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Teaching given by the Spirit TATA G, Spiritual Emissary of Odudu a! S"#$#T%A&&' S"EA(#)G* #+, #S A -E#T', &#(E A) #$.)/0&E! 'ou 1no T$%&' hat is #+,2 #+, it is T#/E, li1e ($O)OS!!! #+,, 3&4 5or O&6+#) 3&47 and 0$.)/8&4 are three different 5S"#$#T%A&7 "O9E$S! #+, is a -eity that comes from O&O-%%/A$E : The %niversal )eutral Energy! )OTE from #+A&E)%; Since the endless beginning a period of T#/E has been running, after O&6+#) : The #$.)/0&E )&, created himself out of the %niversal )eutral Energy: called O&O-%/A$E, more Time has been running until O&6+#) meditated and ponder to create the %niverse as e 1no it, that this universe is still in a constant process of creation its not finish! #n all this, T#/E is involved, #+, is almost at the same hierarchical level as O&6+#) in regards to his position in the hierarchy of creation from Olodumare! #+, its T#/E, the process of ac<uisition of (no ledge, e=perience that is transformed into 9#S-O/ through T#/E! Spirit TATA G; #+, its T#/E, T#/E has al ays e=isted since the endless beginning! #+, is a -E#T'! 5There is a sayings that says* The -evil 1no s more for been old :as Time, than for being the -evil7! The 9#S-O/ through T#/E, #+, it could be li1e ($O)OS, The T#/E, and T#/E has all the time of the %niverse! #+, is the Traveler of the 9orlds! #n my land 5+O) land7, there as the +A Tradition, that is the same as #+,, but transplanted to the +O) &and! #+, is the one ho has (no ledge about A&&, the One ho has seen it A&& through T#/E 5and the repetitive >ycles of Time7! 9hen 0r?nm@lA as a human, 9ho tal1 through the #+, Oracle ith the 1B 8(C)222 9hen 0r?nm@lA consulted the #+, Oracle, the -eity of T#/E : #+, spo1e through the Oracle!!!, the Spirit or Essence that fle through 0r?nm@lA as O&6+#) 3&4 or 3&4! O&6+#) 3&4 is the >ommunicator bet een #+, and the Duman Eeings! 3&4 is the intermediary of the -ivine >ommunication! #+, has an #GE, 5calabash7 li1e 0r?nm@lA, OlFfin 3lA, 8yG OdH2 )O, because you cant ta1e a "iece of Time and put it into a stone or an #gbG 5fill ith secret material7! Eut #+, is received in the #+, #nitiation 5#TE+,7, hen you are consecrated as an A9O #+,! #n ancient times, there ere O&%9OIS 5Eabala oIs and A9OIS7 very "o erful, that developed a Gift or Spiritual "o er, and they could go in a state of /editation and could go and Travel through time, and they could see past, present and future! 5Those ere $eal A9O:#fG -iviners7! This is li1e a type of Astral Travel2 'es! 9hen you reach that Spiritual &evel of development you can transport yourself 5psychically7! That its hy #+, represents the Tradition of ac<uiring 9#S-O/ through the E=periences of &ife 5through Time7, because it is T#/E!!! #s you donIt have Time of E=perience, you cant ac<uire 9isdom!

)ote by A o #falenu; 'ou can Enlighten yourself in an instant of Time or you could spend years and many re:incarnations in the process, all depends on ho you ta1e advantage of you time, and learn from the e=periences you have lived that have transform into 9#S-O/! TATA G; 9hen you are prepared, things happen! # can tal1 to many people about deep 1no ledge and secrets, and tal1, and tal1 endlessly, but if they are )ot $eally "repared and Open!!!, you can as1 them later to see hat as the 1ey teaching and they donIt 1no hat to say, they didnIt understood, thatIs hy; TDE ()O9&E-GE TA(E >A$E O+ #TSE&+ A&O)E!!! 8TA) 5Story, "ata1i7; There as a time hen people ere 9ise, intelligent, and they 1ne all! O&6+#) 5The #$.)/0&E )&, ho >reated the %niverse as e 1no it using the %niversal )eutral Energy e call Olodumare7, De >reated OGEE -#, and together ith 3sh., O&6+#) send them to Earth, because the people 5due to their EGO, "roudness of their (no ledge7 they anted to ma1e against GO- : O&6+#)! 9hen OGEE:-# reach Earth, Ogbe:-i hit ith a blo the earth, and he made that the (no ledge spread through the Earth! #t is said that the (no ledge raise itself li1e a Great >loud of dust, and everyone too1 a bit of it! One of the Eeings ith /aJor (no ledge is the Great >hief : Eaba Odudu a! 9hy you do you thin1 that is he 5Odudu a7, the one in charge to 9eigh the DEA$T of A&& SO%&S after they die2 #t is said that (no ledge is li1e +OO-, the brain is the one ho digest it, but the human part that it is deposit is in the DEA$T! The more (no ledge you have, the Greater its your DEA$T, and you understand more things! The less (no ledge you have, you become li1e a brute, a close minded person!

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