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What should I do the first time we come?

Although most children are quite eager to go to the playroom, some are anxious the first few times. Be calm and matter-of-fact. Dont say Bye-bye. Simply assure your child that you will wait in the lounge and be there when hes finished.

What else does Integrated Learning Therapy provide? !HANDLE movement therapy !Rhythmic Movement therapy !The FastForWord program !The Listening program !Remedial writing, reading and math kits

Should I quiz my child after the session?

The time in the playroom is a special, private time for your child. Wait for your child to share something with you. Best not to say, Was that fun?. If your child has a drawing or painting, just describe what you see, rather than giving praise.

Child Centered

In short, I do everything I can to help your child overcome any obstacles in their development and reach their potential.

What changes might I see at home?

Your child will typically work through 4 stages: !Warm up stage-home behaviour may be more settled. !Expressive stage-expect strong reactions and limit testing. !Deep stage-you may see regressive behaviour and a need for more re-assurance. !Mastery stage-home behaviour will be calmer with more self-assurance and independence.

Please call for more information, or have a look at the website.

Carol Laubscher

Play Therapy
Here is a place for the child to be, just be.

How are parents involved?

As parent, you are the most important person in your childs life, and know them best. Parents are kept up-to-date with their child's overall progress in regular scheduled meetings, at 5-6 weekly intervals.. Goals and progress are discussed here, and you can let me know how you see your childs progress at home/school. Support is given in parenting and in strengthening the parent/child relationship. Confidentiality is owed your child, so although I will discuss overall progress and themes, your childs privacy will be maintained.

What is Play Therapy?

Play, for a child in Play Therapy, is like talking is for an adult in counseling . Children do not have the words to tell us how they feel and how experiences have affected them. Because play is the natural world for a child, in Child Centered Play Therapy a child can express their thoughts and feelings at their own developmental level and at their own pace. They can work through their problems and come to an understanding of their world. The child chooses their own toys and activities, sets the pace and content of their sessions and is not directed by questions or asked to do things. The therapist enters the childs world and follows the childs lead, participating in their play at the childs invitation or direction. A relationship of trust is built up between the child and the therapist and the play room becomes a place of safety.

What does it cost?

A minimum of 16 sessions of 45 minutes are needed, held weekly. Parent reviews (charged as a session) are held every 5-6 weeks. Cost is $100 plus gst per session.

What are the benefits of Play Therapy?

Play Therapy can benefit all children, but is especially helpful to children that are displaying or experiencing: ! aggression ! acting-out behaviour ! selective mutism ! strained family relationships !trauma !abuse !illlness !adoption/fostering !family break-up !death of a loved one !learning difficulties !autism !adhd !dyspraxia !dyslexia !language delays !stuttering !separation anxiety !social maladjustment !nightmares !withdrawn behaviour !quarrelsome behaviour !being bullied or are a bully ! inapropriate behaviour

What are the practicalities?

!CCPT is active and messy, please wear play clothes. !It can be loud-this is normal. !Sessions may end early at times due to the need for limit setting. !Please do not send snacks. !No feedback is given or received before or after a session. Email contact is maintained. !Its not a quick-fix process, expect 16-30 sessions.

Will video recordings be made?

Yes, possibly. But these will never be used without your permission for anything other than review or supervision.

Why should I send my child for Play Therapy?

In play therapy, toys are like the child's words and play is the child's language Dr Garry Landreth, Center for Play Therapy, University of Texas Many parents say My child plays all the time and has plenty of toys at home, why should they need play therapy?. On the face of it, that may sound like a valid comment, except for the fact that children are not miniature adults and they cannot express their feelings to adults in words. Play, then, is their most fluent language, or means of expression. What is special about play therapy is not so much the toys, although these are carefully chosen to be appropriate for self-expression. What is important is the therapeutic relationship that is provided in the playroom, one that is accepting, consistent and has limits.

What is the objective of Play Therapy?

We usually see benefits in increased independence, greater self-esteem, happiness and confidence.

We are aiming to help your child reach their full potential.

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