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Isafas & Theo Escobedo

Aportado Postal No. 640

San Luis Potosf, S. L. P.

' ^
Z^keo Cuauktemoc Siaiai

Violet Ebersole
Box 91

Ottawa, Konsas

Sarah Setk <Ahram

J^ahoring. lot Ckliit in San J^uii Potoii, Mexico

Dear Brethren in Christ,

May the Lord's blessings be upon you as you witness for Him, and work toward reaching
others for Christ through your Christian example.

it is wonderful to serve our Lord. It is a joy and an honor to be able to tell others what God has promised to them that obey Him. We pray that all Christians everywhere may always have the desire to expand the Lord's kingdom, that we will never be satisfied with the present progress, but to the contrary, set great
er goals and reach them.

At the present time I am helping Bro. Antonio Medina here in the city of San Luis Potosi
where he has a home dedicated to house young men to be trained for the Lord's service. On Sun days I help Moises Saucedo and Benito Soliz preaching and teaching.

San Luis Potosi is one of the states in Mexico with fewer material blessings, but it is a great place to preach the good news of the Gospel of Christ.

Everytime that we speak, we ought to speak with a purpose because most people are feelers. They will listen if you make sense, and if they trust your motives. In most coses after lis
tening they are either upset or glad about it.

We talk to and teach people because we want to bring about a change in their spiritual behavior in a positive way. We plant, someone else waters, and the Lord gives the increase.
Qur boys are having exams this week, and while the other children are worried ours seem

calm and relaxed. Not because they are well prepared for them, but because they do not realize
what is going on.
We are still short of funds in order to meet the most essential. We would like to be able

to rent a house for us to live in. Would you consider us in your project? May we remind you to keep us in your daily prayers so that the Lord may give us strength and wisdom to help advance His kingdom. The love and peace of our Lord be with you all.

c-d-r^. V-'


Mrs. Violet Sbersol

9012 Atocer Rd, Little Rock, Ark,


Apartado Postal 6^0 San Luis Potosi, S.L.P.

Mexic o

Isaias & Thso Escobado


Dear Brethren in Christ,

~ Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ,
V/lien we stop to put on paper some of our activities in

order to sha;r3 Uhem mth you, we realize that time has zouq by muck faster than we would like. We find-ourselves beeoi:iing loaded dovn TTith more activities. We profit from our past
e2cperiences; with the Lord's help, and feel more confident
in His vrork.

V.B.S. that we held in our home.

Friday the l6th of July was the last day of the week lon<^

It vras a thrilling e:ro3rience

to see and hear some of the children v/ho for the first time

ures from the Bible. With the aid of a mimeograph that was loaned to us, v:b made our OT/n materials. They consisted o'^ adapted pictm-es of Bible stories that are easy to unclorstrjid. We also made hand crafts everyday accordinc; to the lesson ond

saxf a Bible, tslked abouii Jesus and read for theraselves script*^

shov/ed Bible films the last to days.

the children did.

We enjoyed the whole week

oust as much

films to .-^aioth^r colony in the city.


We are now having classes (Bible School) in our owi home on Sunday mornings. So far we hav-. mostly children in our meetings. On Saturdays, Benito Solis and I take the jibl.3

Several fai:iilies have been reached for Christ throu'T;h

This has been ver^r effec

this means Thanks to every Christian friend who has helped to make this possible through prayers and financial assistance. May the Lor.l bless you abundantly.
During the first week of July v/e had visitors fron the '

states, the Ilanuel Perez family from Parsons, Kansas. 7e en joyed their short stay very mch. They are a fine Christian Hay we close this brief news-letter by thanking vou once

prayers so that our small efforts to preach, teach end mtness for Ilim may bare fruit according to God*s will.
In Christ,

more for 3rour kindness and remind you to keep us in your doily

Isaias & Theo "Sscob^do

Mrs# Violat Soarsola

9012 Axixer Rd. Little Rock, Ark. 72206
Dear Christian Friends,

OCT 21970 Isaias & Theo Bscobedo

Apartado 640 San Luis Potosi, S#LP Mexico

Once again we come to you through the written word with the pur pose of shariiig some of our activities and to let our brethren laxow what financial, assistance we get and how it is applied. As some of "

you may recall,' we gave a financial statement for November ^d Decem

ber of 1969. Therefore we are. not including them this time# This is how vre use the #60, a week that we receive throu,r;h Mrs.
Truck payment, gas, repairs, tires

VBS/and S.Sc riiaterials, stationary and stamps Stove and refri^^isrator (aquired on payments)
House and utilities, provisions, medicine
Here \tq list the namse of churches, groups and individuals who have helped us in the Lord^s work here.

Town & Country Oh. of Christ-Ottawa,.Kan. M/m Dail Smith-Gamett^ Kan.Fairviev/ Gliristian Ch.-Carthage, Mo. Thelma Mosher-Wellsville, Kan
Ch. of Clirist at Lake Sllen-Casselberry, Fla. Glen Seibel-Lamar, Mo First Christian Ch.-Lamar, Mo. M/M Henry Smith-Tongonoxie, Kan. Golden West Gliristian Ch.-L.A#, Cal. Mnnie Ingle-Lawence, Kan.

Westside Christian Ch.-Parsons, Kan, M/M W.J. Spencer-Bmporia, First Christian Chi-Carthage, Mo. M/M Sldon Richardson-Ottawa^ Willing Workers-Oamett, Kan. Lillie & Sophia Imthrum-Madison, Earn Join Us-Oalesbiirg, Kan. Douglas Mosher-Ottavra, Christian Yduth Gp'.^^ialesburg, Kan. Dorothy Reed-Galesburg,

Kan. Kan. Kan. Kan. Kan.

Women's Bible Class-Carthage, Mo. Westside Ladies-Parsons, Kan. Missionary/ Ladies Gp.-Carthage, Mo.

Mable Dulavey-Galesburg, Kan. Mary Gossett-Parsons, Kan.


M/K Art Carnes-Parsonsj^ Kan. M/M Wilbiir HJbersole^Little Rock, Ark.


Harry S. Conway-Parsons, Kan. Dorothy Bonine-^alesburg, .Kan. Dorothy Stringer-Galesburg, Kan.

Baseline Christian Ch. Ladies Group-Little Rock, Ark.


January February


24^.54 276.64

457.74 460.^0

310.00 320.09 273.44 253.13 294.50

April May

July August

372.2^ 1^^3.20



1^4#46 254i39


Mote? The Expenses for May were higher because of an e:ctra expen

week of every moiith we use the #60. plus 4.99 more to coraplete the
truck payment.

diture in order for us to move into our present house.

The first

We are coiiiing to the close of our fii*t year in San Luis Pptosi. The boys are back in school once more. Cauht^moc and Abram are repeating the first grade since all they did. last year vras learn the

They are really learning better this year novr that they,
Sarah Beth is in kin-

are able to coiiimurLicato with their teacher^

As ire expected, she is really enjoying it.

We are for

tunate to have a public school here in the colony where we live.

We continue to'have Bible School in our home.

We put tor;ether

our ovm materials. We need a typewritter. The one that we use is borrowed. There is a great need for Bible material in spanish. We pray that the Lord vdll aid us to help supply for this need. We are groatfijil to all of 3rou faithful brethren who have so graciously
H,lvGn^ fhei^e.

In His name,
Isafas & Theo Bscobedo

September-26, 1970

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