end. But, until now not a few of them just came, but do not realize it because of many obstacles they encountered in the field, one of the most prominent convoluted bureaucracy.

So that is the three main factors that influence investors to invest in three of these factors can be developed into a broader issue and therefore complicated by the investors reluctant to invest in an area that, although the perspective but it has three factors.

Aceh is among the regions in view of the investor's perspective was evident after a period of conflict and the tsunami in Aceh began to consider giving many investors unfortunately the government is too slow to build infrastructure and establish the rules are too slow permit process that is not difficult for investors.

Therefore, investors also can not wait to invest immediately, but hindered by three issues one by one the investors began to abandon its intention to invest in the province.

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